Yah, You Pabo.

Lee Sungjong...is my BOYFRIEND?!? (HIATUS)


Sungjong's POV:
"My plans gonna work...my plans gonna work...my plans gonna work.." I repeated in my head. I was positive that everything was going to work. I only had 2 months...but I know that'll be enough time. I mean, I spent 3 years looking for her right? But now I know where she is, so it won't take that much time. 
I rapidly repeated the plan into my head, so I won't forget any steps. I had already discussed my plan with Infinite and my boss, and they agreed almost right away. 
"I mean...a kissed her only once! For like...10 seconds! I've only dated her for 2 months. I've known her since kindergarten! She can't just leave me like that." I pouted. "I shall win her back!"
"Yah, Sungjong do you have everything ready?" Sunggyu asked as he walked into my room. Shortly after, the rest followed in. 
"Clothes. Check! Notebook. Check! Towel. Check! Mp3. Check! Yep, I have everything!" I nodded. 
"I'll be scared to sleep alone...." Hoya laughed while rubbing his neck. 
"Don't worry Hyung! You've got Dongwoo hyung to make love with!" I laughed.
"Our little maknae is growing up!" Woohyun ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "If you need help, call hyung right away! I'll kick their @$$ is they hurt you!" He warned.
"Calm down....it's not like I'm leaving forever." I patted his back.
"You better be studying! If you fail senior year, you won't be a member of Infinite anymore!" Sungyeol said.
"Says who?!"
"Says Sunggyu Hyung!" He shouted.
"Yeah yeah yeah...I'll be glad to leave, since everyone here always bullies me!"
We laughed.
I haven't laughed like this in a long time.
"Have you called Seri yet?" L asked. 
I shook my head. "Maybe I should." 
"Hello? Seri?.....yeah it's me...I would like to visit you. How long? Oh...2 months." 
Min Ah's POV:
"Ugh..6am already?! I just slept like 20 minutes ago!" I yelled into my pillow. "Well, at least it's Saturday. I have work basically the whole day. It's not that bad."
I left my room and headed to the bathroom. I took a nice long shower and washed my face. I stared at myself in the mirror for some reason. I looked different, happier, even. Maybe it's because I didn't look like a manly gorilla anymore. Or maybe, it's because he left my life. 
I heard ruffling outside the bathroom and thought it was Seri. I let it slide though, I knew she was tired. I continued to dry my hair which took me the next 20 minutes. 
"Seri, are you home?" I called out as I left the bathroom. There wasn't a response. Instead, there was a blue note stuck onto the refrigerator. 
'Annyeong! Sorry for coming home late. But im tired! So don't come into my room! Have fun at work and if I have time I'll come pick you up.'
*awkward.......it doesn't even sound like her..*
"Okay then..." I grabbed a piece of toast and headed out the door. I smiled and bowed to as much people as I could. Knowing that they were going to be my future neighbors, I wanted to be nice to them.
Sungjong's POV:
"Ugh..." I ruffled into the pillow. "5pm already...." I gently got off the bed and pulled the covers back on neatly. 
"Is Min Ah still here?" I wondered out loud. I left Seri's room and checked Min Ah's bed. "Nope. I guess she's at work."
"Seri! I'm here!" I shouted as I entered her apartment. It was hard carrying 3 luggage a into her anteroom, but I managed to succeed. 
"Dongsaeng! How are you doing?" Seri ran to me and helped my with my luggage. She hugged me tight as we entered the living room. 
"I'm doing fine. How are you doing?"
"BAD! Schools kicking me in the and I barely have any sleep. I gotta go back to school for my night classes. But tomorrow I have the whole day off! Maybe we can hang out then!" 
"Then what are you doing here! You're gonna be late for your classes! Go go go!" I pushed her towards the door and grabbed her bag for her. "You can sleep tomorrow!"
"Wait! Min Ah is still sleeping! Can you leave her a note for me?" She hurriedly asked as she fought to out her shoes on. 
"Yeah, I will."
"Thanks. Since its 1am, you can sleep in my room."
"Kaykay, now go!" I waved her goodbye as I closed the door.
*alright....now that she's out of the way...* I mumbled inside. *i gotta go see Min Ah..*
I headed to her room and gently opened her door. I hoped that she wouldn't wake up....but hey? Why 'hope'..? She wouldn't even wake up if the world was ending, so I was okay. She's just like Dongwoo hyung.
I walked towards her bed, I found her sleeping peacefully. I sat down on my knees and faces her. She looked beautiful the way she was sleeping. I hope she wasn't working too hard. "Can I be you're Prince Charming? Because I think you're my Sleeping Beauty."
Oh wow...Woohyun is contagious. I've got his greasy disease now.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her nose slightly. "You don't know how much I missed you, you pabo." I laughed. "I miss hugging you, I kiss kissing you're forehead. I miss your unreasonable yells. I miss being together with you." 
I her hair. "I know you probably hate me...but I want to you to know that I still love you." 
Maybe I should leave, I thought. I didn't want to confess my feelings to someone who wasn't even awake. "Tomorrow, I'll win you back. Somehow." I got up and left. 
-End of Flashback-
"Well...at least she read my note right?" I giggled. "Alright. Now for my plan."
I walked towards the cafe that Min Ah was working at. Her shift ended at 5pm, and I was gonna send her home. Whether she liked it or not. "Huh....she works at a place called Paradise....she must have missed Infinite so much that she decided to work at a cafe that was named after our hit song." 
I didn't think Min Ah knew, but Paradise is a cafe that is owned by Woohyun hyungs dad. His dad owns many famous cafe's, just like Silky Sweet Cafe. After our first win with Be Mine, and our comeback last year with Paradise, his dad decided to name a cafe after our song. I also heard that Woohyun's brother owns some kind of  restaurant too.Sweet, right?
"Here I go..." I pushed open the entrance and stepped in. I did realize that the cafe was closed, since it said it on the door, but I didn't care. 
But there she was, cleaning the tables with a clean towel. I guess she heard me come in, because she began to speak. "Minhyuk, stop it. I told you not to come back." She paused. "We're closed anyways so---" 
She looked up, frightened. I didn't think she expected to see me, because she called me 'minhyuk'....whoever that guy was. 
Her face was beautiful, despite the frighten look on her face. We stared into each others eyes for awhile. *awh man, say something! You came to win her back, not stare like a stalker!* I yelled in my head.
Min Ah's POV:
Gosh, it's only 3pm. I've got two more hours until my shift ends. Great. It's not like I hate this place, but I just didn't like today's ongoing. It bored me, really. I guess Saturdays are really boring, because we barely got any costumers today. 
I heard the door open, but I didn't bother to look up. "Hey, it's the new girl..." I heard a man whisper. 
"Dangggg...she's still hot as ever.." A familiar voice said. Minhyuk. "Let's go hook up with her, shall we?" He smirked.
"Hey babe, how're you doing?" He said as he approached me. I just stared at them with no emotion.
"Get out of here, Minhyuk." 
"Nawwwww don't be like that." He smirked again. "Why is a pretty lady like you doing here? Isn't this place like....what? For 3 year olds?" He laughed.
"Then what are you doing here? Are you calling yourself a 3 year old?" I raised an eyebrow at me. 
They were take  back. "Tchhh...as if. I just came here to talk to you, sweetie." 
"I work here. I can call my boss right now and he can deal with you himself." I said annoyed.
"You work here? How poor are you?!" He laughed again. "How about you come to my place...and you can 'work' for me there.." He whispered. 
I smacked him.
"Get. Out. Now." I demanded. I pointed to the door.
"Geez, playin hard to get, I see? Well, I shall come back later." He rubbed his cheek.
"You better not." I warned.
"Tch. Watch me." He nudged his friends back to leg them know that they were leaving. 
*do you see what I have to deal with at school?!*
~2 hours later~
"Finally! It's time to clean up!!" I shouted in joy. Folded the curtains and changed the sign to 'closed' on the door. 
I wiped down the tables, until I heard someone walk in. *it better not be Minhyuk....* I cursed.
"Minhyuk, stop it. I told you not to come back." I paused. "We're closed anyways, so----" I looked up.
Maybe it was a bad idea to look up. 
In front of me, stood the last person I wanted to see. Sungjong. What was he doing here? How..did he find me? Questions raced into my brain, but I couldn't speak. We stared into each others eyes for a long time, not interrupting the silence.
"........" I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked. 
"This place....it's really pretty....do you work here?" He asked suddenly looking around the cafe.
"Yeah..." I managed to speak. 
"Wow. That's shocking." He laughed. "I never expected you to get a job, since your always so lazy." He rubbed his neck and laughed again.
He was the same person. He always called my lazy. I guess people never change.
"Can we....talk?" He asked nervously.
"Uhh...sure?" I didn't break our eye contact. "We can stay here....if..if you want." I gulped. "Would you like anything?" I asked as I grabbed my phone to check the time.
"Yeah, chocolate mint ice cream." I heard him smirk. 
I froze. 
I remember that that was our favorite ice cream. We ate it all the time together...*might as well get one for myself..*
I slowly looked up, only to see Sungjong staring right at me.
He winked.
And god that was a y wink.
I blushed slightly and turned around, hoping that he wouldn't see the redness in my cheeks. "You don't need to hide, I know your blushing." He giggled. "Remember...I've known you all my life, I know when you blush." 
Darn him.
I ignored him and started to scoop up his ice cream. *man....there's only one bowl left.* I pouted. *i really wanted some..* 
"Do..do..you mind if we..share?" I asked scared. I didn't know why I was being so scared. He was right, I knew him all of my life....I didn't know that only 2 weeks would make me feel uncomfortable around him....when I literally forgot him for 3 years. 
"Sure thing."
I headed over to where he was sitting and placed the bowl in the middle of the table. "Thanks."
"Yep...." I looked down. "So...what did you wanna talk about?" I asked.
"Look at me.." 
His voice was pure and soft. So soft...that I wanted to sleep in it. But I obeyed, and slowly looked up at him. "I know you hate me...but I just want to let you know...that I'm deeply sorry. I still love you."
I didn't know words can literally kill you.
"I still hate you, you know." I was more confident now. 
"But....we can be friends..right?" 
"Why, are you cheating on me?"
"Are you cheating on me?"
"What..? I don't understand what you're saying.." 
"Why do you wanna be 'friends'....we're still dating." 
"What? Says who?"
"Says me. We never officially broke up."
"Well, lets break up then."
"No I don't want to."
"Quit arguing with me!"
"You quit arguing with me!"
I didn't bother to say anything else. What he said was true....we're kinda still dating, since we never broke up before. 
He laughed. Damn...he smile was killing me.
"I'm joking." He said. "But I'm right." He giggled as he scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it into his mouth. 
"Am not!"
"Am too!" 
"I said stop arguing with me!
"And I said for you to stole arguing with me!"
We sounded like little kids fighting over a toy. But I loved it. I missed having weird conversations with him.
"How come you're not eating? You said you wanted to share with me." He said. He grabbed my spoon and scooped up some more ice cream. He placed it in front of my mouth. "Ahhhh.." He motioned with his mouth, telling me to open my mouth. 
I admit, he has fed me before. Maybe when we were like 14, yeah. But it kinda felt awkward having him feed me. But I obeyed. I opened my mouth but he pulled away. 
"Oops. The train station is currently closed." He made chugging sounds with his mouth and moved the spoon like a train. He ate my ice cream.
"Yummmmm..." He picked his lips.
"Hey! Why did you eat it!?"
"Did you not hear me? I said the train station is currently closed." 
"What's the train station?"
"You're mouth."
"My mouth?! It's currently open now."
"No it's not. Then why did the train to into my mouth, hmm?!" 
"Feed my already!"
"This is my ice cream!!"
"Your ice cream?! You said we could share!"
"You're so fat, you fatty pabo! You don't need to eat anymore ice cream to make you fatter!"
"Stop arguing with me, I said!" 
"You stop arguing with me!"
We paused our argument for awhile and just stared at each other. I couldn't take it anymore. I cracked up, and he laughed along. "See? I'm always right." He snickered.
"Yeah yeah, now give me my spoon." He handed me my spoon and we are in silence.  I don't know why, but i wanted to enjoy this moment. I hated him, yes...but I also missed his dorky side. We're best friends, by the way. 
"Are we still dating..?" He suddenly asks.
"...I dunno..."
"Who's Minhyuk?" He changed the subject.
I didn't know how to explain, really. I don't know what came over me, but I lied. "He's....my crush..."
"So, you are cheating on me.."
Another update done!! WOOT WOOT!!
And hey guess what?! Infinite is suppose to have a comeback this December! Everyone, lets wish them a successful comeback and make sure they win no.1!! inspirits, lets support them! If they decide to make a comeback early in November, or early 2013, we will support them either way!! 
This is how y is wink is!!
Random gifs!! (Credit to owner)
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hmmm....I think I'm going to delete all the chapters that say "NOT AN UPDATE" just to make things more organized. So if you see an update, don't be alarmed!


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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 58: Please update soon!!! You're making people who love this story (like me) wait forever!!! Not cool, man. Not cool.
Inspiritao #2
Chapter 58: Omg r u gonna update!?!!
candygirl12 #3
Chapter 58: Its so confusing who is Kim Hye ri
Chapter 57: ghjsdmj,dnkjsaj,mf author-nim! Update soon!XDDD
Goldie #5
Chapter 50: Omg! The gif where myungsoo was staring at sungjong is so cute! Omg!
Chapter 14: I want to see this dance!!! What's the video?! (The one you mentioned after the chapter with sungjong)
Chapter 56: Depressing life for the main. I wonder if yoojin had a baby yet. And I wanna see dongwoo plzplZzzz!!!!
Jimin_Sungjong #8
Chapter 57: okay *rises hand* I'm confused xD but I'm curious and looking foward for the rest of the story
I'm glad I had already started reading Mission: Protect Her
And thanks for loving me xD jk
and pwease update soon :)
Cassiopeia501 #9
Chapter 5: omg- i didn't want to comment until i finished catching up but i cant help it!!! this will for sure be an interesting story! i can't wait to finish cathcing up!