Trouble Maker


I cooly walked onto the school's ground; my bag slung onto my shoulder, the wind lightly blew onto my face, making my hair fly back. I was chewing a piece of gum loudly, not caring if people heard. Yoo Jin walked next to me, but she was minding her own business. When reaching the glass doors that lead into the school, I received nasty looks at girls, even guys. Some of their eyes widened at my my looks. Girls ran away from me while guys eyed me up and down, wondering if I was actually a girl. *Back to assuming.*

"Hey! I'm so mad!" Yoo Jin whined as we walked down the long hallway. I unplugged my headphones and stuck them in my bag.
"Because! I spent a whole week with Infinite, my ultimate KPOP BAND!!! And I didn't even bond with them! I was too scare to approach them, instead I  them with my eyes!!!" she pouted. "Now I have to wait 2 weeks until they come back..." she lowered her head in sadness. 
"Then use these 2 weeks to make sure your comfortable with them." I calmly walked to my locker. 
"Yes yes I will." she nodded her head, because she was positive that she'll improve. 
We said our goodbyes and headed to our separate homerooms. When I entered, nasty looks were given to me again as I sat down on my chair. "Tch, u-g-l-y as ever!" one girl pointed at me. "She looks like a gorilla!" another girl said. "How can Sungjong Oppa be dating her!!" I ignored all of those judgements, not caring about them. I was used to it. 
"Alright class! Spring break is in 2 weeks, so that means you'll have new schedules soon because of next semester." seongsaegnim announced as she entered the room. Everyone became quit as she looked across the room. "that means, new home room teachers, new subjects to learn, and new people to meet." she nodded her head and turned around to face the black chalk board that was completely clean. 
"Page 271, get to it." she demanded. Everyone opened up their books and started reading the passage. *Im glad I'll have a new teacher, this lady is a witch!*
"Yes! Lunch time!!" I ran out into the hallway and approached my locker. I set my combination in, but my locker wouldn't budge. I tried a couple more times but it still didn't work. "Dang locker! Hurry up and open!" I cursed under my breath. *23-07-19.....this better work this time!!* I prayed in my head. I yanked the locket, but it didn't work again. "What the crap!!??" I kicked the locker. Lunch started 5 minutes ago and I was now the only one in the hallway. "Locker A168.......GOD DAMN THIS IS THE WRONG LOCKER!!!!" I punched the locker in front of me, but luckily I didn't make a dent into it.
I wasted my time opening the wrong locker. How clumsy of me. I quickly opened my actual locker and stuffed my books into it. "Not so fast..." a high pitched voice said. I looked to my right, and the tiest girl stood before me. Sooyoung. (not from SNSD, lol)
She was the schools queenka, the meanest girl alive. Well, everyone thought she was a Goddess, and everyone considered me the meanest girl. 
"Sorry I don't talk to strangers." I closed my locker and tried to be as polite as I could, but in my head I was calling her all type of names. 
"Hold it." she demanded and step in my way. Three other nasty girls showed up behind her. Sooyoung shoved me onto the lockers, holding me collar. "Listen here ! You stay away from my Sungjong." she hissed. * that's why she's after me.*
"what...? You think that I'll listen to you?" I coldly responded. I wasn't scared of some wimp. 
"You better! If you don't, I'll make your life miserable." she threatened.
"Go ahead. You'll just be wasting time." I gave her an ugly look. She slapped me. *Damn that hurt.*
"look here. Since Sungjong isn't here to protect youre little , I'll be making these next two weeks a living hell for you. If you don't want that, then you stay away from him." she tightened her grip on my collar. 
"And what? You think that by hurting me will make Sungjong fall in love with you? Pathetic." I rolled my eyes. She slapped my other cheek.
"Don't you dare talk back at me!!" she hissed. "Do as I say, or I'll kill you and you'll go straight to hell where you belong." she squeezed my neck. 
"Aren't I already in Hell? Because I just met the Devil, which is you." I yelled at her. She punched my eye which made me flinch.
"Oh trust me. Your life had just gotten worst." she let go of my collar and I fell into the ground, covering my one eye that she punched. I saw them walk away and laugh at me. "Haha wow, Sungjong picked the wrong girl." one of them said. Out of no where, I started crying silently. I have feelings too you know? 
I gently stood up, wiping the tears from my eyes. I took a step but my eyesight was blurry since she punched me, so I fell onto the ground again. I thought that my head would hit the hard ground, but instead I fell on something soft. "M-miss are you alright?" a lady's voice could be heard. I looked up to see a angelic face in front of me, then I realized my head was rested on her lap. "We need to get you to the nurse. Now." 
no updates for tomorrow!!! I'm going to a party all day
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!