A Harmful Suggestion for an Unknown Problem

SHINee's Juliette



“I’m here to say sorry for kissing you in front of everyone during Key’s birthday party.”

Yunhee slowly blinked at him. Her icy cold glare melting as a confused stare was shown from her face.

“…what? Why are you saying that right now?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Because I was guilty..”Jaejoong looked down sheepishly, his voice almost inaudible to hear.

Yunhee suddenly scoffed and glared at him once more.

“Guilty? Wow huh? After stealing my first kiss in front of everyone you’ll feel guilty? Don’t you know how much my first kiss meant to me?!” she almost yelled, angry tears started to fall from her eyes.

“I know…t-that’s why I’m sorry okay? It’s not like I wanted to take your first kiss anyway…” he explained, feeling sorry to see her crying.

“What do you mean?” she slightly froze.

“Someone…they asked me to do it…”


[Italicized and navy blue-colored conversations are in Japanese ^^] 

7 months later…



            “Hey Yunhee-chan~

                        “Aish. YAH PARK YUNHEE!”

Yunhee jolted up from her seat and looked at her right to see Key’s worried stare.

Are you alright?” he asked in Japanese, taking a seat beside her.


Yunhee glanced at her left side, which is a big window showing the great view of the buildings in Japan. Yeah, they are in Japan, inside the hotel to be exact.

Hai, I’m fine Key-nii. Why are you asking?she glanced back at him and gave him a small smile.

“Are you sure you’re fine? Because you’re looking aimlessly outside, are you thinking about that again?” he asked, a small hint of annoyance in his voice.


Irritation was slowly building up inside Yunhee. Of course, it’s been 9 months ever since her first kiss was taken by Kim Jaejoong and 7 months ever since he told her he was sorry and everything but something still bothered her of what he said that someone asked him to do it to her. Who was it anyway?


“See? You’re drifting off again? Why can’t you just forget that Yunhee? It’s just nonsense, you can’t get any benefit from think about that!” Key sighed, obviously annoyed.

“How could I forget something like that Key-oppa?” she snapped. “How could I forget that Kim Jaejoong took my first kiss and then after two months he’ll show up to say sorry and tell me that someone freaking asked him to do it?!” she glared at him and stood up.

“And how many times do I have to tell you how much my first kiss meant to me, and possibly every freaking girl out there! Oh, of course you couldn’t. You don’t understand a girl’s heart anyway..Oh I mean, a real girl’s heart” she scoffed and walked out the hotel room, slightly slamming the door shut.

Key sat there dumbfounded; he can feel a small anger building up inside him. Did she just indirectly call me gay? He thought. But then, guilt also built up inside him.

“Maybe I did too much” he sighed sadly and turned to the window to look at the big city of Japan.




Everyone, it’s SHINee! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!” the Japanese backstage interviewer said, bowing slightly to SHINee

Konnichiwa! We are shining SHINee!”SHINee greeted energetically in Japanese as they bowed and raise their right fists up.

So, what do you guys feel that you’re taking part here in Video Music Aid Japan?” the Japanese interviewer asked as Onew took the microphone from Jonghyun.

“Well, first and for most we are happy and honored to be here and to perform in front of the people. We also want to take the fans for supporting us all the way. Honto ni arigatou gozaimasu!” he spoke with his signature dorky smile. The translator translated what Onew said in Japanese so the interviewer could understand what he said.

Oh my. That’s great Onew-san. Well, anything else you want to tell your fans?

Taemin-san wants to say something” Jonghyun smiled as Yunhee passed the microphone to Taemin.

Oh, Taemin-san wants to say something? Let’s hear it from him!” the interviewer smiled.

Uh…uhm..I’ll say it in Japanese” Taemin started as he took the microphone from Yunhee mentally arrange his speech in Japanese.

Hai, ano, I hope everyone enjoys our song and also uhm..everyone..uh…egao tou..” Taemin started to stutter cutely for he forgot what to say.

Egao tou?” the interviewer giggled.

Everybody chuckled at his cute little mistake but he managed to finish his sentence with a little help from Yunhee.

Aww, Thank you~! That’s so sweet of you Taemin-san! Honto ni arigato gozaimasu~ Honto ni! SHINee no minna-san dea!the interviewer smiled as she bowed at them

Hai  Arigatou gozaimasu~!!!all of them smiled before bowing and returning to their dressing room to prepare for their performance: Kimi wa Boku no Everything- Replay.

Key looked at Yunhee’s back with a sad expression.

‘She didn’t even bother to stay beside me, instead she stayed between Jonghyun hyung and Taemin’ he thought.




Yuyu-chan~!!” a familiar voice called in as the owner of the voice walked inside SHINee’s dressing room. He was dressed in a blue tuxedo, blue slacks, blue tie and black shoes with dominant blue designs and his hair was styled naturally.

Yunhee and Jonghyun stopped playing with the latter’s phone and everybody looked up to see him.

Yuya-onii-chan!!!!” Yunhee squealed, standing up to skip towards Yuya and hug him.

What are you doing here?” she asked, slightly pulling away.

Going to host the event and to perform, what else?” he said like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

Really? Really, really?” she asked in a child-like, excited voice. Yuya grinned and nodded, as they completely pull away from the hug.

“Yunhee-ah, who is he?” Jonghyun asked curiously as they all crowd in front of them.

“His voice seems familiar.” Taemin said.

“Yah! Yunhee, you didn’t tell them who am I?” Yuya softly chided in his fail Korean before poking her forehead.

Duh, I didn’t know that you’ll also be here...sorry~” she giggled and looked at her oppas and Taemin.

“Guys, I want you to meet the dorkiest childhood bestie I’ve ever had…Matsua Yuya~!!!!” she cheekily grinned.

“Annyeong haseyo, Yuya imnida!” Yuya bowed 90 degrees and smiled at the 5 guys who were surprised.

‘So he’s really Yunhee’s bestfriend…childhood bestfriend?’ Key thought

‘Omo! It’s the person that noona’s been talking to for the past few months! I can’t believe he’s an idol as well!’ Taemin thought happily as he was the first one to bow and introduce himself.

Konnichiwa! SHINee’s youngest Lee Taemin desu! Can I call you hyung?” he said energetically.

Of course Taemin-kun” Yuya smiled. Taemin looked back to his hyungs and told them to do the same.

Uh, Konnichiwa…SHINee’s Bling Bling Kim Jonghyun desu” Jonghyun grinned as he took out his hand and they shake hands.

Nice to meet you Jonghyun hyung”

“Woah? Hyung?” Jonghyun blinked.

“Neh, older than me by 46 days” Yuya grinned like a genius.

‘Hn, so he’s my hyung huh?’ Key thought before making his way towards Yuya.

Konnichiwa Yuya-onii-san, SHINee’s Almighty Key desu! Thank you for being a good model to my daughter” he gave him his diva smile before slightly bowing.

Oh! So you’re the Key umma my Yuyu always talks about. Thank you for taking care of her and being his second …err…mom.” Yuya smiled and bowed as well.

‘My…my Yuyu…huwhat?’ Key’s eyebrow twitched as he watched Onew and Minho introduce themselves to Yuya.

But he told me that Yunhee always talks about me whenever he checks up on her. That’s cool and so touching...but still he called Yunbaby his Yuyu!!!’ he mentally screamed inside his head.


Soon, SHINee guys got to know more about Yunhee and Yuya’s friendship; they were neighbors since kids (Yunhee is 5 and Yuya is 8); Yuya treats Yunhee like his real sister and helps her with everything she lacks back then and many other more. Later on, Yuya and Jonghyun immediately clicked since they’re were 90-liners and they almost had the same interests. Also the good thing is Yuya can actually speak some Korean words since Yunhee thought him how to.

Yuya-san! Please prepare, you’re gonna perform in 10 minutes!” his manager said as he came by the door.

Hai, arigatou gozaimasu!he replied and looked at his new friends

“Well, I have to go now. I wish you best on your performance! Annyeong~ ! Yuyu annyeong!” he grinned before bowing and dashing out their dressing room.

“Bye Yuya oppa~” Yunhee smiled.




“Yuya hyung is good huh?” Key complimented, watching intently at the TV backstage. Yuya was performing one of his songs, ‘Naturally’.

“Of course he is” Yunhee said not looking at him.

‘She’s still mad’ Key frowned, looking at her. Yunhee silently sighed and stood up, walking out of the room.

“Hyung, did something happen between the two of you?” Taemin asked, looking worriedly at him.

Key just smiled and shook his head; mouthing ‘nothing’ and proceeding back to watching.


Yunhee rested her body against the wall beside the vending machine. Honestly, she didn’t know why she was angry or rather, disappointed with Key at all. She sighed heavily before drinking her iced coffee, still deep in thought.

Because he doesn’t even give his effort to help you in forgetting about it’ maybe that’s the reason why. She shook her head to clear her thoughts as she took out her phone and found a message,


I wish you guys good luck on your performance! Gonna watch you guys here in Korea ;)
SHINee Fighting!!

EvilKyu Oppa >:D’

Yunhee let out a small chuckle before texting back a ‘Thank you’.




It was after the VMAJ when Key found Yuya seating on the hallway beside another vending machine, drinking iced coffee. ‘How cute that they both have the same likes’ he thought, referring to Yunhee as he approached him.

“Hey hyung!” he smiled as he dropped a yen on the machine and got an iced coffee too.

Oh, Key-kun, you guys performed great” Yuya looked at him and smiled.

Thanks, you did great too” Key grinned as he sat beside him.

So, what brings you here?” the older of the two asked. Key took a breathe and let out a small sigh,

Well, I think Yunhee’s still mad at me hyung, what to do~?” he said sadly.

Mad? Yunhee’s mad? But I know she never gets mad Key, maybe she’s just disappointed. Care to tell me what happened?” Yuya said, looking at Key who was taking a sip at his iced coffee.


Well….remember the story about her first kiss? During my birthday?


She can’t move on and seemed very upset about it so I told her to simply forget about it…and I was pissed off that time” the younger male looked down and sighed.


I see, so maybe she was disappointed because you told her to simply forget about it with a pissed off voice. You know Key, Yunhee is a very sensitive person; you can’t exactly know when she will be happy or disappointed with someone’s actions. Yunhee has a very strong personality that up until now I can’t exactly tell what she always feels despite those long years we’ve been friends.” Yuya explained, giving Key a warm smile.


Key was stunned; he didn’t know Yuya knows so much information about Yunhee. “Ah.. So that’s how it is… You know what onii-san, I can’t believe you put so much effort to pay attention to Yunhee’s everything.” he said, looking at him, a small genuine smile on his lips.

You know what, I was happy that Yunhee found someone like you. I never thought that someone would love her and cherish her more than me.” Yuya looked at him and smiled a painful yet happy smile which made Key confused.

Huh? What do you mean Yuya-onii-san?” he asked.

I’ve been keeping this for a long time now, and you’re the only person whom I want this to know of..

Key slightly raised an eyebrow as he looked at Yuya and urged him to continue,

I…I’m in love with her for a long time now, ever since I was 14. But I can’t…I can’t tell her that because I know that someday, somehow, our friendship will be at risk and I don’t want to lose her.” He said, looking at Key’s eyes with sincerity…yet pain.

Key couldn’t understand why this guy whom he just met 3 hours ago was telling him all about this, yet, a part of him told him that he should pay attention and listen to what he has to say. Or maybe because he said he was in love with Yunhee and as her ‘umma’ he has the right to know…maybe that’s why.

I’m afraid that I would lose her if I did so, because I know that we’re not meant for each other. She’s meant for someone else, not me.” Yuya said, that painful yet happy smile never left his face.

Why? How could you say that you’re not meant for each other onii-san? You never failed to make her happy, you two even look cute together as a couple.” Key said, although a small part of him was burning with jealousy when he said that…he didn’t know why.

Yuya shook his head before finishing his iced coffee and throwing it to the trash bin beside him.

I just know Key. Besides, I’d rather stay best friends with her ‘till eternity than to lose her and also, because I trust you, you can make her happy too…better than me” he grinned, his painful aura slowly vanishing. Key couldn’t help but let out a small smile but he was a little bit confused about what the older male said.

Open your eyes Kibum-kun, I know you’re the one. I trust you” Yuya said, patting his back lightly before standing up and slightly bowed at him before going.

Oh, and by the way…don’t tell her anything about this arasso?” he winked and walked away.

Key looked at his back with a very puzzled expression.

‘Open my eyes? I’m the one? He trusts me? What does that words freaking mean??? Aish, everything feels more complicated right now! he thought.

“Aigooo~ eotteohke?” he sighed and ruffled his hair, frustrated.



Two weeks later…


‘My first kiss went a little like this~!And twist, and twist~!

Key’s energetic and y voice boomed through the speakers of the arena. He was wearing his pink jacket with a designed shirt inside paired with black shiny pants and black high cut shoes, and his pink framed sun glasses. It was their SHINee World Concert in Taiwan and of course, Key was performing his solo, My First Kiss...with no other than Yunhee.


“Tell me how I got into this” Yunhee murmured, talking to Yuya over the phone as the stylist noona fix her hair.

“What can they do Yuyu-chan? During your first concert in Seoul, you said that f(x)’s Krystal Jung performed with Key. But now, you need to perform with him since you’re the only girl in your group and the former one can’t cause she got  her own schedules too~!” his voice that seemed like happy boomed through the speaker.

Yunhee rolled her eyes and sighed, she thanked the noona who fixed her hair and conversed again with Yuya.

“YAH! Shouldn’t you be sad that your dongsaeng needs to do this?” she groaned.

“Uh…no? kekekeke~ So anyway goodluck to your performance with Key-kun~ byebye~!” he giggled and hung up before Yunhee could protest.

“That Matsua Yuya…aish!!!!” she groaned irritably.


‘Well my first kiss went a little like this~! And twist, and twist!’

Yunhee’s sweet yet powerful voice filled the place; she was wearing a purple jacket paired with a black shirt paired with black shorts, black net stockings and black shoes. She came out the stage smiling and waving happily at the fans. Together, they sang the song; dancing, playing and fooling around as if Yunhee wasn’t disappointed with him.


‘She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say

Ooooooh ~

Ooooooh ~’

And then it came to the part where they would stop at the center stage and Key will walk around Yunhee as the back male dancers tell him about the ‘hot chick’ which is Yunhee.


‘….My first kiss went a little like this~’

‘Well my first kiss went a little like this~’

‘My first kiss went a little like this’

‘….Well my first kiss went a— My first kiss went a— My first kiss went a—‘


“My first kiss went a little like hmmph!”


“Yah! Watch it!” the director shouted as Yunhee and Key almost slip on the center stage for the umpteenth time.

“Sorry director-nim” Yunhee bowed apologetically.

“Just watch your steps okay? The center stage is made of glass and the shoes you two are going to use is a bit slippery so be careful. I don’t want accidents to happen during the concert arasseo?” the director said as he return to his seat.

“Neh, arasseo” Yunhee and Key said in unison before practicing again.


Key had his eyes widened, so as Yunhee. Why? Because when Key was about to ‘kiss’ Yunhee, he accidentally slipped causing his lips to gently touch hers….well, it’s a real kiss indeed. But being professional, Yunhee pulled Key away immediately like nothing happened and they started singing again. No one really saw it. Just the two of them knows what happened. Only them.




“Y-yah! Park Y-Yunhee!” Key mentally cursed for stuttering as he ran towards Yunhee who was about to enter the dressing room. But Yunhee didn’t stop instead, she continued her was and open the door and was about to close it when Key placed his foot on the door and his hand prevented it from closing.

Yunhee looked at him with an expressionless face. “What do you want?” she asks, rather coldly.

Key, who was panting a bit, looked at her in the eyes.

“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier” he said, feeling his cheeks getting warm as he remembered the feeling of his lips on hers.

“No biggie, it wasn’t my first kiss anyway” she replied nonchalantly as she was about to close the door once again.

“But it was my first kiss”

Yunhee froze as she looked at Key and felt her cheeks getting warm, her stomach suddenly being fuzzy and all.

“S-so? Like I care. You’re lying anyway” she cursed under her breath for stuttering as it was blowing up her cold cover.

Key felt himself smirking for he finally made her stutter. But then, he was really saying the truth that it was his first kiss.

“I’m not lying Park Jessica” he chuckled as Yunhee sent him a glare.

“YAH! Only Marianne calls me by my English name got it?” she growled before trying to close the door but Key was already inside.

“Why are you here anyway?!” she growled once more.

“Woah, calm yourself honey, I’m not doing anything wrong” Key grinned as she just roll her eyes at him, trying to stop the urge to blush at his sudden sentence. Key felt his cheeks warm once more after realizing what he had said earlier.

‘Aish! Cheeks, stop being warm!!!’he yelled in his mind.

A moment of 10 seconds awkward atmosphere filled the room. Key cleared his throat awkwardly; his expression began to be serious as he walks towards Yunhee who just looked away.

“Yunhee-ah, look at me” he said, almost a whisper as he lift her chin up using his index finger and thumb.

Yunhee tried her best not to blush at the closeness of Key’s face from hers and at the eye contact.

“I…I actually don’t know what came into my mind when I said those pissed words to you Yunhee-ah. Maybe I was just very worried that the incident that happened may affect you very much that I over react.” Key said, sincerely, his voice was filled with sadness and anxiety.

“I just want to say sorry for what I have done…I really miss talking to you Yunhee-ah, would you forgive me?” he said, putting down his hand and placing it on her shoulder.

Yunhee looked at him and at her feet. She took a deep breath and sighed before looking up to him once again with a small smile.

“I guess..I’ll do forgive you oppa, besides, I can’t get mad at you for too long, I mean very long” she chuckled looking at him.

Key smiled a big smile he never had in a while. He suddenly squealed and hugged Yunhee causing the latter to be shock but giggled anyway.

“You don’t know how much Key is happy when you forgave him” he said in a third person sentence, causing Yunhee to giggle one more.

“Really?” she said, scrunching up her face.

Key pulled away and pulled out something from his pocket. A long small purple box. Yunhee looked at it before looking back at him with confusion.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Well, it’s actually my gift for you on the day of your birthday two weeks ago but it seems that schedule and the cold war didn’t allow me to do so…and also this is my apology gift for you” Key said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as he gave the box to Yunhee.

Yunhee took the box slowly before opening it slowly and her eyes widened slowly.

It was a very elegant yet simple silver necklace with a silver drop pendant with cubic zirconia stone. She looked at Key then back to the necklace then back to him again with a shocked expression.

“B-but this is too much.I-I..”

“Psh. You don’t need to worry Yunbaby! Umma didn’t had a hard time buying it for you~” Key winked as Yunhee hugged him tight, slightly jumping.

“Aww~!!! Thank you Key oppa! I love it~!!” she said, kissing Key’s cheek like a kid kissing her mom’s cheek.

Key blushed and smiled as he took the necklace from Yunhee and went at her back to put on the necklace.

“Yah, you’ve shrunk?” he asked in disbelief, seeing that Yunhee’s height now only reaches his lips instead of his eyes. Well, she shrunk 3 cm by the way.

“Really? Well it’s okay, at least I’m not taller than Jonghyun oppa anymore” she grinned, turning around at him to also show him the necklace which fit her perfectly.

“Perfect” Key smiled in satisfaction as he fish out something from his pocket. He took out something and looked at Yunhee with a grin.

[Yunhee's ring is the one with a wing like design]

“I want to give this ring to you, it’ll we our friendship ring okay?” he said before taking Yunhee’s right hand and inserting the silver ring on her ring finger.

Both of their hearts skipped a beat but only Yunhee felt it…or maybe it’s just her.

“See? I have mine too!” he grinned wider as he shows his right hand with the ring on his ring finger.

“Awww..komawo oppa~ I so like it!” she smiled before pulling Key for a hug. Key hugged back tightly as he sniffed the apple scent of Yunhee’s hair.


“...Yunhee-ah, can we stay like this for a while?” he asked, closing his eyes as a smile reached up his lips.

“Uhn…” Yunhee answered, hugging him tight, relaxing on his embrace.

Key silently sighed as he felt a warm, cozy and comfortable feeling inside.


Jonghyun and Minho stood there at the door, watching the two for a while now. The two was having their time together so the both of them decided to not interfere and just watch. A conclusion came into their minds as they look at each other with a faint smile.

Key loves Yunhee.

                                                                                  Yunhee loves Key.

                                         Everybody knows…

Except them.



“Oppa, I don’t know what to do right now. Something’s bothering me and I don’t know what the heck it is!” Yunhee whined over the phone, rolling on her bed. They just arrive in Korea 3 hours ago and she suddenly had this unexplainable feeling after reaching the dorm. So she decided to call him.

Mwo? How could you say so?” Kyuhyun asked over the phone with a confused tone.

“Aish. I don’t know~! Help me?” she pouted even though she knew Kyuhyun couldn’t see it.

Okay, okay…how about we go to a place I know and have some drinks?” he said, chuckling.

“But, I’m underage, I can’t—“

You can Yunhee-ah, We can get someone to cover us up

Yunhee was lying on her back as she raised her right hand and stared at the ring Key had given to her with a pained expression.

“If your suggestion will make me forget then fine it is”


Spare my life? OTL.

I'm sorry for updating just now... D:

Many things came up (eg. JS Promenade, Requirements etc.)

So yeah, I've been able to finish this just yesterday ;_;



But anyway, I think I'll gonna update the next chapter in a few days if time persists since our finals are next week ><"

So yeah, THANK YOU MY NEW SUBSCRIBERS if there are any...and sorry I can't mention you all right now cause I really need to go~ ANNYEONG ~! :O



PS. About the timespan of this fic, I fast forwarded it since nothing happened much...even there is XD

OH~! If this fic ends I won't have a sequel...it's a sad thing D:....but I'll have a SIDE STORY!! So, who wants? :D


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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! H..h..h...how is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1