Meeting EXO-M and.......

Cobwebs in my Heart

You met EXO who you would be working with. You smiled knowing that they are really nice and you are going to have a great time designing their costumes and doing their make-ups. But you noticed something; the maknae is really distant with you for some reason. He was the guy on the elevator. Maybe because he just met you and is not familiar yet, you thought and shrugged. Somehow him being distant with you disturbs you; you have no idea why it bothers you so much. He really stands out to you and you don’t know why your heart would race a little when you see him.

While you were carried away with your thoughts, you had unknowingly arrived outside EXO-M’s practice room. You became less nervous since you met EXO-K, knowing they are really nice so you are not particularly worried with EXO-M. You stepped forward to open the door but it opened before you could reach it. You jumped back in surprise as you were met with a baby faced guy. He blinked his innocent eyes at you and smiled. You bowed and was about to say something when he opened the door wider for you to step in. “You must be the new fashion stylist and make-up artist. Manager hyung had told us a bit about you, we knew you were coming.” You smiled and nodded, “I’m Sun…”

“OPPAS! How are you? I missed you guys!” Suddenly a girl shoved you out the way and bounced into the room. You hit the wall and hissed in pain. You mentally cursed that girl. I know that voice, you thought to yourself as you stood up. The baby faced guy looked at you worriedly. “I’m fine,” You quickly said before he could ask and he shrugged, beckoning you into the room. You stepped in and were face to face with the girl. She smirked at you evilly before flicking her hair and walked up to you. You weren’t about to back down because you know who she is and is familiar with her behaviour so you just stared at her coolly.

“Omo, did I bump you? I’m sorry.” She didn’t sound sorry, you thought to yourself as you forced a smile. “It’s fine, I thought it was a wild animal that got in here so it frightened me a little but you don’t have to worry about me.” You laughed at your own joke inside, finding your confidence and smirked at her while the boys tried to stiffen a laughter. She turned bright red and stepped up to you with a dangerous smile on her face. “Well, obviously you know who I am and I know who you are right? So Shin Sunkyung, I didn’t know you were the stylist and make-up artist for EXO oppas?” you smirked again and said, “Well, news flash for you!” She flicked her hair and glared at you.

 “Ok, that’s enough, we have to practice. Would you mind leaving Sunrie, we have to talk to our stylist and make-up artist about our next look for the concert so please go back to what you were doing and not disturb us since we are very busy.” A tall guy with a deep voice stepped forward and spoke. Sunrie’s face scrunched up in dismay but decided to step out, not forgetting to bump you on the way. You sighed, can’t believe that Sunrie would be here. “Don’t worry about her, she can be over the top sometimes,” You smiled at him, “Thanks, I know”. “I’m Kris by the way, the leader of EXO-M” Each member took time to introduce themselves. “So how did you know Sunrie?” The baby face faced guy asked. You shrugged and said, “She’s my sunbae in university.” The guys just stared at you sympathetically.

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D