Chapter 8 -A Fight And Wounds

They Are The Angels And Devils In My Life


The next day in the kitchen during the night, there were Kyungsoo who is crossing his arm, Suho tapping his finger on the table and Kai with rest at the fridge. All of them stare at three figures in front on them, Baekhyun, Sehun and Chen. Irritated with the silences, Kyungsoo start to speak with his demand voice, “Okay… Enough of this silences… We never know what happen if none of you three tell us what happen earlier!” Kyungsoo slap his palm on the table causes the three figures in front of him startled.

“But hyung, we promise to Da-hye that we won’t tell you anything. She said she will tell you herself.” Sehun said. Kyungsoo glared and said, “Yeah she will tell me but when? Next month? Next year? She will keep secret about this or maybe she will made up the story to cover the true story. Like her fall from the stakeboard or someone accidently push her. Maybe if Luhan didn’t accidently saw the wound on her left arm, we didn’t know that something happened.” Suho patted Kyungsoo’s back try to calm him down. Her arm didn’t cover with the blanket as she asleep so Luhan accidently saw her arm was wrapped with bandage and there is blood appear on the bandage. It’s true if Kyungsoo didn’t asked Luhan to go get her for dinner time, they will never know that she was wounded.

“Calm down your nerve, Kyungsoo… Now please you guys, just forget about the promise and tell us what happen. I will back up you if she got angry. Okay?” Sehun and Chen looked at Baekhyun, like discussing with eye contact before Baekhyun nodded and let out the heavy breath.

“Come sit down and tell us.” Suho patted the chair next to him, tell them to sit down and relax. Now the six guys set at the table waiting for Baekhyun to tell the story. He let out another heavy breathe before continue.



















“Hey there pretty boy… Which school you in?” One big guy grabs the guy with light pink hair’s collar. Another guy who stand next to that big guys said, “Oh look it’s Seoul Ace Academy… You must be rich, are you? Also I heard you an idol… So you must have a plenty of money, right?”

“I…I...I don’t have money. I d-didn’t bring my wallet today. Please let me go.” The pink hair guy was pleading them to let him go but those four guys just laughing like maniac person.

“Come on just give us money before we beat you up!” One of the four guys stops laughing and his faces look fierce. Suddenly a voice coming from their back, “Stop act like an immature… Why don’t you go and looking for work or asked your mummy for the money? It’s not nice for bullying the youngest you know.” All of the bad guys turns around and saw not-very-tall figure was holding a stakeboard with back rest at the walls. Most of the face was cover well with the cap and the hoodies. When that person lifted up the face, it’s Da-hye who was chewing the gum and look at the sky. She was accidently walk pass the alley after the school times when she heard the voices. Then she said,  “If I were you, I will go and run away before the cops come.” The bad guys just laughing and turn back to that pink hair boy.

“So that’s your saviors? He thinks he cool, did he?” He mocking the pink hair boy then he turn back to Da-hye, “Hey you f***ers, did you think you can fool us? We saw many tricks like this. Only a coward guy like you and him will make tricks like that.” Yeah Da-hye’s appearance did make her look like a boy. The hoodies,the cap and also her long hair inside of her clothes. "Wow mind your languages... Wae? Your mom didn't teach you some manners? Want me to teach you?"  She bend down and put the skateboard on the ground. She don't want her beloved stakeboard got any scratch.

The big guys signal to his two friend to go and beat her up. They nodded and approached Da-hye with ugly grin. Da-hye just look at they with bored stare and said, “You…. Why don’t you just stay at home and do your homework? A morons like you guys should sleep in the prison.” Da-hye’s words make their blood boiled. One of them run towards Da-hye and wanted to throw a punch toward  Da-hye’s face but she successfully avoid it then other guy try to kick her but she dodges. Both of them keep trying to kick or punch her but she keep dodging. The boy with spike hair took out his knife and swung toward Da-hye. She failed to dodge it and cause a long cut at her jawline. She punch that spiking guy hard causes he cough blood.

That guy got really really really pissed and irritated. He signal to his friend to make Da-hye busy while he will attack from behind.His friend nodded and keep Da-hye’s attention to him only while his friend hold tight then he try to attack her from behind on the shoulder.

The pink hair boy shouted, “Becareful! Behind you!” Lucky Da-hye react after he shout, she turn around and block the knife with her left arm from reach her shoulder then she smirked, “Okay enough for the playing.” After she said it, she punch and kick a several times and causes those two collapse on the ground. ‘ Wheeww… Lucky I learn a bit wushu from Tao oppa and some martial art from appa.’ She talking to herself while wipe the sweat.

The other two guys who still standing next to pink hair boy got irritated, seeing their friend got beaten. Both of them approached her and she just stand there then grinned. Both of them didn’t know what know what happen. The last thing they saw Da-hye was grinned then they collapsed too. The pink hair boy pant heavily while holding a big stick. He knocked them quite hard.

“Thanks for help me. You know I can take care both of them myself.” Da-hye said and patted the pink hair boy. “No…No…No thanks to you for helping me out.” The pink hair bowed then shook hands with Da-hye. He notice something, "Omo. Blood. You bleeding!" She touch her jawline and feel some liquid.She look at her finger and saw blood. She just smiled and said, "Don't worry. I'm okay." Then the policemen come after that, taking four of bad guys and ask both of them to follow them to the policestation.

In the police car, the boy turns and look at Da-hye, “ Gosh hyung! You did call the cops. I thought you just trick them.” He also thought that she was a boy. Da-hye shook her head and said, “I never lie. I do what I said. It’s their fault to not believe me.” At the police station, both of them gives the statement and not allowed to go home.

“Why we are not allowed to go back home yet?” Da-hye asked the young officer in front of her. “I know you can go home because you not guilty in this case but I afraid if anything else happen to both of you. Now give me your house phone number.” Da-hye rub her neck, she don’t want the EXO know what happen but that’s the only way she can go home so she give it and the boy also give his number.










At EXO’s house, the phone was ring, calling for someone to pick it up. Sehun rushed down the stairs and pick up the phone. He said to the caller, “Wait for a moment please.” Then he covers the phone before shouted, “BAEKHYUN HYUNG! Hurry up and come here! Emergency!” Baekhyun rushed down the stairs along with Chen after they heard Sehun shouted.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked. Sehun just pass over the phone to Baekhyun.He take the phone and placed it at his ear then he heard a girl’s voice, “Baek…Baekhyun oppa? It’s me Da-hye.” Baekhyun stunned because she never call him before then she continue, “Wait the police officer want to talk with you.” Then her voice placed with a guy’s voice, “ Mr.Byun Baekhyun?” Baekhyun muttered, “Yes.” Then the policeman continued, “I’m Kim Dong-Hoon, the police officer. Could you come over the police station near the Seoul Ace Academy? I will explain everything when you arrive. Thank you.” The calls end.

The three of them rushed to the police station. At the police station, the policeman explains everything and then they all go home. The pink hair boys already gone home with someone look in middle-age.

Reach the front door house; they still didn’t talk to each other. Baekhyun open the door and walk in follows by others. Da-hye with her hands cover her jawline,close the door after she walk in.Then Sehun heard a soft thump behind of him so he turns around and look at the floor. He saw Da-hye was lying face down at the floor. Sehun got panicked and he shouted, “Baekhyun hyung! Chen hyung! Come here…Ppali!” He kneels down on her right side and turns Da-hye’s body then puts her head on his lap.

He heard the footstep coming from his back, he turns and said, “Hyung look!” He pointed something in front of him and said, “ Blood!” Baekhyun’s and Chen’s eyes widen then cover their mouth. “Where did it come from?” Baekhyun asked while kneel in front of Sehun. “I…I…I think it’s from her. After I turned around, I saw her already lying on the floor. With the face down on the floor.I didn’t see anything before I turn her around. Eottae? Her face looked pale.” Baekhyun looks like thinking for a while then he look back to Sehun and said, “Did she lying down like this?” He doing the push-up position next to Da-hye and Sehun nodded. Baekhyun can’t lean down because there is not enough space.

“So… If she lay down like this.” He do the action where Sehun turned her body around and said, “So that’s mean, her left arm is injured.” Baekhyun the sweater and lift her up so he can remove the sweater also the school coat off. He was passing over the sweater and the coat to Chen. They saw at her left arm, the sleeve was soaked with blood. The coat also have blood on it and a cut. Baekhyun checking the wounds and he saw another wounds at her jawline.

“Chen, grab the tissues.” Chen grabs the tissues box next to the phone and passed it over to Baekhyun. Baekhyun fold up the sleeves then take a few pieces and wipe the blood at her arm, at her jawline and the floor. “Sehun ah take her…” Baekhyun scratch his head. “ Hyung! Where to? Ppali!” Baekhyun clicked his tongue and then said, “To Kyungsoo’s room and keep her arm above her heart. It will help slow the bleeding.” Sehun nodded and lift her up in bridal style and head to Kyungsoo’ room. He placed her at the bed and turns around, “Now what hyung?”

“We can clean the wound but to wrap it with bandage, we can’t.” Sehun gasped then said, “But wae? She needs to be treated this instant.” Then Chen said, “She need to get shower and then we can. She was sweating and dirty because she was fight before.” When they busy arguing,she wake up at the noise.

“What happen?” She looked at Baekhyun, Sehun and Chen. “You collapse at the door. You should take shower now then we need to treat the wound.” She nodded. She rose up and went to the bathroom with Chen’s help. After done showering, she put on the clothes in the bathroom before get out from there. She went to Kyungsoo’s room and saw those three still there waiting for her.

“Come..Sit here.” Baekhyun pat the bed while he sat on the chair. She sat on the bed and Baekhyun took her left arm. He silently treated the wound while everyone just sat in silent and watch his movement. “So… Who did you helped at the alley?” Chen asked a question when he bored in the silent environment. Baekhyun glared at Chen and Chen grinned then he covered his mouth.

“I don’t know him. I just know that he was one of my school students. But he didn't know that I also from his school.” She answer it anyway and hissed when Baekhyun apply an antibiotic. Baekhyun muttered, “Sorry.” And he continued treated the wounded and covered it with a clean bandage. He forced Da-hye to lean down and cover her body with blanket.

“It’s done. Now go get some sleep. We talk about it later.”  Baekhyun rose up and pat her head. He turns around and wanting take a step out the room when she suddenly grab his wrist.

“Please, don’t tell Suho oppa and Kris oppa. I don’t want them to get worry.” Baekhyun nodded and she continued, “Also Kyungsoo oppa. I don’t want to hear him nagging all day.” She grinned. Baekhyun laughed when he heard she mention Kyungsoo nagging and he nodded then he walk out the room.

Flashback ends…














Kyungsoo shot a glare at Baekhyun and said, “Don’t want to hear me nagging all day, huh? She or you said it?” Baekhyun raised up both of his hand in front on his chest. “I swear I didn’t add it up. She said it herself. Sehun and Chen heard it, right?” Sehun and Chen nodded.

“Aish jinjja. How can I possibly not nagging or angry? She gets herself into the danger.” Kyungsoo pouted. Suho chuckles and pat Kyungsoo’s back.

“Nothing you could do. The things already went past. Baekhyun go and change the bandage. Luhan said he saw a blood appear a bit on the bandage.” Baekhyun nodded and went up the stairs with Sehun. 

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torihuang #1
Chapter 44: oh my god i can't handle it my heart has been shattered into a million pieces
Chapter 44: i'm really crying... was a sad ending... :'( .. i cry from 32-40..huwaaa....
Chapter 28: chezzy...ha33...kai.. why u so jelous.. ha33... anyway this girl like me.. like to eat..chesse cake.. yummy..<3
Chapter 5: so cute... hahaha..funny suho mad to them like omma..
miyoon_kim #5
Chapter 45: this story really make me cry non-stop from chap 36 until chap 40.
Chapter 44: I don't like Kai's decision.You should make god let Da-hyenlive again....*pout* but I know you won't
Dreamgirl22 #7
Chapter 44: This story made me cry and I love it. It was awesome
samanthac #8
Chapter 40: This chapter made me cry :'(
Chapter 13: KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! KAAAIIII!!!!!
Dreamgirl22 #10
Chapter 9: aww Kai so cute update soon!!!!!!!