First Long Day in SHINee Dorm

SHINee's Juliette


Yun Hee’s POV

 “Welcome Home Minki-ah!” the 4 shouted smiling at me. I smiled back and said “Thanks Hyungs and Taemin-ah!”

“Minki-ah, come on I’ll show you your room” Manager oppa called me out, I nodded and walk along the hallway where it is. The room is neither big nor too small...  Perfect :]

(Ok, this is what the model looks like:…except for the mat under the bed, the bed sheet, the curtains and the computer. And also, the bed is a bit bigger and the space between the bed and computer table is smaller. I’m not good at describing this one. Mianhe ^^)

“Wow, it’s perfect” I said more like whispering.

“Well, that’s our old computer room.” Key said as peeking at my new room.

“Oh, it’s very spacious then. But, where did you place the computer now? ” I asked. “It’s moved to our old storage room” he replied, I smiled and muttered an ‘oh’. “I’ll just gonna cook lunch since it’s already past 11. Take your time Minki-ah~” he sang as he go to the kitchen

“Thanks hyung” I smiled as I watch Key disappear in the hallway

“Uhm, manager oppa, I have something to ask. Is there only one bathroom?” I whispered. He looked at me as he nodded and smiled apologetically.

“Oh, it’s alright…. Better that bathroom has a shower curtain” I said whispering the last part. “Did you say?” manager oppa asked. “Oh-- me? Nothing~” I grinned as I entered the room and he leave me there. Taemin suddenly popped out behind me.

“BOO~!!” he shouted

“Gyah~!” I shouted, he laughed which made me pout inwardly.

“Hyung, you shouted like a girl!” he said, still laughing. I just remained quiet and walk pass by him and placed my violet luggage in the bed. He stopped laughing and poke me asking “Yah, hyung are you mad?” with a sad face.

I pretend that I didn’t hear him and sat down the bed. He followed me and sat down too. “Hey, hyung I’m sorry~ will you forgive me?” he said as he looks at me with the deadly puppy eyes of his.







NOT. ----

Okay I give up =_=

I smiled, and ruffled his brown long hair showing that I ‘forgave’ him; oh jeez I thought I had the best puppy eye temptation in whole Seoul but look at me now; giving up because of his puppy dog eyes. AISH!!!

On the other hand, Taemin smiled and grabbed my luggage and opened it. OH MY GOSH NO!! But it’s seems too late coz when he opened it his chocolate brown eyes widened, jaw dropped.

What did he saw?

Well, just a bunch of Hershey’s and Cadbury chocolate bars, and a big bag of marshmallows tucked inside. It’s great that he didn’t see a lot more like you know…those things that are always hidden…like your underwear and your bra?. Yeah. And if he sees it, I’m SO dead on the first day~ good thing I hid them neatly under my clothes. Phew. I’m safe!!!!

“WOW hyung, where on earth did you got these chocolates!?” Taemin exploded. I gulped, thinking a good reason to tell him. He looked at me waiting for an answer, I gulped again. Aha! I know!

“W-well, I l-love t-to eat chocolates so I a--always bring some” I smiled awkwardly.

“Oh, is that so?” he asked, I nodded thinking that he will stop asking more, but I was wrong.

“Then why are there so many of them?” he asked once more.
“U-uh~I….I was planning to give some to the all of you guys!” I replied, good thinking Yun Hee!

“Chincha? Then can I get mine and hyungs already?” he asked with his puppy eyes again. Oh Lee Taemin-ah! You really do know how to kill me right on the spot right? I sighed and nodded in defeat. I gave him a total of 10 bars of Hershey’s and Cadbury chocolates, and then I told him to give 1 Hershey’s and 1 Cadbury to his hyungs to make it fair. It’s alright Yun Hee, you still have 20 bars more and at least he didn’t take the bag of mallows. :3

Taemin happily skipped his way out my room and went to the kitchen to give the chocolates to them while yelling “Hey hyungs! Minki hyung just gave us some chocolates!!” and I can also hear Key ‘umma’ yelling “YAH! Taemin-ah, don’t eat it first without eating lunch”.

He is really mother-ish. Sigh. To think that they are like this off screen. A noisy family. Yeah, my new family… a noisy one.

 End of POV

Yun Hee smiled at herself, more like an idiotic smile. Just then, Minho entered the room surprising her a bit. Why do always people like to enter her room suddenly? Aigoo~

“Ah, Minho-hyung, what are you doing here?” she asked, blinking at Minho who sat beside her in the bed. He smiled and ruffled her hair.

‘Gosh. Good thing I bought a great wig that cannot be taken off easily’she thought. Oh, I forgot to tell you...She wears a wig :D

“Thanks for the chocolates” he smiled and she smiled back too.

“No problem”

“Well, how’s the room?” Minho asked, he’s always like that. Asking how people feel about something and help him or her to solve the problem or adjust.

“It’s fine hyung, no complaints!” Yun Hee smiled as she stood up and open the windows. “A little bit dusty though” she added as she inhaled some fresh air.

“Well, it was kind of a rush when manager hyung told us to clean this room yesterday and transfer our computer in the old storage room so that makes the new computer room.” Minho stated, joining her in the window.

“Oh, I see. But, where did you get the bed and everything?” she curiously ask.

“I don’t know with manager hyung, they just arrived last night the time we heard that Lee Soo Man-ssi wants to have a meeting with us. Actually, we thought that it will be manager hyung’s new room because he told us to arrange the room properly” he answered.

“Uhm, hyung can I ask?” she said as Minho looked at her and nodded.

“Be honest ok? Did you guys uh, feel somewhat uncomfortable that there is someone new here in the dorm? I mean do you guys somewhat dislike me?” she carefully asked, Minho stopped for a while; he sighed and shook his head.

“Well, when Lee Soo Man-ssi told us that he will be adding another member in SHINee, we were against it at first. But when you introduced yourself to us and we get to know some of your background, we learned that it’s nice to add you after all” he answered giving his flaming charisma smile. Yun Hee can feel her cheeks flushing but she immediately tried to hide it by smiling cheekily.

“Then, thanks for accepting me in the family Minho hyung!” she said, earning a chuckle from Minho and another ruffle in the hair.

“So, you want me to help with your things?” he asked as he carry her luggage and take off the chocolates and place it on her bed. Yun Hee’s eyes widened and suddenly rushed to Minho’s side and grab her luggage from his hands.

“N-no! It’s alright hyung! I can do it by myself!” she half-shouted.

“Are you sure?” he asked,
“Neh, kwenchanayo hyung!” she sang. (Yes, it’s alright)

“Ok then, I’ll just be in the living room. Call me if you need me okay?” he smiled, she nodded and Minho left the room.

“Now, how and where I can hide these undergarments of mine” she whispered to herself as she open the lowest drawer of her wardrobe.

Onew’s POV

I was watching TV with Jonghyun and Taemin, Key was on the kitchen making lunch. Manager hyung told us to take care of Minki well before he finally left the dorm. Suddenly, Minho joined us when he sat on the floor.

“So, how is he?” I asked Minho.

“He’s fine hyung, he likes the room a lot” Minho said looking up to me.

“That’s good.”I said.

“I’m kinda confused though, why does he need to be in a separate room? I mean he can share room with Minho hyung and Jonghyun hyung right?” Taemin asked.

Yeah, now to think of it, why does he need to?

“I’m not sure, maybe because he’s an only child he doesn’t want anyone to sleep with anyone?” Minho answered.

“Maybe that’s it” Jonghyun agreed.

“How about you Onew hyung?” Taemin asked me, the 3 of them looked at me waiting for an answer.

“Uh, I also agree” I answered. But I’m not sure though.

“I still can’t believe his parents are already dead” Key said, joining us, still wearing his pink apron.

“Hey, I thought you’re cooking?” I asked. He shrugged and turned off the fire in the stove.

“I’m finished” he replied.

“Yeah, me too. I can’t believe Minki hyung’s parents are dead” Taemin said.

“And they died when he was 15? That’s very sad” Key added.

“I think we should make him happy so he would not think too much about his parents’ death” Key spoke once again. We all nodded, of course we want him to be happy with us right?

“Yeah, and he will not regret being a SHINee member!” Jonghyun said.

“I think we should do something for him when he debuts with us” I said,

 “Okay~ count us in” the 4 sang, just then Minki came out from the room, looking troubled.

“Yah.Minki-ah, what’s the problem?” I asked, hoping that he didn’t heard what we are talking about earlier.

“Uh, hyung? Where’s the bathroom?” he asked, good that he didn’t heard.

“Oh, it’s right over here” I heard Minho spoke up, opening the bathroom door for him. He hurriedly went to the bathroom and said “thank you” before closing it. I chuckled; maybe he can’t take it anymore.

“Anyway, I’ll prepare the table for us. Mind helping me Taemin?” Key asked as he stood up, Taemin nodded and followed him afterwards. The three of us just continued watching TV.

Yun Hee’s POV

After I entered the bathroom, I immediately did my thing. PHEW!!!! That was close. While washing my hands, I observed the whole bathroom.

Oh. There’s a shower curtain. GREAT. YEAH BABY. :DD

Oh. There are lots of hair gels. I bet most came from their fans. COOL.

Oh. So the hygiene things are kept here in this small hanging kit. NICE.

The mirror is just fine, no moist. CLEAN.

Actually, when I entered the dorm, it doesn’t smell too manly. It’s like just normal and the dorm was fine, clean and neat.

Oh my. I’m so observant and I can’t help it -_-

Just then, someone knocked at the door, I opened it and I see Minho-oppa standing there.

“So, how long are you going to stay in there?” he asked.

“Err. Sorry hyung, I dozed off.” I excused. “uhm, are you going to use the bathroom?” I added as I get out.

“No, I was about to tell you that lunch is ready” he smiled. I mouthed an ‘o’ before saying “thanks” and followed him to the kitchen.

“Oh, Minki-ah, seat on that place okay? From now on that’ll be your permanent place when eating” Onew-oppa said pointing to an empty seat in front of him.

“Arasso” I replied as I sat down. I looked at the others, Minho-oppa and Taemin who was at my left and Jonghyun-oppa a lil bit far at my right. Key-oppa is getting the food in the stove.

(A/N: So this is their positions:

Minho         Taemin

                                               Yun Hee                                                      Onew

Key             Jonghyun)


“Brace yourselves for the Almighty Key’s Kimchi Soup~!” Key-oppa beamed as he placed the bowl of kimchi soup in the table.

“Wow, it looks delicious” I cooed as Key oppa sat on his chair.

“Now Minki-ah, since you’re our new member of the family, be the first one to get and taste my cooking ok?” Key-oppa said as he gives the bowl to me.

After I get some, I passed it back to him and he gets some and passed it to Jonghyun oppa, and so on until all of us got some.

“Jalmukesumneda!” we said altogether.

“itadakimasu” I murmured before I started to eat. Well, you can’t blame me. I spent my childhood days in Japan so I’m used to saying it before eating rather the Korean one. But it almost means the same so there’s no big difference :)

When I tasted Key-oppa’s cooking, there’s only one thing I can say.


“So~ how was it?” Key oppa beamed, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s good” I said as I take another spoonful in my mouth. I saw him smiled and ate.

After eating, Onew-oppa and Minho-oppa volunteered to wash the dishes. I was actually going to help but Key-oppa said that it’s just my first day and he won’t let me do anything for a while. What a mom.  And I kinda miss my mom though.

We were in the living room watching TV, Minho-oppa and Jonghyun-oppa was inside their shared room and Onew oppa was called by Manager oppa, so Me, Taemin, and Key-oppa were the once left.

“So hyung, you’re still studying right?” Taemin asked, I looked at him and shook my head. He gave me a confused stare.

“Huh? What do you mean? Shouldn’t you be in the junior year right now? Did you quit school?” Key-oppa asked, I shook my head again.

“Well, I already graduated highschool hyung” I explained.

“Huh? You mean you’re an accelerated student? How cool !” Taemin beamed.

“Err. Actually, it’s also a NO. After I graduated gradeschool in Japan, we moved to the Philippines because my dad’s mom, my grandmother had been ill and I continued my studies there while my mom and dad take care of her. You see, the education structure of the Philippines is very different here in Korea. They only have 3 stages which is first, the Pre-school then the Elementary, then Highschool and last is College” I explained, the two of them nodded in unison like a grade 1 who’s trying to get what the teacher is explaining. I feel like one now -_-

“Oh~ I get it now, so you didn’t enter Middle School. And so, you’re in college right now” Key-oppa said as I nodded.

“Aww, I’m the only one stucked in highschool. I feel sad” Taemin crossed his arms and pouted. I and Key-oppa chuckled.

“You know Taeminnie, when you graduate and enter college, you’ll miss your highschool days. My mom once said that Highschool life is the most worst, the best, the happiest and the saddest part of being a student and I think what she said is really true” I said.

“I think so” Taemin half-frowned half-pouted. I smiled.

The day went fast; Key-oppa gave me a short tour around the dorm so I won’t get confused. Now to think about it, my room is next to Taemin, Key-oppa and Onew-oppa’s shared room then next to it is the bathroom. I see, good thing it’s one room apart, it won’t be a big problem.

After arranging my room that is now purple-filled, sorry, I really love Purple, Violet, Lavender whatever. XD

I my laptop and checked my mails if I received some, it’s been a while since I opened it.

From: Marianne <3
Sent: August 13, 2010; 13:34

Oh, a message from my bestfriend just a while ago? Oh, wait it’s the 14th today, so it was sent yesterday. I opened it and read.

Dear Yun Hee/Jessica,

YAH! Why do I need to be so formal? HAHAHA! XD

Hey babe, how are you? Don’t you know how much I’m missing you right now? I wanna see you but I’m stucked here in the Philippines and now you’re enjoying yourself there in Korea with the SM artists TT.TT. Lucky bastard, haha, peace~ just kidding. ^^v

Anyway, I bet you already saw the Lucifer because you know~ right? You’re there in SM and we, your friends are stucked here in the Philippines just what I told you earlier :)
Uh, can you, uhm. Give me one copy of it? And Haneul too and Ley too? Pretty please with cherry on top *puppy dog eyes*. We want it so badly~ can you ask your uncle to give you some? Just 3 copies for us won’t hurt them right? Right? THANK YOU ! :D

And, uh, take care ok? Tell us if the some SM artists are bullying you and we’ll take care of it >:D. Just, take care ok? Don’t eat too much chocolate and marshmallows might as well lollipops too! You’ll get cavities or might get sore throats. TAKE CARE OK?! XD

I Love You Jessica whose real name is Yun Hee :*

Love lots,


I’ll be online on the 15th at the 7:00 pm; time there in Korea. Be sure to get online ‘kay? It’s our Friendship Monthsary so I want to talk to you badly. Well, that’s all bye bye <3

I smiled after I read it, sigh, she’s so caring as always. Though I’m more mature even she’s two months older than me. I clicked the reply button and I wrote my reply to her.

To: Marianne <3
from: Jessica.

Dear Marianne,

            YAH! Do I need to be so formal too? Kekeke.

            Yo wassup babe! I’m fine~ just adjusting to my new room. The reason why is a surprise so wait for it. Mehrong. Awww, I miss you too :’( and I wanna see you too but I guess I can’t because of ‘work’ and I’m gonna be really busy maybe next week. Psh, I’m not really lucky and hey, don’t use bad words, bad, bad. : O nah just kidding :p

            Yep, I already saw it and I already know how to dance it, well almost ^^”. And don’t worry about the copy, I already send them to the 3 of you yesterday, the special one :). I know that you’ll ask me so I already did the action. You don’t need to be shy when asking it you naughty unnie. Haha!

            Yes ma’am I’ll gonna take care of myself. I won’t eat all the chocolates, the marshmallows and even lollipops at once. Oh, and the SM artists are kind, really I’m not lying so no need to worry about me. TAKE CARE TOO OK? :)

I’ll gonna wait for you to be online tomorrow~ just buzz the chat first :D. So maybe that’s all. Gonna take a bath and sleep now.


Jessica :*

After typing my reply, I sent it and I suddenly look at my desktop wallpaper.
Oh, I need to change my wallpaper for a while.

“Minki-ah, are you going to take a bath?” Minho-oppa asked, peeking at my door. I nodded as I shut down my laptop and took my clothes to the bathroom.

“We’re going to sleep now Minki-ah, we have schedule tomorrow. Goodnight~” Key-oppa said before entering the room.

“Okay, goodnight hyung!” I replied before I close the bathroom door. After I took a bath, I also washed my wig also washed my wig since it’s washable.

Gawd, how long am I gonna do this? D:

I slowly walked out from the bathroom to my room. Good thing that they are all asleep. I suddenly feel like I’m in an action movie while doing so, but this is reality and I can’t do anything about it. -_-

When I entered the room, I hang my washed clothes near the window so they could dry tomorrow. I need to do this too so they won’t see my you-know-what things. I grabbed my hair dryer and dried my long hair, should I cut this? Nah, they are precious to me. Wait, I have an idea! I get my washed clothes and dried them using my hair dryer. YAY! It’s done =3

After also drying my wig, I tied my hair in a knot and put on again my wig and fix it. Aish. I know. very long process of my so-called disguise. When I’m done, I climb on my bed and pull the blanket over me. I can feel my eyelids began to feel heavy and soon I drifted to my lalalala dreamland.

Ok, this is what I don’t like. Waking up in the middle of the night and I can’t go back to sleep. Great. I looked at the clock in my bedside table.

1:49 am? No wait, it’s 2:49 am. Really great.

Should I go outside and drink water so I can sleep? Okay.
I went to the kitchen and e light on. I get some water in the fridge and poured it in a purple glass which Onew-oppa bought a while ago because Manager oppa just told him to do so. After drinking, I washed the glass and placed it in the dish rack. Aish! I don’t feel sleepy =_=”

I sat on the sofa and rested my chin between my knees. I really CAN’T sleep.

I kinda miss my old room. Full of Mickey Mouse 3=

But I guess I need to get used to this dorm, I should be the happiest girl here in South Korea, living with SHINee and all? I should consider myself lucky. But I’m anxious, if they knew that their new member is really a girl, will they get mad? Will they like me like they like the Park Minki I’m pretending right now? Aigoo. I don’t know what to do if they get mad at me. ><”

Jonghyun’s POV

Okay, I can’t sleep after I woke up. Maybe a little walk outside the room won’t be bad. I carefully walk to the door and opened it, I got outside and closed it carefully so I wouldn’t wake up Minho. While I was on my way to the living room, I noticed that Minki’s door is slightly open so I took a peek. Not that I’m a ert or stalker or something but I just want to make sure that Minki is sleeping comfortably. That’s a work of a hyung after all! *proud* but I realized that he is not in his bed and nowhere inside the room. Must be in the kitchen.
As I was on my way to the kitchen, I stopped in front of a figure, I can only see his back but I know it’s him.

“Minki-ah” I called,

“Hyung?” he said as turned his head towards my direction. I gave him a small smile as I walk towards him.

“Can’t sleep?” I asked as I sit beside him, he nodded.

“How about you hyung? You can’t sleep too?” he asked this time.

“Yeah” I answered. A heavy silence filled the atmosphere after that.

“Why can’t you sleep?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“I already fell asleep, but sometimes when I wake up I can’t go back to sleep anymore and I kinda miss my old room” he answered.

“Oh, what does your old room looked like? We can turn your current room like your old room so you won’t miss it” I said looking at him,

“Don’t laugh ok? And it’s alright I can try to survive” he said.

“Huh? Okay, what does it look like? Come on tell me” I said, still looking at him.

“It’s filled with Mickey Mouse and some anime posters” he said blushing. Aigoo, so cute, and he really looks like a girl. I chuckled; he half-glared and half-pouted at me.

“What?” I said.

“I told you hyung not to laugh” he said still half-glaring and half-pouting.

“I’m not, I just find it cute. Oh, and you’re room is also filled with anime posters so you’re an otaku? That’s cute too” I said as I ruffled his soft blackish brown hair. He nodded.

“Since when?” I asked.

“Uhm, since I was in the 5th grade” he replied. I mouthed an ‘o’ then the atmosphere was again filled with heavy silence the next minute. Both of us stayed quiet for a couple of minutes now. Hmm, maybe he’s sleepy should I ask him to—

“Hyung, what do you think of me?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“Huh?” I’m kinda confused, what does he mean by that?

“What do you think of me? I mean, what is your first impression when you first saw me? Be honest.” he cleared his question as he looked at me. Oh, now I understand.

It took me seconds to think of an honest and appropriate answer. Ok, here goes nothing.

“Uh well, honestly, when I heard that we will be adding another member in SHINee, I felt mixed feelings of anxiousness, disappointment and happiness. Anxiousness because I don’t know if the new member is a girl or a boy and I’m not sure how to make friends with him or her since I’m not that friendly.” I paused as I looked at him. He nodded lightly as he register all what I just said in his mind, then he gestured me to continue.

“Disappointment because we’ve been in a lot of difficulties to reach our position right now and they would just add someone and I was anxious also that he/she might ruin all our hard work. But you know why I also felt happiness? It’s because when I saw you enter inside the office and took of your hood, I felt that we can be compatible with each other in no time. I was happy that we are gonna add another as cute and as kind as you” I said as I pinch his soft and smooth cheeks.

“Hyung~” he whined, blushing.

“Ya know, It’s almost the same as what Minho hyung told me a while ago but you gave me the longer version” he said.

“Oh? Haha! But you know, I can see that Taemin likes you the first time he saw you. Key on the other hand had some small tantrums in his mind because there will be another ‘son’ to be added in the SHINee family.” I chuckled.

“Eh? How did you know that he had some small tantrums?” he asked laughing,

“He told me when you were inside the room unpacking your things” I replied.

“Oh, I’ll be a good ‘son’ then” he grinned, I smiled.

I looked at the clock which is hanging on the wall above us.

3:30 am

Woah? We’ve been chatting for too long? Well, maybe I should tell him to sleep. I should sleep too, we have schedule tomorrow. But just then, I felt a light weight in my left shoulder, it was Minki’s head. He fell asleep already? Well, I’ll just let him to sleep here. I get his pillow and blanket from his room. I put the pillow under his head and pull the blanket over him. After that, I left a small light near the living room in case he wakes up again. Before going back to our room, I check on him if he is comfortably sleeping. I get to look at his sleeping face. He looks like an angel when he sleeps. He is like Taemin, prettier than a girl, which what I observed. Yawn. Well I better sleep now again.

“Goodnight Minki-ah, sweet dreams” I said before I go to my and Minho’s room.

Aiya~ chapter 3 is up! :D
Did you miss my update? Yes? No? *sad*

anyway, THANKS FOR MY 2 new subscribers!

KimHana_Mina and theclumsywitch



To my SILENT READERS: Please Comment and Subscribe arasso? :)






Okay, I just want to tell you guys that I just added something about Yun Hee's room. Manager hyung HAS actually a room in SHINee's dorm but I actually forgot to put NEW on Minho's sentence not until I realized it just now. Mianhe ^^"

Anyway, I'll be posting the 4th chapter soon so please wait for it patiently !


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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1