Tv Japan


Infinite's POV:

"Good job everyone! You guys did great when doing Be Mine!" Infinite's manager warmly said as infinite came back to their dressing room all sweaty. "Now, Tv Japan wants to do an interview with you guys, so rest up and we'll leave in about an hour." the manager smiled and left the room.
"so tired...." Sungyeol yawned as he laid down on the bench. 
"Good job hyungs. Performing six songs is challenging, but we managed to do it!" Sungjong told everyone while smiling. 
"Arent you tired Sungjongie?" L raised an eyebrow while taking a sip of his water. 
"Nope! Because I know my beloved girlfriend is watching me! I have to stay strong!" Sungjong nodded and pumped his fist into the air. 
"Oh yeah, about that. Get ready to answer some questions about your scandal. It's only been two weeks, they're gonna want some explanations." Woohyun said from the couch. "Be honest too." 
"I know hyung. I already know what to say, because it's coming from my heart." Sungjong said while touching his heart. 
" spent too much time with Woohyun and his greasiness." Dongwoo said as he entered the room. 
Infinite spent the next hour resting up and taking showers. Sungjong didn't have time to call Seri or Min Ah back because their manager took their phones away. They were all ready for their interview with Tv Japan, so they headed to their van and the manager drove them. "Hyung, this is our last schedule right? Tomorrows a vacation day, and then the next day we can go back home? 2 weeks is not needed right?" Sunggyu asked his manager hyung who was busy watching the road.
"Mhm. Enjoy your day off tomorrow, because when we get back to Korea, you guys will be needing to practice for an up coming dance battle. So get ready." 
"Neh." they all said. 
"Wheh we get home, I'm gonna be the first one to hug Min Ah!! So nobody touch her!!" Sungjong scrunched  his nose. 
"No! I'm her brother so I hug her first!! Dongwoo argued back.
"Hyung! You live with her so you can hug her anytime you want!!" Sungjong said. 
"Yeah but you're her boyfriend! You can hug her all YOU want at anytime!!" 
"You've known her all your life!! At least share her with me!!" Sungjong fought back. 
"You've known her all your life too!!" Dongwoo's eyes turned into something evil and he started to tickle the maknae until sungjong agreed with him. 
While Dongwoo and Sungjong continued to fight, Sungyeol was in his own little world. *Ill be hugging Yoo Jin first, so no one should even bother to touch her.* he thought. 
~Tv Japan~
(A/N: I know that they are in Japan, but there's a Korean MC there so it'll be easier for them to communicate.) 
"Hello everyone! Park Eun Hae here bringing you the latest news about Kpop! Famous band Infinite is recently rising to the top of the kpop world, stealing hearts of fans everywhere. Everyone! Please welcome........INFINITE!!!" the MC Eun Hae announced. 
"One two three.....ANNYEONGHASEYO!! INFINITE IMNIDA!" Infinite announced as the sat on their chairs. 
"Today we have Infinite as our guest. We'll talk about their music, career, and personal life. Please enjoy the show! 
~Skip to the part where the MC asks about their personal lives.~
"Sungjong-ssi, 2 weeks ago it says that you in a relationship with an unknown girl. Her back is facing the camera, so we cannot see who it is. For safety reasons, can you confirm this?" Eun Hae asked. 
Sungjong took in a deep breath and opened his mouth. "Yes. It's true. I'm in a relationship." he confessed. The crowd of fans were shocked to hear his response, so they became even wilder than before. 
"Really? Usually when the paparazzi snaps a photo like that, it's all a lie. They change some stuff up and make it a whole new story. This is interesting. May you please explain to us how this happened?" 
Min Ah's POV:
"Min Ah-ssi. Infinite is performing live right now. Do you want to watch them?" Seri asked as she lowered the tv volume. I just woke up from my small nap, and my headache is now completely gone. I took some medicine in case, and it help me a lot. 
*Why not? I have nothing else to do.* I thought. "Sure." I said and walked to the couch where Seri was sitting at and sat next to her. 
"Up next, we have a kpop group! Everyone! Please watch The Chaser by Infinite!" the MC announced. The crowd got wild and started to shout Infinite's name. Infinite's song, INFINITIZE, was now being played, and I could see 7 tall figures walking down the stairs and onto the stage. And then, BOOM! There they were, all matched up with the same outfit design and nicely done make up and hair. The camera slowly zoomed into everyone's faces.
"They all look so nice.." I mumbled under my breath. But Seri heard me.
"Yeah...." she said. 
The camera man finally zoomed up to Sungjong's face. And all I can say is.....WOW. Just WOW. He was so handsome and sophisticated. (The picture above) His face was so clear and white like a baby, but his black long fringes covered his one eye, and his eyes were decorated with dark black eyeliner that made him look y. *Wow....he's hot....I think I might....actually want...him.* Drool started to form on the corner of my lips. I quickly wiped them away before the could fall onto my chin. 
The Chaser was now playing, and the crowd started roaring. Infinite danced to it with perfect synchronized movements. I awed whenever the camera turned to Sungjong. When I saw Dongwoo Oppa, I always clapped. Because I knew he improved a lot. 
"Wow! Aren't they just amazing!!??" the girl MC said towards the crowd.
"Correct they are!!" the male MC said. "Now everyone, infinite is going to perform Only Tears, Paradise, She's Back, Be Mine, and Tic Toc next!!"
I watched every single performance they had. And I was never this amazed before. Their performances finally ended and they headed back stage again. "Aren't they just amazing?" Seri asked me. I just nodded.
~1 hour later~
I was now watching the interview with infinite on Tv Japan. Infinite introduced himself and the MC asked questions about their music and career. The MC suddenly asked Sungjong about his dating scandal. I was curious about his answer.
"Yes. It's true. I'm in a relationship." he told all of Japan. *Holy crappers??!! He just announced to all of Japan that we're dating!! I can't tell with this is daebak....or if he's just a plain pabo!!*
"Really? Usually when the paparazzi snaps a photo like that, it's all a lie. They change some stuff up and make it a whole new story. This is interesting. May you please explain to us how this happened?" 
*Oh gosh!! You're not gonna tell them that we were forced to date to protect our privacy right?! That the picture that was taken was when we were fighting over that lack of Cheetos??!!*
-How will Sungjong explain his relationship? Will he say that he was forced, or reveal that they knew each other in the past?? Read more to find out!!!
- I won't update until tomorrow, since I don't have school. (YAY!!)
- And really....INFINITE NEEDS TO HAVE A COMEBACK SOON!!!! I miss seeing them on stage! Only famous groups like Kara and T-ara...etc, are promoting right now (T-ara will next week) so infinite should have a comeback soon too!! 
- And what's worse....INFINITE RANKING KING's last episode was yesterday!! I'm so sad to see them leave!!! But I would love to see them on Hello baby!! It would be funny to watch our choding Sungyeol take care of a baby!!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!