The Truth Game



One month had already gone by but it only seemed like days. Everyday was the same day over and over again. Go to school, learn things in school, eat at school, come home from school, and then do homework from school, and then sleep to get ready for school tomorrow. 
Even the weekends were full of school things. I had many essays and exams that came up, and I spent most of my time during the weekends studying. 
I missed Dongwoo and Yoojin and everybody in infinite so much. I haven't seen them in a long time. I wonder how Yoojin was doing, her belly must be getting big now. Just imagining her as a mother never crossed my mind, but I'm glad that her time is coming soon. 
Schools over in a couple of weeks, though. So maybe I'll be able to move back to live with Dongwoo again. Infinite might be starting promotions again though, so I might not be able to see them anyways. 
Sungjong hasn't shown any signs of recovering, sadly. It's like his brain automatically erased me like a white board. We don't talk much, actually. We only have some classes together, but most of the time during school we use it to study for our finals. The only times we really talk is in the morning and when we get back from school. But because we have so many different schedules, I barely see him. 
Right after school I go to work too. But on slow days I sometimes have the chance to study or do homework quick when no ones around. 
I was at work right now, and my shift is ending in 5 minutes. Since no one was here, I decided to close up for awhile. 
After cleaning and wiping down tables, I locked the doors and walked towards my apartment. 
Carrying my bag on my shoulder, I casually walk down the hallway on my floor and head towards my door, lazily looking for the keys in my bag. I reached the door, still trying to find the key in my bag. 
But before I could do so, the door already opened. I turned my head forward, and Sungjong stood there, holding the half open door with his right hand. He looked at me. "Where were you?" he asked. 
"Work." I answered, shortly. "I go to work everyday." 
He opens the door a little bit wider, but he doesn't move. "Oh. I didn't know you came home this late, though." 
Of course he wouldn't know. When I come back from work, he's already sleeping. And when I wake up the next day, he would already be gone to school. He leaves a note sometimes, saying he have a committee meeting or something similar. 
I sometimes worry, because both Seri and Dongwoo told me to be near him, and I'm letting him to one his own. 
"How come you're not asleep?" I ask, still standing there, awkwardly. 
He shrugs, "I have no meeting tomorrow." He looks at me, expecting me to respond or something. But I stand there, waiting for him to let me in. "Oh, sorry." He says after noticing that he didn't let me enter yet. He opens the door and steps aside to let me in. 
I look around and feel my way to the light switches that were off. "How come its so dark?" I ask him. 
"I was doing something." He answers quickly.
"Like what?" I find the switch and turn it on. I face the living room, and see that the coffee table was set into a little tea party. Even his teddy bear is there. I turn back to him, and raise my eyebrow. He just smiles cheekily. 
"What's this for?" I ask as I set my purse on the counter top and slowly make my way towards it. 
"Well, maybe if you sit down then I'll tell you." He says, and goes to the light switch that I , and turns it off again. 
I make my way to the coffee table, and sit on the floor next to his bear. It's dark, but a small candle is lit, making me see about 2 feet away. 
"Lets play a game." He says calmly as he makes his way over to where I'm sitting. He sits in front of me. 
"What kind of game?" I ask.
"A truth game. The truth game." 
"The truth game?" It didn't seem familiar to me.
"Mhm. You can only ask three questions to the other person. And the other person has to answer honestly."  He explains. "If you don't, then I can make you do a consequence."
I raise an eyebrow. "What kind if consequence?" 
"Whatever I want you to do." he says, half smirking.
"Okay. It doesn't seem that bad. But....why this game?" 
"Dunno. Maybe we can gain trust from each other, and we can get closer." he says quietly. "I'll start." 
I wait for his question. "What is your favorite color?" 
I laugh. "What kind of question is that?" 
"Hey! I'm starting simple! Answer or your gonna face a consequence." he says.
 I laugh before I answer. "Okay okay. Well...I like the color red right now." 
He stares at me before asking another question. He asked what my favorite food was, and of course I said ramen. He also asked about my experiences in sports, and I answered that I wasn't the athletic type at all. 
"Your turn now." he tells me. "You don't have to go as simple as I did. You can ask personal questions if you want." 
I think for awhile but questions don't pop up in my mind easily. Should I ask him who he first fell in love with? Or will be not remember? Maybe I should ask what he does at school rather then studying. Aish...this is hard. 
"Can....can I just ask one question for to tonight?" I ask him. He nods in understanding. 
"What...what am I to you?" I blurt out, without thinking properly. 
He's taken back, I could tell, because he hesitates to answer. "'re...nice?" He laughs awkwardly and scratches his back. 
"Yah! Answer correctly or I have to give you a consequence!" I playfully punch his arm.
"Arasso arasso." he laughs. "Well. I played this game so that we could get closer. We'll be living with each other for awhile. And I honestly don't know anything about you. And well..." 
He continues, "You're a friend. That's all." He shrugs. "I wouldn't say we're anything more but friends, even though we're not that close."
"Although...." He smiles. "I did read online that Infinite's maknae was in a relationship." He looks at me and continues, "I guess...we are dating....but not really, in a way." he stutters. "I mean! We're friends. But the fans sees us as a couple. I dunno." 
"Oh." I say, a little bit disappointed. 
"There's a chance.....that we really could date...right?" He asks. 
"We day. But I don't know. I mean...." This conversation has gotten nowhere! 
"Sorry. This for awkward fast.." He chuckles. "Well. Then....thanks for playing?" 
"Oh, problem. 
Am I really just a friend, Sungjong-ah? I know, I know. I'm exaggerating a little bit here. I know you don't remember, and I'm not expecting you to remember anytime soon. But honestly....I expected a little bit more from you. Just a little bit. You remembered me from the convenient store, and I was hoping it would at least spark some more memories. But I guess not. 
WHAT'S UP HOMMIES?!?!?! I haven't updated in a month!!!! I'm such a bad author!! Please don't leave me!! *cries a river*
I'm not satisfied with this update. At all. ZERO! I didn't have enough description, nor did I have enough information in there. I just felt like everything was rushed and squished together! I literally wrote this chapter in an hour, so I didn't really plan everything out. 
But OMG!! I reached over 100 subscribers!! I'm so happy. I honestly didn't think I would. I thought I would get 50 or less. But 100?! That's just truly amazing! My story isn't even that good! 
Thanks for sticking with me, guys! I really appreciate all the support and love this fanfic is getting. I love waking up and seeing that I got 6 comments or more over the night. It's really a blessing, truly. 
Ill update later this week! I promise!! 
Please comment and subscribe, silent readers! I know there's a lot of people that see this fanfic! :) 
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!