Not him again


It was another regular day. Me and Yoo Jin walked to school together as normal. She was really excited because of the new student. I didn't really care much because I probably wont be even talking to him. He's probably a jerk like other guys at my school. 

Well to be honest, a lot of guys at my school admire me for my toughness. I always, constantly, stand up for myself and am not afraid to pull a fight. When other girls trease me or make fun of me because I'm so 'manly', I automatically talk back to them in a bad manner. I'm not afraid to say whats on my mind. 

You could say that I'm emotional, but not in the way where I get all jealous or cry. I just don't like it when people judge me! HELLOO...I'm still human! But really, I'm not as cold as others think. At home or with Yoo Jin, I can be more talkative and outgoing. But never in my life will I show that side of me to the public....after what happened....

I finally reached my locker and grabbed my books. "okay, I have science first then history. And then English then lunch. Hopefully this day will go fast." I quickly closed my locker and went down the hallway to my classroom. Many girls were screaming and jumping at the fact that an Infinite member is going to attend our school. I could care less. 

I wasn't in the same class as Yoo Jin until after lunch. So I barely looked at anyone, or even talked. I walked all the way to the back of the room near the corner, my usual spot. I wondered of teachers even noticed me all the way back here. 

Luckily, the new student wasnt in my homeroom....thank god. I'm pretty sure he has fan girls every where. The first half of the day went by real fast. I barely paid any attention like usual. 

Every day I was to meet with Yoo Jin at the soccer field to eat lunch. We thought is was a better idea than to be in a cafeteria full of retards. I rushed past the group of people in the hall way and headed outside to the soccer field. 

I would always come first, because Yoo Jin's class ends a little later than mine. I sat beneath the tree for shade and closed my eyes. I was just thinking of all the things that has happened to me before...the reason why I'm like this...

suddenly I heard footsteps walking towards me. They were soft and gentle, as if they didn't want to disturb me. It was probably Yoo Jin, so I continued to close my eyes. 

The footsteps suddenly stopped. I blinked a few times and moved my head towards the figure. I couldn't believe me eyes. "uhmmm..excuse me. Can you help me? I think I got lost and don't know the way back." the figure said. 

I choked on my saliva as I began to talk. "mwoh?!? It's you!! You stole the pack of Cheetos from me!" I said frustrated while pointing at him. At that time he wasn't looking at me, instead he was looking for the way back to the school. Unti he heard me say that his head immediately turned to my direction.

"you! You're....that ajusshi!" he said as his eyes widened. I was held back by his words. Calling me an ajusshi was far from normal. I stood up and walked over to him. 

"listen here you wimp. Call me an ajusshi again and you'll regret living. I'll beat you up!" I sternly said and narrowed my eye brows at him. 

"All I needed was help and here you are, threatening me!" he said while pouting his cheeks. Seriously, what's up with guys these days?

"what are you even doing here?! You dont come to this school." I rolled me eyes and walked back to the tree. Surprisingly Yoo Jin didn't come yet. He turned and walked in front of me, hands crossed at his chest. 

"I happen to be a new student here starting today. It'll be nice if you could help me out! But NOOO...someone's gotta be mean and nasty!" once again he pouted and scratched his neck. 

*he's the new student?* I thought to myself. Part of me felt guilty, for yelling at him and not helping, but the other part of me told me I was happy because I yelled at him. For calling me an Ajusshi and judging by my appearance without him even knowing who I was. 

"hmpm...your no help at all." with that he walked away with attitude. Yep... He's a girl alright. 


hello precious readers!! Thanks so much for supporting this fanfic. I didn't expect to get so much views and subscribers in a short amount of time! Thank you all! How did you like this chapter? Good? Boring? Please give me feedback soon! ^_^

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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!