Bad things happen...

Do you remember?

Daehyun's heart stopped completely, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. The house was in flames, and smoke was everywhere. People had gathered around and watched curiously as the firefighters desperately tried to put out the fire. Daehyun frantically searched the crowd for signs of Jae and Lucky, but he couldn't find them anywhere. His worst fears were now being released, and he pushed through the crowd to run into the burning house. A firefighter caught his arm just as he was about to pass him.

"Hold it, you can't go in there!" He tried to push Daehyun back, but Daehyun yanked his arm away, only to be held back by two other firefighters.

"You can't go in there!"

"My girlfriend is in there!" He yelled, struggling to break through the firefighters' grip.

"We're sending a firefighter in now!" Daehyun couldn't wait any longer. He broke free of their grasp and ran inside into the burning house. Immediately, heat and smoke hit his face, but he ignored it and frantically searched around the house. Everything was in flames.

"Jae! Lucky!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, searching the living room and the kitchen. Pieces of the roof had already begun to fall, and Daehyun covered the top of his head with his arms. He began to cough; the smoke was starting to make breathing difficult. 

"Lucky! Jae!" He yelled again, heading for the stairs. He heard Lucky's squeaky barking upstairs, and he ran upstairs and burst into Jae's flaming room, finding her sprawled on the floor and unconscious. He had no time to think. He picked her and Lucky up, and made a run for it, only stopping when he saw a huge piece of the roof crash onto the stairs. It went straight through the floor, and if he didn't jump and make it, they'd be dead. It was worth a shot. He stepped back and jumped, and he barely made it. He ran out of the burning house into fresh air, and everyone began cheering for him. Breathless, he collapsed to the floor. All of them were covered in soot and sweat.

"Sir, that was very dangerous, but also very brave." A firefighter praised him, handing him an air mask. He took it and put it over Jae's face, and he gently shook her shoulders.

"Jae. Baby, please open your eyes." He pleaded, cradling her onto his lap. Lucky whimpered and nudged her hand, waiting for her to respond. The firefighter gave him an air mask, but Daehyun didn't notice.

"Jae, please don't do this to me." He whispered, shaking her shoulders again. He heard a loud crash, and he looked up and saw the entire house beginning to crumble. Lucky whimpered again and jumped behind Daehyun, growling at the house. He heard a loud cry, and he looked down and felt relieved when he saw that Jae was alright. Jae let out a shocked cry and stared at the horrible sight before her. Her home, the only place where her memories were held, was now crumbling to the ground.

"M-My house..." She whispered, feeling her eyes beginning to burn. The house slowly fell apart, and soon, it was easier to put the fire out. The ambulance came by a few minutes later, and it took the 3 of them to the hospital.


They were dropped off at the boys' dorm, and Daehyun wrapped an arm around Jae's waist and helped her up the stairs. Jae was still shaken by the whole incident, and she couldn't believe that she had lost the only important place that she had. She had lost everything.

They stepped into the dorm, and found the boys doing their usual activities. They hadn't been informed about the fire yet. As soon as they entered, the boys froze and stared at them.

"What happened?" Himchan asked, telling Jongup to go get some clean towels. Daehyun walked Jae over to the couch and sat her down.

"Jae's house burned down." He quietly said, placing Lucky on her lap. Their mouths dropped open in shock, their eyes widening the size of softballs. Jongup handed them the towels, and Daehyun helped clean Lucky while Jae wiped her face.

"Everything... Everything is gone.." Jae whispered to herself.

"W-what started the fire?" Jongup asked, and Jae shrugged.

"I-I don't know..." She replied, looking down and softly petting Lucky's head. His white fur was greyish and covered with soot.

"Jae, what happened to you?" Daehyun asked, kneeling down in front of her to look into her sad brown eyes.

"I don't know... I felt sick.." She said, and Daehyun took a closer look at her. She had dark circles under her eyes, and her eyes looked bloodshot. Her shoulders were hunched forward, and she looked pale. It's amazing how last night she didn't look so exhausted, especially after their kiss, but now, she looked like she'd pass out again.

"My head hurts..." 

"Guys, I'm going to put her to bed." Daehyun said, and he picked her up and carried her to his old room. He set her down on the bed, and Lucky jumped up and laid down at her side.

"Geez, Lucky doesn't stop following you." Daehyun chuckled, and Jae weakly smiled. 

"It's fine. He's lucky that his amazing father came back to save him." She smiled, and Daehyun chuckled again and pulled the covers over her body. He placed his hand over her forehead and sighed. She wasn't burning up, thank goodness.

"Sleep babe. Call me if you need anything." He said, bending down and placing a kiss on her forehead. She blushed and nodded. Daehyun closed the door and went back to join his friends.

"Daehyun, are you alright?" Youngjae asked, taking a seat next to him on the couch. Daehyun sighed and buried his face in one of his hands.

"I almost lost her. Again." He sighed, and even after an hour passed, his heart was still racing rapidly. He was so afraid that he was going to lose her again, only this time, forever.

"But you didn't, and that's what matters." Zelo said, handing him a glass of water. Daehyun gulped it all down in 3 seconds. He wiped away the sweat off of his forehead and sighed again.

"Yeah... But now, she lost her own home. She's practically lost everything that belonged to her parents."

"She can stay with us." Yongguk said, finally speaking up. He'd been quiet this entire time. Daehyun shook his head.

"Yeah, for a while... But... we're back together and-"

"Hold it, did you say you guys are back together?" Youngjae said, smirking at his best friend. Daehyun nervously chuckled and rubbed his sweaty neck.

"I guess... I mean, we kissed and stuff... It's up to her..."

"I knew it!! I knew something good would happen!" Youngjae cheered, shaking Daehyun's shoulders excitedly. He always wanted Daehyun and Jae to be together. He loved Jae like she was his younger sister.

"Yeah... but after a while, I'd like to get our own place and stuff..." Daehyun continued, and Himchan scoffed.

"Ok, so you're ready to leave us, hm?" He accused, and Daehyun rolled his eyes.

"I can totally understand that." Yongguk said, and he placed his hand on Daehyun's shoulder and gave him one of his rare smiles.

"And we're going to help you."


Jae couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned for what seemed like an hour now, and she couldn't stop thinking about how she had lost her home. Now where was she going to go?

Daehyun opened the door and peeked inside, smiling at Jae who was wide awake.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asked, walking over to her. Jae shook her head and sighed.

"Daehyun, what are we going to do?" She asked, and Daehyun sighed.

"We're just going to have to stay here with the guys until we figure something out." Jae frowned at him and shook her head.

"No, I can't bother you guys like that." She said, and Daehyun shook his head.

"What other choice do we have?" He said, and she sighed and nodded. He was right after all.

Daehyun hugged her tightly, burying his face into her shoulder. He was so glad that Jae was alright, even though his heart was still racing from fear. He had never been so afraid in his life.

Thank goodness that I didn't lose you again.

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 43: I couldn't stop reading! the emotions, when I thought that Daehyun was dead!!?? T_T UGH, that was a great story & I loved the ending. Job well done :D
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 11: This is KILLING ME T_T... well written & the emotions.. UGH, I want her to have just ONE memory >_<! ok, back to reading :)
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 1: I'm just beginning to read this story, I already love it! can't wait to see all of it unfold.
Chapter 46: Yes definetely yes! My phone wont let me vote for some reason
Chapter 2: I only started Chapter 1 and I'm liking it.
I'll find the time to read this :)
Chapter 45: You should right a fanfic for the siblings it would be cute
jtwakaraniii #7
Chapter 45: the sibling love was very typical yet cute.. Jae and Daehyun raised good kids :) this is one of my favorite stories to go back to and read when I have time. Thank you for writing this and I look forward to seeing more of your work!
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 45: one authornim....
ixzakwangie #9
Chapter 44: Thank goodness that Meeyoon Die! She deserve it! I would kill her instead if I was Jae! I'm a little cruel but hye! She try to ruined everything! I hate her for the rest of my life(even though she's not even exist) . What am I talkin' about? Anyway, your story is in' awesome!