A Big Shock...

Cobwebs in my Heart


“What do you mean? Is everything alright? What happened to the company?” For once in a long time, you felt yourself breaking down a little and tears were threatening to fall. “Mr Kim doesn’t know who did it yet but he said the company and the business is in danger because someone sabotaged the company and now the company is targeted by many other fashion companies in the industry.” You took a deep breath after saying this long sentence the continued, “So bottom line, they are losing business and money is lost. Everything has to be fixed although no one knows how…” Minyoo bite her lips and was silent. You know that she feels for you because after all, she is your best friend and she knows everything that goes on in your life.

“Well, what are they contacting you for? Can’t they just investigate and see who is doing this to the company and punish them? I mean you are all the way here in Korea, what do they expect you to…” You shook your head and looked at her with dull eyes. Her eyes widened then before you know it, tears were slipping down her face and she shook you hard while you stayed frozen. “They can’t do that, you can’t listen to them. What about your life here? What about the oppas, you can’t leave… you just can’t… what about me…” She sank to the floor while you got down beside her and hugged her close. Tears were falling from your eyes now, knowing that no matter what Minyoo says, you’ve got to do what you have to do.

“I’m sorry Minyoo, even though I would miss everyone, especially you and it would mean leaving my trainee life behind, but it’s my parent’s company, it is their life, they worked so hard to push the company to the top. And because of all that, they can hardly spend time with me, their own blood and bones. No one knows that better than you Minyoo and that’s why you should let me go back.” She shook her head and buried her face into her hands. You sighed and got up before extending your hand to her. “Come on, let’s get some sleep, we’ve got stuff to do tomorrow.” She nodded and took your hand, clinging onto your arm like you are going to disappear right now right before her eyes. “Oh, and don’t tell the oppas of this matter yet, especially not Sehun oppa, ok?” “Well… I can’t promise but ok…”


We were all watching TV as I felt a chill down my back. I shivered and frowned. What is this unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach? I’m sure I didn’t eat anything that would upset my tummy? “What’s wrong Sehun? You a bit cold?” Suho hyung came up to me and I shook my head. “No, just have this bad and sad feeling at the bottom of my stomach.” Suho hyung nodded and patted me on the shoulder. “Everything is alright, don’t worry.” I nodded but I knew something was wrong and this voice in my mind tells me that it’s something to do with Sunkyung I don’t know why. I wonder if she’s alright… I will call her tomorrow morning first thing to check on her… “Come on guys, time to get some sleep, big day tomorrow so got to get up early as well…” I still couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling but decided that it was just me being tired…

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D