The Diva's Suspicion

SHINee's Juliette



“Good morning Minki-deul” Key greeted, smiling widely as Yun Hee stepped in the kitchen early in the morning.

“Morning umma~” she sighed as she sat in the chair and rest her head in the table.

“What’s wrong Minbaby?” he asked worriedly as he placed her meal in front of her,

“I had a nightmare” she pouted as she sat up and ate her breakfast like there’s no tomorrow.

Minho, Taemin, Onew and Jonghyun appeared the next second and the umma placed their meals in front of them and they all started to eat.

“Yun— Minki-ah, don’t eat like a pig” Jonghyun stammered, almost saying ‘Yun Hee’ in front of the others.

“I’m not. I’m pissed because I had a nightmare” she half pouted and half glared at her food.

“Minbaby, what is it all about? Mind sharing it with us?” Key sweetly asked, Yun Hee nodded and started to narrate her story.

“Well, I think I was in the dorm that time then umma, Onew hyung and Minho hyung got mad and started to choke me. Then they all become chocolate monsters then they ate me then, and then, Taemin and Jonghyun hyung were enjoying watching the three of you eat me.

I think I won’t eat chocolate for a while…” 

Yun Hee trailed off as she look at them with big eyes while Onew, Minho and Key almost choke out their food after hearing about them being chocolate monsters and the last part.

“To think that he’s worst than Onew hyung when he’s dreaming about chicken monsters” Minho whispered to himself but audible enough for Yun Hee to hear but she decided to laugh it off half heartedly.

“Well, at least it won’t come true right?” Jonghyun grinned and they nodded.

“Though I won’t eat chocolate for a while” Yun Hee repeated sadly.

“If that’s your choice~” Key sang as he put his plate on the kitchen sink.


“Guys~ come on! We still have to practice for your new member’s debut~” manager hyung sang as he appeared by the door way.

“Okay~ we’ll finish this first” Onew called back as they finish their breakfast and wash their own plate.


Everybody sat on the meeting room inside SME, patiently waiting for Lee Soo Man to come and tell them the news about whatever it is.

“I thought we’re going to practice? Why are we here?” Key asked a bit irritated.

“Diva umma, relax. Uncle said he wanted to show something to us” Yun Hee smiled cutely, looking at Key who lessens his irritated-ness a little.


“I see that you guys are already here” Lee Soo Man said as he enters the room, with 2 people following him, carrying a laptop and a projector.

“Annyeong Haseyo, Lee Soo Man-ssi” they stood and bowed.

“Please take a seat” Lee Soo Man said as they all sit down.

“Uncle, why did you called us here?” Yun Hee asked politely.

“Well, first and for most I just want to congratulate SHINee again for getting another award for your single, Lucifer” he said

“Kamsahamnida” The 5 said in chorus as they smiled.

“Second, about Minki’s debut, we already had announced it through KBS, SBS and MBC stations.” Lee Soo Man smiled as he gestured to the person to open the projector and a file was shown.

‘SM Entertainment confirmed that SHINee will have a sixth member!’

The label read.

The rumors of SHINee’s new member ended as soon as the day after the rumor was made. SM Entertainment’s Chairman, Lee Soo Man and SHINee’s manager itself, Choi Jin confirmed that SHINee will be adding a new member for a mysterious experiment.’

“Mysterious experiment?” Key mumbled to himself.

‘Netizens commented: “Oh my, who might the new member be?””Aigoo, I’m so excited to meet the new member””I wish he’s handsome!””I wish he’s cute” and many more. It is said that the new member will debut in two weeks time.

So what do you think kpop-ers? Are you excited or not? Tell us below!’

“So, what do you think?” Lee Soo man asked, looking at the 6 minus the manager whose mouth is slightly agape.

“That was just…I don’t know what to say uncle.” Yun Hee smiled gleefully. Soo Man just chuckled and playfully shook his head.

“This is just the start my son, and I think you should prepare yourself for more” he sent her a knowing look and she slowly nodded. ‘Yeah, prepare for possible anti-fans’ she thought.

“Ahem, so that’s what I just wanted to tell you. You can go and practice now” Lee Soo Man gave them a small smile and left.

“Aigoo~ let’s go guys!” Yun Hee sighed as she drags Taemin out of the room.

“Okay” the others answered.


“Nakasone-san, do you think the fans will hate me if they knew that I’m actually a girl?” Yun Hee asked to their choreographer in Japanese, hoping that Key wouldn’t understand what they are talking about. (a/n: y’know Rino Nakasone right? :D. If not, go search for her. She’s SHINee choreographer. ;D)

Rino just shook her head and smiled at her.

“No they wouldn’t, I believe in you Yun Hee-chan, I know that the fans will love you because you’re a very pretty and talented girl” Rino said in Japanese, looking at her sincerely.

“Arigatou Nakasone-san” she gave her a small smile. (Thank you)

“Rino-nee-chan will do” Rino smiled.

“Yokay shimaa~” Yun Hee smiled cheerfully. (Okay/I get it...something like that :p)

Little did the two girls know, Key was intently listening to the two. Though the only thing he can just clearly understand was Yun Hee-chanGirl, mad and the thank you because they were more like whispering to each other.

‘What are they talking about? Yun Hee? Who the hell is Yun Hee? I think something’s going on here and the umma needs to know about it’ Key thought.

“Okay! Let’s do another two rounds then we’ll have the lunch break!” Rino shouted as she mentioned everyone to go to their formation and she started the music.Lucifer.


“Wah~! That’s tiring! Right noon—hyung?” Taemin smiled awkwardly, looking at Yun Hee who just smiled back and nodded.

‘Noona? Is Taemin almost calling Minki noona? WTH?’Key thought as he furrowed his eyebrows.

‘People around me are somewhat weird today except for Minho and Onew hyung. Is there something that they’re hiding?’ he thought one again as he took of his t-shirt and walked around the room searching for his backpack. (btw, Rino-ssi went out of the room already)

Just then, the stereo started playing ‘Touch My Body’ by Mariah Carey.

Minho also took off his shirt, showing out his 6 pack washboard abs. Not feeling shy since the other members have seen it already.....well except for the gawking Yun Hee at the corner.

Touch my body, put me on the floor
wrestle me around, play with me some more.
touch my body, throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel like you never did

“Minki-ah, are you alright?” Jonghyun asked worriedly as he walked towards Yun Hee who’s eyes are almost coming out from their sockets and agape. He then noticed that she was looking between the half Minho and Key.

Touch my body, know you like my curves
c’mon and give me what I deserve and touch my body.

‘The song and those two guys are killing me’ she cried inside, she couldn’t move any muscle because of the beautiful scenery in front of her. In other words, she’s dumbstruck. Just then, a pair of hands came up to her eyes, blocking the view.

“W-wha? Who’s this?” she tried to take the hands away from her eyes.

Don’t stare at their bodies; they’re not worth staring at” a voice whispered huskily into her right ear, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck standing.

“What? I-I’m not staring...” she protested, blushing and trying to take off those hands but failed to do so because the hands held her head tight. The owner of the hands chuckled in her ear; she felt shivers ran down her spine. Though the chuckle made her know who the owner is. Jonghyun.

“J-Jonghyun oppa?” she whispered, Jonghyun chuckled again as he mentioned Taemin to come towards them which the latter followed. Yun Hee blushed more because of the long skin contact she’s receiving. She wasn’t used to this....especially with guys.

“Hyung? What’s up?” Taemin asked as he went towards them, curiosity written all over his face.

‘Get her out of the room’ Jonghyun mouthed to him. The latter immediately nodded as he replaced former’s hand on Yun Hee’s eyes with his own hands and led her out of the room.

“What was that?” Key asked, a small tone of jealousy was heard from his voice.

“Minki is dizzy so I asked Taemin to lead him out” Jonghyun lied.

“With covering his eyes.” Key sarcastically said, the older just laughed half-heartedly.

Something’s really suspicious’ Key thought.


“Wooh, I though I’m gonna die a while ago” Yun Hee sighed as Taemin gave her a bottle of water.

“Noona, you sure you’re okay right now?” the male asked worriedly.

“I told you Taeminnie, call me Yun Hee. I’m just one month older ya’know?” Yun Hee huffed, finishing the whole bottle.

“But I want noona! Don’t want to call you Yun Hee” Taemin pouted cutely, the female just nodded and threw the bottle to the trash can.

“Let’s go” she said as the younger followed her back to the practice room.


“Oh, Minbaby you’re back! I thought something serious happened to you. Jonghyun-hyung said that you felt dizzy” Key asked worriedly.

“I’m okay now umma, don’t worry” she gave him a reassuring smile though the umma still doubted a bit about it but believed in her anyway.

Just don’t walk around half- again with Minho oppa my female hormones are okay’ she thought.


Later that night...

“You know Taemin, I’m afraid that Yun Hee will be caught soon” Jonghyun suddenly mumbled out of the blue. He and Taemin were the only ones awake because they still have their schedules.

“Huh? What do you mean hyung?” the younger confusedly asked, tilting his head to the side.

Jonghyun pointed at the “Daily Desert Schedule” posted at their fridge.

desert: chocolate chip cookies
early in the morning’

“So?” Taemin asked.

“I don’t know why... but I have a bad feeling about it” the older mumbled to himself.

‘I wish not?’


Hello Guys!!!! MISSED ME? MISSED ME??? NO? *pouts*

Sorry it's been a while... I had a massive writer's block because of school. again. *sighs*

School is SO tiring :'(

Sorry also for giving you a short it short? I dunno. please tell me ><
Anyway, TOMORROW, June 26th of 2011 is my BIRTHDAY !!! :DDD

YAY! *pops out confettis*
Keke. I DON'T care if you don't care that I'm shouting to the world that it's my birthday tomorrow.

Because if this crazy author wasn't born, there will be no SHINee's Juliette... WHO AGREES? 8D

LOL. I actually posted this chapter as a present to myself XD. just sharing my crazyness.









and now for the much awaited corner......*drum rolls*


@EunMin: LOL. Thanks for sharing it to your friends. You receive a chocolate bar from me :D

@mari_038: Yah! Keep quiet girl. Jonghyun might hear you and he'll break down again XDD

@theclumsywitch: THANKS ;DD I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well.

@saranghaeshineefx: Updated!!! ;D Please tell me what you think about it.

@boredomadedis: LOL. Patience is a virtue sweetie. They'll find it out soon XD

@sharehappyness: keke sorry I didn't put any Shocked Taemin GIF. too lazy to find

@KpopStalker: Aww.. Thanks! Here's the update. Please tell me what you think about it.

@CookiesILikeCookies: hehe. LOL. it's alright. THANKS :D

@ILIKEPRETTYBOYS: O_O" I updated XD. Happy? XD. Awww. Thanks so much!! I'm so touched that you made an account just to tell me to update :') YOU RECEIVE A CHOCOLATE :D

And for those who made an account too just to comment and tell me how my story is going. 


I promise to be a good author and not kill anyone in the story :)



you can put your criticism about my story.

Don't worry, I don't bite too hard.

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1