The Perfect Dance TYPOV



We’ve been in the club for a least an hour and there’s nothing great happening so far. I'm happy to see the hyungs have fun but I’m not having such a great time.

“YoungBae don’t look so down, you’re supposed to be having fun” Seungri said pushing my shoulder.

“I am having fun” I lied trying to smile.

“How can you be having fun just sitting here doing nothing?” he asked.

“Easy watching you guys is all the fun I need” I said. Seungri tried to pull me up when Daesung rushed over.

“Hyung, hyung, hyung!” Daesung shouted over the music.

“Yeah what is it Daesung?” I asked.

“She’s here, she’s here” Daesung said jumping from foot to foot.

“Who’s here?” Seungri and I both asked.

“The girl we seen earlier today, look right over there” Daesung said pointing to the far left corner of the club.

The girl from Dot’s, I couldn’t believe it, it was her, she was here.

“I’m going to go talk to her!” Seungri said.

“No, I will” Daesung said leaving first.

I just sat back down; it was no use of trying to talk to her. Once Seungri and Daesung get to her they’ll win her over. If I was to go I would never be able to talk to her, it’s silly but I’ve always been afraid of girls, especially girls I like. All the hyungs have had girlfriends except for me, it’s not a problem but it does pressure me when we meet girls.

A few minutes passed and Seungri came back up to our section with defeat all over his face.

“What’s wrong?” Jiyong asked. Seungri just shrugged and sat down next to TOP.

Moments later a happy smiling Daesung came up the steps holding someone’s hand from behind him. Seungri rolled his eyes and Daesung laughed and tugged on the mysterious hand to come forward.

The hand soon became a full length girl; it was the girl from Dot’s. Our jaws dropped and at that moment I think we all fell in love with her.

“Hyungs this is my new friend I just met” Daesung said grinning ear to ear.

The girl waved; she was even prettier than before. Her hair was still long and straight but the dress she wore was amazing. It was a black above the knee dress that hugged her in all the right places it had this sparkly sequence type of thing going on too. She was tall, probably because of the heels she wore but she looked amazing. Daesung told the other hyungs something and they all went down to the bar.

The girl sat beside me, she looked nervous and so did I. We sat there for a moment like that until I finally broke the ice.

“Hey, you wanna dance?” I asked.

“Um sure” she said, a small smile flashing on her face.

We got up and made our way to the dance floor. She grabbed my hand as we went through the crowd of people and my heart started to race. We finally found a spot that was good. The music was loud and I could tell she was nervous because her head was down. I took her other hand and moved in a little closer, God I was nervous. My heart was beating so fast I swore she’d hear it, but we were just going to dance and dancing is something I am never afraid to do. We started to move a bit but her nerves were getting the best of her.

“Let the music take you over” I said leaning over toward her ear.

It didn’t take long for her to go with the music. I started to get nervous again and she could feel it.

“Just let the music take you over” she said repeating my words. She looked up and smiled and I smiled back.

It felt like a dream the way we were. Our bodies moving together felt like electricity every time we were close. We moved in unison her moves matching mine; she was a natural dancer I could tell. I stole a glance at the bar and seen Daesung cheering me on.

We danced for what felt like an hour until we were both pulled away. The dream ended and the feeling of electricity faded away. I was being pulled by TOP and Daesung. I turned my head back to see if the girl was still there but she too had been pulled away. They continued to pull me until we were outside.

There were tons of people from the club outside. I tried to search for her but TOP had a strong hold on my arm and wouldn’t let me go. Suddenly I spotted her and she spotted me. A man with short brown hair was holding her hand; Aing that must be her boyfriend! She smiled at me and then was once again pulled away. I sighed and TOP pulled me to the van. We got in and the other hyungs were waiting for us, then we started to drive.

“What happened in there while I was dancing?” I asked.

“A fight broke out, sorry about interrupting your dance but we had to leave” Seungri said still with a sadden look on his face. I was going to ask if he was alright but he looked like he didn’t want to talk about it.

I sighed and leaned my head against the window. It was pitch dark but the lights from the street lamps and buildings lit the streets.

I thought about the beautiful girl and her smile, I sighed once more. I can’t believe I didn’t want to come to Rocsi’s; I had a good time. I closed my eyes the van was quiet; I assumed it was because everyone was tired. I drifted off into a light sleep, dreaming of the girl and our perfect dance.



A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update this. I have final end of the year projects and they've been killing me x(... but luckily i'm almost through with them and i'll be able to update more often. I just had to put this chapter up, i've been writing it while in class so i hope you like it:) seeya!

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Starlightshine #1
MEH YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU UPDATED! T.T but I know you're busy so you're forgiven. :)<br />
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Hmm, the title? I'm guessing it's Kiss because that's the only Korean song Dara sang... Unless you're talking about her Tagalog songs (and I only know In Or Out). Although how come there's a kiss? It's the midst of drama now :O this just made me more excited! Can't wait for the update!
skyl_YB #2
Amaya hehehehe.. i remember someone!!amaya!!
Starlightshine #3
Actually for the polls I wanted to say I don't side with anybody, but since there's only 2 choices I chose Amaya. I can understand Tyler's point of view, but since he said he was her best friend shouldn't he try and think why she would lie to him (or rather withheld information from him)? I just feel that Tyler should be more sensitive.<br />
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So... I also reread the foreword of this fic. Is Amaya going to leave Korea then? Giving up this wonderful opportunity to escape everything again? And will Tyler tell anybody? :O Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #4
Omo... I think I get it. Tyler knows of Amaya's secret already. I'm guessing the paper is probably a picture of Amaya and her family or sth... He deliberately brought her here because he knew what the significance of the place was to her and he wanted to see how she would react. Amaya's breakdown was what confirmed his suspicions about her identity. AM I RIGHT?! :D<br />
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Soooo... What would Tyler do? What would Amaya do? Omo, I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #5
Haha everyone could see Taeyang and Amaya's relationship, those two should just date already! /grins/ Ah, thanks for the update! ^^<br />
Um, a long walk is... A tour? Journey? O.o and it should be Big Bang's Remember, the only song I could think of...
ohmyyoungbae #6
it's bigbang's remember! :D hehe^^ thank you for the update! is she going to tell her secret soon? :o
Starlightshine #7
I confess, I was grinning away like an idiot when I read this chapter. Ahhh, Kori and Amaya are so lucky /pouts/ me want to go to the beach with hot guys too! 5 certain hot guys to be exact XD and LOL Amaya the klutz! She should wear a protective body armour LOL~ hahaha burying the guys in the sand? They actually fell for the trick LMAO! And those cars /drool
ohmyyoungbae #8
hahahhaahhaahhaha^^ is the sing connection? hehe, thank you for the updateeee~
Starlightshine #9
Aww this chappie just shows their cute and dorky side. Squee~ I wanna hug them lol!!<br />
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'“The shoe hit me” he whined.' -> serves you right Ji for having so many shoes! XD<br />
Thanks for the update! ^^
@ohmyyoungbae yes so it will come and there will be a surprise ^^