
First Kiss

Changhyun stares at Jonghyun. His boyfriend, his love, his best friend. His formerly "straight" boyfriend, love, best friend.
Jonghyun's oblivious, innocent. Unaware of Changhyun's feelings, he continues talking to girls as usual.

Changhyun tugs on Jonghyun's hand, once again ignored as Jonghyun stares at the group of girls walking by.
Jonghyun turns to him, eyebrow raised. Changhyun narrows his eyes, shaking his head.

Sighing, Changhyun slowly pulls his hand away from Jonghyun's, "Look, Jonghyun," He says, eyes traveling to his shoes, "I'm gonna go home."
"What? Why?" Jonghyun asks, trying to grab his hand again. Changhyun pulls away too quickly, "Changhyunnie, wait!"
Changhyun doesn't. He continues walking.

Jonghyun doesn't try much more than that.


Changhyun doesn't cry until he gets home. He feels pathetic, just barely locking his door before curling up in his bed, still in the clothes from the date, sobbing so hard his body rocked, his head ached, and his eyes felt sore, all because of some stupid idiot boyfriend.

That was the first Saturday Changhyun's spent alone since he befriended Jonghyun. That was the first time he cried over Jonghyun in a bad way.

That was the first time he felt so pathetic.


He comes downstairs to find his mother holding a fake rose out to him. He asks about it, but all she says was that someone rang the doorbell, but when she opened the door this was all that was there. He asks how she knew it was to him, but she points and a card on the table.

To: Changhyun.
From: Someone who loves you.

He wants to think it's Jonghyun, but he scoffs at the thought of his boyfriend doing anything at all this romantic.


At school, they're taped to his locker. They have a note every time, saying the same thing. He knows it's not Jonghyun then, having not seen him since their date. He asks Byunghun and Minsoo if they've seen him, but both boys shake their heads. He asks Chanhee and Niel if they know anything about the roses, but both boys shake their heads.

He pouts, staring at the six roses beside his bed in confusion.


It's midnight when Changhyun's awoken by something hitting his window repeatedly.
He peeked out the curtain, trying to find out what was hitting the window by looking up. A pebble hit the window again, making Changhyun jump in surprise. When he regained composure, he slowly opened the window, poking his head out to look at the ground.

It was too dark to clearly see him, but Changhyun knew he was there.
"Jonghyun. What the are you doing here?"
"Changhyunnie, come down here."
"It's ing midnight. There's no way I'm leaving my room."
"Changhyunnie, you're ruining the romance."
"There is no romance between us, obviously. You're too busy eye ing every girl you see to be with me."

Jonghyun audibly sighed, "Changhyun, would you just come down here?"
"No way, my parents will wake up."
"So jump."
"Jump. I'll catch you."
Changhyun scoffed, "No thanks, I'll risk it." He said, shaking his head as he shoved on some shoes and went downstairs. He tried to quietly open the door, wishing with everything he was his parents didn't wake up.

The second he stepped in the grass, Jonghyun shoved six roses in his face. The smell told him, these six weren't fake.
His eyebrows raised, "Were you even the one who was sending those roses all week?"
Jonghyun lightly punched his chest, "Course I was. I am someone who loves you."
Changhyun rolled his eyes, "Then how come I haven't seen you in a week, huh my ever so loving boyfriend?"

Changhyun knows he's being a bit too rough, but he and Jonghyun have been together for a few weeks now, and he just wants Jonghyun and him to work. He really loves Jonghyun.

"Well," Jonghyun started, and even in the dark Changhyun could see his smile, "I knew you were mad, so I let you cool off. I got Chanhee hyung to tape them to your locker. I gave him a rose every morning."
Changhyun narrowed his eyes, "Chanhee hyung said he didn't know anything about the roses."
"That's probably because I told Byunghun hyung to tell Chanhee hyung to keep quiet."
"Byunghun says he hasn't seen you."
"That's probably because I told Byunghun to keep quiet."

Changhyun didn't say anything, lips setting into a pout.
Jonghyun chuckled, "It's a surprise, Changhyunnie. People aren't supposed to blab about it. I am trying to be your love ninja, okay?"
Changhyun couldn't help but chuckle himself, "Love ninja, huh?"
"Like it?" Jonghyun grinned, "Just came up with it myself."
Changhyun just smiled, not replying.

Eventually, Jonghyun coughed lightly, "So, do you want me to confess my love right here, or can I come inside and do it?"
Changhyun looked down at his roses, "I suppose you can come in. I have to find a vase for these anyway."


Jonghyun sat on Changhyun's bed, watching Changhyun set the vase next to the fake roses beside his bed.
Changhyun looked at him when he was finished, pursing his lips. Jonghyun smiled, patting Chanhgyun's bed. Changhyun puffed his cheeks but sat anyway. Jonghyun finds it cute how determined Changhyun is to not be clingy to Jonghyun.

"Changhyunnie," Jonghyun spoke softly, slowly grabbing Changhyun's hand, "I know you think I keep flirting with girls and that I don't love you, but you're wrong. I don't flirt with girls anymore, and I know it seems like I keep staring at them, but I'm usually trying to figure out how they wear such clothing, or so much make-up, or deal with those shoes. At school, they try to flirt with me, but I tell them you're my only. Or they're asking for help, or something like that."
He takes a breath, rubbing circles on Changhyun's hand. Changhyun continues to look down at his comforter.
"I love you, Yoo Changhyun. I love you so much it scares me. You fill my mind completely, and all the love songs are suddenly about you. Actually, suddenly everything is about you. Every single quote about how love feels, I feel it for you. I wish I could explain just how much I love you, but I can't. You have to just trust that I love you, and only you. Because I do, okay, Changhyunnie?"
Jonghyun doesn't get an answer. He sighs, pouting a bit. He just wants Changhyun to believe him.

That's when he hears Changhyun sniffle, and his free hand rubs at his eye, Jonghyun almost squeals at the cuteness. Until he realized Changhyun was crying. Changhyun sniffled again, and Jonghyun almost hurt himself and Changhyun untangling himself from sitting with his legs crossed to shift onto his knees, hugging Changhyun close to his chest. He placed kisses all along Changhyun's black hair in attempts to comfort him.
"No one could love you as much as I do," He sang softly.

Changhyun looked up at him, eyes red and tears still falling.
Jonghyun rubbed them away with his thumb, slowly leaning into kiss his boyfriend.
Changhyun put a hand to his chest, and Jonghyun stopped, just a breath away from the older boy's lips.
"I'm sorry I'm such a jerk, Changhyunnie. I love you so much."
Changhyun gave a watery smile, closing the space between them with a soft kiss.

He knew his parents were going to kill in the morning, but right now, he was with Jonghyun. All that mattered was Jonghyun.


click this~!
i here u guize lyke chuNJOE nd wnt sum chuNJOE, amirite?

this took like three days to write. i have like, no will to write whatsoever. i'm sorry, my meds don't work and i have responsibilities now so i can't spend my life on the internet like i want to.

oh my god, this is basically the only free time i have left. i mean like, complete free time. where i can spend hours and hours and hours on the internet.

anyway, i'll be home around the 13th of august. BTW, TEEN TOP COMEBACK AUGUST? BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVERRRR!!!
my birthday is the 20th of august OLOLDFGDKFGKJ

oh god i'm turning fifteen soon
oh god i have responsibilities now

oh god i have got to go cry to brophy

love you guys, i'll try to write some chunjoe soon!

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FK- i'd update to celebrate the teaser, but it's not showing chapter 32? i didn't dream posting that right? OTL, i'll double update on the 3rd or something.


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Chapter 46: My feels freaking exploded in every chapter. Totally LOVE how ýou write. And THANK YOU for not dragging out the drama for ages. BEST CHUNJOE STORY EVAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Byunghun pov sequel :-(
shiumin #3
Chapter 30: Best nap scene ive ever read :") i even cried :")
Chapter 47: Omo, this is such a sweet, funny, heartfelt, and well written story! I loved it! Thank you for writting it:)
K-pop1017 #5
Chapter 9: Suji is suzy right?
hinatac #6
Chapter 13: Really, like reaaaally liked this chapter. I mean, if someone asked me for something to read I would definitely recomend this fic using this chapter.
hinatac #7
Chapter 12: Ohhh I liked this one. I must confess I was not very fond of your writting style but I just love the way you can paint a perfect picture in my head
hinatac #8
Chapter 10: Ohhh when I saw the last gif I thought "who's this?? Looks like Sungmin" kekekek
I really like this story even though the chapters are short and I prefer larger ones :P
Author-nim what is blub blub blub?? I think that's the sound fish make (at least in my country)
Chapter 47: This was so good. It was so beautiful~