Even though I miss my old Lullaby...I found my new one

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)

No ones POV:

"MIN AH?!?!? MIN AH WHERE ARE YOU???" Loud and fast footsteps could be heard running down the hallway of the hospital. "Min ah?!?!?" Dongwoo's voice echoed through the whole floor. He final reached the room where Min Ah was resting at. He ran as fast as he could and sat in the chair next to the bed. He lifted Min Ah's head up and snuggled it into his chest. He couldn't help but cry his eyes out. Seeing his sister in a bad condition, hearing the news about his parents....he couldn't take it anymore. His tears fell onto Min Ah's head, he was sobbing real loud. "Why didn't this happen to me instead? What did Min Ah do to deserve this??!" he yelled in between sobs. "Wake up sis! Wake up!" he cried.
The doctor came into the room and patted Dongwoo's back. "She'll be alright. Soon she'll wake up, and you can take her home." he assured him. Dongwoo wiped his tears away and looked down at Min Ah. 
"What exactly happened?" Dongwoo asked, trying not to cry again. 
"Well, a couple of ours ago, we found a car buried beneath tree branches off the side of the road. We went to check it, and we saw your sister and your parents. There was also another male in there, but he's being assisted in another room. They were in a car crash, and on the other side of the road we found another car with one passenger in it. We are most positive that these two cars were in an accident together. So we took them to the hospital..." his voice was quieting down. "Im sorry for your loss..." 
Dongwoo began to cry his heart out now. His loud sobs could be heard in every room on that particular floor. But he didn't care, he just lost his parents. the doctor patted his back again and left the room. Dongwoo hugged Min Ah tighter. 
Minutes later, Min Ah's eyes slowly opened. She looked around the room to see where she was, but clearly she didn't have a clue. "Sis?! Are you awake?" Dongwoo lifted his head up and held onto his shoulders. "Songsaegnim! She's awake now!" he cried out. The doctor ran into the room to find Min Ah awake.
(The flashback above, Min Ah doesnt remember it.) 
Dongwoo and Min Ah made it home safely. It was already one in the morning, so Dongwoo told her to go to sleep right away. That night he cried himself to sleep. 
It was awfully hot in Min Ah's room. She kept twisting and turning in her bed. "I can't sleep.." she mumbled. She thought that If her mom sang her a lullaby like usual, she could fall asleep. "Umma. Umma come here!" she tried yelling from her room.
Dongwoo woke up due to Min Ah's screaming. "What is she yelling about?" he asked. He waited quietly for a couple of minutes to see if Min Ah would yell again. "Umma! I said come here!" she yelled. *What the..?* Dongwoo got off his bed and walked over to Min Ah's room.
Min Ah heard her door open, and she opened her eyes only to see Dongwoo there. He scratched his head and turned the light on. Min Ah could see that his eyes were red and smudged. *Was he crying?*
"Why are you screaming?" asked Dongwoo.
"I've been calling Umma for the past 30 minutes now. She isnt answering me and I'm too lazy to wake her up." she grumbled.
Dumbfounded, Dongwoo entered her room and sat at the edge of her bed. He raised an eyebrow up. "Can you go get her for me Oppa? I want her to sing me a lullaby so I can fall asleep."
He was miserably confused. He narrowed his eyebrows in confusion and studied Min Ah's face. "Min Ah...are you feeling okay? Are you stressed out and sad about what happened?" he asked soothingly.
"No, it's just too hot in here and I can't sleep. So I need Umma to sing me a lullaby." she said without hesitating.
*Did she not know about what happened to them?* he thought. "Min Ah....Do you know what happened yesterday?" 
"Yeah. I had school. And when school ended I must have taken a nap or something and lost track of time. I woke in in your lap. I didn't know where I was but you  told me to go home and so I did."
"That's it.....?" Dongwoo was starting to get worried. 
"Yeah...? Now where's Umma, I need to sleep!" She pouted. 
"Sis......Umma and Appa....are dead." 
Min Ah's POV:
My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up on my bed. That particular night kept repeating in my head. The horrible news that was told to me, it will never be removed from my head. "All i wanted was for her to sing a lullaby for me. But Dongwoo said....she was dead." I started to get teary. 
"It's because of me. I was a selfish, greedy, immature girl back then. I needed things to happen my way. My parents didn't need to go pick up my friend, but because if my greediness, they died in the car accident." I sighed.
"I wonder what I was doing when my parents went to pick my friend up. I must have been making myself look pretty our something. Selfish me."
"I didn't even know which friend they went they went to go pick up. Probably Yoo Jin. But she never mentioned anything to me before."
"I just wonder why I didn't know that my parents died that day. There must have been news going around, but sadly I didn't know anything until Dongwoo told me."
"Aish! I can't sleep! Umma...I wish you were here with me right now, so you could sing me a lullaby." I cried silently. 
A small knock was heard from the door.
"Min Ah....are you okay?" A smooth voice said. Sungjong's voice always seems to cheer me up.
"Sungjong you can come in." the door opened and his face looked worried. He slowly closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed and sat there.
 "I heard you talking to yourself, so I was just wondering if you were okay." 
"Yeah...I'm fine. Why are you still up?" I asked.
He rubbed his neck. "Oh..I was talking to my bear about some personal stuff." he shyly smiled.
I couldn't help it anymore. I jumped onto him and cried my eyes away. I shoved my face into his chest, soaking his shirt. "Min Ah?! Why are you crying?"
I started to speak but all that came out was "ajdiwondownfiebdiowneo...."
He slowly my hair. "Shh...it's alright. You can tell me anything. Do you need Berry again? I can go get him and you can beat him up again." 
I shook my head. I released myself from his grip and wiped my eyes. "Sorry....I just miss my parents a lot.." 
He understood me. "Oh, no need to be sorry. I know how you feel." he embraced me in his arms again. "Don't worry. Your parents are watching over you, Dongwoo hyung is here for you, Infinite is here for you...I'm here for you." he slowly kissed my forehead.
We stayed in that position for a long time. He wiped my remaining tears away and brushed my hair out of my face. "Go to sleep okay? I'll see you tomorrow." he was about to stand up but I pulled him back down.
"Sleep with me." 
"Mwoh......?" he silently said.
"My umma is no longer here to sing me a lullaby."
He understood quickly and laid on my bed. My eyes just watched him, not moving. He patted to the empty spot next to him, signaling for me to lay down.
I snuggled on his chest and his arms wrapped around waist. "I heard....what you said...to me when you were on that interview..." I muttered. 
"Thats good. I'm sorry I didn't say it personally to you. Now basically the whole world knows." he giggled. 
"It's okay. I'm thankful that you said that." I closed my eyes.
"I really do love you Min Ah." he whispered into my ear. 
Before I could respond, I fell asleep in his arms.
He was my lullaby.
Sorry that I didn't update for a couple of days!!!
- Saranghaeyo Sungjong! You will always be my ultimate bias in the kpop world!!!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!