Chapter 37 - A Good Bye

They Are The Angels And Devils In My Life








It’s have been three month since Da-hye’s death. The house didn’t look bright and lively as usual it is. They got distracted only when they working but when they go home, they felt empty. Where ever they go inside that house, Da-hye’s shadow will appear every inches of it. Her smiles. Her laughs. Her crazy ideas. Her clumsiness. Her shouts. Her childness. Her silliness. They miss her. Yeah, they miss her so much already. Even it’s only been two years, they know her but they feel like they already know each other for a long time.


















Flashback at the hospital, night before she die...



“Did you just say that she wanted to see Kai and you went to find him?”

Baekhyun titled his head and feel weird with Kyungsoo’s behaviour then he said, “Yes I am. Why?”

Kyungsoo gasps and shook his head, “No. Da-hye! No!”

“Kyungsoo, what is it?” Baekhyun grip his shoulderbut Kyungsoo pushed away Baekhyun’s hands and begin to run as fast as he could, followed by Baekhyun to Da-hye’s room.
















 At the cafeteria,







“So we all agree right?” Kris looked at each faces in front of him. They all nodded and smiled widely.

“Okay let’s go back to her room first then we going back home. Tomorrow we will come back.” They rose up from the bench and went up to the stairs to Da-hye’s room.

On the way to Da-hye’s, from far they saw a few nurse looked down with sadness expression, walking out from Da-hye’s room while covering their mouth. A bad feeling crushing inside each of the boys heart. They quicken their pace to Da-hye’s room.






















They burst into the room and saw Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sat at the both side of Da-hye’s bed, hold her hand tight and crying.

“H-H-Hyung.” Chanyeol’s voice cracked. Baekhyun lifted up his head, look at Chanyeol with his teary eyes before he weakly shook his head.

“N-No… Da-hye.” Kai slowly fall slumped at the floor. Suho kneels down next to Kai and hug him tight as he also tried to calm himself. The others could not believe what was happening before their eyes. There is Da-hye lying on her bed, didn’t move at all and her breathe mask already removed. There is no more of voice full with joy from Da-hye, welcoming them when they walked into the room. There is no smile for them to seen as they walked into the room. There is no more of laughs for them to hear as they walked into her room. Her eyes were shut and her face looked pale yet calm and they saw the trace of tears at the edge of her eyes.

“NO!” The maknaes of the group breaking down while the elders tried to hide their faces who cry silently. They can’t accept the fact. Baekhyun leaves Da-hye’s side and hug Sehun who uncontrollably crying at the floor. Kyungsoo watch with the tears rolling down on his cheek when the doctor cover her face with the blanket.






















‘Mom said she didn’t see him for the last time before he dies because dad asked mom to get me at school and bring me at the hospital so he can meet me for the last time. But when we get there, appa was gone. I didn’t see him for last time.’






















The memories back to their vacation last year played inside of Kyungsoo’s head.

‘You did just like what your father’s did. You didn’t want people you love, seeing you dying.’ Kyungsoo bit his lips, try to prevent himself from sheds the tears.





































‘But why now? Why you leave so soon? We didn’t get a chance to celebrate your birthday again this year. We have a great plan for your birthday, you know? Why you do this to us? Why?” Kyungsoo lose in fight with his tears.


Flashback ends.



It’s not only this twelve boys felt her lost, the others also left her lost. Zelo lost his spirit when he find out. SHinee got shocked. They thought that the EXO was just playing joke but when they saw their face was glooming then they realize that they aren’t joking. They also attend the funeral to give a bow to Da-hye.






















“Hyung! Kaja! Kaja!” Zelo taps Himchan’s hand who was sitting at the couch, watching movies. They were at home resting from schedules while the other three at the practice room.

“Where?” Himchan asked without remove his gaze from the television.

“Seeing Da-hye’s noona. I miss her so much.” Zelo shook the older’s body. “Pretty please.”

“Arasseo. Go ask Daehyunnie if he want to come along.”

“Yay! Himchan hyung jjang!” Zelo hugs the older for a while then dashed to Daehyun’s room.

“Hyung? What are you doing?” Daehyun only show his book.

“Want comes with us? Visit Da-hye noona.”

Daehyun think for a while before nodded then Zelo went out from Daehyun’s room and rushed to his room while shouted at Himchan, “Himchan hyung ppali! Change your clothes. Daehyunnie agree to come with us.”

After 10 minutes, those three went to the hospital.

“Junhong ah, slow down your track. This is hospital not playground.” Himchan said. The maknae just grinned but he slow his track so he will walk hand in hand with his hyungs.

When they get to her room, they got weird. The patient’s name was changed. It’s ‘Choi Han-Gyong’ not ‘Park Da-hye’ anymore.

“Excuse me.” Himchan stops the nurse who just walk pass them and continued, “Did you know where the former patient who stayed at this room is?”

The nurse just nodded and asked them to follow him. He escorted them until the funeral department.

“I’m sorry but I think you mistaken. I’m looking for patient names Park Da-hye. So why you bring us to the funeral department?” Daehyun glared at the nurse.

“The patient’s name is Sharon Park Da-hye, right?” They nodded and the nurse continued, “She passed away two days ago.”

They stunned with what they just heard. “N-No way. You are lying!” Zelo grabs the nurse’s collar. Luckily the nurse was male’s.

“Junhong, control yourself.” Daehyun and Himchan pulled away the gaint boy from the nurse.

The nurse sighed before continued, “Wait here.” Then he went to the funeral room and later on he stepped out from the room with Suho. The nurse was talking to Suho and pointed to those three before went off to continued his work. Suho walked closer to them.

“Suho hyung. Where’s noona?” Zelo shook Suho’s shoulder and continued, “Hyung! Where’s Da-hye’s noona?! Where is she? Hyung…” Suho just look at his left, hide his faces.

Zelo felt his leg became weak then he slowly fall slumped at the floor and starts to break down, “No. It’s can’t be! No way! Noona didn't leave me alone! No! Noona can’t leave me alone! Noona! Comeback! Don't leave me! Jebal!” 

“Noona… Wae? Wae?!” Zelo crying and grips Suho’s pants. Suho kneels down and hugs the younger.  Daehyun and Himchan try to stay calm, they can’t cry in front of their maknae. They should be strong in front of him. Suho waited until the younger stops crying before he brings them inside to give a bow to Da-hye’s. They found that the SHinne also in there with the gloomy's face.

Flashback ends…

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torihuang #1
Chapter 44: oh my god i can't handle it my heart has been shattered into a million pieces
Chapter 44: i'm really crying... was a sad ending... :'( .. i cry from 32-40..huwaaa....
Chapter 28: chezzy...ha33...kai.. why u so jelous.. ha33... anyway this girl like me.. like to eat..chesse cake.. yummy..<3
Chapter 5: so cute... hahaha..funny suho mad to them like omma..
miyoon_kim #5
Chapter 45: this story really make me cry non-stop from chap 36 until chap 40.
Chapter 44: I don't like Kai's decision.You should make god let Da-hyenlive again....*pout* but I know you won't
Dreamgirl22 #7
Chapter 44: This story made me cry and I love it. It was awesome
samanthac #8
Chapter 40: This chapter made me cry :'(
Chapter 13: KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! KAAAIIII!!!!!
Dreamgirl22 #10
Chapter 9: aww Kai so cute update soon!!!!!!!