Stay or Go MPOV




I reached my apartment and ran to my bedroom.

MingLee why did you run out like that and just leave Taeyang, he probably thinks I’m crazy. Why did he have to accidently tell me the good news of Korea? We have to go to Korea, of all places why there?

Three rapid knocks knocked at my door and it broke my frantic thoughts. I got up and answered it right away thinking it was Tyler coming to talk to me but to my surprise it wasn’t. I opened the door and seen Daesung standing there with half a smile on his face.

“Um…hey Daesung what are you doing here?” I asked off guard.

“Well I wanted to talk to…Tyler and I seen you run out and I wanted to make sure you were okay, Tyler told me where to find you” he said shuffling his feet side to side.

“Oh…well come in please” I said letting him in. We sat down in the kitchen on the dining room chairs.

“So what’s up?” I asked trying to sound okay.

“Well why’d you leave out so fast, was it something YoungBae said?” he asked curiously.

“YoungBae?” I asked puzzled on the name.

“Taeyang I mean” he apologized lightly tapping his head.

“Oh…well kind of” I said

“What was it he said?”

“Well he told me that the dancers were leaving to go to Korea” I said looking at him.

“Korea?” he questioned.

“Yeah, Korea”

“Wait… what about Korea made you leave off like that?” he asked trying to make sense of it all.

“It’s just going to Korea” I said trying to come up with some answer that wasn’t the truth.

“Is it because you’ve been to Korea sometime before?”

“No I’ve never been” I lied.

“Well do you know anyone form Korea or do you have any family history there?” he asked still confused.

“Um, I’m half Korean and my parents did live there but I was raised in the States so any family history that existed there stopped when my parents moved here” I said quickly thinking up something fast.

“So then what’s the problem with leaving to go to Korea?”

Ugh, why did Daesung insist on asking so many questions? Why couldn’t Tyler just come to check on me it would be easier to explain to him rather than to Daesung. I had to think of something quick without telling the truth but not telling a drastic lie.

“Leaving is the problem, I don’t want to leave here…since I’ve been on my own I’ve been living my dream” I said which was the truth.

“Tell me…what is your dream?” he asked suddenly amused.

“Well it’s to become one of the best dancers out there that I can be; I just need something big to open the door”

“Did you hear what you just said right now?” he asked me.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“You said you’re looking for something big, what’s bigger than dancing with Big Bang, a group known by some in almost everyone part of the world, especially in the east!” he said boasting about the group.

“Well I don’t know…I just don’t want to give up everything I worked so hard to gain back” I said looking down at the table.

“Well what’s some of the things you’ve worked hard to gain back?”

“Happiness” I said with a solid answer. That was true; ever since my dad died it had been hard for me to find happiness again.

“Well if you love to dance and believe me you’re a great dancer then shouldn’t dancing in front of many people make you happy” he said smiling.

“Yeah but that’s n…” I cut myself off any more and I would have spilled my guts.

“Look this is a once in a life time kind of opportunity you can’t just let it pass you by. Who knows maybe leaving here could help you find happiness again. Sometimes you have to take a chance on things by leaving them behind and starting somewhere new. We leave on Wednesday so you still have time to think about it.” He said looking at his watch.

“I gotta go soon, the hyungs will get worried about my well being but if I could say one more thing, Big Bang could really use a great dancer like you” he said getting up. I walked him to the door and he smiled. “The decision is yours Amaya” he said calling down the hall.

I went back into my bedroom; boy did I have a lot to think about. Daesung made a lot of good points.

Would I stay or would I go to Korea?



A/N: Okay so we still don't know why Amaya doesn't want to go to Korea yet but maybe we will later and will she go or will she stay? And what about Taeyang, how does he feel? Hmm lots of questions to ask with this update. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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Starlightshine #1
MEH YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU UPDATED! T.T but I know you're busy so you're forgiven. :)<br />
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Hmm, the title? I'm guessing it's Kiss because that's the only Korean song Dara sang... Unless you're talking about her Tagalog songs (and I only know In Or Out). Although how come there's a kiss? It's the midst of drama now :O this just made me more excited! Can't wait for the update!
skyl_YB #2
Amaya hehehehe.. i remember someone!!amaya!!
Starlightshine #3
Actually for the polls I wanted to say I don't side with anybody, but since there's only 2 choices I chose Amaya. I can understand Tyler's point of view, but since he said he was her best friend shouldn't he try and think why she would lie to him (or rather withheld information from him)? I just feel that Tyler should be more sensitive.<br />
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So... I also reread the foreword of this fic. Is Amaya going to leave Korea then? Giving up this wonderful opportunity to escape everything again? And will Tyler tell anybody? :O Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #4
Omo... I think I get it. Tyler knows of Amaya's secret already. I'm guessing the paper is probably a picture of Amaya and her family or sth... He deliberately brought her here because he knew what the significance of the place was to her and he wanted to see how she would react. Amaya's breakdown was what confirmed his suspicions about her identity. AM I RIGHT?! :D<br />
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Soooo... What would Tyler do? What would Amaya do? Omo, I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #5
Haha everyone could see Taeyang and Amaya's relationship, those two should just date already! /grins/ Ah, thanks for the update! ^^<br />
Um, a long walk is... A tour? Journey? O.o and it should be Big Bang's Remember, the only song I could think of...
ohmyyoungbae #6
it's bigbang's remember! :D hehe^^ thank you for the update! is she going to tell her secret soon? :o
Starlightshine #7
I confess, I was grinning away like an idiot when I read this chapter. Ahhh, Kori and Amaya are so lucky /pouts/ me want to go to the beach with hot guys too! 5 certain hot guys to be exact XD and LOL Amaya the klutz! She should wear a protective body armour LOL~ hahaha burying the guys in the sand? They actually fell for the trick LMAO! And those cars /drool
ohmyyoungbae #8
hahahhaahhaahhaha^^ is the sing connection? hehe, thank you for the updateeee~
Starlightshine #9
Aww this chappie just shows their cute and dorky side. Squee~ I wanna hug them lol!!<br />
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'“The shoe hit me” he whined.' -> serves you right Ji for having so many shoes! XD<br />
Thanks for the update! ^^
@ohmyyoungbae yes so it will come and there will be a surprise ^^