The Library

“Thanks for picking me up Eric” Mina said to Eric as he picked her up from college. She got into the car, put on her seatbelt and then looked at Eric.

“WHOA!” She screamed holding onto her chest.

“Everything okay?” he asked with a dazzling smile.

“ERIC THEY DYED YOUR HAIR!” Mina screamed and ran her fingers through his hair, even yanked on it to see if it was real and not a wig.

“OHMYGOSH YOUR EYEBROWS TOO!” she said in shock. Then she covered with her hands.

Eric just smiled and laughed a little.

“Do I look bad?” he asked Mina. Mina hyperventilated for a moment and then removed the hand from . She took a deep breath and squealed.

“YOU LOOK SO ROTTEN HANDSOME! YOUR FANGIRLS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!” she screamed but laughed at her own reaction.

“Well, thank you, and yeah the fan girls are probably going to get you in your sleep” he chuckled. Mina’s eyes went wide. He shouldn’t even joke about it.

“Shall we go hom-” he asked Mina. Mina covered his mouth at an instant.

“From now on Eric, don’t mention home between us. If anyone hears, for example the sasaengs they are going to kill me!”

Eric just laughed and pushed Mina’s hand from his mouth.

“Well then little girl, don’t touch me like that either. The sasaengs might be watching this minute” he said and smiled. Mina just rolled her eyes. They turned up the radio and began singing. When they arrived home they decided who was going to cook. It was Eric’s turn.

Mina on the other hand walked over to the couch and flopped onto it. She stared at the ceiling, the thoughts of Kyungsoo ran through her mind, her old friends, her family. It had been a long time since she hadn’t looked them up on the internet. She didn’t want to know what they were up to and Kyungsoo was hard to find on the internet, there was no such person. She sighed heavily.

“Everything okay Mina?” Eric asked from the kitchen.

“I’m fine Eric thanks for asking” Mina replied and sat up from the couch. She had been living in Korea for three months but she had not once the TV or tried to check the news. She just wasn’t in the mood.

“How’s everything on the show Eric? Are you going to win?” Mina asked and turned around to face Eric. He smiled.

“I hope so” he replied and continued to busily cook. The rest of the day was spent in the same manner. Mina just laid in bed thinking about Kyungsoo. What were the odds that he was here in Korea.

When he had first disappeared, she thought of Korea, however she didn’t believe her father would be as obvious as to send him to Korea. He would have sent them to the middle of nowhere, for example Russia. However, ever since she had seen that person that looked like him earlier in the day, she was beginning to believe she had not been mistaken.

There was only one way to find out.

She only had one class on Tuesday and as soon as the class was over she ran through the doors. She ran as fast as she could, the fastest she could have ever run in her life towards the library. People who were walking across campus even thought she was a bit crazy. She arrived in front of the library panting. Trying to catch her breath. As soon as she rested for 4 whole seconds she ran up the stairs to the second floor rather than taking the elevator. She entered the cold refreshing library and went straight to aisles she had seen the person a day before.

She began to cough, she was an asthmatic. She was standing right in front of the place where she had seen the Kyungsoo look alike. She dropped to her knee’s trying to regain her breath. She wanted to cry. What made her think that he would be there again?

“Are you okay miss?” a voice spoke behind her. She had understood the Korean immediately. She felt like her heart had almost stopped at that moment. It was Kyungsoo’s voice, she was sure. She turned around and looked up to see him. He had shades on, his hair had been dyed as well. His face and complexion looked smooth. The way he was dressed was completely different. The phone he had in his hand was new and didn’t look like Kyungsoo’s old phone. His shoes were brand new as well. She processed all of this in less than a half a second. The guy coughed.

“Are you okay miss? Do you even speak Korean?” he asked. His tone had changed. He sounded so cold as if he were mocking her. At this point Mina wanted to cry and scream and wrap her arms around Kyungsoo, never let him go. Ask him how he was, if everyone was okay. What her father had done to them, but she got a feeling deep in her chest that things weren’t going to go down that way.

“K-kyung s-s-soo” she stuttered as she stood up and was about to remove his shades from his face to see his true reaction when she was pulled back by 2 strangers.

They were dressed like body guards.


Mina’s P.O.V

“Mr. D.O” they addressed him in Korean. They reminded me of my old body guards. For a moment I wondered if my father had set this up for him.

“Is she bothering you? Should we kick her out?” they asked him in Korean. I understood what they were saying. I was furious how could they possibly have the power to kick me out?

For a moment I had forgotten I was not rich, I had no power. If they wanted to kick me out, they could.

“I am not doing anything to him” I told the guards in Korean. They looked shocked at my fluency.

“Miss, we saw you about to grab his face” the younger guard spoke.

“She’s probably a fan” the older one added as he addressed the younger guard. They laughed.

“Fan? I know Kyungsoo” I told them confidently.

“Is that true Mr. D.O?” they asked him. I turned around to look at Kyungsoo thinking he would back me up and we could talk things through but instead he simply replied.

“I don’t know her, please take her away”

I was left stunned and was taken away by the guards. I could not even complain nor yell at him. I was literally left in the state that people call: speechless.

When they kicked me out of the library. I began to ugly cry. I couldn’t hold back the tears even if people were watching me. I thought it was so embarrassing but the emotions were so powerful I could not complain nor stop. I walked over to the place where Eric was to pick me up and cried even more.

Eric arrived and looked at me in shock.

“O-oppa!” I stuttered and cried some more as I got into his car.

“What happened?” Eric asked concerned. It didn’t help the situation.


“I-Kyung-kicked-rich-I aaaaaah” she tried to explain but she couldn’t stop crying therefore he understood nothing. He the radio hoping it would cheer her up. She always loved music, it made her happy. The song began to play and Eric recognized it instantly. He knew it wasn’t the most appropriate song for the situation so he left it on low.

“Listen, neukkil su inni?

 Nae simjangi ttwijireul anha

 (My heart be breakin’)” the song continued in the background. Mina’s eyes got huge. She even stopped crying to continue listening.

“Nunhan maeume ureodo bogo
Sori jilleo ha! oechyeodo bwasseo
(My pain be creepin’)”

“I know these-” she was beginning to say when she heard a special voice sing after.

“Heukgwa baek, ajik namgwa buk, kkeuchi naji annneun jeonjaeng Scene”

She knew immediately that was Kyugsoo’s voice, the one’s before had been Kai and Sehun.

“What were you saying?” Eric asked.

“What group is this? Who are they?” she asked without even taking a pause to breathe. The truth was, she felt like she couldn’t breathe anyways.

“It’s a new group called EXO from the company S.M, you remember me telling you about S.M right? The songs called History” he said not understanding what was going through Mina’s head. They arrived home, Mina took the keys from his hand, ran inside to her room, her tablet and went straight for YouTube.

“Exo-K or Exo-M” she mentally argued, she went for the first one.

Eric came into her room.

“Mina what’s wrong?” he asked and sat next to her on the floor. The song began again.

“That’s Kai! Oh my gosh! It’s Kai” she said amazed. Eric just looked at her thinking she was a fangirl of theirs.

“Was that Kyung, oh my gosh it’s Chanyeol! What did they do him his hair, ohmygosh ohmygosh Baekhyun!” she screamed and covered .

“Sehun can dance?” she added. It was then the moment of truth.

“That’s Kyungsoo” she simply said this time, she had gotten sad and just watched the video. Eric was beyond confused but just decided to stay quiet.

Eric just observed her as she smiled when Suho came out as well. Tears had begun to roll down her face.

“That’s all of them, what did they do to Kris’s hair” Mina said and giggled in between tears. When the video was over, Mina replayed it and replayed it.

“Mina, I don’t think it’s good for you to be watching this video so many times. Really, please tell me what is wrong” Eric pleaded looking at Mina in this state.

“I’m fine Eric, just…I need a favor” she whispered in a tone that almost made her sound like if she was in her death bed saying her goodbyes.

“What is it?”

“I need tickets to their concert, the next one they have. Please, go do that quickly” she commanded. Eric just nodded and stood up to get this own tablet.

He wasn’t sure what to think of Mina at this point. Was she just a crazy fan girl or did she have some kind of relationship with them? And most importantly, what had made her cry in the first place.


Kyungsoo’s P.O.V

“Yes, yes I’m in a library of course I have to whisper” I complained to my manager on the phone. I was trying my hardest to be quiet. I noticed a having difficulty breathing near the section where I had been trying to find a book the day before. She was coughing and didn’t sound well. I walked up to her, hoping she wasn’t a fan and wouldn’t attack me.

“Are you okay miss?” I asked concerned. The girl hesitated to turn around but when she did, it was almost as if I had seen a ghost.

I felt sick to the core. I feel like if my color had drained. The good thing was that I was wearing shades and she couldn’t tell my expressions. She couldn’t notice how wide my eyes had gotten. At first I felt surprised, then in a sense I felt excited that she was here before me, I had loved her at some point…but then I felt angry, I felt enraged.

“Are you okay miss? Do you even speak Korean?” I asked in a harsher tone. What was she even doing here in the first place? Had she come to find me? Had her arrogant father sent her to me, to make my life more miserable? Was she so stupid to come without even knowing the language?

She began to stutter my name. She stood up and reached for my shades. The body guards had perfect timing.

“Mr. D.O” they addressed me. I felt a sense of relief.

“Is she bothering you? Should we kick her out?” they asked me. I almost replied yes at an instant, she was rich though, she could probably get in here easily with her money.

She then answered in Korean that she hadn’t done anything to me. I was impressed, she had learned Korean. My bodyguards began to ramble that she was a fan.  Mina looked insulted by their assumptions.

“Fan? I know Kyungsoo” she said with upmost confidence.

 It angered me, did she have a clue about what her father did to us? She had no right to say she knew me. She then turned around to look at me as if waiting for me to say something. I knew exactly what I was going to say.

“I don’t know her, please take her away” I demanded. She looked at me like if she was ready to cry. I felt pain, I felt so sick. She looked like she had no clue about the situation, but I just couldn’t forgive her after what her father had done to us. I had loved Mina with all my heart at one point, but now…I really didn’t know.

As soon as I saw the guards take her away I ran to the bathroom. I ran straight to a stall and threw up inside the toilet. I flushed it immediately hoping no one was in there. I couldn’t contain all the emotions within me. I felt myself begin to cry. I became even more furious at myself. How could l cry because of that girl? I had promised myself I would no longer cry because of them.

I began to have flashbacks. I remembered holding her hand, hugging her and feeling so happy around her. My mind was having an internal fight. The love she had made me feel against the pain her family had caused me. Had I been too harsh? I began to feel guilty, after I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth quickly I ran outside and looked for my bodyguards.

“Where is she?” I asked them.

They looked at me puzzled.

”We sent her out sir” they responded. I ran to the large window where you could see what was outside and looked for her. She was standing outside crying while people watched her in curiosity.

“She must be a big fan of yours, she’s crying hysterically” one of my guards suggested and laughed. They had no clue. That girl was Mina Winters, the girl l once loved.

Author's note:

I worked hard to write this chapter all day long, didn't sleep much last night trying to figure out how exactly they would meet....

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I feel so bad that I waited so long to update. A lot of you no longer go on AFF anymore. I still want to finish this story. This story is for all of you!


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ruthysweet #1
Chapter 62: Awwwwwww omg this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 61: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 59: Omg it's been a long time since I've been on this website! When I suddenly logged on and saw that you have updated, i was so happy! You dont know how long i've been waiting for an update ;-; I love this story so muchhh, i hope you can soon finish this off author-nim <3
Chapter 59: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 58: HER MOM WAS KILLED!?!?!?!?!? TT^TT
Chapter 57: Awww i wante her to reunite with kyungsoo :(
Chapter 56: updateee eyey
Chapter 56: love u too!!!!
Chapter 56: Yay!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad you updated:)