Emergency Call

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)


(A/N: Please check out the Foreword, I edited it to make it prettier.....but I still don't have a pretty poster!!) 

Min Ah's POV:

September 21, 2012
Dear Diary,
It's been nearly two month since Me and Sungjong's real relationship. I admit, I do have a lot of feelings for him. He's the first person who loves me for me....(excluding Dongwoo and Yoo Jin). He makes me feel all bubbly inside, and for some reason, I love feeling bubbly. I used to be a bubbly person, but that's until my parents died. I turned into a different person, but Sungjong is turning me back. We celebrated our one month anniversary together by going to Lotte World. I found out that I'm afraid of heights, and I basically clung onto Sungjong the whole time. But it was alright, since he was there with me. I guess you could say we've changed through our relationship, because the rest of Infinite found out that we were officially dating. They were shocked, but Dongwoo couldn't stop hugging me. 
I got the chance to know the infinite members more. Sunggyu is a real leader. He shows a lot of determination, and that's what I like about him. Even though he is serious most of the times, he can be really funny too. One time he pulled a really mean trick on me. I threatened him, saying that I would get revenge. But in the end, we both had a good laugh. 
Woohyun....oh my, don't even ask about Woohyun! That grease bucket! The first time I talked to him, he was already throwing hearts at me like I was some crazed fan. I found out that he was the closest to Sungjong. Sungjong doesn't even call him 'hyung'...which shows how close they are. Woohyun told me bunch of secrets about Sungjong, too. I found out he's ticklish around the neck, which I find surprising. Woohyun is a weird Oppa, but I love him like a brother.
Hoya still loves the color purple. He still loves dancing. I feel like he's the only normal one in the group, considering that the rest are either a Grandpa, a choding, a cold guy, a diva, a Kenya boy...(?) or a Nam Grease. 
Speaking of cold guy, L isn't actually cold. He's really loving and smart. He helps me with all my problems, and he's an Oppa that I can always count on. I guess when he's on TV, he's mysterious and cold, but in person, he's the real Myungsoo. 
And Sungyeol....OMG SUNGYEOLLL!!!! Guess what?!? Sungjong isn't the only one dating......cuz SUNGYEOL AND YOO JIN ARE DATING!!! Kyah! I'm happy for them! They told me they started dating a little while after me and Sungjong, which is no surprise at all. But they make a really good couple, because they both love to fool around. 
Seri Unnie is really kind too. She's exactly like Sungjong, but in a form of a girl. When it was spring break, I basically hung out with her the whole time. She told me many things about her, like how she's going to school to be a nurse. That's how she was able to take care of me when I was beaten up by Soo Young. I'm very thankful that she helped me on that day. Without her, I don't know where I would be. 
Since I mentioned Soo Young, you probably want to know more about her too, right? Well, we announced our relationship to my school, and everyone seemed to accept it, even his fans. Soo Young, however, doesn't approve of it. She hasn't been encountering Sungjong or Me, and I take that as a sign that she completely gave up. Good. I wont be seeing her for a long time, since our classes will be changed. Thank goodness! 
And to finish, I had another weird dream again. It was about me and the same guy again, and we were holding hands and chatting in the park. I still couldn't see his face clearly, but I could hear his voice perfectly now. It was soothing and peaceful, almost like a sunset at shore, but more beautiful. I just...for some reason.....I think that voice is really familiar. His voice was like a talking heaven, and I could fall asleep hearing that angelic voice. But I couldn't spot who it was. Maybe it's just a regular dream, right? Maybe I'm just confusing myself. 
As I was closing my diary, a knock was heard on my door. "Come in." I said.
The door slowly opened, to reveal Dongwoo's happy face. "Hey, you want to come with me to Infinites house??" he raised an eyebrow as he sat on the corner of my soft bed. 
"Yeah sure, let me just text Sungjong about something." I got up from my bed and headed to my desk. 
"You know....if you want to make 'love' with sungjong, their house isn't the best place..." he said as he walked up behind me.
"It's not like that! I'm just texting him to see if he found my sweater! I'm gonna need it for later." I playfully smacked his arm.
"Alright. Whatever you say." he patted my head. "Just come down when you're done. I'll wait." he said and left the room.
"Okay....if only I could find my phone.." I searched through all the drawers and my closet to find my phone. But it was no where in sight. I couldn't remember where I last put it, but all I could remember was that I stood up all night talking on the phone with SungJong. I must have fell asleep with it. 
As I was moving papers around on my desk to find my phone, I heard a soft thud on the ground, like something had fell. "Hmm? Was that my phone?" 
I bent down and searched the floor. And something caught my eye. And it wasn't my phone.
It was a silver necklace....with a flower on it. It was shiny and smooth....just like the one in my dream, the one that guy gave me. It's the exact same one as Sungjong's. "Huh? Did Sungjong leave this here?" I thought it could have been his, because I clearly didn't own it. But as I was thinking, my thoughts flashed back to my dreams. 
"That man....he gave this to me in my dreams...was the dream real then...?" I scrunched my nose. "No...it can't be..I don't remember anyone giving me a necklace like this. This must be Sungjong's..." I confirmed it to my head and continued searching for my phone.
"Alright Oppa! I'm ready!" I said as I headed down the stairs. I successfully found my phone, and texted Sungjong what I needed. 
"Okay, let me just get my keys." Dongwoo said as he headed to the kitchen. I headed outside and sat in his car.
We drove peacefully to their house, and it only took us 10 minutes. We entered the house, and Sunggyu, Woohyun, Hoya, and L were sitting in the living room watching TV. 
"Where's Sungjongie?" I asked as I put my bag onto the table. 
"He's in his room." responded L as he munched away a bag of chips. I gave him a thumbs up and headed upstairs. 
"Sungjong-ah...." I quietly said as I walked down the neatly decorated hallway. In still surprised that the 6 boys living together can keep this big house so clean and organized. They don't even have maids! 
"In here."
I followed the voice and found him laying on his bed. "You're so lazy..." I rolled my eyes and entered his room. 
"So?! Just because I'm on my bed, it makes me lazy?" he made at an angry face at me. 
"Oh, darn you.." he shyly chuckled and messed my hair. "So, what's the plan today?" 
"I don't know yet, I was planning to go hang out with Yoo Jin later today, that's why I needed my sweater. But I don't really know where she is.." I concluded as I plopped on the bed next to him. 
"Thanks for inviting me..." he sarcastically said as he stared into my eyes. 
His eyes....the exact same gemstone eyes when I first saw him in the convenient store when we fought for cheetos...I will never forget that day. 
"Sorry...it's just that we haven't had any girl time together lately. I just thought it'll be nice to go out together again." 
"I know, I'm just joking." he kissed my cheeks. 
Oh...by the way...I never kissed Sungjong yet....and we never officially kissed on the lips either. He always kisses me on my forehead or cheeks...but I'm too scared to do that. 
Sungjong's POV:
Ohhh...how I love Min Ah's eyes. I always get lost in them. 
"Oh Yeah! I think you left this at my house..." She searched her pockets and took out a silver necklace. 
*That.....that can't be the one...I gave her, right? I thought she lost hers....I can't believe she still has it..* I eyed the necklace in suspicion as she held it to my face. 
"Are you going to take it?" she asked.
*No...because I bought that for you, I already have my own.*
"Oh, I didn't know i lost it. Thanks for finding it." I lied. I snatched it from her hands and placed it on my desk. 
"Let's hang out soon, Min Ah. I miss being alone with you.." I pouted my lips. 
*I really want to know if you're still having flashbacks of our past. I never really asked you about it, because I didn't want to hurt you. But now I want to to remember more than ever.* 
"I know I know...it's just that school is really making me stuffy since we have our finals soon. Then we have 3 more months of school, then it's summer!!" she giggled. "We have the whole summer to hang out." 
"Not really. I'll probably have promotions soon." I felt sad again.
"Oh yeah....that's right.. I'll probably have to find a job too..." she landed face flat into the bed.
Min Ah's POV
"Hmm...well how about tomorrow? Are you free tomor--" I was cut off by my phone.
"Min Ah?!? Min Ah!!!! Come to the hospital..NOW!!!" the familiar voice yelled into my ears.
Sungjong's face stiffen as he heard the loud screams. "Who is it..?" 
"Min Ah!! ANSWER ME!!!" he screamed again.
"Who is this?!"
"Sungyeol!! Come to the hospital! Something is wrong with Yoo Jin!!"
Those words struck my heart. 
I jumped off the bed and concentrate on what Sungyeol was gonna say next. Sungjong followed me. 
"What happened to her?!" 
"MOLLA?!?!? We were just eating some ice cream together when she suddenly threw up and fainted! I rushed her to the hospital right away! Please come!! Like....ASAP!!!" he gasped for air. 
I then noticed that I didn't see Sungyeol downstairs with the rest, but that never caught my attention. "Okay I'm coming!!!" I shut the phone off and stared at Sungjong.
"I heard it all, let's go!" he grabbed my hand and rushed me to the living room.
"What's all the commotion guys?" Woohyun asked as we both ran down the stairs. 
"Hospital. NOW!" I yelled in fear. 
Everyone dropped what they were doing and faced me. "Why?" they all said.
"Yoo Jin is hurt!!  Sungyeol hyung is already there! Hurry!" Sungjong said and everyone obeyed immediately.
We rushed there like there was no tomorrow.
"Guys! Over here!" Sungyeol waved his hands in the air so we could spot him. We all ran towards him and by the time we were there, we were all out of breath. 
"What's wrong with Yoo Jin?" Sunggyu asked as he rested his hands on his knees. 
"I don't know..I--" he stopped as he saw the doctor come out. 
We all faced the doctor, and he said, "May I please see Lee Sungyeol?" he looked up and eyed each one of us.
"Im..here.." he raised his hand and step forward.
"Come with me." the doctor turned around and entered the room. Sungyeol shortly followed behind.
None of us dared to speak....for some reason, we knew this was a serious matter. 
20 Minutes passed as we waiting to hear what was wrong with Yoo Jin. The doctor finally came out, and gave us the orders that we could enter the room.
As I walked in, I saw Yoo Jin sitting up in the bed, with Sungyeol by her side. "Yoo Jin!!" I screamed and pushed everyone out of the way. "Are you okay?!" 
She didnt answer me. Slowly, I could see tears falling from her eyes, but she didn't make any sound.
Sungyeol's eyes were watery also, and his breathing was becoming harder and uneven. He didn't bother to look at any one of us as we entered the room. 
"What's wrong?" Hoya said as he came closer. 
Yoo Jin clutched her stomach, and whimpered as tears continued to flow from her eyes.
*What? Does she have to remove her kidney or something?* I thought.
"Your acting like you pregnant!" Woohyun joked. I could tell he was trying to make the mood happier. He was always like that. He always cheers people up. But now was not the time. 
"No..Hyung..." Sungyeol looked away.
Tears continued to fall from her face.
"She really is pregnant.." 
-Did you expect THAT to happen?! I didn't think so!!! And this is what I was talking about, about something happening to Sungyeol. Well....this is it!! I promise I'll explain more about the situation in the next chapter, and have the POV's be in Sungyeol and Yoo Jin's POV. 
-I'll update tomorrow. I might double update, to make it up that I haven't updated in a while! 
-Feedback will be loved!!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!