Last Minute Preparations

Cobwebs in my Heart


I wasn’t sitting far away from the couch that Sunkyung was sitting on, just to get a better view of her. I smiled, thinking how weeks ago, I would have never thought she could be my girl and I would have been blushing in the corner. Then out the corner of my eye, I saw Suho hyung approaching her and covered her eyes with his hands. I felt jealous growing by the second and I wish I could finish with make-up instantly and go to Sunkyung’s side. I don’t know what they were talking about but at times, Suho hyung looked really sad and Sunkyung really uneasy. So he still likes her… I guess it’s hard for someone to forget someone else that is dear to them so quick, especially when you hang out with her so much. I looked over again to see that Suho hyung had already walked away, leaving Sunkyung sitting there, looking a little lost. “Jealous much? Don’t worry, her heart belongs to you, I can tell from the way she looks at you and everything. Also, I’m her best friend and I’ve been with her since when we were little so I know her the best so trust me.”

I turned to look at Minyoo who had stopped doing my make-up to study my face. I lowered my head while she just looked at me softly. “I know, but it’s just this green monster of jealousy would come out every now and then, especially when I see D.O and Suho hyungs approaching her…” Minyoo nodded, “I know what you mean, because they like her right? Don’t worry; you’ve got to have faith in her if you want her to have faith in you. If you guys don’t even have this little bit of trust between you, then your relationship won’t be a very successful one.” I smiled, knowing that Minyoo is right. If I don’t trust her, then how can I expect her to trust me? “You are all done, I see you’ve been dying to talk to your princess so go now or you won’t have another chance till late tonight or next morning.” Without hesitation, I thanked Minyoo and headed over to Sunkyung who had buried herself in the magazine again.

“Hey oppa, you look great!” She smiled when she saw me and pulled me down on the couch beside her. Then she pointed at this cake in the magazine. “Look oppa, isn’t this yummy? I should make it for you guys sometime? I believe I would do a good job…” I smiled and tapped her nose tip. “I saw Suho hyung talking with you, what did he say?” I asked casually while Sunkyung looked blank again. “Eh… oppa came over to say hi, besides, I wanted to say good luck to him haha.” She must think I’m oblivious to everything. Not everyone is like you Sunkyung, I thought as I smiled. “Arasso, well, wish me luck as well. Come and give me a peck.” I puckered my lips and she giggled before pressing her lips onto mine for a short second. “Fighting oppa!” I chuckled and nodded before glancing over at Suho hyung. Sorry hyung but she’s mine, and she will always be mine. Even though you are older but this time, I’m not backing down.

“5 minutes before you guys are on, get ready!” The director called and all of us went to the side of the stage. We all looked back and waved to Minyoo and Sunkyung who were wishing us luck and walking out the door to take their seats. Here we go Sehun, show your girl what you can do…

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D