Jonghyun FELT. Taemin SAW.

SHINee's Juliette


Yun Hee’s POV

“Bye Yunnie-ah~ take care!” Sunny unnie said as she waved and went off.

“Bye unnie! Thanks for the time” I smiled, holding a chocolate bar.

Yes folks, Unnie and I went to a candy store! :D
and, and! We went starbucking XD. (a/n: yeah, they went to starbucks.)

It was sooooo FUN !!!!

Unnie Sarangahae forever and ever *munches chocolate bar*

I glanced at my purple wrist watch

4:09 pm

HOHO. It’s still early, but I need to go home now and watch Anime. 8D

Lalalalalalalalala~ Lala—


How could I forget meeting Jonghyunnie the dinosaur-oppa a while ago?!

And he said he’s stalking Minki my otherself?! *gasps*

Eottoke~ I just made things more complicated a while ago.

I hope he won’t remember what I said. AHHHHHH!!!


Okay, time to change into my boy clothes and go home. :D


Jonghyun’s POV


I’m sitting in our comfty couch but my is already sore from seating 5 hours straight and the TV has no interesting shows. And Minho hid the video games. :(

It’s already 4 in the afternoon and the kiddo is not yet home *pouts*
I’m forever alone?! Noooooo~

Should I blame the schedules of my dongsaengs and hyung? NO.

Should I blame MINKI the kiddo for leaving me with that girl? MAYBE.

Should I blame my grow spurt for stopping that’s why Yun Hee is taller than me? YES.


what to dooooooo?

Speaking of Ms. Beautiful Park Yun Hee who Onew hyung ‘likes

Ahhh~ she’s soooo purty. No. not purty what the hell was that word?

She’s SO Pretty that I’m gonna die because I envy Onew hyung for finding her first


for her very blessed height.

curse you growth spurt!  >:o


Aish. Stop thinking about the growth spurt, let’s day dream about Ms. Beautiful Park—

Park? Park?......Park...... PARK ! :D

I haven’t seen Minki and a girl wearing yellow something.

Hmmm~ purple and yellow~

 In front of SM entertainment~

Why the color of their clothes does seem familiar? And the meeting place? Oh well, it’s just a coincidence...right??


Her soft hands, her blush and her smile seemed familiar.


Even her face, it looks like really familiar. Like I’ve seen it before.

She looks like Minki… a LOT.


Sunny noona said that she is her cousin and Minki is her cousin also. That’s weird

Park. isn't it also Minki's surname?!



How can two Parks be Sunny noona’s cousin? Are they siblings?

But I thought he was an only child? 

Aish!! I just make things complicated. Even the readers are confused, right?


Who agrees? Raise your hands! :D

Oh geez. I can’t see any hand -_-


But, one thing’s for sure


Something fishy is going on here.


And Bling Bling Spy needs to find out.

And I will NOT fail. OKAY? Don’t. Don’t argue.



No One’s POV

Jonghyun immediately stood up from his seat and ran towards the front door but to his surprise; He bumped and fell on top of an also surprised Yun Hee.

His body was crashed on hers and Yun Hee was blushing madly because she can feel Jonghyun’s body rubbed against hers.


‘W-what the heck? What are those bumps on her chest?!’ Jonghyun thought as he stood up and so as Yun Hee.


“So-sorry! A-are you al-alright?” he stammered. She furiously nodded and grabbed the big black paper bag she dropped but the paper bag was torn and the stuffs inside dropped on the floor epic-ly.


The contents?


Well, the purple dress was there. The purple flats and purse was there and lots of marshmallow and there was a big spiral lollipop which made Jonghyun the Bling Bling Spy stunned and shocked. Wait, stunned and shocked were like the same right? Nevermind *whistles*


“What. The. Heck.” Jonghyun blurted out as he look at Yun Hee then back to the stuffs and back to her again. He heard her sigh and bent down to collect all the fallen stuffs.


“I’ll explain later oppa” she said as she walks off to her room. Hitting her head for forgetting to wear her chest binder before going home.


‘That was just…WOW’ he thought as he sat in the couch again.




“Okay miss? Can you explain the incident a while ago?” Jonghyun said as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking sternly at Yun Hee.


“W-well, y-you already know some things….like… the bumps” she awkwardly said, looking at the floor and playing with her fingers. Jonghyun, on the other hand, blushed at the memory.


‘Those so-soft b-bumps? YAH! Stop it I’m not a ert!!’ he yelled in his mind.


“N-neh” he cleared his throat and spoke again


“So, you’re a girl? And you’re Yun Hee…right?” Yun Hee nodded and bit her lip.

“So~ where is the real Minki?” he asked.


“Park Minki doesn’t exist. I’m actually the new member” she answered in a monotone voice.


“Y-you’re huwhat!?” Jonghyun stammered, eyes widened and jaw dropped.

“You heard it right, I’m the new member” she emphasized the word new as she sat beside him.

“Oh my gosh. That was just unbelievable!! But, why would Lee Soo Man add a new GIRL member in SHINee?!” he gasps, she just rolled her eyes at his overacting.

“I dunno~ sometimes, I can’t really read his plans” she shrugged, looking Jonghyun from the corner of her eyes.


“Okay~ then why do you need to dress up as a guy and introduce yourself to us as Park Minki?” Jonghyun asked, turning his body towards her.

“You see, my uncle wants this kind of plans. He wants me to introduce myself to you guys as a male then he wants to see your reactions when you found out I’m a female.” She answered, looking at him.


“Why does uncle treat his idols like a toy, seriously” she said to herself, sighing.


“Well, it’s alright with me. I want to know how it feels to live with a girl” he said with a pokerface. But deep inside him, he was laughing ertedly because there will be a beautiful girl living with them.


“You ert not because I’ll be living here you can think of those thoughts” she suddenly blurted out of the blue.


“Don’t ‘mwoh’ me”


‘She can read my mind?!’ he thought


“Yes, I can read your dinosaur mind”




“Scary indeed” she smiled creepily which made Jonghyun gulp and avert his gaze away from hers.


“And please oppa— Jonghyun-ssi..“ she stopped and look at him shyly, her creepy smile faded.

“Oh! You can call me oppa, bling oppa anything you want!” Jonghyun smiled.


“Thank you oppa” she smiled.

“Please don’t tell the others yet about this, arasso?” she pulled out her puppy eyes and looked at him in a very cute way.


‘Can’t I say no?’ he thought

“Yes oppa you can’t say no” she nodded, adding tear effect on her puppy eyes. Knowing that he couldn’t resist those eyes from the first time they met.


With that, he sighed and nodded in defeat.


“Promise?” she asked, pulling back.


“PROMISE” he gave her a small smile.

“Yay! Komawo Jonghyun-oppa!” she squealed in those girly voice of hers as she hugged Jonghyun tight much to the latter’s surprise.


“Uh-uhm. Y-yah, I- I can’t breathe” he said, blushing.

“Sorry~” Yun Hee pulled away from him and smiled sheepishly.


“It’s alright” Jonghyun grinned, hiding his blush as his attention moved towards her magical wig.


“Now, how do you put this on without being easily taken off when we ruffle your hair….”




Key sighed as he lay on his bed, looking at their ceiling.


‘What’s with Jjong-hyung and Minki? They suddenly became close today’ he thought as he sighed again.


“Hyung? What’s wrong?” Taemin asked as he sat down on Key’s bed.

“Nothing” he shook his head. Taemin just muttered an ‘oh’


“It’s just that, Jonghyun-hyung and Minki suddenly became close today that’s all” he sighed once more.


“Yeah, I also noticed that. Maybe because they were here together the whole day that’s why” Taemin smiled as he look at Key. The latter just shrugged and sat up.

“You have a schedule with Minho later right?” he asked, the younger nodded as he stood up and went to his closet to get some clothes.

“I’d better cook dinner now so both of you can go to your schedule early” the older stood up also and went towards the door.



Dinner went smoothly on the dining table of the SHINee family, though Onew was not there because he has to practice for the Rock of Ages Musical and will come home home late. After dinner, Minho and Taemin went to their schedules immediately because they will be going on a radio show and it was about to start in half an hour.


So, only Jonghyun, Key and Yun Hee were left inside the dorm. Again.


Yun Hee and Jonghyun were washing the dishes and Key was just lying lazily on their couch, watching TV. Only the sound of the TV from the living room and the sound of water and the clanging of the dishes can be heard inside the whole dorm. It stayed for good 5 minutes until Jonghyun spoke up.


“I hate your height” he blurted out as he continued washing dishes.

“Eh? What’s with the height?!” she asked.
“Nothing. It’s just that I’m still the smallest here in SHINee that’s all” he pouted.

“Hyung, that pout doesn’t fit you. Don’t you know that you look like a puppy when you do that” she rolled her eyes as she wipe the last plate and place it in the cupboard.

“You’re tall for a girl and … did you just called me hyung? I told you ~ call me oppa!” he whined.

“In. Your. Dreams.” She said as she stuck her tongue out and skipped to the fridge to get some chocolate bar.


“Do you want me to you?” he smirked as he walked towards her.







“HUWHAT!?” she suddenly shrieked, causing Key to jolt up from his lying position and look at them with a questionable look.

“YAH! What’s wrong?” the umma asked. Jonghyun suddenly remembered that Key is with them; he just shook his head furiously and flashed a nervous smile.

“I was just kidding Mi-Minki ! Hahaha! Don’t take it seriously” he grinned at Yun Hee who just stuck out her tongue and walked passed him.


“Merong~” she sang as she joined Key in the sofa.


“Umma, do you want some—“ she stopped from her sentence, realizing that she called him ‘umma’ for the first time. Well, she does call him umma but she does it in her mind only.


 “D-did you just called me u-umma?” Key’s face lit up, she gulped.


This is either going to be good or bad.


“N…neh” she gave him a small smile and the next thing the diva did was to give her a bone squishing hug. He glomped her to be short.


“Oh my!!! YOU CALLED ME UMMA! I LIKE IT MY BABY!!” Key squaled, still glomping her.






“Umma~ I…I ca-can’t b..breathe” she choked. Key realized what he have done and immediately let go.


“Oh! I’m sorry~” he squealed like a girl. Yun Hee was blushing because of lack of air and partly because he hugged her so tight that she can feel his chest against her. Thank goodness she’s wearing a chest binder this time or else another guy had the chance to feel her chest.


“’s alright umma” she gave him a small smile.

“Call me umma from now on arasso?” he grinned and she just nodded.


“You’re forgetting something?” Jonghyun cleared his throat as he raise one eyebrow, looking at the two.

“Oh, yeobo! Come here~ let’s watch TV!” Key smiled as he gestured the older male to sit beside him. Yun Hee suddenly stood up and yawned.


“I think I need to sleep now. Good night umma~ good night hyung” she said as she stood up and walk towards the hallway.


“Hey! No goodnight kiss?” Jonghyun jokingly asked which earned a smack on the head from Key. Yun Hee’s face flushed upon hearing those words.


“Yah! Yeobo! Don’t embarrass my baby” Key shrieked.

“Okay, okay! Sorry… Goodnight Minki-ah~ sweet dreams” Jonghyun sighed.

“Good night Minbaby~ sleep well” Key smiled as they watch her enter her room and closed the door.




The next morning


Yun Hee’s POV


Aigooo~ it’s so nice to wake up when you’ve had 9 hours of peaceful sleep (*.*)


 But then I just suddenly remembered, I didn’t take a bath last night.




I looked at my clock in the bedside table; it reads 8:24 am

woah? Did I really slept more than 9 hours? But, but I thought I slept just 9 hours?
oh nevermind… the thing I should pay attention to is how can I take a bath at this rate!?




No one’s POV


Yun Hee quietly went to the kitchen to check if Key is there, and to her relief she realized that there is no one inside the dorm except her when she saw the note in the dining table saying that they are out for a small photoshoot and will be back before lunch.


She happily went to her room to take off her wig and her chest binder. Gleefully humming a random song, she made her way towards the bathroom beside her room which was on the opposite direction of Taemin, Onew and Key’s room.


‘Yes~ they are out and I’m free to take a bath in this beautiful morning’ she thought.


Little did she know, the ‘they’ Key was talking about wasn’t really all of them.



Taemin groggily sat on his bed, rubbing his eyes. He just woke up from his peaceful slumber and his energy was up again, he stood up and stretched a little then did his bed. Letting out a yawn, he went towards the door and opened it.



Yun Hee hummed happily as she went out from the bathroom and closed the door, holding the towel wrapped around her delicate frame securely. When she turned around, she found herself face to face with someone gawking at her with those big round chocolate brown eyes of his. His eyes travelled down from her face to her toes and back to her face again. Yun Hee, realizing that she’s only on a towel had her eyes widened also. And not only because of that, it’s also because the guy she was facing was only wearing boxers with spongebob pattern for the love of pajamas.



“OMONA !! I’M SORRY!!!!”


And with that, Yun Hee ran to her room and shut it close.


“WHAT!? What happened?!” Jonghyun asked, more than yelled as he came out from his room. Taemin stood there frozen, eyes as if it will pop-out from its sockets. He slowly turned to Jonghyun as his right hand point into Yun Hee’s room.


“H-hyung…why is there a girl i-in our dorm?” he calmly yet stutteringly asked.

“W- well… come here Taem I’ll explain all the details to you” Jonghyun sighed as he dragged Taemin to his room.


Yun Hee’s POV


Oh my gosh!!! Taemin saw my body noooooooooo!!!! ><”

Anyway, I quickly put on my clothes, letting my hair as it is and went to Taemin, Onew-oppa and Key-umma’s shared room.


“He’s not here” I mumbled to myself, just then as I was about to go back…

"Wah~ Jonghyun hyung! My eyes are not anymore~" I heard Taemin whined inside Jonghyun-oppa and Minho-oppa's room. For all I know, I'm the main freaking reason behind it.


Oh boy, two guys in two days!? OMONA~~


No one’s POV

“So how was it?” he asked.

“Taemin and Jonghyun-oppa already knows” she sighed, earning a chuckle from the chairman.

“It’s alright, there are still 3 more to go my dear” he smiled slyly.

“n..neh, I better go now uncle, thanks” she said as she bow and walk out the room.

‘At least…uncle didn’t know that Jonghyun-oppa felt and Taemin saw…right?’

“Aigooo~ I hope the other 3 will find it out safely” Yun Hee whined to herself as she took a cab and went home.



“I think it’s time to make the big announcement” Lee Soo Man said to himself as he lean into his chair, smiling.


Sorry I just put up this chapter right now, I had a massive writer's block cause school will start tomorrow -____-

So yeah, it's actually a double update but I just put them together to make it longer because someone wants it longer so yeah.



Anyway, thanks for the new subscribers saranghaeshineefx and EunMin




Annyeong~ :)

Thanks to EunMin for the instructions :DD

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acchan15 #1
Chapter 21: hi
nice story by the way~~~
hope you write more~~~~ <3
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 41: it was nice...:)
shineeshanley #3
OHMYGAD! I love love love love love loooooooooove this story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Okay, I'm gonna stop spazzing now :) LOL. Sarang hae and Fighting!! ^_^

I REGRET NOT READING THIS THE MOMENT I SUBSCRIBED. I started reading this yesterday and it got me hooked up. ;u;
This is daebak and I like their characters.

Onew is sweet and a very good leader. (I actually skipped the part where he confessed to Haneul. Him being my bias and all ;A; )
Taeminnie is a cutie and he's so innocent :3
Minho is...Minho xD (JongHo part x] )
Jjong is...Jjong 8D
Key, asdfghjkl! I love his character ;u;

Yunheeversals, genius! :bd:

Sorry for the long post OTL
FIGHTING and 사랑헤 ~! <3
saguilar #6
Whoa!!! I I I I... I thought this was a complete story!!! is my username at the end??? When you said 'see you at the comments' then below was 'saguilar'
may113 #7
i soooo love this story !!!!!!!!!!!1