You have....a what?!?


I quickly got off sungjongs back and awkwardly entered the house. I knew everyone was watching me, but I gladly walked over to the kitchen like nothing happened. 

"Sungyeol hyung.....aigoo.." sungjong sighed.
"Sorry I'm just joking!" Sungyeol said. 
"Where did you take her?" L asked 
"A playground." sungjong said happily.
"Tch. Kid love." woohyun smirked. 
I decided to cook dinner because we haven't eaten anything yet. There was nothing really in the fridge so I decided to make some ramen. 
"Hey you!" dong woo pointed at me while entering the Kitchen. I was busy watching the water boil so I didn't bother to answer him.
"You. me. We are staying up today." he stood next to me and watched the water boil with me.
"Because we haven't had sister-brother time in a long time." he explained
"But I have school tomorrow." 
"It's okay. We won't stay that late." with that he left to the living room where everyone else was. 
I haven't spent time with my brother in a long time. I know he loves me but I'm never around him unless he asks me too. 
Sungyeol's POV: (finally right? Lol)
Ahhhh...sungjongie is growing up so fast. I remembered he always cried when I pulled a prank on him......oh wait...that was just last week..nevermind. 
We were hanging out in dongwoo hyungs living room while Min Ah was cooking dinner. "hey hyung, I wanna do karaoke!" sungjong beamed.
*ohh comes another girl dance..* i sighed in my head. I rolled my eyes and my eyes secretly landed on Yoo Jin.
*thats...Min Ah's best friend right? I never really took the chance to realize her. Huh. She's really pretty.* I smiled. Yoo Jins head turned in my direction and she caught me staring. *oh crap!! I got caught!* I awkwardly gave her a smile and turned my head to the Tv. 
"Maybe I should try talking to her...she seems uncomfortable around us..." I mumbled under my breath. I shook that question out of my head and joined Sungjong.
"Let's dance to Miss A!" I beamed. 
"Yay! I was gonna pick that anyways." sungjongie said. 
He 'Good girl bad girl' and we started to dance right away. He got me into dancing to girl songs. Weird right? 
"You don't know me...(x3) shut up boy! (x3)" we sang together. Soon enough Hoya and Dongwoo hyung joined us. Sunggyu, woohyun, and L were just sitting on the couch laughing at us. 
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Yoo Jin laughing at me. *oh gawd...she's laughing. I must look stupid. Yah..pabo Sungyeol!* I scrunched my nose. 
The song ended and I totally needed a break. I don't know how Sungjongie could have so much energy doing a girl dance. My eyes wandered to Yoo Jin again...*why do i keep looking at her?!* I smacked my head. 
"Yah choding. Smacking your head will make you even dumber." L smirked. 
"Oh that's it!!" I tackled him onto the couch. "take back your words! I started to tickle him. Everyone else in the room was laughing at us. 
"hey hey...I'm the visual! You can't mess up my face!" L joked. He started laughing hard because he could never handle my tickles..*hehe*
"Yah, myungyeol...go get a room!" Dongwoo laughed like a crazy animal. 
"Hey! At least it's better than Yadong!" I stuck my tongue out
"Ah. Typical choding." Sunggyu shook his head in disappointment. 
Yoo Jin's POV: 
I was crowded into the living room with 7 guys! I should have went in the kitchen with Min Ah, but I guess I can't now. I wasnt close to any of them except for Dongwoo. I mean, I've talked to them before, but I never really had a conversation with them. I knew Sungjong when we were little, but I didn't talk to him. 
I sat next to Dongwoo on the couch and watched Sungjong work his magic with the karaoke machine. 
In the room, I could feel pairs of eyes on me. I felt a little awkward but I could be mistaking. My eyes slowly turned to the directions of the eyes, and I saw Sungyeol stare at me. *huh...weird. I never saw Sungyeol look at me before. I didn't even know he knew I existed.* he gave me a weird smile and looked away. "duh. He probably looked at me because I'm ugly!" I murmured.
"No youre not! Isn't Sungyeol the one you praised the most in Infinite?" Dongwoo asked. I guessed he heard my mumble. 
"how did you know?" I lightly smacked his arm.
"I heard you and Min Ah talking about it." he rubbed his nose. "Try talking to him. He's cool."
Should I? He's a freakin kpop star! I never told any of them that I was a major fan except for Dongwoo. Hmm..maybe I should? Argh..this is hard. 
I watched Sungyeol and Sungjong dance to Miss A's Good Girl Bad Girl. And surprisingly, they were amazing! Their vocals are soft but it fits the music well. Their dance movements were so sharp and accurate. 
I laughed really hard when they did the chorus. *they got some y bodies!* I thought. Sungjong fit the dance perfectly...and Sungyeol...he was just plain funny!!
Min Ah's POV:
I finished cooking the ramen. I heard laughing in the living room, but I didn't know why they were laughing. I poured the ramen onto a bowl and carried the bowl to the kitchen. I set the table and put plates for everyone to eat with.
I heard a faint sound in the distances.
-ring ring-
I checked my phone, but my phone wasn't the one ringing. I heard the sound from the dining room. I went to the dining room and spotted a cell phone ringing in someone's jacket. "I think that's sungjongs jacket.." I whispered. I picked the cell phone up and answered it.
"Yobeoseyo?" I answered.
"Haiiiii oppaaaaa!!" the voice on the other line screamed. *oppa? A girl?*
"Oppa..?? Oppaaaaa!! You there??" she cooed.
"oh? Ahhh sorry I'm not sungjong. Would you like to talk to him?"
"yes please!!" she said. Her voice sounded pure and cute. *i didn't know sungjong had other girl friends?*
I shook my head and walked to the living room. "Sungjong.." I said in a meek voice.
"Yes?" he answered. He turned around to face me. I just stuck out the phone in front of his face. "oh.." he said. He gladly took the phone out of my hands and answered the phone. 
"Hello?" he said. I could hear the girl talk, but I didn't know what she said. "I missed you too!" he excitedly said and flared his arms around.  He walked out of the room. *was the conversation that secret that you had to go to a different room?* I felt a pang of jealously in me. 
All of us ate in silence. Sungyeol and L were giving each other death glares, but Sungyeol kept laughing. Dongwoo devoured his ramen in less than 5 minutes and went for seconds. 
"Min ah-ssi" Sunggyu, who was sitting next to me said. 
"Oh? Yes?" I responded.
"Your cookings a amazing! No wonder Dongwoo always brags about you." he made a big smile. Next to Sunggyu, woohyun gave me two thumbs up, saying he agreed with Sunggyu. 
"Oh. Gomawo." I bowed gently. 
For the rest of the dinner, Sungjong didn't come back yet. I was starting to worry. *why was he talking to another girl? He said he wouldn't even look at another girl because he had me!* I felt a little betrayed. I knew he didn't love me. Ugh...I feel like crying now..
*wait what?!?! I shouldnt even be feeling like this! I don't like Sungjong! I shouldn't care if he talks to other girls. Pshhhh..I'm making a fool outta myself.* I continued to eat quietly.
"I'm back!" sungjong said while entering the kitchen. I didn't even bother to look up at him. He sat down next to me. I could sense that he was staring at me, but I continued to look at my noodles. 
"Who we're you talking to on the phone?" Dongwoo asked.
"oh. My sister." he answered without hesitation.
My eyes literally fell out of my eye sockets. My head shot up and stared at him.
"YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" we all screamed  in unison. 
Sorry that I didn't update for a couple of days, my Internet was down. But it's back! Please tell me, am I writing the chapters too short? Or are they too long? Or are they normal? I don't know?
*i need you...I want you...I love you feel so bad feel so bad~~ I saw sungjong dance to this and it was Y. He grabbed his chest and did a little chest roll! Who saw it??
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!