Panda's Kiss MPOV



“SEUNGRIIII STOP, AHHH!  AMAYA HELPP MEE, BRING A PILLOW!!!” Kori screamed from the top of her lungs.

 I ran out of my room with a pillow in hand ready to help Kori break away from the panda. Seungri, Kori, and I have been play fighting since practice was over; I was currently taking a break when Kori cried for help.  As soon as I looked out into the living room I seen no one.

“Seungri where are you hiding her” I called out. I was expecting Seungri to pop out and scare me but nothing happened. I stepped into the living room and still nothing. The only place they could be is behind the couch.

I quietly tip toed over to the couch and stood on my knees. I peeked over and my eyes widen.

“Omo” I gasped.

Kori’s eyes opened and she stopped as she stared at me in shock, Seungri looked up and his cheeks flushed pink. I stumbled back and fell off the couch.

“Ouch!” I cried in pain as I checked my arm for injuries.

They both peeked their heads out from the couch and glared at me.

“I SAW NOTHING!” I yelled running in my room.

I heard footsteps and I thought for sure that they were coming for me but the sound went right pass my door. I took a sigh of relief and then a wide grin formed across my face. Seungri and Kori kissed!


After Kori’s cry for help I was sure Amaya was armed and ready to help defeat me. I took her behind the couch as she pushed me beside her. My arms were tightly wrapped around her waist so she couldn’t break away and run again.

She was squirming around trying to get out of my grip until I rolled myself on top of her. She was alert by my sudden movement and screamed.

“Seungri I’m going to kill you when I get free” she muttered still moving.

“HELP!” she screamed.

“Hush you don’t want Amaya to find us” I said looking down at her as she moved around trying to push me off.

“AMAYA!!!” she yelled again as she tried to push me off.

“Seungri where are you hiding her” Amaya called.

Kori was about to scream again and I didn’t want Amaya to find us, I was enjoying this game. She opened to yell when I crushed my lips to hers. She was caught by surprise and I thought she was going to push me off and hit me for this action but to my surprise she kissed me back.

We were like that until Amaya spotted us and Kori broke the kiss.

“I SAW NOTHING” she yelled as she ran off to her room. Kori got up and I followed her as she went to her room. She sat down on her bed and I sat beside her. Her head was down and I looked at her, I was beginning to think that she didn’t enjoy the kiss.

“I’m sor…” I was going to apologize when a big pillow came flying across my face.

“Oww, what was that?” I asked holding my face. Another hit came at me.

“I told you I was going to kill you when I got free” she said hitting me again.

“AHHH STOP!” I screamed.

“NEVER” she yelled hitting me with the pillow.


I stayed in my room not sure if it was safe to leave until I heard a loud thump. Screams and laughs came after with more thumps and bangs against the wall. What were they doing in there? Oh no could it be…they can’t be doing that. My imagination started to run wild as I thought of what the noises could mean until a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

“Amaya you in there?” someone asked as they peeked through the door.

I was sitting against the wall when YoungBae walked in.


“I’m down here” I said getting up from the floor.

“What are you doing down there?” he asked.

Another loud bang hit the wall as I laughed pointing to the wall.

“Who’s in there?”

“Seungri and Kori” I giggled.

He looked at me in disbelief as a scream escaped through the walls.

“Are they…?”

“I don’t know, why don’t you go look” I said pushing him towards Kori’s room.

Taeyang peeked in the door and laughed.

“AING HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!” Seungri yelled.

“I should be asking you the same thing” he said laughing.


I peeked my head in and Seungri was on top of Kori on her bed. I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed.

“SEUNGRI AND KORI FIGHTING” I yelled as YoungBae pulled me out of the dorm.


A/N: Heyy, did you enjoy this chapter! Kori and Seungri:) Took a break from the drama and wrote this as a celebration of getting up to 1,000 views^^ I never thought I would have that many so thank you guys for reading and subscribing and showing love to my story. It really means a lot, wish I could give you all hugs *open arms* :D. I’m really excited like seriously I thought no one would even pay attention to my story so thanks again guys:)


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Starlightshine #1
MEH YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU UPDATED! T.T but I know you're busy so you're forgiven. :)<br />
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Hmm, the title? I'm guessing it's Kiss because that's the only Korean song Dara sang... Unless you're talking about her Tagalog songs (and I only know In Or Out). Although how come there's a kiss? It's the midst of drama now :O this just made me more excited! Can't wait for the update!
skyl_YB #2
Amaya hehehehe.. i remember someone!!amaya!!
Starlightshine #3
Actually for the polls I wanted to say I don't side with anybody, but since there's only 2 choices I chose Amaya. I can understand Tyler's point of view, but since he said he was her best friend shouldn't he try and think why she would lie to him (or rather withheld information from him)? I just feel that Tyler should be more sensitive.<br />
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So... I also reread the foreword of this fic. Is Amaya going to leave Korea then? Giving up this wonderful opportunity to escape everything again? And will Tyler tell anybody? :O Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #4
Omo... I think I get it. Tyler knows of Amaya's secret already. I'm guessing the paper is probably a picture of Amaya and her family or sth... He deliberately brought her here because he knew what the significance of the place was to her and he wanted to see how she would react. Amaya's breakdown was what confirmed his suspicions about her identity. AM I RIGHT?! :D<br />
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Soooo... What would Tyler do? What would Amaya do? Omo, I can't wait to find out! Thanks for the update!
Starlightshine #5
Haha everyone could see Taeyang and Amaya's relationship, those two should just date already! /grins/ Ah, thanks for the update! ^^<br />
Um, a long walk is... A tour? Journey? O.o and it should be Big Bang's Remember, the only song I could think of...
ohmyyoungbae #6
it's bigbang's remember! :D hehe^^ thank you for the update! is she going to tell her secret soon? :o
Starlightshine #7
I confess, I was grinning away like an idiot when I read this chapter. Ahhh, Kori and Amaya are so lucky /pouts/ me want to go to the beach with hot guys too! 5 certain hot guys to be exact XD and LOL Amaya the klutz! She should wear a protective body armour LOL~ hahaha burying the guys in the sand? They actually fell for the trick LMAO! And those cars /drool
ohmyyoungbae #8
hahahhaahhaahhaha^^ is the sing connection? hehe, thank you for the updateeee~
Starlightshine #9
Aww this chappie just shows their cute and dorky side. Squee~ I wanna hug them lol!!<br />
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'“The shoe hit me” he whined.' -> serves you right Ji for having so many shoes! XD<br />
Thanks for the update! ^^
@ohmyyoungbae yes so it will come and there will be a surprise ^^