Moving Out Once Again~

SHINee's Juliette


It’s been already 5 days since Yun Hee moved to SHINee’s Dorm. She learned that Key didn’t like people touching his things without his permission, Onew wasn’t too much of a chicken addict from what she heard, Minho has a great thirst for victory when he and Taemin were playing video games and that Jonghyun really do look like a dinosaur or a puppy sometimes.

Everything was just fine according to the ‘one month plan’ of her dear uncle Lee Soo Man. So far, somehow, she’s surviving the plan....


Well, for now. :)



“Minki-ah~ it’s time to wake up!” Key nagged as he shook her shoulder lightly.

“uhm, give me five minutes to continue my dream~” she murmured. Key furrowed his eyebrows and shakes her roughly.

“Yah! Wake up! Up! Up! Or I will not let you eat any chocolate or lollipop or marshmallow for 5 months!” he threatened.

Yun Hee immediately shot up from her bed and throw a half-hearted glare towards ‘umma’. It became a permanent threat of the umma to her ever since he learned from her two talkative bestfriends that she was a total addict of those stuffs and that would be a great threat to wake up comletely. Thank gawd they didn’t spill the beans of her dressing up as a male. She sighed and did her bed as Key went out to wake up Onew and the others.

So the new waking was this routine was this: When Jonghyun wakes up, he wakes up Key next after he wash his face, and Key will wake up Yun Hee and Onew, then Onew will wake up Taemin and lastly Taemin will wake up Minho. That became a permanent routine for the past 3 days ever since Yun Hee came.

She yawned as she walks towards the bathroom, when she was about to knock and open the door, the door opened by itself and a half Jonghyun with only a towel covering his waist and some water dripping out from his hair welcomed her early in the morning. Yun Hee gulped at the sight before her:  well toned abs, and light tan complexion. Trying not to blush she bowed lightly and walked off, leaving a confused Jonghyun behind.

Don’t think about it’ she chanted in her head like a spell, not paying attention to where she was going and bumped into the wall.

“Ow!” she hissed and glared at the wall, she heard someone chuckle and turn around to see Jonghyun who was still on a towel.

‘Kill me now’she taught as she ignored him and walked towards the bathroom.

“Hey, why are you ignoring me? You didn't even greeted me good morning?” Jonghyun called out, pouting.

"Good Morning hyung~" she said as she entered the bathroom.



After breakfast, the five guys were waiting for their manager to pick them up for their schedule. Yun Hee just stayed in the living room, watching TV while eating a bar of chocolate.

“Hey guys! I have good news for you!” they heard the manager shouted as he walked in the living room.

“What is it hyung?” Onew asked.

“Well, last night Lee Soo Man-ssi and I talked about something” he grinned.

“Well? What was that then?” Yun Hee joined in.

“You’re gonna move in a more spacious dorm” the grinning manager replied which earned a soft ‘yes!’ from the members.

“And not only that, it has 2 bathrooms also” he said as he looked at Yun Hee and smiled. A big glint of happiness shone from her chocolate brown eyes when she heard that.

YES! Heck yeah!’ she rejoiced in her mind as she smiled back.

“But when are we going to transfer?” Key asked, as the others nodded.

“You’re going to transfer now”

“Now? How about our schedules? And isn’t it too sudden?” Minho asked.

“They are cancelled for today so hurry up! Pack your stuffs so we could go there right away!” the manager clapped as they obeyed and went to their rooms except Yun Hee.

“Oh, why are you not packing yet?” the manager asked.

“Well, how did you come up with this? I mean how?” she asked, not finding the right words to ask.

“Well, you’re uncle wants you to have a more comfortable place to live with those guys so he planned to move you guys out of here” he answered.

“Aish, I’m already comfortable here...well except for the bathroom” she said to herself as she walk towards her room and pack her things again. The manager just chuckled and sat down in the sofa as he waits for them.

Another moving out again.

After packing and collecting all there stuffs with the help of some guys from who knows where, they had successfully moved out to their new home. The new dorm was nice; entering from the door, a short hallway leading to the living room welcomes you, it had 2 bathrooms of course; one near the kitchen and one beside the bedrooms in the west wing. The kitchen and the living room was separated by a small bar counter and the dining room was just beside the kitchen. The living room just looked like the same from the old dorm though there's a small table infront of the couch. The new dorm was sure spacious than the older but unfortunately; there are only 4 available rooms because the other two was for their small library and for their small dance room, though lucky they had a dance room.

It’s been decided that Minho and Jonghyun will still share one room and same as for Key, Onew and Taemin. As for Yun Hee, of course she had a room all by herself. Though she would like to protest that she shouldn’t be treated special, she couldn’t because she was a girl and they haven’t found it out yet.

Minho and Jonghyun took the room near the bathroom which is located to the left; Key, Onew and Taemin took the one near the walking closet which is just in opposite side of the bathroom beside Jonghyun and Minho’s room while Yun Hee decided to take the room on the dead end to the left beside the bathroom and the manager had his room on the opposite side of her room. After arranging there things which is done almost a day, they started to eat dinner.

“Aigoo~ I think I should thank Minki for this!” Key cooed as he continued to eat, the others laughed and nodded in agreement.

“Eh? It’s not like I asked for this” Yun Hee scratched her head.

“But I think you should thank your uncle tomorrow” the manager said as he pat her head.

“Tomorrow?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

“Yeah, he told me he wants to see you to talk about you know, maybe some things” he replied.

“Oh” she muttered, the other 5 gave some curious looks at her and the manager but shrugged it off.



The next day, they all went to their schedules and Yun Hee went to SME to talk to her uncle. She was in her small office, sitting comfortably. Just then Lee Soo Man entered and she immediately stood up and bowed.

“Uhm, uncle about the new dorm...Thanks!” she smiled as she bowed and looks at her uncle. Lee Soo Man just nodded his head and smiled.

“So, how was it?” he asked.

“How was what?”

“The plan. How are thing going?”

“Well, they haven’t found it out yet.”

“Oh, is that so? Anyway, I think you should have a practice now with them for your upcoming debut in Inkigayo when the time comes”

“Okay, I think I’ll tell them tomorrow”

“That’s good. I’ll talk to the choreographers to help you guys adjust”

“Neh, kamsahamnida uncle”

“Sure” he replied as he went out but stop mid-way.

“Oh by the way”


“Take care of yourself, don’t practice too much” he said with worry in his tone. Oh! How you wish to be his niece sometimes.

“I will uncle, thanks! You too!” she smiled.



Later that night, Yun Hee went out for a while to buy something that Key asked her to, Only Jonghyun and Key where at home for Taemin, Onew and Minho had a schedule on a radio show so they might comeback in the morning.

“Yah~ yeobo have you seen any of Minki’s clothes? I noticed that when I do the laundry I couldn’t see his clothes” Key asked as he sat on the couch beside Jonghyun who is watching TV. The latter shrugged as he looked at the former who sighed.

“Maybe he washes it secretly because he’s shy?” Jonghyun thought out loud.


“Ya know, everytime he sees me half- he ignores me and I don’t know why!” Jonghyun exclaimed as he pouted.

“Aigooo~ that’s because the dinosaur was too showy” Key teased as he shook his head.


“Anyway~ what took Minki long? He should be right her now!” Key said to himself as he went to their room.

Jonghyun just continued watching TV, after a while he felt like stretching and when he spread his arms wide in a horizontal angle, Yun Hee came and he hit her well, you know what I mean.

Yun Hee’s POV

After I bought what Key-oppa told me to, I immediately went home but stopped when I saw something shiny, shimmering, splendid in the shop infront of me. YEAH BABEH! LOLLIPOPS. 8D

With no hesitation, I bought 2 big spiral lollipops with my money of course then went straight home. When I got to the dorm, I quietly took off my shoes and headed to the living room, I can hear that someone was watching TV, I continued on my way to the kitchen but someone’s hand surprised me because it hit my ugh. You know what I’m referring to, the lower part to be exact.

“OUCH!” I faked clutching into my ‘fake friend’, kneeled down and ‘cry’ for pain although it doesn’t hurt that much at all.

“Omona! I’M SORRY!” the person who hit me freaked out as he knelt down beside me. It was Jonghyun-oppa of all people. -__-

“I didn’t mean to I’m so sorry!!!” he said as he hugged me. Aww, he felt guilty~ teehee.

“Hyung what happ—Oh my gosh! Minbaby what happened to you!? YAH ! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SECOND BABY?!” Key-oppa came out from the hallway and yelled at Jonghyun-oppa.

“I accidentally hit his friend” Jonghyun-oppa confessed, as he looked down the floor.

“I think I need to get married” I murmured but audible enough to be heard by the two.

“Aw my baby you’re too young to get married~ come here let me take you to your room” Key-oppa said as he takes me away from Jonghyu-oppa and helped me stand up. He took the plastic I’m holding and gave it to the guilty dino and I hear a soft sorry again from him before Key-oppa and I walked off. “It’s alright hyung” I said with a small smile.

Nice acting Ms. Park Yun Hee! 8D

Jonghyun’s POV

I feel guilty. ㅠ_ㅠ

What if Minki couldn’t have babies!? Lee Soo Man-ssi is gonna kill me ><”

But you know, our dear readers, I felt something weird after hitting his friend.

I didn’t felt a bulge.

I didn’t felt any  

b u l d g e. o_o

Does that mean his friend is small? *hysterical mental laugh*

But it seems flat, and there’s no one lies in it.

HE’s a male right? He has ‘that’ thing right?

He’s not a female being right? Or is He a SHE?

Nevermind I’m going to sleep, you might accuse me for being a erted pedo.


Good Night~ Sleep tight~ don’t let the bed bugs bite your buns. ㅋㅋㅋ~

Sweet dreams! :D

O-KAY~ That's an update! I'm so happy I love you guys~ especially shimhaneul :))
Love you too unnie :D

Anyway, Thanks for my new subscribers namely: 






though I lost one subscriber but that's okay !! :D




Stay tuned for the next chapter~ annyeong ! :D

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1