Halloween Special

My Twelve Guardians

A/N: So it’s Halloween and I’m in the mood for some Trick or Treating. The trick here would be you guys thought this was an actual chapter when it’s just fluff (anything that happens here has no ramifications on the actual story). The treat? You’ll have to read to find out. I WAS going to post this on Halloween, but I have a lot going on that day (like a party at a friend’s house) so I’m posting now. So, happy Halloween, everyone! I hope you all have a fun night (I know I will)!

“Ready to go?” Mi Sun asked Daehyun and Youngjae, knocking loudly on their door, “Jongup and Zelo are going to leave without us if you aren’t done soon.”

“We’re ready, noona,” Youngjae smiled, throwing open the door to reveal his vampire costume.

“You look great,” she smiled, ruffling his hair, “the fake blood is a nice touch.” The substance in question looked like it was dripping out of his mouth, flowing down his chin and throat before staining the collar of his shirt.

“Kai helped me,” he admitted. As much as he liked receiving Mi Sun’s praise, he couldn’t deny that Kai deserved some of it, too.

“What do you think?” Tao asked, pulling Daehyun out of the room so Mi Sun could see his werewolf costume. The younger Jung blushed lightly, embarrassed by the fact he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Where’s your shirt?” Mi Sun asked, cocking an eyebrow as she shot Tao a look.

“The vest counts as a shirt,” Tao defended himself, “and a fury shirt would look stupid.” Mi Sun quickly covered Youngjae’s mouth so the younger couldn’t make a sarcastic remark about the furry vest looking worse.

“Noona!” Zelo yelled, “Hyungs! We’re losing valuable trick or treating time. Hurry up!”

“We’re coming,” Youngjae shouted, clearly annoyed with the younger boy.

“Aren’t you going to dress up?” Luhan asked once everyone was down stairs. All the demons had dressed up to represent their beast forms and the youngest four humans were dressed up as classic movie monsters. But Yong Guk, Himchan, and Mi Sun were wearing their regular cloths.

“We’ve never really dressed up,” Yong Guk admitted, “Trick or Treating wasn’t really a priority when we were kids. And now we’re a little old, don’t you think?”

“You do realize how old we are, right?” Xiumin laughed, “And we’re dressed up.” Yong Guk started to reply, but quickly shut his mouth when he realized the demon was right.

“Well it’s too late to do anything now,” Himchan shrugged, “it will take too long to throw something together.”

“Really?” Kris smirked, “I don’t think it will take that long.” Luhan and Lay ran out of the room, returning moments later with three costumes; a dark angel, a devil, and a witch. Himchan quickly rushed to grab the devil costume, his inner child taking over, but Yong Guk and Mi Sun just raised an eyebrow at the demons.

“We figured you wouldn’t dress up,” Suho smiled kindly, “we made these so you wouldn’t have any reason not to.”

“Might as well,” Yong Guk finally smiled, leaving with the dark angel costume so he could get changed. Mi Sun followed his example, thanking the demons before leaving the room.

The twelve shared a smile. They knew that their Mi Sun had missed out on a lot of stuff when she was little, as had Yong Guk and Himchan. Not to say that Daehyun and the others hadn’t missed stuff, too, but once they’d left the orphanage the oldest three had done everything they could to make up for it. Now, it was the demon’s turn to do anything to make up for Yong Guk, Himchan, and Mi Sun’s missed childhood.

“Mi Sun looks so cute,” Chanyeol gushed, throwing his arms around the girl when she returned in her witch costume.

“Chanyeol,” she laughed trying to remove his arms, “you’re crushing me.” The pair laughed as he pulled away.

“Noona,” Zelo whined, “trick or treating time.” the others laughed. It wasn’t often that Zelo acted like the fifteen year old he was, so it was good to see him acting his age.

“Alright,” Yong Guk called everyone to order, “We need a few people to stay back and keep an eye on the house.”

“I’ll stay,” Kris volunteered, regret in his voice. He really wanted to spend Halloween with Mi Sun and the others. But he was a leader first and someone had to keep an eye on the house, keep their enemies away. God, did he hate his job sometimes or what.

“I’ll stay, too,” Lay offered. He would have liked to spend the night with Mi Sun, too. But dressed as a unicorn? In public? No, sorry. He could live with his brothers teasing him about it. He could deal with Youngjae’s teasing, too. But complete strangers making him the of their joke? Yeah, no. It just didn’t seem worth it and he could always ask Mi Sun out on a date later to make up for missing out now.

“There’s candy in my office in case any trick or treaters come to the door,” Yong Guk called out before everyone else left.

“You had candy in your office?” Youngjae accused the older boy, clearly offended that he hadn’t known. Did Yong Guk think he would steal some?

“Yes,” Yong Guk smirked slightly, “do you have a problem with that?”

“Clam down, kids,” Himchan laughed, moving to the front of the group with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, “don’t waste time fighting. We need to spend that time getting candy.” Zelo was quick to support the older and soon the pair took off running, looking for a house to go to first while Jongup followed after them. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Xiumin followed too, but not before they each gave Mi Sun a kiss on the cheek causing her to blush lightly in response.

“Daehyun,” Youngjae called, splitting off from the group himself, “come on.” Daehyun nodded, knowing exactly where Youngjae was going. The year before, the pair had mapped out which houses had the best candy and they planned to take full advantage of that work this year. Sehun, Kai, and Tao rushed to follow them.

“I feel abandoned,” Yong Guk joked, glancing at Mi Sun who just laughed.

“Maybe we should go off on our own, too,” she suggested, “since we’ve clearly been ditched.”

“For candy no less,” the older chuckled, nodding in agreement with Mi Sun’s plan. The pair turned to head in a completely different direction from the others, trusting the remaining demons would follow them.

As the group walked, they chatted about their respective childhoods. As it turned out, this was the first Halloween the twelve demons had enjoyed in years. For ages, they had been much too busy protecting their masters or keeping the enemy away from South Korea to enjoy the holiday.

“Then we’ll make sure you have fun,” Mi Sun smiled, taking hold of D.O and Luhan’s hands to pull them along with her. Both blushed slightly at the skinship and smiles lit up their faces. Behind them, Suho and Chen scowled slightly, feeling jealous of the skinship the other two were receiving.

“You two are so jealous,” Yong Guk teased.

In another area of town, Himchan and Zelo were rushing from house to house. The other four had long given up trying to keep up, deciding that it was fine so long as they could see them.

“Um,” Jongup asked the demons, unsure of how he should word his question, “can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Xiumin nodded, laughing lightly when he saw Himchan tip over his own feet because he was running too fast.

“You all love noona, right? You three and the others?” the three paused to look at the human boy, their faces going red. Were their feelings for Mi Sun that obvious? Apparently, they were.

“Yes,” Baekhyun finally said and Jongup smiled brightly.

“Then tell noona soon,” Jongup grinned happily, “because I think she loves you guys a lot, too.” The three shared a look. Could Jongup be right? Could Mi Sun really love them the way they loved her?

The final group walked along in silence. Daehyun was naturally quiet, so the three demons weren’t worried about that. Youngjae was different. They knew he hadn’t fully accepted them into his life yet. All he’d done was admit that the demons weren’t going to take away his spot in Mi Sun’s heart like he feared they would.

Suddenly, the youngest of the group stopped, spinning around on his heel to face the startled demons. His eyes were narrowed and the three feared that he was going to yell at them. Silently, they tried racking their brains for anything they could have done to upset him. Coming up blank, they returned their attention to Youngjae.

“What are your feelings for Mi Sun noona?” he asked. Daehyun’s ears perked up hearing that question. As Mi Sun’s little brother, he figured that if anyone deserved to know the answer to that question it was him. He’d noticed for a while how the demons looked at her, he knew that what they felt was more than just friendship. But he wouldn’t know for sure until Tao, Kai, and Sehun admitted it.

“What makes you say that?” Tao asked, trying to dodge the question. Upon receiving blank looks from the two human boys, it became clear that they didn’t buy it.

“We love her, alright?” Sehun scowled lightly, “all of us. We love Mi Sun.”

“Alright,” Youngjae nodded. Everyone waited for him to say more. They all knew of his crush on Mi Sun. It wouldn’t be completely off base to assume that hearing others loved her as well would upset him. Silence fell over the group when he said nothing.

“Well?” Kai asked, “Aren’t you going to yell at us? Tell us how we aren’t worthy of Mi Sun?”

“Why would I say that?” Youngjae replied, faking innocent.

“Because you love her,” Tao explained, “and because she’s your noona.”

“So long as noona’s happy, so am I,” Youngjae answered after a long pause, “I know she doesn’t love me like I love her. I’ve always known. And yeah it hurts to see you guys and your brothers just drop in like you did and steal her heart. But if noona loves you, I’ll support it.”

“Same,” Daehyun added, smiling shyly, “I think your worthy of noona. If she loves you and you make her happy, then I’m happy.” The demons started to smile, but froze when dark looks fell over both boys.

“But if you hurt her,” Youngjae hissed, glaring at the three, “then we’ll kill you.” The combined glares of Daehyun and Youngjae were just about enough to make Tao, Kai, and Sehun wet themselves in fear. They’d been in countless fights, come close to death numerous times. But the ice cold glares of the two teenagers terrified them more than any of that.

“Deal,” Tao finally said, his voice betraying the fear he felt. Youngjae and Daehyun both smiled, happy to see that they successfully scared the demons before turning to leave. It took a second for the demons to regain their composure and follow.

Several house later, everyone returned home. The youngest four and Himchan sat around the living room, comparing their candy and trading the items they didn’t want for things they did. Mi Sun and Yong Guk watched until the others begged them to join the candy circle.

The twelve demons all headed to their rooms, telling the humans that they were going to get ready for bed. In actuality, they planned to discuss their feelings for Mi Sun and if they should tell her like Jongup had suggested.

“Are you sure we should?” D.O asked. If Mi Sun didn’t love them and they all told her how they felt, it might cause a rift in their relationship. D.O didn’t want that. None of the boys did.

“I think we should,” Baekhyun said, “we need to. Even if she says no, we need to tell her. For us.” The others nodded and soon it was agreed that they would take turns telling her their feelings the following night.

Until then, however, the twelve changed out of their costumes and going their masters and their family in the living room to watch a horror movie before going to bed.

The next night came all too quickly for the demons who had spent the day preparing for their confessions.

The first to start was the oldest Xiumin who lead Mi Sun out into the backyard. He had spent the day converting it into a winter wonderland complete with a skating rink and falling snow.

“Wow,” she gasped upon seeing the sight before her, “it’s so pretty.”

“Thanks,” he smiled, beyond pleased that she liked it. Ever mindful of any ice hidden beneath the snowy surface, Xiumin lead Mi Sun around the yard, softly humming the tune of “walking in a winter wonderland” as they went and gently holding onto her hand. As she wasn’t dressed for the cold, Mi Sun soon started to shiver and Xiumin was quick to pull her against him so they could share body heat. She thanked him, blushing slightly and he smiled brightly at her.

His smile faded after he hummed the last notes of the song and he prepared himself to say what he needed to say. “Mi Sun? I have something I want to tell you.”

“Yes?” she asked. She turned to face the oldest demon and was surprised by the intense look on his face. The way his dark eyes focused on her made her blush and caused her heart to flutter in her chest.

“I love you,” Xiumin said before leading down to place a kiss on Mi Sun’s lips. When he pulled away, a light blush colouring his cheeks and he was pleased to find a similar blush covering her face as well. “I think Kris wants to talk to you now, so I’ll leave you two alone.” Xiumin walked away, trying to maintain his calm until he was out of sight even though he wanted to start cheering over the fact he had kissed Mi Sun.

“Hey,” Kris called attention to himself, pulling Mi Sun from her dazed state, “take my hand.” He held out his hand and MI Sun took it without a moment of hesitation. Kris then pulled her against his chest and shot up into the air.

Mi Sun cried out slightly, surprised to be in the air so suddenly. She made the mistake of glancing down, of seeing how high up in the air they were, and regretted it immediately. Apparently, heights could be added to her list of fears. She held onto Kris tighter and he smiled, tightening his hold on her as well.

“Look,” he encouraged her, “look at the view. It’s beautiful.” Hesitantly, Mi Sun turned her head away from his chest so she could see what he was talking about. Kris was right, the view was amazing. The city below them looked so small, like children’s toys. Even if the height scared her, she figured that the view was worth it.

The pair hung there in the air for what felt like hours, just looking at the view before them. Finally Kris remembered that Luhan was waiting on the ground so he could confess. As much as he liked having Mi Sun in his arms, he had to get on with it and tell her his feelings.

“Mi Sun,” Kris called out her name softly, getting her to face him once more, “I love you.” Kris took a moment to enjoy the blush that formed upon hearing his words before lowering his head so he could place a kiss on her lips.

Upon pulling back, Kris lowered them to the ground, landing in front of Luhan who was quick to remove Mi Sun from Kris’ arms. The deer demon muttered something about Kris being late and the dragon flashed him an apologetic look before taking to the sky once more.

While Xiumin and Kris had used their powers as part of their confessions, Luhan was going about things a different way. He led her to the nearby river bank where he had laid out a blanket. Following his instructions, Mi Sun laid down on the piece of fabric, the blond laying down beside her.

For a while, the pair just watched the stars, Luhan pointing out a few constellations every now and again while Mi Sun used his arm for a pillow. It was peaceful and romantic, just as Luhan had hoped. He had also hoped that he would get a bit more time before he had to confess, but Kris had taken too long, cutting into his time.

“Mi Sun?” he said, turning their bodies so that they could face each other, “I love you.” Before she could say anything, Luhan leaned over and kissed her gently. Just as the others had, he soon pulled away before leaving, another of the demon brothers appearing seconds later.

“Baekhyun?” Mi Sun finally said, looking up to find the smiling face of said demon.

“Come on,” he grinned happily, extending his hand to help the girl to stand. Once she was on her feet, Baekhyun lead her farther along the river bank, stopping once they reached the lawn chair he had set up earlier.

“Sit,” he instructed before turning around. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Baekhyun preceded to start the fireworks show he’d planned. Behind him, Mi Sun gasped in amazement. She’d seem the white tiger use his power countless times, but it always amazed her. The variety of colours he could create, the power behind each blast that lit up the sky. It would take anyone’s breath away and she considered herself lucky to have a front row seat to the display.

“Mi Sun,” Baekhyun finally turned around, smiling brightly upon seeing her awed face, “I love you.” Just like the others, he made his way closer to her before giving her a quick kiss, leaving just as quickly before the next brother could appear and take her away.

“Mi Sun,” Tao called, pulling the girl into a hug once she turned to face him. The black wolf had countless ideas for how he could confess his feelings for Mi Sun, but nothing had sounded right. Even now, he had no idea what he was going to do.

“Walk with me?” he finally asked and Mi Sun nodded. The pair walked in silence, side by side. Hesitantly, Tao grabbed Mi Sun’s hand, interlacing their fingers. She blushed slightly and he felt proud to get such a reaction from the girl.

“It’s so peaceful,” Mi Sun said, looking around. They were the only ones in the area so it was quiet, the cold temperature making the air feel crisper, cleaner, then it normally was.

“I love you,” Tao smiled, he turned her head slightly before leaning over to place a soft kiss on Mi Sun’s lips. Pulling away, he let go of her hand and gently pushed her forewords to where Lay was waiting.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, she made her way to the unicorn who had already changed into his beast form. Mi Sun had asked him many times to see his beast form, but he’d always been reluctant to show it to her. Now felt like the right time, however, so he was ready for her to see him in this form.

“Wow,” she gasped, running her hands through his mane. Lay simply stood there, letting her pet him. It felt good having her run her hands through his fur. So good that he felt bad having to change back into his human form. But he had to do it if he wanted to confess his feelings properly. Taking a few steps away, Lay changed back into his normal form, taking pleasure in the amazed look on Mi Sun’s face. No matter how many times she saw them change forms, she always seemed to be so fascinated by it.

“Mi Sun,” he smiled gently, “I love you.” Lay took a few steps forewords, bending down slightly to kiss her lips. Pulling away, he flashed one last smile before leaving her in the hands of Chanyeol.

The phoenix was quick to appear behind the girl, pulling her into a tight hug much like Tao had done. The happy virus grinned down at her before taking hold of her hand and leading her to the park. Chanyeol had spent most of the day thinking about where he could take Mi Sun until he finally decided upon the park.

The park was pretty open, so he had room to show off his power. Plus, it was so late that no one would be there, meaning he could be alone with his angel. Finally they reached the fountain at the center of the park and Chanyeol began the show he had planned for her. Raising his hands, trails of fire formed following the movement and from a distance it looked like he’d sprouted the wings from his back.

Chanyeol then willed the fire to swirl around arms and torso before forming flaming balls in the palms of his hands. The whole time, Chanyeol danced along to some unheard melody. Mi Sun simply watched in awe, a delighted smile forming on her face as she watching Chanyeol move, the fire leaving his hands so it could mirror his actions. It was truly breath taking.

Finally, Chanyeol halted his moments and the fire fizzled out. He looked at Mi Sun, grinning brightly when he saw the smile that lit up her face. He’d caught sight of her expression a few times while he performed for her, but it was only for a few seconds at a time. Being able to see her face clearly now meant two things; she liked his performance and time with her was over.

“I love you,” Chanyeol smiled as he walked over to her, placing a light kiss on her lips before leaving. As he walked, he passed Chen. Chanyeol patted the other on the shoulder, the phoenix left the scorpion and their master alone.

“So,” Chen tried to joke, “having a good night?” Mi Sun nodded slightly, the blush on her face deepening in colour. Chen nodded before leading her to another area of the park where there was a hill. Taking a deep breath, Chen tried to calm his nerves. Then, he opened his mouth and started singing.

Chen had played around with the idea of using a lightning show as part of his confession. But then that would have been too close to Baekhyun’s fireworks. So, singing it was. He was good at it – better than just good – and so long as he picked the right song he was sure Mi Sun would love it.

As it turned out, he was right. When he finished, Mi Sun couldn’t help but applaud for him. She looked so happy, so proud to have been there to hear him. It felt like Chen had shared something very special with her because never before had she heard him sing. That he trusted her enough to sing in front of her made her feel beyond special. Chen just smiled as he walked closer to her, leaning down so he was looking directly into her eyes.

“I love you, Mi Sun,” he finally said. And then he kissed her just as his brothers had. Just as the demons before him, he left right after sealing a kiss, only for the next demon brother to appear – literally – in front of her.

“Here,” Kai smiled, holding out his hand for Mi Sun to take, waiting until she recovered from Chen’s kiss. Once she had, she took hold of his hand and Kai teleported them away to another part of the city. Like some of his other brothers, Kai had little idea what he could do to make his confession special. He couldn’t do much with his power. He couldn’t amaze Mi Sun with his beast form – not like Lay could. And Chen had already sung to her while Tao took her for a walk and Luhan went stargazing with her.

So, while he tried to think of something, the pair walked down the street. Finally, just as Kai’s time started running out, they came upon a small festival. The second Kai saw it, he realized something he could do and made a brake for the nearest stall. He couldn’t get her anything food related, not without messing up D.O’s plans, so he had to go with something else. Lucky for him, that something else was something that would last forever.

Mi Sun just stood there, waiting for Kai to return to her side. As she waited, she thought about the confessions she’d receded thus far. She’d realized a few weeks ago that she loved all twelve demons, but she hadn’t wanted to say anything. It just hadn’t seemed fair to her to say she loved them all, for them to have to share her with their brothers because she loved them all. When this night was over and D.O, Sehun, and Suho had gotten their turns, was she going to have to pick one of them?

When Kai returned, he had a bright smile on his face. Mi Sun’s heart melted at the sight of that smile. His smile turned proud as he held out his hand, revealing the thing he had gotten for Mi Sun; a panther cell phone charm. It wasn’t much, but Kai hoped that she would like it. When Mi Sun smiled, taking the charm from his outstretched hand, he knew she did.

“I think my time is up,” Kai frowned, noticing that D.O was making his way over to them, “so I should say this now.” Kai leaned down and kissed her. “I love you.” Then he was gone and D.O walked over to her.

“Come with me?” he asked and she nodded, following D.O to the river bank she’d gone with Luhan. This time, however, a small picnic basket was waiting along with the blanket. D.O blushed lightly, muttered about how he thought she might be hungry. Mi Sun thanked him, a smile lighting up her face, before she sat down.

The picnic was a quiet event, both spending their time simply enjoying the other’s presents rather than filling it with talking. Every time Mi Sun took a bite of something D.O had cooked, she praised him and he blushed. It was no secret how great a cook D.O was and everyone always had kind words about the food he made. But when Mi Sun said something applauding his culinary skills, he found himself blushing a healthy shade of red.

When they finished the food, both laid back, her head resting on his shoulder while he her hair. D.O hadn’t thought he would have much time before Sehun came, but he was please to find he had at least a few more minutes to enjoy having Mi Sun with him before he confessed and handed her over to his youngest brother. As they lay there, he found himself recalling when they had let her go.

He hadn’t been able to say goodbye that night, so he’d run. And he’d kept running until he ran out of strength and collapsed in the park. Then he had cried. Loud sobbing cries that had lead his brother’s right to him an hour later, delivering the news that she was gone. Never once that night did he think that years later they would have her back. He’d become resigned to the thought that she was gone forever.

Now, Mi Sun was more than just returned to them. She was in his arms and he loved her with all his heart. His brothers felt the same way, too. That was why they had decided to confess, all of them, and once they had all confessed how they felt, they would let her decide how she felt. If she picked one of them, then the others would respect the relationship and return to their role of guardian. It was selfish of him, but D.O hoped that if she picked any of them, it would be him.

“Mi Sun,” D.O called, lifting himself up on his elbow so he could look down at her, “I love you.” He lowered himself, brushing his lips over her own, before standing up and walking away. He had confessed his feelings, now it was Sehun’s turn.

“Hi,” the maknae smiled shyly, walking over to her. Mi Sun started to get up on her own, but Sehun used his wind powers to life her up and place her on the ground in front of him. He gave her a moment to be amazed at his show of power before silently leading her towards the park. On the outside, Sehun was calm and collected as always, but on the inside he was a bundle of nerves. What if she didn’t like it? What if she didn’t like him? Not the same way he liked her? What if he was just wasting his time and she picked another of his brothers to love? Or, even worse, what if she didn’t love any of them?

When they reached the park, Sehun was almost too worried to put his plan into action. Behind him, Mi Sun caught the subtle trembling of his shoulder and the slight tightening of his jaw. Considering the ten prior confessions she’d received, she figured Sehun was nervous about his own. Gently, she took hold of his hand and squeezed is softly as if trying to transfer some of her own strength to him. Apparently it worked because Sehun broke into a grin and his eyes showed focus on the task ahead.

With one last deep breath, Sehun summoned up a gentle, warm breeze that swirled around them, picking up the fallen leaves on the ground. The wind kept spinning, creating a tornado of autumn colours around the pair. From there, Sehun made the wind carry the leaves around every which way by waving his hand. Mi Sun found it similar to a conductor controlling the music of an orchestra. Except Sehun was controlling wind, not instruments, and the only sound the wind made was from the crackling of the brittle leaves. Every now and again, the rustling of the leaves would pick up in response to Sehun’s hands speeding up before slowing down once again.

Finally, Sehun’s hands stopped their movement and the wind faded away, the leaves softly drifting to the ground like confetti. Sehun had glanced over his shoulder a few times while his manipulated the wind and leaves, so he knew she had at least enjoyed that part of his confession. Now came for the more nerve racking part; actually saying how he felt. Slowly, he turned to face her, trying – and failing – to keep his poker face on.

“I love you, Mi Sun,” he finally said, hands shaking in fear of instant rejection. Quicker than any of his brothers, he leaned down, placed a small kiss on her lips, and took off running in the other direction. Most of the other demons had wanted to do the same thing after confessing, Sehun was just the first to actually do it.

“His nerves got the best of him,” Suho smiled sadly as the younger passed him on his way to Mi Sun’s side, “I can’t say I blame him. You’re the first girl he’s felt this way about.” To himself he muttered that she was the only girl any of them had felt this way about. Sure they had all liked girls in the past, but they’d always been too focused on their job to really care. Plus, those girls had all been human and they’d never wanted to start a relationship with a human until now. Mi Sun made them want to forsake the taboo that was demon-human relationships. Even if they were immortal and she had a limited life time, loving her was worth it.

“Suho,” Mi Sun asked, “what happens after this?”

“We let you decide what you want to do,” he smiled kindly, taking hold of her hand, “we’ll support whatever you want to do. So long as you’re happy, we’re happy.” She nodded, but still looked worried so Suho decided that he should begin his confession and take her mind off of her worries.

The pair reached the fountain from Chanyeol’s confession and Suho motioned for her to stop. Following his instructions, Mi Sun watched as Suho jumped up onto the edge of the fountain. Turning to face her, he flashed one last smile before lifting his left hand, palm facing the sky. Some of the fountain water rose up, echoing the action behind him. From there, Suho began an intricate dancing with his hands as the water followed his every movement. It was kind of like when Sehun had controlled the wind, but Suho’s movements reminded her more of Taichi. Where she could feel Sehun’s movements building to something, Suho’s movements just flowed along silently.

Finally, Suho’s hands came to rest at his sides and the water fell back into the fountain, splashing the back of his legs upon impact. He blushed slightly in embarrassment that his cool image had been shattered by the water, but the smile and laugher from Mi Sun made it worth it. After jumping down from the edge of the fountain, laughing to himself, he made his way over to the girl. Just like his brothers had already done, it was his turn to confess.

“I love you, Mi Sun,” he smiled, taking her hand and pulling her against him before kissing her lips softly. When he pulled away, however, he didn’t leave like the others. Instead, he led Mi Sun home. The pair walked in silence, the older letting the younger think about what she was going to do now. Whatever she wanted to do, he would respect her choice. Even if she picked someone else, he would always protect her and would never leave her side as long as she lived.

Suho knew his brother’s felt the same way.

When they finally reached the boarding house they all called home, the other demons were waiting in the living room. From upstairs, the six humans who made up Mi Sun’s family were silently listening. If Mi Sun had already made up her mind, then they wanted to know right away.

“I don’t know what to do,” she confessed after taking a seat on the couch between Sehun and Luhan. Everyone nodded in understanding, knowing she needed time to think.

“Take as much time as you need,” Kris told her.

“You don’t understand,” she frowned, trying to get her thoughts in order before she spoke them, “I love all of you equally. I can’t pick and it’s not fair to any of you.”

“Is that all?” Kai scoffed, “that’s why you’re so upset?” Mi Sun started to glare at him, not liking how he made her problem sound so small, like it wasn’t important.

“We don’t mind sharing your love,” Luhan explained, “we all love you so much. If you love all of us the same way, then we don’t mind sharing you.” Mi Sun opening , about to ask how such a relationship could even work, but Luhan cut her off with a kiss.

When he pulled away, several of the other demons yelled in outrage, saying how Luhan getting to kiss her twice wasn’t fair, while the blond just grinned, not at all ashamed of stealing the kiss. Suho and Kris rolled their eyes before making their way over to Mi Sun and leading her to her room.

Standing outside her door, waiting for her to change into her pajamas, Suho asked Kris how a relationship where all twelve shared Mi Sun could work.

“For now, she loves all of us,” Kris shrugged, not completely sure himself, “so we all date her and love her. I guess it will be the same as any normal relationship, it’s just that she’s doing those same things with all twelve of us. Maybe one day she’ll decide she loves one of us more than the others, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Mi Sun opened the door then, inviting the leaders into her room so that they could sleep in her bed with her for the night.

A/N: well, hopefully you all like this little Halloween treat. That whole “how does this harem work” question actually came up in a conversation with a buddy of mine (*whisper* truthfully I still don’t think he gets it). I’m almost tempted to make this chapter part of the actual story, but I think I’ll keep it and the events in it separate (much as I like EXO’s confessions here, I think I can write better ones for the actual story). Again, hope you like it, happy Halloween, thank you readers/subscribers, and please leave a comment. I’ll post an actual chapter Saturday (like always), so don’t think this is all you’re getting. Although how long this is………. nah, I’ll post an actual chapter.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!