Just the beginning...

Cobwebs in my Heart


You were up early the next morning, you don’t know why but you felt like that it is a cheerful day that you shouldn’t miss by staying in bed so you got up, dressed, tied your hair in a bun and decided to cook breakfast. Minyoo is still asleep and you didn’t want to wake her up. Once you finished cooking a big breakfast, you were about to call for Minyoo when she appeared. “Morning Sunnie, wow, that’s a big breakfast!” You smiled and pulled out chair for you both. “Morning Min, well, I just feel like cooking something big today. I don’t know why I feel like today is really exciting, probably because the EXO oppas are going to shine tonight.” Minyoo just smiled and dug into her food while you did the same.

“Hey Sunnie, can you come on an errand with me?” You looked up from your food and nodded. “Alright, is it for the costumes for the EXO oppas?” Minyoo laughed nervously and said, “Eh… yeah, that’s exactly what it’s for.” You can’t help noticing that Minyoo is acting a little weird this morning but since she didn’t want to talk about it, you didn’t want to force her. So you just acted normal and headed upstairs to change. Before you walked into your room, you heard Minyoo shouting downstairs. “Wear something nice today!” You were so confused and were pretty upset that she didn’t tell you what’s going on. I thought we share everything Minyoo, secrets and all… You pouted but got out something nice to wear all the same. You picked out a simple blue dress and a little white buttoned up pullover that made you look really cute and attractive.

“Are you almost ready?” Minyoo knocked on your door and poked her head in. You were just putting some touch ups on your make-up. “Ah… Kawaii!!” Minyoo squealed and you rolled your eyes. “You look great, and I’m ready too so let’s go… oh by the way, can I drive today?” You scanned her outfit, she was wearing the exact same dress but without the pullover. “See, we are twins!” She smiled and you giggled. “Yep we are, and why do you want to drive? Just tell me where we are going and I can drive there.” “Don’t worry, I will drive, I have a better sense of direction anyways…” “Hey!” You pouted and she laughed. “Mianhe, let’s go.” You nodded and grabbed your purse before following her out the door. She opened the car door for you and you looked at her like she is some weirdo again. She just giggled and got into the driver’s side.

“Please, put this on, because this is very important for the errand.” Minyoo handed you a blindfold. Now this is getting too weird, you thought to yourself but didn’t question further, knowing she wouldn’t tell you anything anyways. “Why don’t you need to wear one?” You asked and she flicked you on the head. “If I wore one, I wouldn’t be able to drive silly.” You pouted and rubbed the sore spot where she flicked you. “Don’t worry, you will love this errand, it’s a lot of fun let’s just say. You nodded when suddenly your phone rang; you blindly picked up. When you heard the voice on the other end, a smile immediately formed on your face. “Yeobseo Sehun oppa…” “Mianhe Sunkyung, I’m just calling to let you know that we are really busy with practice today for tonight’s show so we can’t hang out with you today… We can hang out some other time ok?” 

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D