Bling Bling Spy

SHINee's Juliette

BEHOLD. The Chapter's poster XD

Okay~ Guys, the next chapter preview that I posted last chapter was NOT it. I'M SORRY ~ >.<
It should supposed to be another. But anyway, please enjoy this chapter and sorry for confusing Mistake I've done~

Note: This chapter is Jonghyun's POV all through out.

A-yo! I’m back!


You want me to rap?

In your dreams, I can’t rap :p

Pfft, so much for the intro.

Annyeong Haseyo! SHINee’s Bling Bling Jonghyun imnida.

I know that you already knew who I am but today, is no schedule day!

So Bling Bling Jonghyun is going to disguise as.......

*drum roll*

 Bling Bling Spy! :D

Why? You’ll see *y wink*

*flashback; 7:30 in the morning*

“Good Morning~” I sang as I smiled at Minki. Every morning, just as always, he wouldn’t dare to look at me even I’m in front of him. He would just nod or bow or say ‘good morning’ also but he’ll look at the other direction.

“Neh” he nods and walked past by me, leaving me pouting again.

“It’s your fault not putting clothes on first, don’t you know that he’s like more innocent than Taemin that’s why he’s like that?” Key said as he places our breakfast in the table.

More innocent? Maybe that’s why he blushes everytime he sees me half o_o

But, he has his own set of his manly body right? Why should he blush? Aish. what a weird kid.

I was walking in the hallway to our room when I heard his voice echoed inside the bathroom.

“Neh, what color dress are you going to wear?”

“hmm, maybe I’ll just wear anything yellow why’d you ask?”I heard the voice from another line. It sounds like a girl.

Minki? Going on a date with a girl? Omo.

“I see, then I’ll be wearing purple ok? Let’s meet at the SME entrance” I heard him say.

“Okay~ saranghae bbye”

“nado saranghae~ see ya”

S-sa-saranghae?! He has a girlfriend? Oh my gosh I need to tell Key yeobo about this! But I want to confirm if it’s really true. I’m gonna spy his date ㅋㅋㅋ~

*end of flashback*


Okay~ it’s been 2 hours since they others went out and Minki isn’t coming out from his room yet. Maybe he’s having trouble choosing what he’ll wear for his date.

I think it’s time for the Bling Bling to help him. :D

“Hyung? Do you have any schedules? Why are you still here?” I heard Minki ask behind me. I turn around and answered,

“I don’t have any schedule today, I—“

Why the heck is he wearing a random shirt and sweat pants?! I thought he’s going on a date today—

“You what?” he asked,

“I-I’m just staying home...y-yeah, I’ll just stay home” I stammered, he nodded and went towards the front door. Just then, I realized that he was carrying a big black paper bag.

“Yah, where are you going?” I asked, pretending that I don’t know anything.

“Hmmm? Outside” he grinned and went out.


Outside my . Of course I know you’re going outside but where in the outside?! Aish.

Anyway, I hurriedly grabbed my glasses and beanie then went out of the dorm and followed him.

Bling Bling Spy on mission. B-)


I watched Minki as he entered SME and bowed to the guards; I sneakily followed him and stopped in the entrance. While at the entrance, I noticed that one of the guards are looking at me weirdly.

Oh, I’m still on my disguise. ^^;

I quickly took of my beanie and glasses and bowed at the guard who just chuckled and nodded.

After 30 minutes

What took him so long?! It’s been half an hour yet he’s still inside?! What happened to his date?

Just as I was about to enter the building, I saw Sunny noona who was wearing a sundress that reaches above her knees, skipping towards the entrance too. (a/n: the one that she wears is the one in the middle)

“Annyeong haseyo Sunny noona!” I smiled as I bowed.

“Oh, Jonghyun-ah, Annyeong! What are you doing here? I thought you have schedules?” she asked as we both walked through the entrance

“Uh, actually, I have none today” I replied.

“Then what are you doing here?” she asked again.

“Just hanging around~” I half-lied.

“Oh” she muttered.

“So, what are you doing here?” I asked this time.

“I’m meeting up with someone” she smiled, bwoh? Could she be the one Minki talking over the phone with? I thought he has a girlfriend, sigh. I better should go home no—

“Sunny-unnie~” I heard a girl called out, I look up to see who the girl is and much to my surprise, I saw a beautiful lady wearing a purple dress that reach down her knees. she has those feline-like chocolate brown eyes, long wavy brownish-red hair, thin plum lips and pinkish complexion. She seemed, familiar.

“Oh! Yun Hee-ah~” I heard Sunny noona called as she run toward her and hugged her.

“I see you really wore yellow” I heard her chuckle, her voice sounded music to my ears.

Wah, stop those cheesy lines.

“Hehe, Oh by the way, Jonghyun-ah meet my cousin, Yun Hee. Yunnie-ah, this is Jonghyun, you know him right?” Sunny noona said as she looks at the both of us.

“Neh, he’s from SHINee right?” Yun Hee said as she smiled.

Omo~ wait. ISN’T SHE YUN CHOU?!


That’s why she seemed familiar! But why is her name Yun Hee? Which is which?! ><

“A-annyeong haseyo, SHINee’s Bling Bling Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun imnida” I stammered as I bowed and held out my hand.

“Annyeong haseyo, Park Yun Hee imnida” she smiled as she bowed and gladly shook my hand. Oh~ so soft

She didn’t freak out and hugged me like a fangirl?! Woah.

“Oh, Yun Hee-ah, I’m just going to get something upstairs, can you wait for me?” Sunny noona said as she went to the elevator.

“Neh, I can wait” she nodded.

“Uhm, Yu...Yun Hee-ssi?” I called, I NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH and this is MY CHANCE.


“Why did you tell Onew hyung that your name is Yun Chou?”

I saw her gulp and her eyes widened a bit.

“W-well, I uh, I do not really give my name to someone whom I just met” she said, averting her gaze from me.


“Oh, that’s why” I smiled.

“Please tell him I’m sorry” she sighed as she looks down and bite her lower lip.


Silence came over the next minute, I just observed the people going in and out the building.

No signs of Minki. Omo~

“So” she broke the silence,

“Why are you here Jonghyun-ssi?” she asked.

“I’m looking for Minki, I kinda overheard that he’s going on a date today so I decided to spy on him. You know him right?” I grinned.


“How long have you known each other? Oh yeah, you’re his cousin right?”


She mumbled some words that I couldn’t understand but I heard some words like ‘caught’ and ‘dead’

“Did you say something?”

“U-uhm, none Jonghyun-ssi” she stammered.

“Drop the –ssi, just call me Jonghyun”


“How old are you? When is your birthday?”

“I’m 18 and my birthday is on June 26”

“Oh, then you should call me Jonghyun-oppa then” I grinned, trying to suppress my smirk.

“Okay, Jonghyun o-op-oppa” she stuttered and blush. Aigoo~ she called me oppa kyaaa~ no wonder Onew hyung likes her. She’s so cute. XD

“You’re tall for a girl” I suddenly blurted out when I saw that she’s wearing purple flats.

And she’s still taller than me ㅠ_ㅠ

“Ahahahahaha, I can’t blame the genes” she laughed.


“Yun Hee~ Let’s go” Sunny noona appeared as she clung her arm into hers and waved goodbye.

“Annyeong Jonghyun-ah~” she sang as Yun Hee bowed and they walked off.

Sunny noona is wearing heels and Yun Hee’s still taller than her~ noooooooo!

Why did my growth spurt stopped!? ㅠ_ㅠ


Aish. I think I'd better go home.

Bling Bling Spy Mission FAILED.


okay, that was unfinished? yeah it's really unfinished XD
Well because my dad called me to change the bandage on his newly operated stomach. just sharin' :p

Anyways~ yeah, please comment and tell me what do you think about this Bling Bling Chapter.

And THANK YOU NEW SUBSCRIBERS: KawaiiMeansGily and iJennyHa


@mari_038: it's okay dear, anyway, yeah. They are going weird each day because the author is also weird. LOL jk. XD

@CookiesILikeCookies: Yeah, I thought of that also but isn't it kinda no, SUPER weird? LOL. 

@sharehappyness: LMAO why didn't I thought of that!? You're a genius bb. XD Poor Onew~ I bet he'll gonna eat chicken all day to get over it or he'll gonna kill Minki/Yun Hee XD

@everydaynine: hmm~ Onew is attracted to Yun Hee/Yun Chou so it's obvious that he likes her but then he saw Minki/YunHee has pictures of herself so he was just overprotective and the others thought of that also. :p

Next Chapter Preview: (and this is REAL now~)


Her soft hands, her blush and her smile seemed familiar.

Even her face, it looks like really familiar. 

Park. isn't it Minki's surname?! but I thought he was an only child? 

Something fishy is going on here.


'What the heck? What are those bumps?!' 


"Wah~ Jonghyun hyung! My eyes are not anymore~" I heard Taemin whined inside Jonghyun-oppa and Minho-oppa's room. For all I know, I'm the main freaking reason behind it.

- Bbye~

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1