
Do you remember?

Daehyun nervously fixed the collar of his royal blue dress shirt as he observed himself in the mirror. Tonight he was going to take Jae out to dinner, since HaJoon had cut their honeymoon short and they hadn't been able to catch up since then. His mother had stopped by and actually gave him the idea, an she even offered to take care of HaJoon for the evening. He didn't want to leave their son behind while they had fun, but his mother wouldn't take no for an answer. She'd made reservations Yong Su San, and she even booked a room at the Royal Hotel that was a a bit father away from their home.

He was married now with a child, so a simple date shouldn't be a problem right? But he would always freak out at these moments.

He carefully brushed his hair neatly and glanced into the mirror one more time. When he was convinced with himself, he grabbed his wallet and phone and shoved them in his pocket and grabbed his jacket, heading to Jae's room. He didn't bother knocking, and he walked in to find Jae still in her undergaments, looking into her closet, a finger pressed to her lips. He couldn't help but blush a bit, but he quickly shook his head and glanced at his watch. They had 20 minutes to get the restaurant for their reservations.

"Jae, why arent you dressed yet?" Jae jumped 10 feet at the sound of his voice. Nowadays, she can never sense his presence.

"Daehyun, quit scaring me!" She whined, quickly reaching for a towel to conceal herself. She still felt shy around Daehyun like this, since she was still new to this kind of stuff. Daehyun chuckled at the action.

"Besides, I can't find anything good to wear. I feel like I'm exposing too much baby fat..." She said, and Daehyun groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Not you too. You're just like Youngjae. You don't have any baby fat. You've gained a few pounds, but it's barely noticeable. Besides-" He took quick strides towards her and ripped her towel off, causing her to gasp. He gripped her waists and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I love you just the way you are." He whispered, resting his forehead against hers, and Jae blushed and softly smiled.

"Thank you Daehyun..." He smiled and pulled away, turning to the pile of dresses on her bed. He dug through the pile and pulled out a strapless fitted gold dress, and he tossed it to Jae. He dug through her closet and pulled out matching heels.

"Jae, hurry and get dressed, we need to leave soon. I'll go check up on HaJoon." He said, and Jae nodded. He walked into the living room to find his mother making silly faces at the baby. He grinned and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey mom, nice aegyo." His mother looked up and laughed slightly.

"I'm in love with your son. Don't be surprised if he ends up back home in Busan with me."

"Another reason why I didn't want to leave my son alone with you." She glared at him, putting HaJoon back in his seat.

"I just want you both to relax for one night. Is that too much? Besides, maybe momma wants to be with her grandson." She said, and Daehyun chuckled.

"Fine mom. Please take good care of him." He said, and she smiled and kissed her son's forehead.

"Of course. Now you go have fun with Jae, and relax."


Daehyun choked on his food as his gaze landed upon the all-too-familiar brown haired witch, who was sitting on the other side at the far end of the room. She was shooting him seductive glares that had no affect on him at all, and whenever she glanced at Jae, who had her back turned to her, her "y" mood would vanish and fury would appear on her face.

Of all nights, why tonight?

"Daehyun, are you alright?" Jae softly asked, and Daehyun tore his gaze away from Mee and smiled at Jae. 

"Of course babe. I'm fine. I really hadn't dined at Yong Su San before, despite the fact that I actually work here. The food is so amazing." He said, reaching across the table to hold Jae's hand. He laced their fingers together, giving them a small squeeze. Jae smiled and blushed slightly, and Daehyun admired the way she was dressed. She looked especially y tonight, and if they weren't here right now, he'd jump over this table and kiss her senseless.

Much to his disliking, his cell phone rang, and he reluctantly pulled it out and checked the collar ID. He sighed when he saw that his manager was calling, probably about promotions and stuff. He didn't want to leave Jae alone, but he had to take this call. Hesitating, he turned to Jae.

"Babe, I'll be right back. The manager is calling, and I have to take it." Jae hummed in response, and he sighed again and walked outside into the freezing weather.

Mee saw this as an oppurtunity. She paid her bill and grabbed her belongings and walked to Jae's table. She sat in Daehyun's seat, a serious expression painted on her face. Jae looked up, confused, but her face contorted into horror when she recognized who it was.

"Hello Jae. Long time no see." Mee's frown didn't falter, her tone mocking and rude.

Apparently not long enough.

"Hi Mee. How've you been?" Jae tried her best to be nice, despite her anger and annoyance towards this woman. After all, this was the same woman who had tried to kill her baby.

"Fine. So, I've heard about the marriage and the baby."Mee's lips twitched up in disgust, and Jae frowned.

"Yes, and I'm very happy about it." She proudly said, and Mee scoffed.

"Well I'm not. I warned you didn't I?"

Here we go again.

Daehyun ended his call and hurried inside, holding his hands to his lips and blowing on them to warm them up. He quickly walked back to the table, stopping when he saw Jae and Mee in a very loud argument, everyone in the room shocked and staring at them. 

"Why don't you just leave him alone already? Can't you see that he doesn't love you?" Jae yelled, and Mee scowled.

"He loves me! He should've had the baby with me! Obviously, he should've married me! He made a mistake marrying you. Your son was a mistake and-" Daehyun was about to jump in, but he froze as a loud smacking sound filled the room and his eardrums. Jae's hand had connected with Mee's cheek with so much force that her head snapped to the side and she nearly stumbled to the floor. Mee held her burning cheek in shock and stared at Jae, who looked like steam would escape her ears.

"How dare you call my son a mistake?! You're the freaking mistake, you crazy lunatic!" Jae screamed, and then Park and Min came to the rescue. A security guard came and dragged Mee out, who was struggling and yelling incoherent things, and Min tried her best to calm the fuming Jae. 

In all of his years that he had known Jae, this was the first time that he had ever seen her slap somebody like that.

And boy, did the sound make him wince in pain.

Daehyun hurried over to park and bowed.

"I'm so sorry sir. I-"

"It's fine son." Park said, and he turned to Jae, who now had a guilty and embarassed look on her face.

"Sir, I'm sorry for causing a scene..." Park smiled and placed his hand on Jae's shoulder.

"It's fine Jae. Don't worry about it." Daehyun sighed and paid for the meal, excusing himself. He helped Jae walk to the car, and they sat in silence for a while.

"Daehyun, I'm sorry." He turned to her and raised a brow. "Why?"

"I probably embarrassed you in fron of your own boss. I'm so sorry. But I couldn't take it when she called our son a mistake." Jae turned to him and held his hands tightly.

"Don't worry Jae. She's just a nuisance."


They drove to the hotel in silence. Jae was still angry about what happened with Mee, and she felt like punching the woman until she could hear a bone crack. Daehyun was slightly frightened by her dark mood, and he decided to keep his mouth shut. He signed in the hotel, and he led Jae to their room. As soon as he closed the door, his eyes darkened.

"Jae." He walked up to her, placing his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. Jae's breath caught in , and goosebumps rose on her skin as she felt one of Daehyun's hand travel up her back, fingers fidling around with the zipper. A sly grin formed on his face.

"As much as I love this dress on you, I'd love to see you without it as well."

An hour later, their limbs were tangled under the soft covers of the bedsheets, their skin flushed, wrapping each other in their blissful warmth. Daehyun pulled Jae closer to his body, even though they were practically glued together. Despite the freezing air outside, beads of sweat were covering their faces and necks.

Daehyun reached out and brushed some of Jae's brown locks away from her face, a gentle smile on her face as she slept. Daehyun smiled to himself and buried his face in Jae's neck, losing himself in her scent of vanilla and roses.

My favorite scent.

Daehyun knew that the situation with Mee Yon was getting worse. He had to do something about it, but right now, he was at a loss. A restraining order wouldn't even stop her. She was really starting to become a nuisance, and his life would've been easier if he hadn't met her at all.

She was beginning to really cross a line, especially when she called his son a mistake. If he was a girl, he would've been more than happy to pound on that pretty face of hers. Daehyun found himself lowly growling in fury, feeling his body shaking a bit. He found himself mumbling incoherent things, and Jae stirred a bit, startling him.

"Dae, are you alright?" He chuckled at the nickname that she had always used to call him, and he smiled and caressed her cheek.

"I'm great." He could feel his anger dimish, and all thoughts of Mee were shrouded in darkness. Jae smiled and laid her head on Daehyun's firm chest, her fingers tracing circles on his abs. He groaned and her hair. The sound of their heartbeats filled the room.

"Dae, I love you." She arched her neck to look up at him, and she was immediately greeted by warm lips on hers.

"I love you too."


The next morning, they went back home, fully refreshed and relaxed. Despite what had happened last night with Mee, Jae was in a good mood. They had reunited with their son, and even though she was reluctant to leave, Daehyun's mother had to return back home. While Jae was showering, Daehyun was busy preparing HaJoon's bottle when Lucky suddenly began barking. He rarely barks at anybody, unless it was a certain black cat that always passed by here, or if he sensed a threat. Right now, Lucky sensed a threat. Daehyun looked out the window, and his jaw dropped in shock when he saw Mee stroll into their backyard, holding up a sign that read: 

Daehyun, come to me. Fall in love with me.

Slamming the bottle down on the counter, he yanked the back door open and strolled over to where Mee was standing. She had an expectant look on her face, and Daehyun pressed his fingers to his temple.

"Mee, can you please act like your 21 for once?" He groaned, and Mee ignored his comment.

"All you have to do is come and be with me." She purred, and he narrowed his eyes at her. He had enough of this nonsense.

"Listen Mee, I don't like you like that. As a matter of fact, I just don't like you." He sneered, and Mee's smile dropped, her fingers pressing tightly against the sign.

"Daehyun, what is gonna take to prove that we were meant to be?" 

"Gosh, what don't you understand?! I have  somebody in my life, and let me make myself clear-" He stepped foreward, glaring into Mee's brown eyes.

"I will never love you. So save yourself the oxygen." He said, and he his heels and walked back inside the house, leaving Mee shocked, dropping open. He slammed the door shut and leaned against it, running his hand angrily through his hair. He didn't know what to do about Mee. It was like she was a bee that was trying to sting him, not giving up until she has. He's had enough though.

What am I going to do about this nuisance?

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 43: I couldn't stop reading! the emotions, when I thought that Daehyun was dead!!?? T_T UGH, that was a great story & I loved the ending. Job well done :D
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 11: This is KILLING ME T_T... well written & the emotions.. UGH, I want her to have just ONE memory >_<! ok, back to reading :)
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 1: I'm just beginning to read this story, I already love it! can't wait to see all of it unfold.
Chapter 46: Yes definetely yes! My phone wont let me vote for some reason
Chapter 2: I only started Chapter 1 and I'm liking it.
I'll find the time to read this :)
Chapter 45: You should right a fanfic for the siblings it would be cute
jtwakaraniii #7
Chapter 45: the sibling love was very typical yet cute.. Jae and Daehyun raised good kids :) this is one of my favorite stories to go back to and read when I have time. Thank you for writing this and I look forward to seeing more of your work!
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 45: one authornim....
ixzakwangie #9
Chapter 44: Thank goodness that Meeyoon Die! She deserve it! I would kill her instead if I was Jae! I'm a little cruel but hye! She try to ruined everything! I hate her for the rest of my life(even though she's not even exist) . What am I talkin' about? Anyway, your story is in' awesome!