A Happy Ending...

Cobwebs in my Heart


Finally, it was at the end of your graduation ceremony, everyone was getting excited now for the grand finale. “Well, I now officially announce that the graduates this year succeeded in graduating, congratulations everyone.” You all cheered and threw your graduations hats into the air. The hall was filled with noise as they family of those who graduated rushed up to their children and gave them hugs and kisses. You sighed, seeing that even Minyoo’s parents are here but yours aren’t. Tears were threatening to fall when suddenly, you felt a pair of strong, warm arms hugged you from behind. You were slightly startled and turned around in a hurry. That’s when you saw the guy wearing black and dark sunglasses who had punched one of the student bodies during your speech. You were getting a little nervous until you realised who it was.

“Hey little Ms Pretty, you didn’t think that me, your boyfriend, was going to miss out on my girlfriend’s graduation, did you?” You smiled and jumped on him and tightly hugged him. “I can’t believe you are here! Thank you Sehunnie oppa… I thought it was you I saw… but you didn’t have to punch that guy during my speech you know, that caused a lot of commotion.” He poked his tongue out, “I couldn’t let him wolf whistle my girlfriend now could I?” You laughed and punched him lightly on the arm. The other oppas also came up to you and congratulated you while you smiled around at everyone. Suddenly, you feel whole again, it feels like your family is complete and they are here for your graduation. You no longer feel empty as the boys surrounded you and everyone was talking cheerfully.

When all of you walked out onto the veranda, you looked up at the bright blue sky while everyone else was talking and laughing and Sehun was hugging your waist. Mum, dad, I’m doing great, these guys and Minyoo are my family and we are taking great care of each other. Don’t worry about me, I’m strong and always will be, for you and for the others. “Ready to go babe, Minyoo said she will meet us at the restaurant to celebrate because she wants to talk to her parents first.” You snapped out of your trace and dapped at your wet eyes before smiling a sincere smile at him and nodded. “Thanks oppa, without you, I would have been a mess.” He looked at you softly and ruffled your hair. “Hey, I’m always here for you ok? Don’t worry, your parents can see us and they see how well you are living and how well I take care of you, so hopefully they will approve of me.” You laughed and pinched him on the cheek before following him towards the van.


“Minyoo, are you sure it’s ok we don’t follow Sunnie and give her words of comfort? After all, we are the closest to a mum and a dad to her and you are like her sister...” My mum asked and I shook my head while I spoke softly, looking towards the door where she had been with the boys. “No mum, it’s alright, her family is with her, so everything is good, she is not alone.” Mum seemed to realise something and nodded, “arasso, she’s grown so much since I last saw her.” A smile crept onto my face and I nodded, “Yep, she has…”

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D