Without a Goodbye

SHINee's Juliette



‘Super Junior’s Cho Kyuhyun and SHINee’s Park Yunhee Caught Making Out In An Alley Beside A Club!’

               At 11:30 pm last night, two fans were just passing by and saw SHINee’s Park Yunhee, together with her label mate, Super Junior’s Cho Kyuhyun, kissing each other in an alley beside the Crescent Moon Club.

“At first, we thought she was with someone else, but then when the guy spoke, we figured out that it was Kyuhyun oppa” one of the two stated.

“We actually bet that the two were drunk since they were beside the club” the other stated.

Right now, SM Entertainment hasn’t released any statement or reaction to this report.


Yunhee’s hand shook violently as her eyes landed on the pictures of her kissing someone who was standing in the dark but she’s sure it was Kyuhyun.

‘N-no…this can’t be. T-that scene was just a dream…r-right?’she thought, looking up at her uncle.

“U-uncle, do you really believe this? I-I mean, it can be Ara unnie—“

“Go Ara is in Busan for her shooting Yunhee.” Lee Soo Man looked at her sternly.

“And besides, you are way taller than her so it’s easy to differentiate who is who”

“B-but uncle…I swear! I-I didn’t know anything about this! I can’t remember anyt—“

“Because you’re drunk? Save your explanations in front of your members”

“What?” Yunhee stared at him in disbelief and as if on cue, the door opened and Super Junior and SHINee members entered the office.

Yunhee turned around and saw the disbelief in SHINee’s faces…especially Key.

Kyuhyun slowly stepped forward beside Yunhee, fear and guilt visible on his face.

“CHO KYUHYUN, WHAT HAVE THE TWO OF YOU HAD DONE?!” Soo Man hollered, making the two visibly flinch, same with the others who were at the back.

“Sir, it’s my entire fault. Please don’t blame it all on Yunhee” Kyuhyun pleaded.

“But the two of you is at fault for this scandal! Look at what the two of you have caused; SHINee and Super Junior’s reputation is at stake because of your carelessness!” Soo Man turned around to his glass window that had a great view to the city of Seoul.

“About how many times do I have to tell you that once you enter the world of idol business here in SM Entertainment, you are not allowed to have any affair with your label mates?! Kyuhyun, how dare you stain my niece just like that? Do you think it’s legal for an underage like her to drink?! And you Yunhee, do you think your mom will be happy to know this if she’s still here?!” Soo Man roared carelessly.

The SHINee members’ ears perked up after hearing what the CEO had said, knowing that he pushed a dangerous button from Yunhee. With that, Yunhee looked at him with hatred and anger on her eyes.

“Uncle..how dare you include my mother in this as she has nothing to do with it. You know, you’re a monster. Why would you stop us from choosing what kind of people we should not or should be with? It’s not like you are the one who controls our entire life. YOU ARE JUST TREATING US LIKE DOLLS FOR MONEY—“

A hard, loud sound of slap filled the entire room as everyone’s eyes widened at Soo Man who slapped Yunhee on her left cheek hard, causing her to stumble on her right but fortunately, Kyuhyun caught her. Key was about to step forward but Onew stopped him from doing so.

“Don’t” Onew whispered to his dongsaeng who looked away from the hurtful sight in front of him.

Tears stung Yunhee’s eyes, pain was throbbing on her left cheek as she held it with her left hand. Despite the pain, she looked at her uncle with hurtful eyes as she said this statement:

“I thought you were my uncle. I thought you promised umma that no matter what happens you will take care of me and try to understand me. I thought I could trust you since you’re the one who took care of me after my parents left me….I guess not.” with that, she slightly pushed Kyuhyun away from her and strode out of the office, silence filling the room after.

Lee Soo Man looked at everyone who was in the room with mixed expressions. A sigh escapes his lips as he runs a hand through his hair.

“Soo Hee, what have I done?”



‘Ring Ding Dong~ Ring Ding Dong~ Rigi ding rigi ding ding ding~!!’

Loud music blasted from the dorm’s dance room when SHINee boys entered. Taemin took of his shoes, a sad frown visible in his face, same as Jonghyun and Onew, while Minho and Key had unreadable expressions in their faces.

‘Why is this happening?’they all thought, sitting on the living room silently, only the loud blast from the dance room can be heard.

“Who would talk to her?” Jonghyun asked, breaking the heavy silence among the members as he looked at them.

“Anyone. Maybe Key hyung since Yunhee is closer to him?” Minho looked at Key who had a sad expression in his eyes, obvious that he was the most affected of them all.

“W-why me? Onew hyung should! He’s the leader” Key said, standing up and walking to his, Onew’s and Taemin’s shared room and slightly slamming the door shut.

“Hyung..” Taemin mumbled sadly.

“Aish. Just let him be, it’s obvious that he’s the most affected among us. Let us all talk to her to be fair okay?” Onew said, looking at his dongsaengs who slightly nodded as they all stood up and went to the dorm’s dance room.



‘Rigi ding rigi ding ding ding…~’

Yunhee breathe heavily; sweat rolling on her neck and forehead as she looks at her reflection in the mirror. She hated her life right now like she wanted to dig a deep hole and disappear on it forever.

‘I wish everything was just a cruel joke’she thought bitterly.

A knock interrupted her thoughts as she looked up through the mirror to see Onew enter the room together with the other members except for Key.

“Yunhee-ah” Onew gave her a small smile as well as the others.

“W..what are you doing here?” she asked, turning around to face them.

“Noona, we’re just here to tell you that you are not alone okay? We are always going to be with you even through this times arasseo?” Taemin said, looking at his noona with hopeful eyes.

“And besides, remember when I had my scandal with Shin Se Kyung? You were always at my side. Now that you’re having yours, I’m here to protect and be with you this time.” Jonghyun smiled at her.

“Also… no matter what happens, what is SHINee when we are not supporting each other right?” Onew said.

“Even though SHINee’s reputation is at stake right now, we wouldn’t care less. Because SHINee is not SHINee right now without you Yunhee-ah” Minho gave her a gentle, comforting smile as he gently pat her back.

Tears welled up Yunhee’s eyes as she look at her oppas and dongsaeng helplessly, kneeling down she bowed which surprised the boys.

“Noona, don’t—“

“No, I want to say sorry for all the trouble I cause. I’m sorry because I used my emotions too much that made me do careless things like this. I’m sorry that I put SHINee in this kind of situation. I’m sorry, that I made you guys worry so much, especially Key oppa…I’m sorry..”

Yunhee sobbed, finally letting the tears she kept too long to spill. The others kneeled down and looked at each other sadly, seeing Yunhee cry in front of them for the first time.

“It’s alright Yunhee-ah. We already forgave you...we understand you alright? It’s okay…just cry…”

Jonghyun hugged her like a brother as he rub circles on her back soothingly. He looked at Onew, Minho and Taemin who sighed sadly, watching their Juliette cry her heart out.


Key bit back a sob as he watched Yunhee cry in Jonghyun’s arms from the small opening of the door. It pained him to see Yunhee suffer like this. Seeing Yunhee crying makes his heart ache very much. He cared for her of course, but then, remembering about Yunhee and Kyuhyun’s make out that became a scandal, he want to be angry at what she had done for he felt betrayed…yet he can’t.

‘Yunhee-ah, why can’t I bring myself to be angry at you?’



It was dinner time and the 5 were eating silently when the leader noticed something unusual, which is the empty seat beside Key.

“Guys, where’s Yunhee?” Onew asked, looking at his dongsaengs who paused eating.

“She’s in her room. Taemin told me she’s gonna eat later” Key said in a monotone voice as he stood up and placed his plate on the sink.

“I’ll just be in my room” Key muttered, audible enough for the leader to hear as he made his way towards the shared rooms and closed the door.


Key lay on his bed, staring at the white ceiling on top of him. He didn’t bother to open the lights since the moonlight was serving as the light of the room.

Closing his eyes, all he can see were images of Yunhee smiling, laughing…just being happy with him. He felt his heart race as his stomach churn and felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside. He opened his eyes and raised his right hand and stared at the silver ring resting on his ring finger with a sad, confused expression.

“Why do I feel this way every time I think of you Yunhee?”



“Yunhee, look at me” Lee Soo Man said, looking down at Yunhee who was sitting on her bed, her head down. Yunhee didn’t move an inch and just blinked at the floor, pretending that she didn’t hear a thing.

Soo Man sighed as he knelt down with one knee to lower himself to Yunhee’s eye level.

“I just wanted to say sorry for what I have done yesterday. I didn’t know what gotten into me when I slapped you. It’s just that maybe I was too stressed about the scandal involving you and Kyuhyun.” Soo Man said.

“…I’m sorry too…for saying those harsh words to you.” Yunhee mumbled, audible enough for her uncle to hear. Soo Man smiled a bit and patted her head before pulling her into a fatherly hug.

“It’s alright. I understand it my niece”

“But what is done is done and we can never turn back those mistakes. All we have to do is to correct them and start a new.” Yunhee said as Soo Man pulled away and gave her a pink form. She looked at it and reached out for a pen on her bedside table before signing the form.

SM Entertainment Termination Contract

“Are you sure you’re going to do this Yunhee-ah?” Soo Man muttered sadly.

“I still have a month right?” she looked at him with a sad smile, ignoring his question.

“Yeh, a month to hope that the scandal will die down so the termination of the contract you asked for will not ensue…”

Yunhee shook her head and passed him the form.

“It’s for the best uncle. For the best of you reputation, SME’s reputation…and SHINee’s reputation”

‘And to forget about Key oppa’ she thought bitterly.


3 weeks and 2 days later…

“Hey guys! Have you seen SHINee’s Juliette Japanese Version yet?!” a girl squealed, running to her friends as they walk to school.

“Oh! Yeah I’ve seen it!” her friend beamed.

“Any of you wondered why Yunhee unnie is not in the dance? I mean YES she is the ‘Juliette’ in the MV but why wasn’t she dancing?” the other friend asked.

“Maybe she’s going out from SHINee?”

“Well, the deserves it. She kissed Kyuhyun oppa FYI; I guess she already kissed the other members as well. Oh, and maybe she’s flirting with the other members when they are in their dorms. She deserves to be kicked out from SHINee.” Another one commented harshly.

“Yah! Aren’t you going too far?” the girl chided.

“Oh just shut up Sunjin, don’t think we didn’t know what you did for this scandal” the other girl spat as she went ahead her friends.

Sunjin’s other friends look at her with worry as she looked back with a guilty expression.

“I guess, she was right”


“It’s been almost a month ever since the KyuHee scandal broke out and up until now, their agen---“

Jonghyun turned off the TV with a bitter expression as he looked at Key who was sitting beside him. The rapper had an unreadable expression as his eyes linger on the blank screen, looking at it as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world.

“Kibum-ah…” Jonghyun called out softly, facing his dongsaeng. Key blinked and turned his head to look at him with a curious expression.

“What is it hyung?” he asked.

“Do you…you know, have feelings for Yunhee?” the older male scratched his head hesitantly,

“Feelings?” Key echoed his heart suddenly skipped a beat, remembering Yunhee.

“Yeah, like the feeling of love for Yunhee more than a dongsaeng and daughter?” Jonghyun asked.

 It’s now or never, he thought.

Key thought about it for a while,

Feelings of love?

I love Yunhee as my dongsaeng and my daughter. It’s called feelings of love too right? But more than that…? A part of me was saying yes and another was no.

“..err..I guess no?” he cringed at his own answer.

“Why are you asking this to me hyung?”

“You see… Yunhee…she actually lo—“

‘Umma~ pegopa~ Yunhee pegopa~!’ Key’s alarm rang, cutting Jonghyun off. He reached out for his phone and turned off the alarm before turning to Jonghyun.

“Sorry, what is it again hyung?” Key smiled.

“Nothing…it’s nothing” Jonghyun said

“If that’s the case, I’ll be going to deliver Yunhee’s food to the dance room now” the younger male said before disappearing in the kitchen.

“I guess, I can’t help in getting them together huh?” Jonghyun mumbled to himself.


‘Juliette kono koigokoro o~ Juliette kimi ni sasageyou ~Juliette amaku kaoru koe de~’

‘3 days more to go…’ Yunhee thought as she danced her life out inside the dance room. She’s been inside for the past 5 hours without eating anything yet.

She had no appetite anyway.


A knock interrupted Yunhee’s dancing as she stopped and turned around to see Key enter, holding a tray of food, which is her favorite bulgogi and a bar of her favorite chocolate.

“Figure out that you’re hungry by this time” Key smiled as he placed the tray on the couch.

“I’m not hungry” Yunhee coldly said, looking away. She was actually surprised that Key was actually the one who brought her food; it was either Minho or Taemin who brings her food to the dance room.

“Aish. Yunhee-yah, you should eat now! I know you’re hungry” he said, holding her wrist and dragging her to the couch.

“I said I’m not hungry!” she shouted, pulling her hand away from Key. But her stomach said otherwise when it growled audibly.

“See? You’re hungry!”

“I don’t care if I’m hungry or not! Why do you care anyway?!” she glared at him.

Key finally had it. Why is Yunhee being stubborn?! He thought angrily, loosing his patience.


“..I care for you Yunhee! But sometimes, you’re starting to be a pain in the !”


Yunhee felt a thousand knives stabbed her heart after hearing those words from the mouth of the one whom she loves. Key automatically put a hand over his mouth after telling those words at her.

“Y-Yunhee I- didn’t me—“

“Don’t worry Kibum” she looked at him and scoffed, walking to the door and opened it.

“I terminated my contract a long time ago, so I will be out from your life soon. Less pain in your right?” she bitterly said, walking out from the dance room without slamming the door shut, her tears were unnoticed by Key.


‘I terminated my contract a long time ago, so I will be out from your life soon. Less pain in your right?’

Her last words repeated inside Key’s head like a broken record, his hand shook violently as he stopped himself from punching the wall beside him. It was also the first time Yunhee called him by his real name without the word ‘oppa’ and it saddened him.

“How could this happen?” he whispered in a broken voice.


Why Yunhee?



3 days later…

“Noona, are you sure you’re okay alone? I mean, we all have schedule” Taemin asked Yunhee who was sitting in the living room.

“I’m alright, don’t worry Minnie” she smiled.

“If that’s the case we’re going now” Minho said, walking to the door.

“Annyeong oppas~” Yunhee beamed, waving to them.

Taemin was also about to go when a hand on his wrist stopped him from doing so.


“Taemin, can I hug you?” she asked, hiding her glassy eyes.

Taemin tilted his head in confusion but hugged her tight anyway, making her giggle.

“Thank you” she smiled, patting his cheek before pushing him towards the door.


When she saw that SHINee’s van already drove off, she went inside her room and took out her purple luggage and a bag. She fished her phone out from her pocket and dialed someone’s number as she arrange some letters in the table of the living room.


“Hello manager oppa? Can you pick me up right now?”

‘You’re ready?’

“Neh, please hurry up before they get back okay?”

‘Oh, arasso’



Annyeong~! It's been a while ^^

Sorry for not updating sooner. OTL.
Well anyway, I actually have an announcement to make.


SHINee's Juliette will have a SIDE STORY 

-  Its chapter is actually  about Yunhee's past before she became a SHINee member. [eg. how her parents died etc.] And also, I will put the side story during the times I've skipped in this fic. Well, not all but some 'important' sides. The rest is a surprise since I don't want to spoil you guys ^^. Oh, and the Side Story will just only have 20-25 chapters or less than that so yeah :)



SHINee's Juliette is ending in a few chapters ;_;
Maybe 3 or so? IDK. But ....I'm gonna miss Yunhee ~ D:


So anyway, to all my subscribers who stayed with me up until now, and also to the new ones,                                 



Up to the end, RiCa1826. ^^

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! H..h..h...how is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1