Amaya's Twin!? TYPOV



A/N: So I fast forward the story 2 weeks later, it just made sense that way, enjoy!


2 weeks later

“Okay, everybody 30 minute break” Jiyong called to all of us.

Everyone collapsed and cheered at the leaders words. We’ve been working nonstop for an hour practicing the chorography for each song. Our comeback was in one more week and Jiyong had been drilling us to do everything perfectly. Not that I minded but the new dancers seemed to be dying well except for Tyler, Kori and Amaya. When I thought of her name I looked over and spotted her.

She was sitting down stretching with Kori. It’s been a total of 3 weeks since she’s been here in Korea and I’ve been enjoying those weeks with her. Our relationship has been growing closer with each minute we spend together and I’m falling for her more and more.

“YoungBae-ah” Daesung said standing next to me.

“Neh?” I asked not taking my eyes off of Amaya.

“Why don’t you just go and ask her out” he said watching my gaze.

“That’s not such a good idea” I said.

“Well why not? I mean you do like her right?’ he asked.


“And you do want to be with her right?”


“So then why don’t you ask her out?”

“Because it’s not that simple” I said looking at Daesung.

“Okay, everybody let’s get back to work” Jiyong said clapping his hands together.

We all got back into position and practiced to “Somebody to Love”

30 minutes later

“Good job everyone” Jiyong said as he dismissed us.

I went over to Amaya and Kori as Daesung came along with me.

“Hey hyung you wanna go grab something to eat?” he asked as we approached the girls.

“Ooo can I come too? I’m starving” Amaya asked holding her stomach.

“Sure I’ll gather some of the others” Daesung said disappearing.

Seungri walked over to us and smiled shyly when he seen Kori. Hmm, does he like her?

“Um...hey you guys” he said.

“Hey Seungri!” the girls said happily as I waved.

“We were just about to go out and eat with Daesung wanna come with?” Kori asked smiling.

“Um…actually I was wondering if we could go out and eat” he said rubbing the back of his neck.

“Oh, of course” she said smiling.”See you guys” Kori squealed as she was led away.

“Do those two…” I trailed off.

“Yeah, well I mean one of them” Amaya said laughing at Seungri’s awkwardness.

Daesung came back with Max and Tyler and then we left. We walked out of the building and into an unknown restaurant. Inside the restaurant was nothing but green leafy food, leave it to Daesung to take us to a place like this.

Daesung happily led us to a table when I noticed that Amaya and Tyler were still at the door, so I walked back.

“Come you guys lets go sit” I said to them.

Tyler shook his head and Amaya crossed her arms.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I need actual food like meat” she said holding her stomach again.

Her stomach growled as Tyler and I laughed.

“Okay meat it is” I said glancing over at Daesung. Him and Max were too busy conversing; they didn’t even notice that we haven’t sat down. We quickly left the healthy restaurant and walked down the street to a chicken place. Amaya and I went in to order the food as Tyler waited outside.


(Tyler POV btw.)

I was standing outside the chicken place waiting for Amaya and Taeyang. I started pacing around the sidewalk when I noticed a girl hanging something up. She looked like she needed help so I went over to offer my assistants. I tapped her shoulder and when she turned I thought I seen a ghost.

“Amaya, I thought you went in to get food with Taeyang” I said surprised.

The girl looked confused and then she smiled.

“I’m not Amaya” she said looking at me innocently.

I stared at her dumbfounded as I took another look at her. She was wearing different clothes from Amaya and was an inch shorter than her too. But when I got to her face it yelled Amaya all over it. The way she smiled everything, could this be Amaya’s twin!?

“Are you sure?” I asked titling my head at her.

“Yes I’m very sure” she said laughing at my expression.

“I’m sorry it’s just that you look like my best friend Amaya, just like her” I said shaking my head.

“It’s alright” she smiled as she shuffled the paper in her hand. I had forgotten why I had approached her.

“Do you need help?” I asked.

“Um, yeah could you hold these, I’m not good at balancing things” she said handing me a couple of papers.

I looked down at them they were missing flyers with her face on it. Huh, I don’t get it why would she be handing out flyers of herself that said missing.

“Um, excuse me but why are you putting up flyers of you, you’re not missing are you?” I asked.

She giggled at my question.”These aren’t of me, they’re of my sister” she replied.

“Oh, you guys look alike…when did she go missing? If you don’t mind me asking” I said hoping I wasn’t being too much of a pest.

“Back in 2006” she said putting up one of the posters.

 “4 years and you’re still looking” I said doing the math.

“Well every year my mom makes me put them up, I really don’t know her reasoning for it though” she shrugged.

I looked down at the flyers I was holding; underneath the picture was the girl’s sister’s name. It read Choi MingLee, hmm where had I heard that name before?

“How old are?” I asked as the name still rang in my head.

“18, oh I’m sorry, I’m Choi Min Ki” she said offering her hand. I shook it with my free hand.

“I’m Tyler”

“Well thank you Tyler for your help” she said taking back the flyers. Before she could leave Taeyang came out of the store.

They both froze and stared at each other with shock.

“Eh, how did you get out her so fast?” he asked looking behind him and then back at her.

“Oh, Taeyang this is Min Ki” I said introducing the two.

“You’re T-taeyang” she squealed lending her hand out to shake his.

“But you look just like Amaya” he said as he shook her hand.

Amaya soon stepped out and stared at all of us.

“Amaya you didn’t tell us you had a sister” Taeyang said looking between the two.

“I don’t have a sister, I’m an only child” she said looking at the girl.

“I’m Min Ki” she said smiling holding out her hand as Amaya shook it.”They keep calling me you” she laughed.
“Well that’s because you two look alike” I said still looking at her.

Something caught Amaya’s eye, it was the flyer the girl had put up.

“What is that?” she asked pointing at the flyer.

“Oh, it’s a missing flyer of my sister Choi MingLee” Min Ki said.

“Amaya that looks like you” I said looking at the picture of the girl. I’ve seen this picture before too as well as the name but I can’t remember when.

Amaya stood there shocked as if she was panicking.

“I don’t see a resemblance and plus I don’t have a sister” she said looking away from the poster. She gave the food to Taeyang and started to walk off as Taeyang and I stared. What was wrong with her?

I apologized to Min Ki and we exchanged numbers as I kept one of her flyers. Taeyang had went after Amaya as I looked at the girl on the flyers face, trying to remember where it was I seen it before.



A/N: At last the first chapter that counts down the drama! Hmm, what’s going on here it seems like Tyler’s on to something^^ kekeke but that’s top secret right now!

This chapter took me a while to write and it’s all Tyler’s fault.LOL. I had to go back and add a part for him deleting most of Taeyang’s part and starting over again:/ its weird how new ideas form:)

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the opening drama of the story. Tell me what you think about it! And Thanks you guys for reading and subscribing<3

P.S: Did anyone know that Lee Joon from MBLAQ was in Ninja Assassin, it’s like my favorite movie in the whole world and I just found this out yesterday? Anyways seeya guys!

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Starlightshine #1
MEH YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU UPDATED! T.T but I know you're busy so you're forgiven. :)<br />
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Hmm, the title? I'm guessing it's Kiss because that's the only Korean song Dara sang... Unless you're talking about her Tagalog songs (and I only know In Or Out). Although how come there's a kiss? It's the midst of drama now :O this just made me more excited! Can't wait for the update!
skyl_YB #2
Amaya hehehehe.. i remember someone!!amaya!!
Starlightshine #3
Actually for the polls I wanted to say I don't side with anybody, but since there's only 2 choices I chose Amaya. I can understand Tyler's point of view, but since he said he was her best friend shouldn't he try and think why she would lie to him (or rather withheld information from him)? I just feel that Tyler should be more sensitive.<br />
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So... I also reread the foreword of this fic. Is Amaya going to leave Korea then? Giving up this wonderful opportunity to escape everything again? And will Tyler tell anybody? :O Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #4
Omo... I think I get it. Tyler knows of Amaya's secret already. I'm guessing the paper is probably a picture of Amaya and her family or sth... He deliberately brought her here because he knew what the significance of the place was to her and he wanted to see how she would react. Amaya's breakdown was what confirmed his suspicions about her identity. AM I RIGHT?! :D<br />
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Soooo... What would Tyler do? What would Amaya do? Omo, I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #5
Haha everyone could see Taeyang and Amaya's relationship, those two should just date already! /grins/ Ah, thanks for the update! ^^<br />
Um, a long walk is... A tour? Journey? O.o and it should be Big Bang's Remember, the only song I could think of...
ohmyyoungbae #6
it's bigbang's remember! :D hehe^^ thank you for the update! is she going to tell her secret soon? :o
Starlightshine #7
I confess, I was grinning away like an idiot when I read this chapter. Ahhh, Kori and Amaya are so lucky /pouts/ me want to go to the beach with hot guys too! 5 certain hot guys to be exact XD and LOL Amaya the klutz! She should wear a protective body armour LOL~ hahaha burying the guys in the sand? They actually fell for the trick LMAO! And those cars /drool
ohmyyoungbae #8
hahahhaahhaahhaha^^ is the sing connection? hehe, thank you for the updateeee~
Starlightshine #9
Aww this chappie just shows their cute and dorky side. Squee~ I wanna hug them lol!!<br />
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'“The shoe hit me” he whined.' -> serves you right Ji for having so many shoes! XD<br />
Thanks for the update! ^^
@ohmyyoungbae yes so it will come and there will be a surprise ^^