Kim Kibum, Park Yunhee

SHINee's Juliette

(A/N: Orange fonts are spoken in English)



Hello, this is Minzy Kim of Lincoln Center Ticket Booth, how can I help you?” a female voice spoke in English on the other line.

After the phone call with Yuya, Key immediately listed down the contact details of the upcoming performance and went to the phone booth to order tickets so that he can finally see Yunhee.

Ah, yes. I would like to know if the tickets for the upcoming performance this Saturday are still available” Key said in the same language, praying that somehow, there will still be tickets available since it’s only 2 days to go before the performance.

Yes, tickets are still available Sir. Though, since most made reservations already there are only 6 tickets available to the seats in Orchestra D, is that alright?

‘6 tickets? That’s what I need’

Great! I’ll buy those 6 tickets. By the way, could I possibly reserve them first and then I’ll come by Friday to pay and get it?

Oh, sure thing Sir. The ticket booth will be open up until 5pm on Friday

I see, thank you” Key smiled widely.

You’re very most welcome Sir, I hope you’re gonna enjoy the performance” the receptionist said before hanging up.



“Key, where the hell did you go?” Onew asked, eyebrows knitted in confusion as Key entered their hotel room, whistling.

“Just somewhere~” he sang, giggling to himself after.

“I think something’s wrong with Key today” Jonghyun pointed out.

“Why? What’s wrong with me today?” Key looked at Jonghyun with a confused expression.

“I mean, you said you just came from somewhere” the older male said.

“And you don’t have any shopping bags with you. It’s a miracle that you didn’t shop for anything” Minho added.

“You are whistling happily” Onew adds

“And hyung, you had the biggest smile I’ve ever seen in a while when you entered the hotel room” Taemin said, and in a matter of approximately 2.01 seconds, they were all huddled in the floor, forming a circle.

“So, is it a girl?” Jonghyun wriggled his brows as he sent a naughty smile at Key.


“Are you finally over Yunhee and found another girl?” Onew asked. Everyone fell silent and all looked at Key who blinked at the question before laughing awkwardly.


“What are you talking about hyung? Why would I be over Yunhee? ….I never stopped loving her” he said, a glint of sadness in his eyes. Onew just smiled and didn’t press it any further.

“BUT! Why are you so happy today?! It’s not like Yunhee magically appeared in front of you and gave you a kiss! Tell us~~” Jonghyun whined.

“Well, it’s a secret” Key winked, laughing evilly before standing up and making his way to the bathroom.

“A secret!? Come on Bummie, I’m your best friend why won’t you tell me?” the dinosaur pouted.

“Yeah, why won’t you tell us hyung~?” the maknae whined.

Key chuckled, locking the door behind him.

“You’ll see why guys~ you’ll see”



SHINee World Concert in New York ended well and Key was very happy. And when I mean very happy, as in VERY HAPPY.

“KYAAAAAA~ the concert is finally over!!!” Key squealed, running around their dressing room before collapsing on the couch and hugging a throw pillow oh-so-tight, not minding if his clothes are still wet because of the water splash encore a while ago.

The other SHINee members and Haneul looked at him very weirdly as they all entered the room one by one.

“Oppa, what’s wrong with Key oppa today? Has he gone mad?” Haneul whispered to Onew, eyes staring weirdly at Key.

“I don’t know, I guess we poured too much water on him a while ago” Onew whispered back, grabbing a face towel and drying his hair.

“Hyuuungs~ Key umma’s scary! He looks like an obsessed fangirl who is fangirling himself” Taemin squirmed behind Jonghyun and Minho.

“Hey Key, are you sure you drank your medicine a while ago?” Jonghyun joked, making Key send him dagger glares.

“Shut up, I’m having my moment here” he spat before turning back to his throw pillow and hugging it once again.

“Okay, okay. I was just kidding, would you like to change your clothes first before having your moment once again?” the older said, patting Key’s back.

“Arasseo~!!” he said before letting go of the pillow and rushing to his bag to change back to his clothes.


“So, care to tell us why you are so happy this night?” Onew asked when they were all inside the van.

“Because tomorrow is Friday and I’m excited to see—“Key immediately stopped talking before he slipped out all the information.

“Because tomorrow is Friday and you are excited to see what?” Minho asked, looking at him.

“Nothing! I-I was excited because it’s Friday tomorrow and because we were given 5 days vacation here in New York right?” He said in one breath, looking at s and at Haneul.

“…okay?” Haneul eyed him weirdly before they all proceed to their own worlds.

Key looked outside, admiring the city lights when someone caught his eyes.

‘Isn’t that Dongwoo hyung from Infinite? And who is the girl he’s with?’he thought to himself, squinting his eyes for a better view at the guy who is laughing with a girl, her hair reaching up to her neck.

‘But that’s impossible since he’s in Korea right now right? How the heck will he be here in New York?’he blinked as their car was finally away from the two.

‘Aish, I must be paranoid. Maybe I just missed talking to Woohyun hyung’ he shook his head before pulling out his phone and texting Woohyun.



The next day, 3:49 pm

Hi! I’m here to get the 6 tickets that I reserved last Wednesday; I’m the one who called by the way. You’re Minzy right?” Key smiled as he talked in English to the receptionist of the ticket booth.

Yes I am. Aren’t you SHINee’s Key?” the girl smiled as she opened the drawer where the tickets were placed.

Yes I am” he nodded cautiously, waiting for any reaction but he received only a nod, making him mentally sigh in relief.

I see” she smiled politely as she hand him the tickets.

That would be $330 dollars

Key took out his credit card and paid. He took out his phone and opened an image.

Err, can I ask you?” he spoke

Yes Mr. Key, any problem?” Minzy looked at him

Do you know this girl?” he showed her Yunhee’s picture on his phone.

Oh, it’s one of the theater’s best ballet performers, Jessica Lee!

Jessica Lee?” Key asked, surprised. So she changed her name? he thought.

Yes, her name is Jessica Lee. Do you personally know her?” she asked.

Err…Yeah..Uhm! Will she be one of the performers this Saturday?” he asked.

 “Yes, she will perform this Saturday. She’s the lead actually

Uhm, could I possibly see her right now?

I’m afraid not. You can tell me what you want to say then I’ll just say it to her” Minzy offered, nervous.

No, I just really need to see her, please. I really need to say something to her, and it’s personal” Key begged desperately. Minzy sighed, knowing that no matter how she decline, he will still beg for her to let him see Jessica (or rather, Yunhee).

Fine, they are actually practicing in the theater right now. Though, I don’t know if she’s still there since her other co-dancers left already” she said,

OMO! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Key beamed at her as he took her hand and shakes it vigorously. He stopped and bowed and immediately skipped like a kid on his way to the theater, leaving the girl looking at him weirdly.



A sweet music filled Key’s ears as he entered the theater, his breath stopped as his heart started beating faster. There, dancing ballet in the stage was the girl he thought he’ll never see again.

Park Yunhee.


He silently sat on the chair at the back where no one can see that he’s there, watching her dance on the stage all alone. He noticed that she had her hair cut short up to her neck and dyed her hair maple brown. Key felt that he have seen that hairstyle and color somewhere though, he can’t remember when and where.

(A/N: I just edited this so..yeah)

‘You lose a lot of weight Yunhee-ah...’He stared at her as a smile reached up his lips, not because Yunhee lose weight and he can see her collarbones visible from afar but because of necklace hanging around her neck that shines everytime the light hits it….

The necklace that he gave her two years ago…


A loud thud brought him back to reality; he looked up the stage, only to find Yunhee on the floor.

‘She tripped?’he worriedly thought, deciding whether he should stand up and help her or not. But he decided to choose the latter since maybe it’s not yet time for him to suddenly show up.

Yunhee slowly stood up, groaning. She looked at her right, looking at the piano.

“Aish” she huffed before walking towards it and sitting on the chair, huffing in frustration once again. She opened the piano keys cover and sat straight as her fingers grazed over the piano keys before playing a very familiar song. (play)


Key was smiling the whole time, watching Yunhee play the piano with a smile on her face too. Maybe she just misses us badly just like how we miss her too. He thought.

Urigati one, two three oh! Ja shijakhaeyo…” she whispered sang.

Geudaen naeui hanajyoNaeui jeonbuin geolyo” Key sang softly, both were unconsciously having a duet.

I really, really, I want to love you like crazy
I can do that now, right? I really, really, I want to love you like crazy
I can do that now, right?


Mommy~!!!” a cute voice that belongs to a little girl stopped Yunhee from playing the piano. She looked at the entrance and smiled before standing up to go down the stage.

Key on the other hand froze on his seat when he saw the man who entered the theater with the small girl in his arms.



“Jang Dongwoo?” he muttered quietly, his eyes following Dongwoo with the little girl in his arms as they walked towards Yunhee.

Oh hello Bomi~” Yunhee smiled as she take the girl from Dongwoo’s arms and kissed her forehead.

How was your day with daddy?” she asked fondly, looking at the small girl she’s holding.

It went fine! Daddy brought me to the playground and we played in the slide~!” Little Bomi beamed, making the two chuckle.

How about chu mommy?” she blinked at Yunhee.

It went well too sweetie. I’ll just go to the stage to get my things alright? Then we’ll go home” she smiled before handing the little girl back to Dongwoo.


Soon, the two left and Key was still frozen in his seat; not believing the things that he just heard a while ago.

‘Mommy? Daddy? What the freak? Since when Yunhee and Dongwoo hyung had a freaking daughter named Bomi?!’he thought as he immediately stood up to follow them secretly.


“So~” Yunhee and Dongwoo said at the same time.

“You first!” she blurted.

“No, ladies first” he smiled at her as they continue walking together; Bomi was soundly asleep in his arms.

“Uhm…how long are you gonna stay here?” Yunhee asked, looking ahead of them.

“A week or so? Infinite was given two weeks vacation so I think I’ll spend the other week with the Infinite members” he answered.


“Have you heard about SHINee’s concert yesterday?”

Yunhee stopped at her tracks.

“Jessica, what’s wrong?” Dongwoo stopped walking, looking at her with a worried expression.

“Nothing…I just missed him” the last word came a bit painful in .

Dongwoo chuckled softly as he patted her head with his free hand before putting it around her shoulder as he place a kiss on her forehead.

“He misses you too Jessica…so much” he said as they continue walking together.


Key stood by the back of a car; a sad smile was on his face. He turned his back and decided not to follow them anymore.

‘Even though …even though you miss me… you already have him right?’


“Hey, what’s with the sullen face Key?” was the first thing Onew asked when Key entered the hotel room.

“Yeah, you were so happy when you left a while ago but now….you look like the world has given up once again on you” Minho added, looking up from the sports channel he’s watching. Jonghyun and Taemin looked at him too, expecting for an answer.

Key looked at them before shaking his head with a sigh.

“…nothing, I’m just tired that’s all” he blankly replied before bidding them a soft goodnight and went to bed.


The day of the performance has finally come. At first, SHINee (except Key) and Haneul were puzzled why Key dragged them in front of Lincoln Center to watch a ballerina performance entitled, ‘Serenade’. But when they saw the promotion poster and saw Yunhee’s face, the 5 immediately dragged Key as they were more excited that he is to see Yunhee again after 2 years that felt like decades to them.

“How come you didn’t told us that you already found Yunnie?! You’re so unfair!” Jonghyun whined, half-heartedly glaring at Key.

“I want it to be a surprise. DUH” he replied like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“By the way, how come Yunhee noona changed her name to Jessica Lee?” Taemin thought out loud. SHINee and Haneul immediately snapped their heads towards Key’s direction, looking at him with a questioning stare.

“What? Why are you all looking at me?” Key asked innocently, the stares they were giving him are starting to creep him out.

“You know~ you might know something~?” Jonghyun sang, blinking his eyes at him, making him look like a puppysaurus.

“Well...maybe she changed her name so that she won’t be recognized as SHINee’s Yunhee?” Key answered, more like questioned himself about it.

“But, isn’t she already recognizable with just her face and hair?” Haneul asked.

“Um, she cut her hair short…and oh! She got skinnier; she looks like a different person right now actually. But I know it’s her” he blurted out without thinking, making the others look at him with wide eyes.

“How did you know?! You’ve already seen her in person?!” they all chorused.



SHINee and even Haneul turned their heads to the direction of the familiar voice that called them, only to have their eyes widened more.

“Dongwoo?! Jang Dongwoo from Infinite?” Haneul asked, not believing her eyes.

“Oh, aren’t you Shim Haneul? Onew’s girlfriend? Annyeong~” Dongwoo smiled and waved at her.

“What. How. When. Where. Why are you here?” Jonghyun eyed his dinobuddy, looking at his semi-formal attire.

“I’m here to watch the performance of course. Since my noona told me to…and Jessica is here too” he answered, smiling.


“A-anyway, come on guys let us find our seats. We’re on the Orchestra D” Key spoke up, pushing Jonghyun ad the others inside before they could question the Infinite member more.

They all nodded and entered the theater, leaving him and Dongwoo outside.

“You” Key narrowed his eyes at him.

“Yes?” he blinked at him.


“Tell me, is that Bomi kid your and Yunhee’s daughter?” he looked at him sternly, hiding the pain in his eyes. What surprised him was the soft chuckle that Dongwoo let out.

“What’s funny? Why are you laughing?” Key asked him, puzzled and irritated.

“Why don’t you ask her yourself Key?” he gave him his eye smile before softly patting his shoulder and going inside, leaving the SHINee member astouned.

“What the actual?”


(A/N: I want you guys to open this link and let it load for a while; I'll tell you later when to play it arasseo? ^^)

The lights were dim and a slow music was playing. The spotlight was on her; the star in Kim Kibum’s eyes…

Park Yunhee.

She was wearing a sky blue dress that made her white milky skin stand out. Her hair was down and a small tiara was on her head. She was also wearing the necklace Key gave her, making him smile.

“Hey, isn’t that the necklace you gave Yunhee?” Minho whispered at him.

“Yeah, I can’t believe that she’s still wearing it…” he replied, watching the lights change colors as dancers entered the stage and dance with her.

“Maybe because she still loves you” Minho mumbled to himself.


“Nothing, I said Yunhee’s amazing”


It was just after the performance, Yunhee and the other ballet dancers where bowing to the audience and Key took his chance to sneak inside Yunhee’s dressing room –which he asked someone, where; pretending that he’s just a delivery boy looking for the lead dancer’s dressing room of the night’s performance in need to deliver something— without his friends knowing.

He placed down the bouquet of blue roses in her boudoir before hiding behind the costumes’ rack.

Soon, he heard the door opened and in came Yunhee with Dongwoo, Bomi and a woman he had never seen before.

“You were so great Jessica! You look like a goddess up there!” the woman exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

“Kamsahamnida unnie, but I think it’ll be more better if you’re also up there with me” Yunhee smiled.

“I wish so, but my little Bomi’s soon to be baby brother is more important right now” the woman said, holding the small bulge on her tummy and rubbing it gently.

“Noona, can Jessica be your soon to be baby’s godmother too just like Bomi?” Dongwoo asked, looking at his sister.

‘What do they mean? Yunhee is just Bomi’s godmother?!’Key narrowed his eyes in confusion, looking at them through the costumes.

“I guess, we need to go now since Bomi’s appa is waiting for us outside. Dongwoo-yah, are you going to come with us?” the woman asked, holding Bomi’s small hand before looking at him.

“Sure, I’ll just say something to my bestie here” Dongwoo grinned, the woman nodding before going out of the room.

“What do you want to say oppa?” Yunhee asked, looking up at him.

“Nothing, I just want to say thank you for being my friend…and good luck” he said, pulling her for a friendly hug as he pat her head. He looked at Key who was hiding and gave him a wink before pulling away from Yunhee.

Key inaudibly gulped, thinking how the heck Dongwoo knew that he was inside the room and more importantly, where he’s hiding.

One word. Creepy.

“Huh? Why are you telling me that? I thought you’re going to leave next week?” Yunhee asked confused,

“I am. But I just wanted to tell those and I guess I better get going now; my sister might get mad at me for making them wait too long. Annyeong Yunhee~” Dongwoo waved and left a confused Yunhee.

“Huh? I told him not to call me Yunhee anymore…aish” she mumbled, taking her small tiara off as she walk towards her boudoir only to notice a bouquet of blue roses on top of it.

“Blue roses?” she mumbled, taking the bouquet and smelling the roses when she noticed that there was an envelope attached to it.

She took it as she places the roses down to open the envelope and took out a rose scented paper.

‘From who might this came from?’she opened the letter, to see the handwriting she thought she’ll never see again.

‘My dearest Yunhee,

            Surprise? I finally found you at last?

I don’t know what to write here actually. It’s been 2 years huh? It actually felt like decades to me…to us.

Don’t you know how much Jonghyun hyung cried the day we found out you left? Don’t you know how much Haneul practically bawled her eyes out on Onew hyung’s chest when she found out you left without telling her a single thing about it? Don’t you know how miserable I become when you left but tried my best not to show everyone?

            I’m making you feel guilty I know. But all were just the truth. We all missed you so much Yunhee, we really do. There was not a single day you left our minds. There was not a single day that I didn’t worry about you, if you have already eaten or not. I felt like dying when you left…

Because I realized that I cannot live without you, Yunhee…

            And so, I just want you to know that—‘


(A/N: now please play the song :3)

Yunhee stopped reading when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and a weight rest on her left shoulder. She looked at the mirror in front of her and saw the man who sent her the letter with a smile on his face.

She didn’t know how or when did he sneaked inside when she was reading the letter but all she knew that he is there, holding her in his arms. Kim Kibum was really there, staring at their reflection in the mirror.

“I love you, Park Yunhee…more than my dongsaeng, more than anything else. And even though 2 years have already passed since the day I realized I loved you…I still do”


She heard him spoke those words softly,

She felt his heart beating loudly on her back,

She saw sincerity in his eyes…

and she instantly knew,

…Kim Kibum was seriously in love with her.


“K-Kibum oppa…” Yunhee choked out, tears uncontrollably falling down from her eyes.

How Key missed her voice calling his name.

He slowly turned her around and hugged her tight yet gently, not wanting to let her go.

Yunhee hugged him back; tight and longing as she cried on his chest, him not caring that his polo is getting wet with her tears.

“Do you remember the time you told me that you loved blue roses because they symbolize never ending love?” he whispered, caressing her short hair as her scent that he missed so much filled his nose.

“U-Uhn” she mumbled.

“It also means ‘rare’ or ‘impossible to find’. Just like you, a girl that is impossible to find Yunhee-ah” he smiled, making Yunhee slightly pull away and hit his chest, pouting.


“What?” he slightly smirked at her.

“I..I’m sorry for leaving you..” she mumbled, her sobs slowing down.

Key shook his head before holding her face with her both hands, wiping her tears away with his thumb.

“No…I’m the one who should be sorry Yunhee. I’m sorry for realizing too late that I love you too…do…do you still love me?” he asked, suddenly getting anxious and scared of her rejection.

Yunhee looked down at their feet before looking up with him with a small smile on her face.

“To tell you the truth, I’ve tried to forget you. I even changed my name, my phone wallpaper of us…I even move here in New York and busied myself with work and ballet…

I thought that by doing those things, I’ll eventually get over you and move on just like those painful heartbreaks I’ve overcame in the past.

But you know what? Even I tried them all to forget you…It’s still you Key oppa… I still do love you” she looked at his eyes as she said her next words.

“I love you too Kim Kibum…even though 2 years had already passed, I still do too”


Key had a wide smile on his face; he never had been this happy and his entire life. He looked at Yunhee’s eyes as his face inching towards her, their hearts beating wildly as their lips are only a few centimeters apart.


“OHMAYGAD YUNHE—!“ Jonghyun shrieked, opening the door and in came the other SHINee members and Haneul who had their mouths wide open when they so the distance, Key and Yunhee was in.


“Oops, did we interrupt something?” Jonghyun blinked innocently.

KIM.JONG.HYUUUUUUUN~!!!” Key shrieked as he ran towards him and the latter on the other hand ran for his life.

“Yah! Yah! Yah! What’s with the commotion?” two females entered the room who stopped them from running inside the room.

“Minji?” Minho blinked, looking at his cousin, Kim Minji.

“Minho oppa?” Minji blinked back at him.


“What are you doing here?” both asked in unison.

“Hey, isn’t she Minzy Kim of the ticket booth?” Key pointed out.

“Uhm Hi! I’m Lee Taemin! Nice to meet you Minji” Taemin butted in, taking Minji’s hand and shaking it.

“I know…and call me noona” she said.

“Huh? Why?”

“Because I’m a minute older than you so call me noona”


“Hi miss, Kim Jonghyun’s the name, Park Yunhee’s friend and available” Jonghyun held out his hand in front of the other girl Minji’s with.

“Lee Minyoung’s the name, Park Yunhee’s cousin and already married” Minyoung smiled smugly at him, eyeing his outstretched hand before going out of the room, leaving him frozen.

“Hi Mr. Dinohead, Choi Minho’s the name, Park Yunhee’s friend and also available” Minho wriggled is eyebrows as he shook his hyung’s hand.

“YAH!” Jonghyun swat his hand away from him and walked out of the room.

“Hey hyung~ we’re the only one’s left single here so why don’t we just go gay for each other~?!” Minho said, following him out.

“Shut up froggy, I’m straight!”


“I…better get going” Minji said, walking out the room.

“Minji! Wait!” Taemin then followed her.

“Call me noona!”


Onew, Haneul, Key and Yunhee giggled/chuckled at their friends.

“I guess we should leave the two of you together since you know~” Haneul winked at Key, making him blush.


“Come on jagiya, let’s leave the two some time. They need to catch up some things after those 2 years” Onew smiled at the new couple before holding Haneul’s hand and made their way out.

“Oh! And by the way, no make out arasseo?” Haneul grinned evilly, making them blush.


“Annyeong~” Onew closed the door behind them, making Yunhee and Key alone once again.


“I have something to ask…” Key looked at her, holding her hand.


“Is…Bomi really just your goddaughter…not your daugthter?” he bit his lip, looking at her then on the floor.

Yunhee giggled. “Jealous are we? Of course she is, she’s Dongwoo’s niece and the rest was a long story how I became her ‘mommy’”

“And Dongwoo oppa and I are just friends~!” she grinned, knowing what he will question next.


“Phew” he sighed in relief as he faced her, a smirk making his way to his lips.

“Then, should we continue on what we have left earlier?” he said, caressing Yunhee’s cheek as he pulled her face towards his.

Yunhee smirked back before kissing the side of Key’s lips and pull away, giggling.

He blinked at her.

“Why?!” he wailed, pouting.

“What? I’m just being an obedient dongsaeng to her unnie” she looked at him innocently,

“But…but…awww” he looked down with a sullen pout.

“But you still love me right~?” she grinned, hugging him.

“Of course…” he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement before hugging her back and kissing her temple.


“I love you Kim Kibum…”

“I love you more, Park Yunhee…”



            Even though you’re not a member of SHINee anymore,
Even though you found your real purpose in life, which is to dance ballet
and inherit your parent’s business…

I’ll always love you no matter what you choose,
 no matter what you want or your decision is…

And also, no matter what happens,

You’ll still gonna be…

...our SHINee’s Juliette.






/meanwhile crying because it's really the end.

So yeah, the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and what not will be on the final chappie. 


If there are some parts of the story that you guys didn't really understand, you'll find about it soon on the side story :)


The Minho and Jonghyun scene is a hint for my next fanfic ;)

even the Minji and Taemin scene tooo~ though the girl's name is different...kekeke XD

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1