Wake Up...

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)



Hi lovely readers!! Yes, it was quite stupid for me to put this story on Hiatus......for only a week..:// but that doesn't matter!! Here I am again, updating! It seems like it was years ago since I updated, and I'm really sorry! But I'm back! My grades are going up well, and I feel like I'll have time to update now :) 

My next coming updates might be quite confusing, but please bare with me. There are some details that I left out on PURPOSE so that it can revealed later throughout the story.

I know many of you guys will hate me because I'm bringing up more stress and drama for the characters....but I already WARNED you. Do you remember...like 10 chapters ago when I posted 'Part 2, Lee Sungjong is now longer in my life'? (I'm not sure if those are the exact words..:/) but yes, the following chapters will be reflecting upon that new title, so I'm warning you guys again! I know, I know...min ah asked if they could get back together...but Sungjong didn't answer yet, and he won't mention it for awhile.  (Don't hate me...) 

Im planning to update regularly again, like how I did when I first made this fanfic. I'll maybe update 1-2 days, depending on my mood. (Lol) but I won't disappoint anyone!!

another reason....I actually want to get featured. I knows story isn't good, but I want my work to be known. So if you could be kind and vote and subscribe? Thanks :P

sorry for my long rant...I'll let you read now! I was listen to sad music as I re-read this chapter, and it AMLOST made me cry. (I wouldn't cry over a fanfic I made...hah). I listened to Kim Sunggyu's 'I Need You' and Lunafly's 'Clear Day, Cloudy Day' and Ailee's 'Evening Sky' and JYJ's 'In Heaven' and THE SEEYA's 'Last Dinner' and 'The Winter'(just some suggestions. all those songs I listened and listed are VERY good)

sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes...



...and our Granada was HOT! I'm so proud of him!! His solo was DAE to the BAK! I can't wait for Infinite H, and Infinite as a whole!


Alright...I'll shut up now.




"Min Ah? Min Ah wake up." Someone shook me. I fluttered my eyes slowly, but the bright light blinded me. "Are you okay?" 
Sungjong slowly began to appear in front of me. He looked sorta worried. Wait....am I laying on the floor? What happened? He slowly helped me up. "What happened?" I asked him. 
"I'm not sure...after our make out session *cough* you fainted. You just...fell." He looked away awkwardly. "I think it's because you were in the rain for too long." 
"And you didn't even bother to help me up?!" I yelled. "Some gentleman you are." I scolded. "Anyways, lets go home. I think I'm getting sick." 
"You....go home first." He smiled softly. "I have errands to do for my sister. It might take awhile."
"Anniiiiiyaaaa!! We're going home together!" I wasn't gonna take no for an answer. 
"Aish...." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well. I guess I have to. While you were sleeping, I was listening to the news. They said..something about a murder, not to far from here. Repeatedly going on. A gang murder." He said. "There's no way I'm letting you get murdered." 
"A gang murder?" 
"Yeah..they said something about being high schoolers...and uh..something about weapons and whatnot." 
"You don't sound positive..." I narrowed my eye.
"Well  of course! Do you think I can pay attention to the news when there's a pretty lady laying on my lap?! I think not." He rolled his eyes again. "Lets just go. It's getting late anyways."
We walked down the street peacefully. It was already getting dark, but for some reason we took our time. It stopped raining, and the weather felt beautiful. It was only us to walking on the street, which wasn't a surprise because we took the long way home. This road was basically an alley way, I doubt anyone would even notice it. 
I don't know why Sungjong decided to go this way. He said something about wanted to be with me longer before the day ended. But I swear, Woohyun's disease has spread to him.
His hand kept on brushing against mine. I knew what he was thinking. He begged inside that I would just grab it and hold it. His hand wanted to be intertwined with mine, but he was scared to make the first move. 
I was staring to see the bright side of things....to be honest. I guess it wasn't really bad having Sungjong be at my side, and it didn't bother me anymore if he still thought we were more than friends. I little part of me missed holding hands with him, and hugging him to death. But I couldn't admit it to him, I probably never would admit that yet. 
But I jinxed it. 
"Min Ah..." He barely breathed. He became stiff suddenly. 
"I think someone's following us..." He whispered. I was about to turn back but he stopped me. "Don't look back..." 
"How will we know if we're being followed?" I asked. It was true, I could feel someone's presence behind us. It could be a regular person right? But I shouldn't be assuming. 
"Just don't. We're almost home anyways." He firmly griped my shoulder. 
We walked for about another 5 minutes, none of us talking. We heard it though, footsteps that were less than ten meters behind us. I knew we were being followed, because I heard faint voices from a far, like they were whispering to each other. Yes, they. It wasn't just one person. 
"Is it..." 
I think he was thinking the same thing as me. We didnt want to believe it, nor did we want to admit it. But we knew.  It was the gang. The murder gang. They were after us. 
I looked down at my feet as we walked. I was scared. Like...really scared. Not much things scared me in this world. But now I was frightened. They weren't too far behind us. Or....they weren't too far ahead of us.
I bumped into something. Hard. Sungjong's grip on my shoulder was lost as I fell back onto my side. My head hurt, and I couldn't adjust to the lighting anymore. I didn't know what I bumped into, but I was hard. 
"Min Ah!?" I heard Sungjong screamed, but I couldn't adjust to where his voice was coming from. I closed my eyes shut, trying to lessen the dizziness from my fall.
"Well well well....look who we have here..." A voice said. It was definitely not Sungjong. "Two girls lost on their way back from the salon...how cute." 
"I'm not a girl you fuc--" 
Everything went blank.
My head hurt. I tried to pride my eyes open but it was like they were glued shut. Swollen, even. I managed to move my hand a little. I tried to feel my surroundings, as my eyes didn't agree to work with me. 
Dirt. I was laying of dirt. My nails dug into the thick ground as I continued to feel my way around things. I lifted my hand to my eyes, but all I did was dig dirt into my skin. My eyes hurt as they opened, like they were punched 100 times. More, even.
I move my eyes around so that I could pride my eyes wider, but it hurt even more. It was dark. The sky. The sun already settled into the horizon. Where was I? What happened?
I layer there, trying to figure why I was laying in the open ground. My hand continued to work it's way farther, to find someone else, anything. My fingers landed on something smooth, yet rough. It was wet. Was it raining? No, it couldn't have, the dirt wasn't moist. 
I continued to touch the smooth, wet object for awhile more. I removed my finger from it, and moved it toward my face to see what now coated my fingers.
My eye grew bigger, even though it hurt like hell. Blood....why was there blood here? I tried sitting up, but I had no energy left. I propped my torso up with my elbows weakly, as I looked around to see what I was touching. It was almost impossible, though. It was pitched black, and I could barely see anything in front of me. 
I continued to use my hands to feel around the surrounding. I touched it again, the wet, smooth structure that was covered in blood. It was pure blood, I could tell, because it wasn't dried up yet. 
A nose? My fingers traced over the structure. Blood kept coating my finger, but I didn't care. I was indeed....touching a nose. Now lips...a chin....neck. Was someone bleeding? 
I could see a form of a human body laying next to me as my eyes finally adjusted to the dark night. I saw two pair of feet a couple of feet away from my own. 
"What happened?" I asked under my breath. "Work....Sungjong....gang murder....someone following us..." I tried to regain my memory. It wasn't really working. I scrunched my eyes in pain, until I finally realized who was laying in front of me.
"Sungjong..." I gasped. I crawled over to him with all my energy and flipped him over so that he was lying on his back. Half of his face was covered in blood. Blood, that I was currently touching. "Sungjong....Sungjong wake up." I shook his shoulders. 
He...was beaten up. Almost to death. 
He didn't budge. 
"Wake up...." Tears formed on the corner of my eyes. I sat and and got on my knees as I brought his head to lay on my lap. "Sungjong! Sungjong wake up!" I shook his harder, but his head kept moving from side to side. He wasn't dead. I know he isn't dead. I prayed that he wasn't dead.
My eyes still hurt alot, and my arms and legs were numb. We were in a ditch, I could tell now that I had my vision back. Why were we in a ditch? It's like someone threw us in here, not wanting us anymore. At least we weren't murder. I was thankful. But, how could I be thankful that he was in such condition?
"Sungjong! Sungjong wake up.." I cried. I wiped my eyes with the back of my half bloody/half dirty hands. "Please..." I sniffed. 
I needed to do something. Fast. 
Sungyeol's POV: 
2 am. I should be asleep now, but we had practice all day today. It , because we were suppose to be on a break. Sungjong is so lucky, getting to skip practice. I swear, I'm gonna steal his little bear toy until he says sorry for skipping out. 
"Hi Oppa!" YooJin squealed as I entered our house. "How was practice?"
"Hi babe. It went well like always." I walked over to where she was sitting and pecked her cheeks. Yes, Yoojin is still my girlfriend. What? You think that after I get her pregnant I was gonna leave her? Well, you thought wrong! 
"What are you doing?" I asked as I sat next to her on the couch. 
"Studying for an upcoming assessment. You know how I hate them.." She whined cutely. 
"Of course I do." I smile. 
"Where are the others?" She asks as she looked around.
"They should be coming shortly." I told her. She nodded and continued to do her studying. I really have to thank Min Ah, she's the one who introduced me to her. Now she was going to be my future wife. I couldn't be any happier. I kissed her stomach as I stood up to find myself some food to eat. 
"Hey! You know I'm ticklish there!" She yelled.
"Sorry, I need to kiss my baby goodnight."
"Which baby are you talking about?"
"Both." I show her a blazing smile as I grab some juice out of the fridge. 
I heard a faint vibrating sound as I walk back to the living room. I ignored it at first, but then it kept repeating and then it started to get annoying. "Hey...you know I saw the news earlier? It said something about a gang murder around Jeong Du."
"Isn't that were Min Ah and Sungjong are?" I asked, shocked.
"Yeah....I think that is.." she turns to look at me "I hope they're safe.." 
I help her study as the time goes by, and now it was 2:30. The others still didn't come back yet, but I knew they would soon. And that annoying little vibrating sound came back on again. Since when did we have toys in this house?
"Oppa...I think that's Dongwoo's phone that's vibrating.." She told me without looking up. 
"He thought he had it with him..." I mumbled as I try to find his phone. It took me awhile to find it, but I managed to after I found it in one of his jacket pockets. 
"Who's calling?"
"....Min Ah..." I barely breath out. She shot me a worried look as I said that. "Since when did she want to call us?" 
I picked up the phone as the other infinite members came in, laughing their butts off. I told them to be quiet, but they gave me confused looks. "Hello..?" 
"Oppa....." Min Ah sniffed. "Oopppaaaa!" She cried louder, but she was out of breath. Why was she crying? 
"Who is it?" Dongwoo asked as he came closer to me. I have him his phone. 
"Min Ah. She's crying." 
He looked rushed as he answered his phone. "Min Ah?! Min Ah are you crying?" 
"Oppa...he..help." She said in between sniffs. 
"Help? With what? What happened?!" Dongwoo half yelled. All of us looked at him with worry. 
"We..we...Sungjong...he's...he's...hurt." She muffled. 
"Hurt? How?" He yelled
"Yoojin. That thing you were telling me. About a murder...with some gang. Wasn't that where Sungjong and Min Ah lived?" I asked her. She nodded her head quickly.
"Murder? What murder?" Sunggyu asked. 
"Awh . I hope they werent involved." I mumbled. 
"There were many murders by a gang in Jeong Du.." She explained worriedly.
"Dongwoo...come..help us.." 
"Alright. I'm coming."
What do you think'll happen?!
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!