
My Twelve Guardians

A/N: Please read the author’s note at the end

Mi Sun sat on the back porch of her family’s home, watching her daughter playing with EXO. Several years had passed since the final battle with Mr. and Mrs. Yoo and many things had changed.

Zelo had taken ownership of SHINee and the five demons had moved into the boarding house. Once he’d finished high school, the six had taken to traveling the world. Apparently, seeing the world was something Zelo had always dreamed of doing and he could now do it thanks to the inheritance he’d gotten from his father. Yong Guk hadn’t been too pleased originally – he’d wanted to see Zelo attend university and get a well-paying job he enjoyed. But SHINee had assured him that everything would be fine and he’d given in.

Jongup, Youngjae, and Daehyun were in university now, working hard to make something of themselves so they could make their hyungs and noona proud. Youngjae had somehow managed to get himself a girlfriend, something the others about whenever the chance arose. Jongup was dating a girl too, a girl just as sweet and kind as him. Daehyun was the odd man out thanks to being the only single one, but that was fine with him.

Yong Guk still owned the boarding house with Himchan, but it was just them now since everyone else had moved out. Himchan often joked about how now he had time to be alone without the kids running around, but Mi Sun suspected he was sadder than he let on. That sadness was lessening, though, as he too had found a girlfriend who he spent a lot of time with.

VIXX stayed close to the boarding house, but they often took long trips to other countries. A part of it was an attempt to enjoy their new freedom. A larger part was an attempt to avoid Yong Guk. Against their will or not, they had taken the lives of his mother and father and felt a lot of guilt over the matter.

Mi Sun now lived with EXO and four years ago she had given birth to her child, Jung Hyorin. EXO had indeed become human after willing their demon powers over to her. Thus far, they’d seen no additional effects of the power transfer, but that didn’t mean much to her. Even years later, Mi Sun half expected to suddenly develop powers similar to those EXO originally had.

“We made one great looking kid,” Suho smiled, coming to sit beside her, “I’ll have a hard time keeping the boys away from her when she gets older.”

“I’m sure you will,” Mi Sun laughed, “Too bad you don’t have your powers any more or keeping the boys away would be easy.”

“I think I’ll still be able to manage. It’s not just me, any boy who’ll want to date her will have to get past all of her appas,” he smiled and Mi Sun nodded, feeling a bit sorry for whoever fell in love with her child in the future.

They watched the others play with her, tossing around an old baseball as they tried to teach Hyorin how to catch the ball. The little girl wasn’t much good and kept missing the ball or dropping it. Mi Sun was just about to tell them to call it a day when Hyorin missed the ball yet again.

However, when Hyorin reached out her hand to grab the ball and it floated back to her. She smiled brightly, clearly excite about what she had done. Everyone else looked stunned.

“What are the chances,” Suho asked, “that the power we transferred to you got transferred to Hyorin?” Mi Sun just shrugged helplessly, not knowing what to tell him after the display of power they had just seen.

A/N: thank you dear readers for reading this story. I’m happy you enjoyed it. I never thought I would get so many readers on this story, so seeing how many people are subscribed and how many people have left comments……..blows my mind. Seriously. 200 subscribers? For this story?? And 20 upvotes? That second one probably blows my mind the most ‘cuz I never thought 20 people would like my story enough to hit the upvote button one or two? Sure. Five? I could see that. 20? Dang.

Anyway, I’m over the moon that you all like this story. Thank you all so much for reading, whether you’ve been reading since I posted chapter one or just recently found this story! For all those interested, there will be a sequel to “My Twelve Guardians” called “Trusting Demons” featuring Hyorin (Mi Sun’s daughter) and VIXX, along with Yong Guk (‘cuz I just can’t cut him out lol). I’ll be posting the foreword……..about three or four minutes ago (something like that) so click the link below if you’re interested.

Trusting Demons

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!