Not a Stalker

SHINee's Juliette


The five hot SHINee guys stared in awe as Yun Hee danced Lucifer in the practice room inside SME. She knows every move as if she was dancing it for ages; every move was smooth and y even though she was wearing baggy clothes and jeans. She mixed all the members dance moves like it became one.

Is he really a rookie? They doubt.

“Woah~” Jonghyun cooed as she strike the last pose. The other 4 clapped their hands, eyes still glued on her sweaty body. She bowed and thanked them as smiled cheekily.

“I can’t believe it hyung! You can beat me!” Taemin beamed as he jump and raise the both of his hands up high.

“Anni. You’re still the best Taemin no one can beat you” because I’m a girl. Yun Hee continued in her head.

“I think we can have only small adjustments since he can dance well enough” the choreographer said as he walked in the middle.

“Well, that’s great it won’t be hard for us” Minho said and the others nodded in agreement.

They started practicing the new formation for Lucifer; it just took an hour for the members to adjust, which is good news because they ended up their practice earlier than expected and went to their next schedules while Yun Hee tried to learn Ring Ding Dong from SHINee’s backup dancers.


Later night~

“Onew-hyung, what’s wrong?” Minho asked as he saw Onew sighed for the 9th time that day after they sat inside the van to go home.

“I didn’t see Yun Chou like last time” he answered in a depressed tone.

“Yun Chou?” Minho asked, slightly titling his head to the side. Yun Hee’s lips twitched after hearing ‘Yun Chou’ (a/n: remember guys? chapter 1? She told Onew her name was Yun Chou which was not?)

“It’s the girl he met in SME about a week ago” Key answered for him as Onew sighed again. Minho mouthed as ‘o’ as he looked again at his depressed hyung and was about to say something when Yun Hee cutted him.

“Hyung, should we treat you chicken so you can be happy again?” she asked, Onew’s face suddenly lit up in happiness as he nodded furiously.

Sometimes, chicken is the solution to Onew’s problems.

After they arrived at their dorm, Yun Hee gave her handphone to Key and asked him to call and order the chicken because she needed to go to the bathroom and do her business. Key nodded as he watch Yun Hee disappear to the bathroom and flipped open her phone.

“Oh-ooh~!” he cooed in surprise, it caught the attention of the other 4 who just came inside.

“What is it hyung?” Taemin asked as he went towards Key who is looking at Yun Hee’s phone, eyes wide, mouth agape. Out of curiosity, he also looked to see what it was and a second later had the same reaction as Key but his mouth was forming an ‘o’ shape.

“What the hell’s wrong with you guys?” Minho asked as he took away the phone from Key’s grasp and took a look on it. “Oh” he muttered,

“Minho-yah, wae?” Onew asked as Minho gave him the phone. He looked at it and much to his surprise; the handphone’s wallpaper was a beautiful girl holding a camera. She had those feline-like chocolate brown eyes, long wavy brownish-red hair, thin plum lips and pinkish complexion. She doesn’t look like Korean at the first look though.

“Hey, isn’t that Go Ah Ra-ssi?” Jonghyun asked as he looked at the handphone.

“No, she’s not, they just both look alike” Onew answered, as he look and memorizes every detail of the picture.

“She’s Yun Chou!” Onew smiled as he looked at the members.

“You mean, Minki-ah knows her?” Key asked, finally snapping out. Onew shrugged as he tried to browse more, he didn’t expect to see a lot of pictures of her inside the phone and the younger ones hovered around it.

“Let me see~ she’s so pretty” Taemin cooed as he take the turn and looked at the pictures.

Yun Hee’s POV

I went out from the bathroom humming Lucifer and went towards the living room to get my phone back. Just then, I froze from my tracks when I saw that the guys were hovering over my phone.


“Y-Yah! Hyungs, what are you all doing to my phone?” I tried not to shout as I grab my phone from Jonghyun-oppa’s hands, flipped it close and slid it into my pocket.

“Hey! I’m not done looking at it yet~” he whined.

“Park Minki, explain” Onew-oppa said looking straight at my eyes. I gulped.

“E-explain? W-what the hell are you t-talking about Onew hyung? K-Key hyung have you called—“

“Explain why you have Yun Chou’s photos in your phone” Onew-oppa asked in a serious tone, I swallowed the lump in my throat, thinking and finding the right words to answer.

“S-she’s a friend of mine” I half lied, hoping that he would stop questioning more.

“If she’s a friend of yours then why do you have her pictures in your phone?” Onew-oppa continued asking, I mentally remind myself to slap my face when I’m alone later for giving my phone to Key-oppa.

“Uhm” I bit my lip, I wish this would stop~

“Tsk.Tsk. Minki is a stalker” Jonghyun blurted out, shaking his head in disbelief. The others look at me weirdly after hearing what Jonghyun said.

“I—I’m not!” I defended, trying to look guilty by giving blush in my cheeks.

You know what, I can actually be an actress. *proud*

“If so, then why are do have many pictures, no scratch that, tons of pictures of her?” he continued asking, wiggling his eyebrows.

Of course I’m her. I mentally scoffed

“It’s just—“

You better run run run run run~

The ringtone beamed in the deadly, scary, creepy, eerie silence. I fished out my phone from my pocket and looked at the Caller ID. Sunny unnie <3

Thank you for saving me Unnie \(*o*)/

Yeah~ the song fits the scene. I need to run from being caught. ㅋㅋㅋ~

I bowed my head as walked away from them to enter my room and answer Sunny unnie’s call.


“Yun Hee~” I heard her squealed.

“Unnie” I grinned.


Sunny unnie and I were close ever since were little, even though we were far away from each other, we tried to make sure that we contact each other once in every week to know what’s up, she was like an older sister. I sighed as I smiled at the memory.


“YAH~” I heard her cute voice beamed in my ear.



“Are you paying attention Yunnie?”


“I’m sorry. uh, what did you say again?”

“I said, are you free tomorrow?”


“Yeah, wae?”

“Let’s hang out, same favorite hangout place”


“Really? That’s great!” I said, smiling.

“So, let’s meet up in SME at 10 am?”


“Deh~ komawo unnie! Saranghae” I sang as I heard her smiled in the phone.

“Nado saranghae my Yunnie” she replied as she make some kissing noises and I chuckled on the cute sounds.

“I’ll gonna hung up now, see ya! Good night” I said.

“Kay~ good night” 


I went out of the room with a smile on my face but soon faded when I saw the gang eyeing me with a stern look and Key-oppa tapping his foot impatiently on the floor, waiting for me to explain.

I guess I’ll gonna have a looooong night -__-


After explaining why I had pictures of myself on my phone, they finally understand and stopped mistaking me as a stalker which made Key cringed at the thought of having a co-member who is a stalker.

DUH. How can I stalk myself? Aish =.=

Later on they all went to their rooms except for Jonghyun-oppa, he was just there, staring at me from head to toe like an erted ajusshi.



“Are you sure you’re really not a stalker?”

Here we go again.


okay~ so how was it?
Sorry it's boring. It's a filler so I kinda expect it boriiing~ I hope not? :))

Anyways, please tell me what do you think about it. Don't forget to comment and subscribe and throw a bar of chocolate for Yun Hee 'kay? XD

Thanks to my new subscribers~ zuydaimei2642teentopshineeNikitiz and dinotoe

Kamsahaminida <3

Now for my replies:

@teentopshinee: Thank you for subscribing and reading my fanfic ;D

@zuydaimei2642: updated ! Please tell me what you think :D

@shimhaneul: hmm~ yeah, I love you unnie :D Thanks for the advice and yeah I'm following my unnie 8D. I'll sure keep it up.

@CookiesILikeCookies: Thanks~ here's chapter 6~ tell me what you think!

@athenadaneca: Thanks you~ I will not let you down.

@sharehappyness: Haha, but if Jonghyun hit his dubuldge he might not have babies and continue his Onew Condition genes. XD

- Aigoooo~ I'm super duper mega ultra SHINee Happy to have new subscribers and readers.

See you on Chapter 7~ <3


Next Chapter Preview:


“Okay~ saranghae bbye”

“nado saranghae~ see ya”

S-sa-saranghae?! He has a girlfriend? Oh my gosh I need to tell Key yeobo about this! But I want to confirm if it’s really true. I’m gonna spy his date.



SEE YA ~ ! 8D

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1