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"Wanna watch a movie?" 






"Amusement park?"

"Hell no." 

L.joe chuckled at your stubbornness.

You two were holding hands walking through a huge shopping mall. Or "holding hands", it was more L.joe holding your dead hand since you didn't want to hold his.

He turned to you but you were not looking at him turning your gaze at the shops and hating everyone and everything. Like it was their fault you were mad. 

His lips twitched into a small smile as he brought your hand to his lips. 

You felt something soft on the back of your hand and turned around with big eyes. 

"Then what do you wanna do, princess?" He said, closing his eyes while still having his lips a few inches from your hand 

You felt the blood rush to your head and paint your cheeks a tomato red color and your mouth was wide open. 

He stretched his back and grinned at your cute face while interlacing his fingers with your again, and this time, you held on. 

"..cheesy." You muttered, hiding a smile. 

"I like being cheesy." He said with a grin. 

You chuckled. "..who are you?" 

"I'm your lovely, wonderful, handsome, caring, protective boyfriend?"

How weird that L.joe could in the timeline of a few seconds turn your mood all around from super angry (at him) to happy and thankful (towards him).


L.joe noticed a cute shop with pink decorations, a really girly boutique. You could feel him drag you towards the shop where you read "Etude house". 

"Since when is the L.joe, gangster and fearful leader of Teen top going to cute and girly shops?" You asked and raised an eyebrow. 

He turned around to you. "Watch me turn "cute and girly shops" to a trend for gangsters." He smirked with confident. 

"Weirdo!" You said before you both entered the shop while receiving a few longing glances from cute girls on their way out of the shop. What was a cool guy like L.joe doing in such a cute shop, he looked so out of place. 

"Let's see..." L.joe said as he looked around the small shop. 

You weren't that interested, of course you used make up but only like bb-cream and mascara. You used to say "No need for more than that." 

"This!" L.joe exclaimed as he held on to a lipstick in a light pink shade. 


L.joe slowly brushed the lipstick on your lips with care. 

And you just stood there, speechless as he continued to put it on you and you could hear some squeals from the girls in the shop. You felt the blood rush to your head and slowly paint your cheeks in the same color as the lipstick or a shade more red. 

"Damn, too much." He muttered and before you could blink he leaned down and kissed you. 

"Perfect." He said as he his lips that had the same color as the lipstick. 

You just stood there like an idiot while L.joe grinned confidently. 

Jealous glares from girls in the shop where sent your way and all you could was stand there and blush. 

L.joe's smile made you realize, realize what a good boyfriend he was. He had really tried hard to make you fall for him and never did he hurt you, always by your side. 

"There's actually a place I want to show you, wanna go?" He suggested and you nodded. 

"I wonder what place that is...?" 






"Beautiful weather.." He said while gazing up to the sun. 

You two were walking, hand in hand through town towards an unknown destination only L.joe knew of. 

He turned to you. "That lipstick really fits you, should buy it for you later." He said with a smile. 

Oh that smile. His grins had their charms but his genuine, honest smile was what you loved the most. It kind of light up your whole world and made everything seem ok. 





You ended up in the beach. After taking both the train and the bus. It was spring right now but the beach was empty. 

"I've only been here like two times but it always manage to calm my mind when I've been thinking too much. It's like home.." He said as he gazed towards the horizon. 

You smiled. "Yeah..." To think that L.joe came to this place when he needed peace. It wasn't too shocking since you knew that he had this calm side to him which he only showed when he was with you but one who didn't know him would think that he went and got drunk when life didn't go his way. 

"Why have you been here only two times..?" You asked as you two strolled down the beach next to where the water touched the sand. 

L.joe gazed forward, pondering what answer he would give you. 

"Maybe because I only go here when I really need to calm my mind, like in emergency situations.." He turned to you with a smirk. "If it's not an emergency situation I'll just go and get drunk, waste my life you know.." He said as his smirk fell a little. 

Your heart clenched. 

"What happened.. those two times..?" You asked with a worried look as you held onto his hand harder. 

L.joe shrugged. "The first time was when I ran away from home..." 

You listened but as you understood that he wouldn't continue you stopped and so did he. 

"Ran away from home...?" You asked as you gazed up to him. 

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PennyB912 #1
Chapter 60: Such a fun story!! Thank you for sharing!! <3
Chapter 60: Yeay....happy ending....your story is so so so amazing. I feel so speechless. I really like your plot and character. ESP the sweet and caring ljoe. I never think that her family just act overprotective to test ljoe wkwekw...

I hope you can write another teentop stories again. I really like fluff stories. Make my heart fluted and squeal non stop wkwkww
byunghuns_angel #3
Chapter 60: Read it for the nth time already. Now I can't find another fanfic that's this interesting TT^TT
Chapter 60: Omg I'm really in love with this story. I can't stop fangirling xD Btw good and awesome story you got author-nim!
Ehyelcah #5
Chapter 60: kyahh~~!! so sweeeettt!! ;3
cathsienita #6
Chapter 60: Oh my god!! This is really-really-really good story >w<
I really like it especially when it comes to story about L.Joe~~ hehe <3
Chapter 54: I laughed like crazy here
Chapter 60: so sweet! *^* asdfghjkl; what a nice endinggg <333333333333333333333333333
twinkle_blossom #9
Chapter 60: Kyaaa~ so sweet! >.<
this fanfic was absolutely amazing! I loved it!
nmdfc15 #10
Chapter 60: A very awesome and sweet story!!! :D