Love? No...?


No One's POV

It was now Monday and that meant another week of school for them. 
BEEP BEEP BEEP! Min Ah's alarm clocked screamed at her to wake her up. Min ah slapped it hard and it fell on the ground.
"Wakey Wakey!" Dongwoo knocked on her door. Min ah groaned constantly and got off her bed. She immediately walked to the bathroom and washed her face and tied her hair up in a bun. 
Yoo Jin prepared a special outfit for her today, and she promised that she would wear it.
The blouse was pink and lacy with a few polkadots and the skirt was also pink but I barely reached half her thighs. Yoo Jin also prepared white slippers for her and a couple of jewelry.
"Oh god, why did I promise to wear this??" she groaned again and took off her clothes and replaced it with her newly bought outfit that Yoo jin prepared. 
"bye oppa I'm going to school now!!" she shouted as she walked out of the door. She carried her bag over her shoulder and took out her iPod to listen to music. 
She walked for about 5 minutes, until she saw a figure stand in front of her about 10 meters away. She couldn't see who it was, but either way she ignored it. She just continued looking down and started to walk again. 
Until the figure started to come closer to her, and with her surprise, it was Sungjong.
"It took me awhile to see who you were." he smiled to her, showing his perfectly white teeth. 
"yeah? I didn't even want to see you." she said annoyed. She just walked past him, until his hand grabbed her arm.
"yah!! Quit it!" she tried to yank away but Sungjong's grip was too tight. 
"Ani!" he whined. His hands slowly started to travel to her forearm, and then eventually to her hands. His eyes were still locked with her eyes. He intertwined his fingers with hers, and she didn't resist at all. 
"s-stop touching me!" she squealed. She tried to loosen her finger but sungjong kept a tight grip on them.
"nope!" he lead her to school that way. Students that were also walking in the streets also noticed. They envied Min Ah a lot. 
A lot of students noticed that she changed. Many didn't even know that it was her! Some guys whistled at her while girls gave her the evil stare.
Sungjong ignored it all and continued to walk with Min ah happily. On the other hand, min ah was sicken by Sungjong's actions. "curse this kid" she mumbled under her breath. 
Min Ah's POV:
"Hey." sungjong interrupted the awkward silence. 
"what." I said annoyed. I didnt really care what he said.
"You look pretty today." he continued to look straight ahead. 
"lies." I rolled my eyes.
"nah ah! When I was walking earlier, I saw this really really pretty girl. But I told myself 'nope! I can't look at other girls. I have a girlfriend!' but then I looked closely again, and that pretty girl was you!" he excitedly exclaimed.
He really thought of me that way? He even stopped himself from looking because he had a girlfriend. He must be a faithful guy. 
"believe me now?" he teased. He looked back at me and smiled. He started to skip in happiness which made me tumble.
"Yah! Slow down would ya? You're gonna make me fall!"  I said completely annoyed.
"not my fault you're a pig!" he teased again. I just rolled my eyes and followed him to the school.
"How do you even know the way to school? You only been in school for one day." I asked curiously.
"well. SOMEONE didn't show me around, so I spent the afternoon finding my way around." he turned around and stuck out his tongue.
He was referring to me of course. "well. SOMEONE called me an ajusshi. That's why I didn't help out that SOMEONE." I fought back. 
"Well played." is all he said. I rolled my eyes once again. 
Once we hit school grounds, all eyes were on us. I'm pretty sure everyone heard about our (fake) relationship already. I just ignored it and followed sungjong into the school.
SungJong's POV
I lead her into the school and walked into the hallway. She stopped and pulled on my arm. "yah? Dont you need to go to your locker? You don't have the same classes as me." she said
"Ill walk you to your locker first." I saw her stiffen and I laughed inside. "Kay?"
All she did was nod. I walked to her locker and she opened it to grab her books. I silently rested my back on the next locker and wait for her to finish. 
"go." she demanded without looking at me.
"Let me walk you to class first." I smiled. 
"Ani. You're going be late to your class." she closed her locker and walked off without me. Quickly, I reached her side and grabbed her free hand and held it tight. 
"Ughh! Would you stop holding my hand?!" she yelled
"I can. But I don't want to." I walked her to her classroom and stood at the entrance with her.
"" she had a questioned face on her.
"Arasso." I leaned in and gently kissed her forehead. It last 3 seconds, and she suddenly was stiff again. I leaned in to her ears and whispered, "be good" and walked away without looking back. 
Min Ah's POV:
The moment he let go of my hands and walked away, I felt miserable. I felt like half of my heart was ripped away.
*no. This is not called love. Love can't happen in less than 5 days. I was still annoyed by his actions and he didn't act his age. I'm not in love with him.* I thought to myself. 
Everyone in the classroom was either making fun of me, giving me nasty looks, or looking at my very exposed body, due to the fact that I looked like this and what happened just now at the door way. 
"this is going to be a loonnnngggg day." I gasped quietly in annoyance. 
~lunch break~
Yoo Jin and I headed to the cafeteria to get our lunch. The moment we entered, there was a bunch of girls crowding the entrance.
"Holy cow.what the heck is going on?" I said. 
Yoo Jin looked over the crowd to see what was going on. "looks like your boyfriend is getting more famous." 
My eyes widened and I rushed past the group of girls. From a far, I saw Sungjong being tackled by his fan girls. He tried getting through but he miserably failed. 
I rushed over there without thinking and helped him get through. His fan girls were very annoying. I struggled too, so I decided to do something about it.
I stood on the table and yelled, "YAHHH! Get out of my boyfriends way and get a life!!! NOW!" I screamed. I was out of breath  at this rate.
The cafeteria got quiet and his fangirls stopped fighting over him. Everyone went their separate ways and left him alone.
"thank god!" I sighed in relief, alittle annoyed. I climbed off the table and ran over to him.
"Since when did you care about me so much?" he half laughed, since he was regaining his breath.
"I don't. And never did. I just needed to get them out of the way so I could get my food." I showed him a fake smile.
"Nice lie. Hehehe!" he rubbed his neck. 
After getting our food, we walked to the soccer field where we usually ate food, this time Sungjong joined us. I sat under the tree like normal and Yoo Jin sat on the bench. 
Sungjong stood there clueless. "Ugh.." I scooted over to that he could sit next to me.
"Yay!" he squealed. He happily sat next to me and ate his food.
I wasn't hungry so I just got myself a bottle of water (wasted my time yelling at the crowd -_-) 
Sungjong, who was peacefully eating his slices of apples, noticed that I wasn't eating anything.
"Pabo. You're not gonna eat anything?" he asked
"No, I'm no---" 
Before I could finish, he placed the tip of an apple slice into my mouth, leaving the rest of it hang from my teeth. 
"Now you are!" he clapped his hands, showing his kiddish side. Out of the blue, he became serious and looked at me. The piece of apple was still hanging from my mouth. 
His eyes traveled to the slice of apple. He rested his arm onto the tree trunk right above my head, prevented me from moving. He then slowly bit the other half of the apple slice that was hanging from my mouth, leaving only millimeters away from our lips. Then our eyes met.
"oh my god oh my god!! Keksjadisndbiajdbeidb!! (gibberish)" Yoo Jin squealed from the bench, eying us. "I think I'm gonna be an aunt soon!! Kekeke!!" (thinks like sungyeol? Lol) 
*oh god! Please don't come come closer! Please don't come closer!* I pleaded in my head
But I was dead wrong. He started to nibble on the apple slice, making our lips closer.
Wow!! 3 updates in one day! I might update later today too!! Thanks for reading, and feedback will be good! 
*so I decided to have Yoo Jin and Sungyeol be a couple in the story, but not yet. I will have the story be in their POV's soon. Please wait!!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!