End of the Beginning, the Beginning of the End. The truth about it all

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)


Min Ah's POV:
The kiss lasted an eternity. I couldn't feel anything but the everlasting love he was giving me. I didn't notice that my arms s up to his neck, and I kissed him back. 
He shortly seperated, but my eyes were too scared to open. He cupped my chin, and pressed our foreheads together. I wanted that moment to last, but what he said next....just changed...everything. 
"Remember...that I always loved you, and will continue to love you. But, I hope that what I do next, i hope that it won't affect our relationship." He breathed on my nose.
"Trust me. I wanted to be with you when you were discharged from the hospital. I wanted you to run into my arms, and I could tell you that everything was going to be alright. But it didn't happen that way...because......you.." He choked on his words.
I wanted him to continue, because I was clueless. 
"Come..." He grabbed my hand and lead me to a nearby bench. "I want to tell you some things..."
"Then say them..." I hesitated to talk. 
"Remember when you had that nightmare and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night? That dream where you went to go pick up someone...and then.....you got hit...Are..are you still having weird dreams like that?"
I wanted to ask him why he said 'I hope it doesn't affect our relationship'....I wanted to know why he said 'I wanted to be with you when you were discharged from the hospital'.........I wanted to ask him...'I was in the hospital?'
But instead, I said, "yeah."
"Then tell me them..." He slowly said. 
I told him. The dream when I was little, and I met a boy by the pond, and then I met him at school. And then it was 10 years later, when the same boy bough me that silver necklace. I told him all my dreams, not leaving one detail out. I told him that I think the boy is the same boy in all my dreams. And that the boy's appearance was really familiar to me.
He didn't talk at all. He just listened. That's what made me scared. 
".....They're not just...dreams. They're more than that.."
"What do you mean...?"
"That guy in you're dream.... he brought you ice cream and cheetos.....right?"
"Today. I bought you...ice cream..and cheetos." He softly breathed. "In your dream....that guy gave you a necklace with a silver flower on it.." He looked to his chest. "And he also said...that he bought one for himself..correct? He said it reminds him of you..."
"That's correct..."
He reached under his shirt, and grabbed a necklace. Not any necklace, but a necklace with a silver flower on it. His necklace. "I....also bought the same exact necklace for you and me...and I told you It reminded me...of you." 
"You never bought me a necklace before though...." I was scared for the truth.
"Yes....I have." He pointed to his necklace. "This necklace, is the necklace I'm talking about."
It reminded me. 
I reached into my pocket without looking away from him, and grabbed the necklace from my pocket. I held it high, and....it was the exact one as the one Sungjong was holding.
"I thought this one...was yours.." I was referring to the one I was holding.
"No....I bought that one for you. Because you couldn't stop looking at it, I had to get it for you. It's our friendship necklace."
The truth hit me.
The truth hurt.
But it all made sense..
"That guy in my dream..." I didn't continue my sentence.
"Is me." 
"You...you're parents...weren't the only ones...in car when they died." 
"I was...also...in the car, with you." 
"What are you taking about?" I yelled half scared.
"That first dream you had, I was the friend that you went to pick up. I was in the car with you and your parents. And then...a car hit us." 
He continued.
"Because you were injured so badly, you lost your memory, therefore you can't remember anything that happened to you before the accident. But your dreams are helping you regain it." 
It made sense now. I knew they weren't just dreams. They were flashbacks. Now I understood....the reason why i didn't know my parents passed away, was because I lost my memory due to the accident. I was a part of the accident. And what was worse...Sungjong was with me. 
The puzzle pieces all fit together. Sungjong was my friend....we were in the car accident. I lost my memory. I didn't know Sungjong was important to me, I forgot about him. My memories were starting to comeback. And now I was facing the truth. 
".....you...you're that guy in my dreams? The guy I grew up with...the one who was my best friend. The one who always bought everything for me. The one who was by my side no matter what....it was really you?....and..they're not dreams...they're flashbacks?" 
I wanted to run away. I didn't know why. But I did. 
"Min Ah!" I heard him call after me. I didn't care to turn around, I knew he was chasing me. 
Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, but I promised to cry when I was alone. At least I tried to. 
Sungjong's POV:
I caught her by her wrist, and hugged her tight. I didn't understand why she was running from me. I could hear her sobbing into my chest, soaking my sweater.
"Why are you running from me?" I asked.
"The moment...the moment where I finally fall in love with you...you just had to ruin everything!"
Did I hear correctly?
Did she say that she finally fell in love with me?
"Why didn't you tell me!?! Why did you wait till now? Why did you make me suffer?!" She yelled between her sobs. She started to pound her fist into my chest. "Why?!? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because you lost you're memories....do you think you would even remember who I was?"
"You could have told me...you could of helped me regain my memory...instead of just watching me fight the pain alone!" She pounded harder on my chest. "You could have told me....that I was the cause of my parents death. I always thought that I was....but now you just proved that i was!"
"You weren't the cause of their death! What did you think i did? I did this treasure hunt so that you could remember your past. I protected you all this time!..." 
She let go of my chest. 
And slapped me.
"You don't know how hard it is, to lose your parents when you had no idea they died! You have no idea how hard it is to live without parents! To lose the loves of your life! They were the only ones who loved me, but they died! All because of me! What's worse....is that I found out I was in the accident. And that i lost my memory, and no one bothered to even tell me. You never suffered from dreams that seem so real, you never cried your self to sleep every night. You don't know the kind I crap I've been through..." 
"You were my best friend ever since kindergarten, and you claim to have been by my side. But yet you never told me about my past, but instead you let me suffer by myself to find out about it."
"I changed because I didn't want to remember my past. That's until I met you. I thought that I could change back, because I was actually loved by other people. I thought that other people actually trusted me, and I thought I could trust them back. But no, I was lied to....I was just played with by other people's feelings. I wasn't trusted by others. No one wanted to tell me the truth. Now I know not to trust anyone anymore. Don't say that you understand, because no one does.." I cried silently.
"I only did it because I cared about you. You lost you're memory...and it was your job to regain it again..I couldn't do anything."
She slapped me again. 
"Would you stop that?! Accusing me of doing things, even though you don't know the truth?" I raised my voice. I hated myself at this very moment. I never yelled at her before. I never attended to be angry at her. But she wasn't understanding anything. 
"This is the truth...you have nothing to prove you're point." 
"I love you..." I whispered.
"But I don't."
No Ones POV:
A day has past since min ah found out about her past. She didn't see Sungjong the following day, because his schedule was packed. But she was happy, she didn't want to see him anymore. 
Sungjong told the rest of infinite about what happened on that day. They were also confused of why she acted like that, but they decided to let her be alone for awhile. 
Dongwoo came home from practice on Sunday night, after having the whole day at the dance studio. As he approached his house, he noticed that the lights were still on, thinking that his sister was still up this late. 
He walked up the stairs into the hallway, and entered his room. "Min Ah, turn off the lights and go to sleep, you have school tomorrow." He said as he changed his shirt.
There was no response from her, so he went to go check into her room to see if she was already sleeping.
But nope, no one was on her bed. In fact, nothing was in her room.
"Min Ah...?"
 He searched her empty bedroom. All her clothes and items were gone, only leaving the bed and the carpet in the room. 
He grabbed the phone and dialed Sungjongs number, and he picked up right away. "Hyung? What is it?"
"Min Ah....I think she ran away."
Another update done! XD
-sorry, it's kinda confusing. I know, I know....I had a lot of romantic things happening with them in the past chapters...but BAM! Here comes the drama.
- I apologies if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes ://
-this chapter will mark as the last chapter of PART 1. PART 2 will be the future chapters. (You'll understand soon) 
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!