Car Accident

The Library

The Tuesday I had class, Kyungsoo did not show up. The week after that, he didn’t either.

By the third week, I knew he wasn’t going to show up for class. A typical student would have dropped their class by then, too much missing work.

The professor had to break the news for me.

“Your partner will not be showing up for class, he’s doing online work” he told me.

I just simply nodded and acted like it was okay.

But it wasn’t, because not only was I left partner less like a fool, but also I was left without giving him an explanation.

I later found out why he had not showed up for class. Exo was going to have their comeback.

A whole month and a half passed since I had last encountered an Exo member. Finals were coming up and I had become close to Cha Eun Sang. I asked her for a favor and for once I felt what it felt to ask someone of higher social status and wealth for something.

It felt terrible and like you were abusing of your friendship.

“Eun Sang?” I asked her.

“Yeah?” she replied. I hesitated to ask but knew I had to do it.

“Can you find a way to get me in contact with Luna and Krystal from f(x)?”

Eun Sang looked at me as if trying to process it all.

“For when?”

“As soon as possible” I replied. She nodded.

Today was the day.

I woke up early in the morning. Got ready as fast as I could and asked Eric to drop me off at the Café where I was to meet them.

Eun Sang had told them they were going to get interviewed.

Before entering the Café, I hesitated to walk in there.

I had so much apologizing to do, I was just hoping they would try and listen to me.

I walked in there with confidence but the confidence ran out as soon as I was one foot away from them.

Luna was the first to see me. She didn’t think much of it and looked away, however it then clicked in her head.

“M-Mina?” she stuttered. Krystal turned around from her chair immediately. Her eyes wide and anger flashed across from them.

“Luna, c’mon let’s go” she immediately demanded to Luna. I felt so weak and powerless. I didn’t even know how to react.

“W-WAIT!” I yelled out. That didn’t work like it worked in drama’s. I grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back.

“What do you want?” Krystal screamed.

“I WANT TO APOLOGIZE!” I screamed back. She turned around and shot me another angry look.

“I also want to give my explanation. I need you girls to listen to me, if you don’t ever want to see my face again after this…I’m fine with that but please listen to me right now” I added with a calmer voice.

Luna gave Krystal a look and then Krystal nodded.

“FINE” she replied bitterly.

I took approximately an hour and a half to explain everything and to cry it all out.

“Mina I am so sorry” Krystal begged me after wards.

“Mina, your father really made us believe otherwise. We had so much resentment towards you for 2 years, we had no clue what you were facing!” Luna apologized and cried.

“I know, I know. I’m so sorry. You were the only friends and I had and he took that away from me, I couldn’t live that way. That’s why I left them. I had no clue he had sent you all to South Korea or else I would have come sooner” I said to them crying with them.

They were also made to believe that I knew about it all and that if the media found out it would ruin them and ruin me. In addition my father had tried to act like he was the righteous one by helping them audition for S.M entertainment.

Every single detail I found out about my father’s plan and wrong doings made me even more angry and happy of my decision to leave.

After talking for a while longer, Krystal and Luna left. They left me their numbers and told me they would try talking to Kyungsoo about it when he came back.

I was hopeful that things could get better.


After finishing the semester, I decided to take a semester off and begin interning at a hospital. It was summer after all, I only choose to work 2 days. The rest of the week I had off.

I had not seen Kyungsoo.

The only moments were I would see him were though the computer screen.

Their comeback was amazing, although it had been postponed because of a ferry ship tragedy.

Every day I felt like although we were in the same country, he was further away from me than when I was in Atlanta.

Eric was also really busy with his comeback and it was just me at home.

Especially today.

It felt like the hours in the day would not pass.

It was 1pm when I checked the clock.

When I checked the clock again after what seemed like an hour, it was only 1:30pm.

“AAAAH!” I screamed out loud. I tried to clean, I tried to sing. I tried to write a song.

Nothing was getting me out of my misery.

“Should I cook?” I asked myself. I concluded that trying a new recipe would be lovely.

However the recipe I choose required ingredients that I did not have.

“Uhg to go to the market all the way over there” I mumbled to myself and whined like a little girl. Just imaging the traffic made my head hurt. However I wanted the day to end faster and like my old middle school art teacher would sarcastically say: Time flies when you’re having fun!

I grabbed the keys to Eric’s car and headed out on my way. I blasted my new Coldplay C.D and jammed to it while driving to the grocery store. I bought all the things I needed and was on my way back home when the light decided to turn red.

“Great, you totally ruined my zone!” I screamed to the inanimate light.

I was about to raise the volume to my music when I saw the most horrifying scene develop right before my eyes.

A car was crossing the intersection when an idiot from the lane beside me didn’t notice the light was red and went for it.

The two cars collided. Crashing. Leaving the smaller car almost destroyed. The worse part, someone came out flying into the pavement from the passenger seat. The man who caused the collision was fine and his car was pretty badly damaged but the man jumped out of the car and ran. I was paralyzed for that moment.

I had duties as a professional rescuer and also being certified in CPR, I had to react.

It was my first time though. I prayed quickly and as soon as the light turned green, I pulled over. Grabbed my first aid kit we prepared in my first aid class as our final during fall semester. I ran to the scene. People crowding up on the street.

“I’m a professional rescuer, please stand back” I told them.

“Someone please call 119!” I yelled.

“I’ll call!” a person in the crowd said.

I felt like from being in my car to standing here sizing up the scene, 10 minutes had passed, but it had only been a minute.

There were two people in the accident. The person I was looking at was the driver, he was unconscious.

“I’m a doctor, I’m certified. I’ll deal with him, you should go check on the other one” a handsome man came up to me.

I nodded and ran to the other side. The passenger, I flipped him to his face carefully so I wouldn’t damage his spine or nerves.

It was until then that I realized who the person was.

Author's note:

Lovely comments everyone!

I decided I will end this story here.





No but really thank you for all your support! This story is halfway there!

I remember when I had  7 subscribers and received my first comment!

I never thought this story would get viewed as much as it is, and I never thought I would have almost 70 THANK YOU!

-Love you all, the author.



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I feel so bad that I waited so long to update. A lot of you no longer go on AFF anymore. I still want to finish this story. This story is for all of you!


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ruthysweet #1
Chapter 62: Awwwwwww omg this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 61: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 59: Omg it's been a long time since I've been on this website! When I suddenly logged on and saw that you have updated, i was so happy! You dont know how long i've been waiting for an update ;-; I love this story so muchhh, i hope you can soon finish this off author-nim <3
Chapter 59: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 58: HER MOM WAS KILLED!?!?!?!?!? TT^TT
Chapter 57: Awww i wante her to reunite with kyungsoo :(
Chapter 56: updateee eyey
Chapter 56: love u too!!!!
Chapter 56: Yay!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad you updated:)