The Library

It was episode 9.

Do Min Joon had kissed Song Yi and he had gotten sick.

We were both cracking up at the hilarious contrast between Song Yi and Do Min joon after the kiss.

I sighed.

“Who wouldn’t want to be kissed by a man like that? He’s gorgeous!” I swooned and sighed.

Kyungsoo couched and gave me a look.

I just laughed even harder.

“Do you know him? Do you have Kim Soo Hyun’s number? Please give it to me!” I begged and cracked up.

He rolled his eyes.

“Then you should date him instead” he mumbled.

“Well you won’t give me his number!” I joked. I laughed a little more.

“I’m kidding” I whispered and reached over to caress his face. He smiled and we continued watching the episode.


For a moment, I saw myself as Song Yi.

She ended up losing her fame at some point, she became much more humble after she met Do Min Joon.

I felt the same way. Would things work out in the end for me?

After the episode was over, I noticed Kyungsoo had fallen asleep. I carefully got off the bed and walked over to the side he was on. I pecked his lips softly and laid down on the couch.

Before I knew it, I too had fallen asleep.


Omniscient P.O.V

It was the manager that woke them both up in the morning.

“Kyungsoo you need to shower” Kyungsoo’s manager demanded.

“Am I being released today?” Kyungsoo asked groggily. He had barely opened his eyes.

“Yes, and you’re going to hold a press conference”

“WHAT?” Kyungsoo asked confused and rubbed his eyes.

“We’ll talk later, go” his manager demanded. The nurses quickly helped him get out of the bed and head into the shower.

“Miss Winters” the manager then said and shook Mina lightly. She yawned and looked around.

“Where am-” she began and then her eyes went wide.

“Oh! Hello” she reacted and bowed.

“We need you to shower, someone will be arriving with your wardrobe soon” he said quickly to her and then headed out the door.

Mina blinked.

Before she knew it, the lady’s in charge of make-up and wardrobe were inside the room. The place looked more like a music video set rather than a hospital room.

After Kyungsoo finished showering she was sent to shower as well.

When Mina came out of the restroom, she saw a whole different Kyungsoo.


Mina’s P.O.V

He had his hair done, he had slight make up on and he was fully dressed in a very classy manner. You would have never guessed he had a fractured rib or he had even been in accident.

As soon as the make-up artist saw me, she pulled me into a chair.

I panicked for a moment and the women looked at me strangely.

“Sweetie aren’t you used to this?” one of them asked.

“Not anymore” I replied. They began blow drying my hair and putting face creams on my face. While one of them styled my hair, the other began doing my make-up. I felt like a doll or a fancy dog.

Kyungsoo just watched me from the side in amazement.

I looked like an awkward wreck who had never done this in her lifetime.

“Go put this outfit on, and you’re all set!” the make-up artist said in a very excited voice.

I walked clumsily into the restroom again and began changing my clothes. I then took a glimpse of myself.

It was Mina Winters.

Not Mina whose last name shall not be mentioned.

However, the look didn’t feel comfortable nor did it feel like it suit me anymore.

As soon as I got out of the rest room, Kyungsoo and I were pushed to exit the room.

“AH you’re ready” his manager greeted us outside. The entire hospital floor was empty of paparazzi.

“Mina Winters” he then addressed me.

I nodded.

“You will be talking to the CEO first”

I looked at him as if asking: Excuse me?

“Let’s head out then” he chimed and led us out the hospital floor. Paparazzi’s were still swarming the outside of the hospital.

They handed me shades.

We walked out, and immediately the flashes began.

“Kyungsoo is she your girlfriend!”

“Kyungsoo are you two engaged?”

“Mina Winters, is this a sign of your rebellion?”

“Kyungsoo, will your contract be terminated?”

“How did you two meet?”

“Kyungsoo did she save your life?”

The paparazzi went on with their questions.

I sighed heavily and was relived once we entered the car.

“Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asked full of worry.

“I’m fine, I used to get that all the time…what I’m nervous about…is talking to the CEO” I replied trying to sound calm and not in full panic. However, my true emotions showed through anyhow.

“Just be yourself Mina, answer honestly”

I nodded. I didn’t know how honest I could be. I hadn’t exactly heard the best news about the CEO of S.M Entertainment.

CEO’s aren’t kind. No matter what it is they run, they will only seek their benefit.

I could only pray I could give the proper response, that is, of a CEO’s daughter.


Author's Note:

Finals are is the semester, I'm just waiting on my grades tomorrow...hopefully I passed the wicked math class.


I lack so much inspiration you guys, bear with me.

I'm going to start working soon at the most luxurious place on earth...

Jack in The Box...ha....ha

Gosh, so rude to say, but I just want to finish this story!

I have writer's block to the 10th power.

Any ideas for the story?

My brain is drained after 49 chapters.

In addition, I am very shocked by the news about Kris, and my heart is in pain...I hope the rest of the group is okay.


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I feel so bad that I waited so long to update. A lot of you no longer go on AFF anymore. I still want to finish this story. This story is for all of you!


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ruthysweet #1
Chapter 62: Awwwwwww omg this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 61: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 59: Omg it's been a long time since I've been on this website! When I suddenly logged on and saw that you have updated, i was so happy! You dont know how long i've been waiting for an update ;-; I love this story so muchhh, i hope you can soon finish this off author-nim <3
Chapter 59: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 58: HER MOM WAS KILLED!?!?!?!?!? TT^TT
Chapter 57: Awww i wante her to reunite with kyungsoo :(
Chapter 56: updateee eyey
Chapter 56: love u too!!!!
Chapter 56: Yay!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad you updated:)