Out of all things.

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)


Hi guys!!! Sorry for the late update >.< This update is shorter from my regular updates, and I apologize for that. Please comment!! I love reading your lovely comments!! :))
- Did you guys check out Gyu Gee Gee's 'I Need You' MV yet?! It was cool and y!!
-and one last question: is the font too small for you guys to read? I usually update on my iPod, so the font looks okay, but if it's too small then I don't mind changing it!! Please tell me if it bothers you or not! Thanks :D
"Is she awake?"
"Yes. She's in her room. You may go in."
"Thank you."
I heard the doors open. I was in a small room in the hospital, fourth floor; room 216. The room only had two beds, and the window didn't have a good view at all. Right next to the hospital was another large building, so my room didn't get any sunlight during the day. I felt like I was trapped in here. And I've been in here for only 10 days. 
"Are you feeling better?" Dongwoo asked me as he entered my prison-like room. He closed the door behind him gently. He walked over to my bed and sat on the chair before I could answer.
"Much." I weakly smiled. 
This was all my fault. 
"Did you take your medicine like Mr. Jung told you to?" He asked. 
I nodded. 
"He said you can get discharged later today. But they still have to check up on you in case you suddenly faint." He laughed awkwardly. "Of course....Sungjong still has to stay here for another-"
"Stop!" I cried. "Please...don't mention his name right now." I begged.
He stared at me without blinking, trying to sense what I was feeling. "You know...he's not as bad as you think. You could always go to his room and check on him." He shrugged. "He looks normal."
"Yeah. But he's not normal anymore."
Remembering what happen made my heart shatter. I tried my best to stay happy. But whenever I smiled, I would burst into tears without knowing. It hurt me alot. I promised him that I wouldn't forget him. And I didn't. 
Saturday, 1:13 pm.
- 1 day after the accident. 
I couldn't remember how I got here, but Dongwoo explained that he rushed me and Sungjong in here the minute he found us lying almost dead in a ditch at the end of a road. He told me he cried. He said he cried too much to remember what happened. 
I was put into a separate room away Sungjong, I was told. The doctors did many tests on me. I was told that I had a fractured rib cage, and that it could be healed quickly. The scars and bruises on my skin were taken care of, and my swollen eye was back to normal. I had to take a couple of medicine to reduce my headaches, but they didn't really work. 
Dr Jung assisted me through that night. It was more like he was interrogating me, though. He asked me questioned to see if my memory was still clear. Dongwoo had told him that I've had damage to my head before, so he wanted to make sure it was good for me to go out into the public again. But after explaining to him what happened, he didn't believe me. He thought I lost my memory again. 
I told him that we were 'attacked' on the day when there was a gang murder. He told me that he saw that on the news, but he didn't really believe me when I said we were one of their victims.  Of course he didn't believe me, it was called a 'gang murder'. But we weren't murdered. 
I told him that that was what happened, and he nodded like he understood. But I knew he didn't. He whispered something to Dongwoo, and he told me that I had to stay here for a while until they were positive I was alright. 
I swear that I was.
Day 2 after the accident
I woke up from my headache. I took my medicine that one of the nurses gave me. I was told that I couldn't go home yet, which really annoyed me because I had nothin to do here. Dr Jung told me that Dongwoo and others were going to come and check on me. But I didn't really see why they had to. I was perfectly fine. 
Dongwoo came around noon, with the rest of infinite and Yoo Jin. I cried seeing all their faces again. It was only a month ago, but I really missed all of them. I hugged Dongwoo first (of course) and then I hugged every single Infinite member until I couldnt breath anymore. 
Yoojin was the last one to get hugged. I was glad, because I hugged her the longest. We cried together silently as we hugged. I even heard Woohyun cry. But he was crying before he came into the room. 
He probably went to go see Sungjong. 
Everyone said that they were alright. Their lives were normal as usual. I was glad. I wished my life was normal too. 
Monday, Day 3 
Today, I asked Dongwoo and the rest of infinite how Sungjong was doing. I haven't heard how he was, and I was anxious to know. Woohyun started to tear up a bit, and I took that as a bad sign. 
"He's not dead, right?" 
Dongwoo laughed at my dumbness. He rubbed my head playfully as he hugged me. "Silly. If he was dead, we would have told you." 
"The doctors said he has severe injuries." Myungsoo said. "We only visited him once, and his head was wrapped around in a bandage. We can't visit him yet until he is fully recovered." 
"His Umma, Appa, and sister came. We greeted them kindly, but they were crying alot." Hoya explained. "He's going to be alright." 
They asked me what happened that night. But I honestly didn't know. I was out at the cafe, and I was out again when we were being followed. I didn't know who exactly the gang members were, or what they did to us. 
I was questioned again later that day. The police said that they went to the location we were attacked, but they found no evidence of the gang. 
I told them to ask Sungjong. 
Day 9
Today was Sungjong's last day for any final tests. Dongwoo told me that he was up and awake, and that I could go visit him after he was done being questioned. I really wanted to see him again. I was planning to hug him until he died. 
Dongwoo and the rest of Infinite were involved in Sungjong's questioning since they had permission to. I waited patiently as the hours past, and it wasn't until 8 pm that they came back. 
Dongwoo didn't look happy. 
"Did it go well?" I asked. 
"It went....well." He mumbled. The rest of the members didn't look at me. Something was wrong. 
"How's Sungjong?"
"The doctors said that something hard hit his head, and it...uh...damaged..one part of his brain that stores his memories. So uh, they had to ask him if he remembered anything or not." He explained. "It was because he was in a accident before where he damaged the same spot in his brain, so they had to make sure it wasn't worse."
"He...remembers almost everything." he started. "He knows he's an Infinite member...he knows his family members. He knows us. He remembers how to smile...to dance..sing, all that jazz..." He rubbed his neck nervously. 
"Shockingly he didn't forget those information. That's lucky."
"What information did he forget then? Is there something that he totally forgot of?" 
I was hoping it was a no. I wanted things to stay the same, and that we could go back to where we left off.
"There is one thing he forgot. We tried asking him to remember. We tried as much as we could but he said he knew nothing about it. He had no clue what we were talking about." He said "out of all things...why did he forget one of the most important?" He mumbled. 
"What was it....?" 
Dongwoo glanced at the other members before answering. "He forgot you." 
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!