It's Never Easy To Let Go

The Library

I managed to drive myself to Las Vegas. I paid for the car to be returned to California. I got on the plane and flew to NYC.

The day was cold, I got off the plane and couldn’t breathe from how cold it was. It was so different from California. I had oddly gotten used to the California weather. I got on the taxi and asked to be taken home. My teeth were chattering but I wasn’t sure if they were chattering because it was cold or because I was scared. I thanked the driver and paid them. I gave him a little extra, he was taken aback. I had to be giving right now, it would be my last chances to be able to put that into practice.

At the front of the hotel I was greeted by the guards.

“I.D miss” the guard spoke in a raspy tone. I rolled my eyes. Did they forget about me so easily.

“I’m Mina Winters, do I really need an I.D sir?” I asked him. He stared at me, and then as if he had solved a million dollar question, his eyes grew big and he even rubbed them.

“Ms. Winters, but what are you doing here?” he asked in a tone that sounded like he was either really surprised or really scared.

“It’s a long story, may I go in?” I asked, my teeth still chattering.

“Oh yes Miss go ahead, my apologies” the guard said and bowed. They allowed me entrance, I immediately walked into the elevator avoiding everyone’s gazes.

To the top floor I went. I punched in the code for the entrance.

I walked into the familiar living room. Empty as always. The family probably wasn’t even home.

I went straight to my old room. It was empty as well, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. I went straight for the closet into the secret compartment. I got a hold of my special documents. My social security card, my birth certificate, my high school diploma, my passport, etc. I put them all in a plastic bag and stuck them in my bag.

I looked at the huge room. It was almost the size of a house. I said my farewell to it.

I felt the tears begin to stream down my face again, but they weren’t tears of sadness or regret but rather of fear. The decision I was making was not easy, especially for a rich girl who has been pampered and showered with wealth all her life.

I had to be honest, I was scared.

I began my way out of my room. I heard one of the maids. When we made eye contact she almost fainted on the spot.

I ignored her though, and waited in the living room for the family to arrive soon.

It was Justin who arrived first.

“MINA WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINKING? LEAVE, FATHER IS GOING TO KILL YOU” he screamed enraged. I just shook it off. I was going to miss my brother so much.

“I love you Justin, please behave yourself” I whispered and faked a smile. I stood up and walked to father’s office. I chose to wait there instead.

After a while I heard the door go open, I took a deep breath as I awaited my sentence.

“Hello father” I whispered. I’m sure I almost gave the man a heart attack with those 2 words.

“MINA?” he stuttered. “HOW DID YOU GET HERE?” he screamed and angrily took a seat.

“How else father, by dragonfly” I said sarcastically. This made him turn even more red and mad.

“BY LAW YOU WEREN’T ALLOWED TO TAKE A PLANE OVER HERE” he yelled and hit his fist against the wooden desk. I just rolled my eyes, this wasn’t even scary anymore.

“What did you do him!” I yelled this time. His eyes grew wide.

“WHO are you talking about?” he said with a more calm voice.

“Father this isn’t a joke” I said angrily and bitterly. I was holding back tears.

“Now you think I am to blame for your unfortunate events” he said and laughed as if it was something hilarious.

“FATHER WHERE IS KYUNGSOO!” I screamed with all my might. I began to cry at this point, it wasn’t even tears, it was the type of crying where you scream and cry loudly. I pushed all his papers off his desk into the floor. I was so furious I didn’t even feel the slap I received from him.

“YOU DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE BRAT” he screamed even louder.

“DISOWN ME!” I screamed and continued throwing all his belongings to the floor.

“YOU WANT ME TO DISOWN YOU?” he raised his voice even more, he then took a deep breath and simply replied. “Fine.” He took his phone and made a call. A man came into the room. He looked scared after seeing the mess.

“IMMEDIATELY, WRITE AS I SAY” he yelled to the poor man. He opened his laptop and signaled father the okay. He then began rambling the sentence. At last he read it to me.

“Mina Winters will no longer receive anything from Mr. Winters in the case he passes away. She must return her vehicle and material possessions that were acquired by Mr. Winters’s money. She will be issued a restraining order from Mr. Winters and is to not step foot in this household…” the lawyer went on. The rest that was mentioned just sounded like a buzz. My mind drifted off and it wasn’t until father screamed that I came back to reality.

“SIGN IT” he screamed and threw the pen at me.

I grabbed it without hesitation and signed it.

“Now Mr. Winters you still have not answered my question. Where is he?” I asked in a calm tone.


“Well just for your information sir, I already sold my car. I left my material possessions back in Santa Barbara. I had no intention of taking them with me” I spoke gently and smiled. His eyes had turned red with anger.

“You were such a dishonor to this family. You even dated a poor and dirty low class. I’m glad the media didn’t find out. Please leave now before I call security” he said bitterly. That was all I needed to hear.

“I knew it had been you all along. I will ask of one more thing from you sir. Lawyer please type as I say” I commanded. The poor lawyer wasn’t even sure on what to do but typed anyways.

“Mr. Winters is to no longer stalk Ms. Winters. If found to be sending spies or having camera’s installed, he will have to present himself in court. Ms. Winter’s will also be issuing a restraining order against Mr. Winters” I told the layer. He typed away and edited the legal paper. I placed the paper in front of my father and tossed the pen back to him. He wasn’t pleased by it but nonetheless signed it and the copy. I also made the layer sign it as a witness.

I took my paper, bowed in goodbye and stepped out of his office. Adelia had arrived and was in tears once more.

“Thank you for trying to raise me” I whispered to her. She ran after me, begging me not to leave. Justin did too but I was already on my way. I got inside the taxi and headed towards the airport. Where I was going, I wasn’t sure. I had secretly saved 10,000 dollars with me. It wouldn’t be enough but I was willing to begin living life on my own. I had not meant to overreact the scene back at home, however it was the only way for father to agree. He wouldn’t let me leave otherwise.

I no longer had a home. I no longer had a family. I no longer had money. I no longer had Kyungsoo.

However I felt like I had been set free. Like the weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I knew I had lost so many things, but they say that for everything you lose you gain something in return. I could only wait for that moment.


Author's Note:

Hello my wonderful subscribers! I decided to add another character into my story....his name is Eric Nam.

There are so very few stories about him on AFF. He will be another important chacter. Whether he will be a second lead or maybe even more i'm not sure yet. I don't want him to just be another second lead with the same sob story. This is why I am asking you guys the reader's to comment and help me.

Do you guys want Kyungsoo to continue being the main lead?

I know it's a hard question. My mind is not decided yet but maybe after you guys get to know Eric Nam's chacter in the story you will be able to decide.

For all of you who don't know Eric is a video of him being interviewed by Simon and Martina

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Thank you!
I feel so bad that I waited so long to update. A lot of you no longer go on AFF anymore. I still want to finish this story. This story is for all of you!


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ruthysweet #1
Chapter 62: Awwwwwww omg this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 61: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 59: Omg it's been a long time since I've been on this website! When I suddenly logged on and saw that you have updated, i was so happy! You dont know how long i've been waiting for an update ;-; I love this story so muchhh, i hope you can soon finish this off author-nim <3
Chapter 59: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 58: HER MOM WAS KILLED!?!?!?!?!? TT^TT
Chapter 57: Awww i wante her to reunite with kyungsoo :(
Chapter 56: updateee eyey
Chapter 56: love u too!!!!
Chapter 56: Yay!!!!!!! I am sooooo glad you updated:)