The Leader after the Diva

SHINee's Juliette


“Morning Guys~!!! Wake up! Wake UP!!” Onew energetically shouted as he open all the rooms and ran through the hallway.

“What the heck hyung? What’s up with you?” Jonghyun groaned, rubbing his eyes.

“Yah! Onew hyung! What’s the fuss all about?!” Key yelled, hands on his hips though his eyes still closed.

“The ing hell” Yun Hee groaned a little too loud as she went out her room but stopped midway when she realized what she said though too late because Key’s eyes was now open and looking at her with mad and surprised eyes, Minho, Taemin and Jonghyun who’s already wide awake with eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape and Onew stopped shouting.

“Ahem? What did you just say?” Key asked as calm as possible, raising an eyebrow at the scared Yun Hee.

‘Uh-oh’ she thought

“S...sorry umma!! I’m really sorry I didn’t meant to curse !! Wahhh!!” Yun Hee ‘pretends’ to cry, whining and slapping with her hand.

“Oh my god Minki-ah, from whom did you learn to curse?!” Key asked worriedly,

‘from watching too much bad asses animes’ she answered in her mind.

“Ahh. I don’t know umma” she lied, smiling nervously.

Key sighed and shook his head.

“Tsk.tsk. I know you’re lying dear but I’ll let this pass for now. This is the first warning, don’t do it again or else...” he looked at her sternly, she visibly gulped and nodded.

“Good” Key smirked and went towards the kitchen to make breakfast.

“Today is my CHICKEN DAY !!” Onew shouted, running around the house like an idiot...then, he tripped. Here goes Onew Condition again.

“Yah! Hyung, stop running!” Key yelled from the kitchen.

Minho and Taemin left the hallway and went to the living room as Yun Hee was still left dazed and scared. Just then, Jonghyun hugged her from behind, she felt herself blushed and stiffed.

“Cursing doesn’t fit on the mouth of a beautiful lady like you” he ily whispered in her ear which sent her shivers down her spine. Another skinship? What is he really up to?

“Kim Jonghyun. Would. You. Stop. The. Skinship?” Yun Hee growled under her breath, not in the mood for the dinosaur’s skinship thing.

“Disrespectful are we? Do you want your umma to get mad at you again?” he chuckled.

“Tch. And do you want me to reveal my real gender by hugging me? Pfft. I have plans oppa” she said as she tried to let go of his grip but he just hugged her tightly.

“Let go or I’ll squeal and tell umma that you’re ually harassing me” she threatened, trying to turn her head at Jonghyun but failed.

“Try me” he smirked as he tightly hugged her more. His arm suddenly brushed against her chest.

...because luck is not always on Jonghyun’s side....

“KYAAAAAA~!!!!!! UMMAAAA!!! JONGHYUN HYUNG IS UALLY HARRASSING ME!!” Yun Hee squealed, voice echoed all over the walls of the dorm.

“Wha--?!” Jonghyun shouted, ‘she didn’t wore a chest binder?!’ he thought as Yun Hee release herself from his hug.

“Kim. Jonghyun” Key roared, firmly holding the spatula in his hands.

.umma scary mode activated.

“’s not what you think Key! I swear she...he was just lying!!!” Jonghyun defended, hands in front of his chest, walking back slowly as Key who’s eyes were dark with scary aura moved forward.

Yun Hee on the other hand was on the side, arms over her chest.

‘He...he felt my s once again’she cried inside her mind.

‘I really hate skinship’ she added as she watches Key smack Jonghyun with his magical spatula and walked out.

“Owwww~ it hurts” Jonghyun winced, touching the swollen part of his dinosaur head.

“That’s what you get for harassing me bleh” Yun Hee mocked as she stuck her tongue out.

“Well, it’s also your fault for not wearing a chest binder and for your healthy chest...” he mumbled the last part but Yun Hee heard him because she has a very strong hearing sense.

“What the f did you just say!?” she roared.

“Nothing !!” Jonghyun said as he ran to the bathroom and closed it.

“Yah! Hyung! Open up!” she sweetly called, knocking softly on the door.

“I won’t !! You’re so bipolar!!” Jonghyun shouted inside.

“I’m not..” she pouted.

“You are!”
“I’m not!”

“YAH! Minki-ah! Are you PMS-ing?” Onew said, can’t take the mood swings and the shouting anymore.

He should be the one shouting. DUH. It’s his CHICKEN DAY not theirs.

“Sorry hyung” Yun Hee smiled sheepishly and went to the bathroom near the kitchen.

“Key’s right, something’s weird with Minki and Jonghyun these past days” Onew said particularly to no one.


Yun Hee’s POV

O..kkay? Onew oppa said that I’m PMS-ing? HA! Not in a million years, my period is due to next week.. I counted that *proud*

But I feel something weird though...maybe it’s just my imagination...

I looked down.....




Just to make sure....




That I’m not imagining...



And... TADAAAA~!!





Nooooo~!!! Why now?! I thought.. I thought...ugh! Good thing I have my “secret” cabinet where I hide my pads.

Aish... I wish I won’t have a very hard time today. TT.TT

End of POV


After sulking and crying out her frustration, Yun Hee finally came out of the bathroom with slight puffy eyes and a red nose.

‘I really hate my first day this made me cry.’ she lifelessly walked to her room and slammed the door shut.

“What’s with Minbaby? First, he and Jonghyun-hyung are fighting then he became sweet towards him and now he came out of the bathroom crying? What’s next? We will find him inside the room dead?! OMONA!” Key panicked, talking to no one and started to knock on Yun Hee’s door.

“Minbaby!!! What’s wrong?! Don’t kill yourself you’re too early to die!” he wailed, knocking on her door louder this time.

“Key, just let him be, he’s just PMS-ing” Onew sarcastically said, eyes glued on the KFC coupon card he’s holding.

“What? PMS-ing?! Is he a girl!?” Key shrieked as he gets the key (a/n: lol. keys xD) to her room and opened it. He found her sulking beside her bed, glaring at the wall.

“Minbaby? What’s wrong?” Key asked, kneeling down beside her.

“Nothing” she bluntly answered,

“Yah, what’s with the sudden change of moods? Are you sick?” he asked as he placed his hand on her forehead.

“No fever” he muttured.

“Hyung, could you just leave me for a while. You have schedules right? I think you should go prepare now” Yun Hee softly said, looking at Key sweetly.

“Oh...kay? Be good all right? I- I’ll be going now...right” Key stammered, avoiding Yun Hee’s soft gaze

“Okay~ bye hyung!” she grinned and waved like an idiot.

‘What a weird kid’ Key thought as he went out and prepare for his schedule.


“Minki-ah, wanna go with me to KFC?” Onew asked, peeking through her door.

He carefully watched as her expression went from dull to light, to scary, to creepy and then excitement.

“Really hyung?! I can come?” she excitedly asked, standing up. Even though Onew wanted to be alone, because it’s his chicken day, he nodded and smiled. Why not treat the new member for the first time..right?

Aigoo, I guess it’s easy to make him happy after all’ he thought.

“Now, go dress up. I’ll wait for you in the living room ‘kay?” he chuckled and closed the door.


“So~ how did it go hyung?” Key asked, eyes focused on the magazine he’s reading.

“Well, he said ‘yes’ so my asking was a success?” Onew grinned; giving Key a two thumbs up even the latter won’t see it. The younger male just nodded but suddenly looked up.

“Hyung, do you think Minki is acting weird lately?” Key asked,

“Huh? Well.. a bit? Why do you ask?” Onew raised an eyebrow.

“Well you see…Jonghyun was giving a lot of skinship to him…and I’m jealous” he mumbled the last part but audible enough for the older male to hear.

“I see” the older just chuckled which received a glare from the younger male.

“And… I saw him the other day quietly spazzing at the new designs of girl dresses and I also saw him feeling his chest a while ago…” Key trailed off.

“Is he gay?!” he exclaimed, covering his mouth in ‘shock’.

“Hey, aren’t you glad that now there’s someone in the group like you?” Onew grinned which earned him a smack on his arm from the diva.

“Yah! Are you saying that I’m gay?!” Key hissed, glaring at him.

“I was just kidding okay? Sorry” Onew laughed, putting his arms up in front of him for defense.

“Whatever” Key rolled his eyes. Just then, Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin came out and dragged Key towards the front door.

“Yah..Yah! I can walk you know?!” Key yelled, who was continued being dragged as he put on his shoes.

“See you later hyung~ Enjoy your chicken day!” Taemin beamed as he closed the door.


A moment later…

“Hyung! I’m ready!” Yun Hee happily said as she popped out beside Onew.

“Wah! You almost scared me to death Minki-ah” he said as he placed his hand over his chest.

“Mianhe~” she giggled. He looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing an over-sized white shirt with an ‘I LOVE CHICKEN” print and skinny jeans.

“You love chicken?” Onew chuckled,

“Yeah, well sometimes not…it depends” Yun Hee laughed awkwardly, Onew just shook his head in amusement.

‘At least here’s someone who love’s chicken like me’ he thought.

“Anyway, let’s go?” he asked and she nodded.


“Where are we going~ *clap clap clap* to KFC! Where are we going *clap, clap, clap* to KFC! YAY!” (LOL. Dora XD) Yun Hee sang like a kid, skipping in the street, which earned a laugh from the disguised man behind her.

“You know, you’re really weird today… First, a while ago you were fighting with Jonghyun then came out the bathroom with puffy eyes and now you’re all jolly…what’s with you today?” Onew playfully shook his head.

‘Because I’m on my period ‘kay?’ Yun Hee answered on her mind.

“I don’t know” she lied, grinning.


“Well, we’re here” Onew stopped and looked at the direction where KFC is.

“WOW! It’s so big and nice!” she exclaimed, gawking with big eyes.

“Sure it is” Onew chuckled as he grabbed her hand and dragged her inside.


The two started to order and had a chicken feast because of Onew’s coupon card where they got a big discount on their order so they were like freaking chicken addicts.


“Wah~ what a luxurious meal” Onew smiled to himself, patting his now chicken-filled stomach.

“Yeah! I really love chicken” Yun Hee giggled

“You know, you look like a girl when you giggle” Onew commented, drinking his soda.

“Do I?” she innocently asked. He just nodded and smiled.

‘Well of course I’m a girl. DUH.’ She thought

“Well then, shall we go?” Onew asked, standing up. She nodded as she got up and followed him out of the restaurant.

“Where do you wanna go next?” Onew asked as he walked a bit slower for her to catch up.

“Eh? Why are you asking me?” she blinked, looking at him.

“Why? You don’t want to choose?” he smiled.

“Well...can...can we go home?” she shyly asked,

‘Because I think I need to change something’ she continued on her mind.

“Go home? Why?” Onew asked, confused.

“Well, I ate a lot of chicken so I think I need to sleep” she half-lied.

“Oh, is that so? Well okay! I think I need that too” Onew chuckled as they made their way towards their dorm building.


They we’re just a few blocks away from the building when it suddenly drizzles then rained hard.

“Omona! It’s raining!” Yun Hee squealed, jumping and putting her hands up like a kid.

“Yah! Let’s run for it or we might get sick!” Onew shouted as he grabbed her wrist and ran.

“Wohooo~ rain so fun!” she squealed once more, letting Onew drag her towards their dorm building.

...The fact that she was having her period was long forgotten...

“Wah~ we’re here” Onew said, catching his breath as he let go of Yun Hee’s wrist.

“Hohoho~ that was fun!” she giggled as they enter and bowed at the guard then went towards the elevator and enter.

“Oppa! You’re soaking wet!” she giggled once more.

“Oppa?” Onew asked, clearly surprised. Yun Hee just realized what she said and covered it up.

“Did I just say that?!” she laughed, resulting for him to laugh too.


“Woah, so fast?” she asked, surprised.

“Duh, we’re on the 3rd floor of course it didn’t take 5 minutes” Onew chuckled.

They went hurriedly to their dorm and punched in the code then went inside.

“Minki-ah, use the bathroom near the rooms, I’ll use the one near the kitchen okay?” Onew said as they took off their shoes.

“Okay~” Yun Hee said as she hurriedly went towards the bathroom near the rooms.

Onew didn’t know if it was just a mere coincidence or anything but the exact moment he looked up, he saw Yun Hee’s soaked back, clearly seeing the chest binder on her.

‘wth? Is that a chest binder? Why is he wearing that?’he asked himself, shaking away his thoughts, his eyes suddenly travelled up to her pants, a small red spot was almost visibly seen on her thigh.

‘What the fudge was that?!’ he thought once again as he shook his head and went towards the bathroom near the kitchen.

“Okay, just pretend I didn’t see anything” he said to himself as he strip off his wet clothes and took a shower.


Later that night...

The SHINee family was done eating breakfast, Jonghyun and Taemin was the one washing the dishes, Onew, Key and Minho were watching tv and Yun Hee was inside her room, watching Kurosuji episodes she just missed. (a/n: Kurosuji is a great anime xD)

“Taemin-ah, do you know what tomorrow is?” Jonghyun grinned, looking at the confused Taemin who stopped wiping the plates.

“Tomorrow is Wednesday, 31th of August. Wae?” he answered. The older male shook his head and smirked as he pointed at the ingredients of cookies kept in the corner.

“Tomorrow is another big day” Jonghyun grinned evilly, Taemin sighed.

‘Just what are you really planning hyung?’


Annyeong Everyone! I'm back! Sorry for being gone for almost two weeks? LOL.
and, and this time I didn't had any writer's block but I had so much ideas that they all came flooding my mind at the same time. and school was pain in the .-_-

anyway, as much as I wanna do a double update, I can't.. I just can't so I'm really sorry. T.T


Sorry, I just thanked all of you right now. Cause your author is busy enjoying the school too much.

LOL. you know the scene that Yun Hee was PMS-ing right? I actually just experienced that at school last Wednesday XD. I was like 'WTF? Am I Yun Hee or whut?' LOL, just sharing my crazyness xD

And, also thanks for my new subscribers: taemjjang and CookiesILikeCookies


now...for the awaited corner...*drum rolls*


@143BigBang: hohoho~ just wait dear, you'll find out soon ;))

@EunMin: Thank you!...nah-uh-uh. It wouldn't be Onew. Sorry :P..though, what is on your mind right now? Can you tell me? I'll give you a chocolate bar :D

@KpopStalker: Thanks! well, here's the update :D

@shimhaneul: keke. I've already treated you unnie :*

@ILIKEPRETTYBOYS: Thank you! Here's the update! sorry it took long ^^"

@sharehappyness: Thank you! LOL. I think I had a bit hard time on contemplating whether to put Minho's abs description or not XD. Anyway, yes! Key umma is fast. XDDDD

@Starley_Writer: Thank you! Belated Happy birthday! You know, I was really planning to update on the day of your birthday as a gift but sadly, the effin school is bad that it gave us a lot of assignments. D:

@CookiesILikeCookies: LOL. Thank you dongsaeng XD. And thanks for the gift, it gave me the best 5 seconds best laugh of my life XDDDDDD. Well, haha! here's the update. I hope you'll be happy now okay?! LOL. just kidding :P

@SShizz501: kekeke. Thank you :D

@mari_038: I know mari unnie. Haha! You're the first one to greet me and gave me a gift 3 days or earlier than my birthday LOL. and stop putting the pushpops. Just Kidding ! XD

@saranghaeshineefx: Thank you! keke. she/he will get to eat chocolate soon :)






- RiCa1826



► His Pain. His Regret

by RiCa1826 and shimhaneul 

-yes! that's me and it's my first time making ANGST :)) PLEASE READ AND COMMENT 'Kay? :D

-And.. I would also like to promote, CookiesILikeCookies (my dongsaeng)'s Fanfic:

► Don't you just hate this love song?

it's her first fanfic so please support her! and...Yun Hee was also there xD because she borrowed her without permission. LOL just kidding XDDDDD I love you dongsaeng! <3

- For those Super Juniors Fans aka ELFs out there, check this out :D

You Fixed My Broken Heart

by mari_038

Sorry for being a promoter XD

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1