
The Library

Kyungsoo’s P.O.V

“Is that noona’s boyfriend?”

I jumped back startled.

“What in the world are you doing here?” I screamed. Sehun just laughed.

“Chill, I just came to get you, the fans are waiting!” Sehun said and patted my back. I sighed to myself. I returned back to the fan signing table. The fans were screaming and cheering but I frankly wasn’t in the mood anymore.

“What’s wrong bro?” Kai said as I took a seat next to him.

I shook my head.

“Nothing” I whispered.

“He saw Mina with another man!” Sehun whispered to Kai.

“What?” Kai exclaimed.

“I don’t like her anyways, I don’t care” I murmured and got ready to begin signing.

“Then why are you so worked up about it” Kai teased me.

“You should talk with her”

“NO!” I yelled out. You could hear the fan girls beginning to whisper about how cute I was when I was mad.

“Can we not talk about this here?” I pleaded. Kai noticed how sick I was beginning to feel so he stopped bothering me about it.

The truth was, I was mad about the whole situation. I wanted to know who the guy was and why he was so close to Mina.


Another Monday

Mina’s P.O.V

“Cha Eun Sang I’m so exhausted! All these dosages are crazy! ” I exclaimed and stretched we had been sitting for 2 hours listening to our professor lecture.

“Seriously! I never thought so much went into prescriptions!” she sighed. There was a buzz inside her bag. She smiled and took out her phone. I noticed something strange. Eun Sang always dressed like a regular girl however there were little bits of her that didn’t seem to click. For example, her super expensive necklace. She never mentioned it was expensive but it was something I could tell instantly. Also that phone case of hers. She smiled as she read her message and replied back.

“Well you seem to be happy now Eun Sang” I whispered. She giggled and nodded.

“My fiancé just texted me, he can be so annoying sometimes” she explained and smiled as she put her phone back in her bag.

“At least you have someone” I said with a sighed. She laughed and patted my back.

“What about that cute guy who always picks you up?” she teased. I felt my face turn red. Not again.

“So cliché but we are just friends!” I exclaimed. She giggled at my reaction. This wasn’t the first time someone insinuated something like this.

“Alright, alright! You heading to the library?” She asked as we reached her classroom. I nodded.

“They called me saying they had somewhat a copy of the book I need for my cooking class so I’m going to go check that out”

“I hope it works out. I’ll see you on Wednesday” she said and smiled.

I nodded and waved. Cha Eun Sang was such a nice person, she was so different from all the other people who came to this school. It made me wonder what the reason was. I headed out on my way to the library. I never quite noticed how nice the tree’s looked during spring. Although my allergies usually acted up during spring, here in Korea they were somewhat okay.

I walked up to the front of the library and I was surprised to find that no fan girls were standing at the front. As I got closer I found out the reason why.

A sign had been posted at the front. It was a statement made by the dean that fan girls were not allowed inside the building for they had caused too much disruption to the students trying to study. They were not allowed to be outside either.

I sighed in relief. I did not want to confront them.

I walked in and was greeted by a security guard.

“Your student I.D” he asked.

“Hmm let me find it” I responded back and began to search for my I.D.

Another girl walked up to us.

“Your student I.D” the man repeated to the girl. She took it out immediately with confidence. The guard took it in his hand and looked at a list he had.

“I’m sorry but the library is not available to you right now. Please come back after 2pm.” He addressed her sternly. I took out my I.D and showed it to the man hoping he wouldn’t reject it. He took my I.D and looked at his list.

“You may proceed”

The other girl gasped.

“Sorry miss, but these are strict orders that are to be followed” the guard apologized to the girl. I was beyond confused but nonetheless proceeded upstairs.

I walked up to the librarian and smiled.

“Hello! Is it true there is a copy of the book?” I said with hope.

“Well, it’s not necessarily a copy of the entire book. It’s just a copy of the first 4 chapters. Would you like to take it anyways?”

I was beyond thrilled.

“YES! I mean yes” I said hoping no one heard me scream yes.

“Alright I’ll check it out for you, and if by chance the other chapters are made available I will contact you” the librarian stated. I nodded eagerly.

He handed me the printed pages. I took them in my hands and took a seat to look through them.

“What a coincidence, they are the exact pages I need for the week” I whispered to myself. I wished I knew who had made the copies, so I could thank them.

I remembered that Kyungsoo was probably in the library. I began to walk around trying to hide behind the book shelves so he wouldn’t spot me. I passed the first row and second but he wasn’t there. I then saw him on the opposite side of the row I was in. He was trying to find a book. He looked pretty determined.

I continued to observe him when I heard someone cough. It was him. He then began to walk over to me.

“What do I do what do I do!” I mentally screamed I began to power walk out of the row as quickly as possible. I felt someone grab a hold of my arm.

“Please don’t be Kyungsoo, please!” I chanted in my mind but when I turned around it was the man himself.

“Excuse me miss, but do you need anything?” he asked coldly. I gulped and took a deep breath.

“No, I was just well umm looking for a book why do you ask?” I defended myself with lies.

“Is that so? I saw you staring over at me for what seemed like 5 minutes” he cockily replied. He had caught me. I wanted to face palm myself.

“C’mon Mina you are better than this!” I reminded myself.

“Well sir, if you were so uncomfortable by my stare you could have moved from minute 1, why did you wait for 5 minutes? Were you timing me by any chance?” I challenged. He didn’t reply immediately. I pulled my arm away.

“I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, if I wouldn’t have stopped you, you probably would have continued. I’m letting you know, If you don’t stop I will have to call security” he retorted.

“If I’m such a bother then please kick me out your majesty” I said getting more irritated by the second.

“I’m just warning you-” he was beginning but it was too late I was furious.

“Stop talking to me like you know me, you even said it yourself I’m not someone you know, I’m just a silly fan!” I said raising my voice.

“Can you not raise your-” he begun again but I cut him off.

“No! Don’t tell me what to do! It’s ridiculous how much special treatment they are giving you! A girl was rejected entrance because of you. What in the world is your problem?” I yelled. Kyungsoo looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him. I was beginning to get emotional.

“Please contain yourself, there are other people in this room trying to study” Kyungsoo whispered loudly.

“Fine, I get it anyways. I won’t bother you anymore, I won’t stare at you. I’ll be on my way” I said and folded my arms. I began walking away when I felt the tears begin to roll down my face once more. My vision was becoming so blurry I had to stop halfway down the stairs and sit down. I was ugly crying again and I couldn’t even stop. I felt footsteps behind me. Someone was going down the stairs. Their footsteps stopped on the step I was sitting on. I could only see the feet of the person. The person sat down next to me and sighed. I turned around and was shocked to see it was Kyungsoo, he looked distressed. He was rubbing his face his with his hands. He sighed heavily once more.

“Look, I’m sorry” he began and handed me a tissue. I couldn’t believe it, was he actually talking to me?

“I don’t know what you’re doing here, and I don’t want an explanation. What happened, happened and we can’t turn time back. As you can see, I have my life now and you have your own. What I have been doing to you has been really rude on my behalf. I wasn’t raised to be that way. That’s why I’m apologizing to you. I can’t lie though, I don’t want to have any ties with you, I would like it if you could please respect me and my privacy. I want our association to be strictly professional and only related to school work. I’m sorry once more, I will be leaving” he spoke and stood up.

“Kyungsoo” I whispered. He looked down.

“Please call me D.O, I don’t go by Kyungsoo anymore” he whispered. I felt a stab in my heart.

“I’m sorry D.O, I’m so so sorry” I managed to utter. I stood up, bowed and walked away as fast I could.

Ran pass the door, pass the trees. I sent a message to Eric letting him know I would be walking home. I stopped crying about halfway.

I thought about what had just happened. It then hit me, he touched me.

He grabbed my arm. He made physical contact with me after 2 years. I now knew this was not a dream. He was now D.O the k-pop idol not Do Kyungsoo the shy librarian.

He had also spoken to me directly. He admitted he knew me.

I couldn’t be more grateful. When I had to work those long shifts at Walmart that was what kept me going.

“You will one day be able to see Kyungsoo, feel him and talk to him. You will find him”

Those were the words that kept me on my feet. That was the silly hope that helped me get through those tough 2 years. The hope I had with me from the moment I declared I no longer wanted to be an heiress.

My wish had come true. How could I hate him for saying those things to me?

When my family had done much worse?

How could I be mad at him, when he was right?

I wanted to fix things with him. I wasn’t going to let this stop me. Like the taxi driver recommended, I needed to be more persistent.

He will have to hear me out at some point. Curiosity won’t let him be.

Like Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life”.

I had to be optimistic, it was the only thing I had left.

Author's Note:

HELLO MY SUBCRIBERS! This update took longer than usual! I had writer's block. I wrote a lot but wasn't satisfied. The other things I  wrote I will save for later in the story.

Only one person subcribed to me in behalf of my last update so that was depressing! However thank you to everyone who did comment and has been keeping up with the story!

My question this time around is:

Have you guys seen the drama Heirs? Please let me know :)





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I feel so bad that I waited so long to update. A lot of you no longer go on AFF anymore. I still want to finish this story. This story is for all of you!


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ruthysweet #1
Chapter 62: Awwwwwww omg this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 61: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 59: Omg it's been a long time since I've been on this website! When I suddenly logged on and saw that you have updated, i was so happy! You dont know how long i've been waiting for an update ;-; I love this story so muchhh, i hope you can soon finish this off author-nim <3
Chapter 59: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 58: HER MOM WAS KILLED!?!?!?!?!? TT^TT
Chapter 57: Awww i wante her to reunite with kyungsoo :(
Chapter 56: updateee eyey
Chapter 56: love u too!!!!
Chapter 56: Yay!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad you updated:)