
First Kiss

Niel watched the brunette boy giggle as the purple haired boy whispered something in his ear, kissing his cheek before getting up to get something from another kid, the brunette lightly smacked the purple haired boys , making said boy turn, wiggle his eyebrows, winking, which made the brunette giggle again, blushing.
Niel let out an audible groan, making Chanhee look away from his boyfriend to send his best friend a questioning look.
"ing gross, man."
Chanhee chuckled, "Don't you have a boyfriend yourself?"
"No," Niel said, raising an eyebrow at the older boy, "Who the would I be dating?"

Minsoo, who was reading, looked up then, "We're not dating?"
Niel looked at him now, "No one said we were."
Minsoo narrowed his eyes, "No one said we weren't, either."
"It doesn't work that way, Minsoo."
Minsoo put down his book, standing up, shaking his head, "No, Daniel. It doesn't work your way!"
Niel watched Minsoo walk away from him, to the teacher, out the door.

Chanhee looked at him then, "That was a pretty stupid move, Niellie."
Niel narrowed his eyes, "Gee, thanks hyung."


Minsoo ignored Niel for the rest of the day, frustrating the younger boy to the point where he showed up at Minsoo's house.  The older boy opened the door to a fuming Niel.
"What makes you think it's okay you're mad? You're the one who treated me like a toy first!" Niel snapped, shoving his finger in Minsoo's chest.
Minsoo pulled the younger boy into the house, closing the door behind them, "I thought we already made it clear, I care about you, and only you!"
"Excuse me, but no 'I like you, be my boyfriend' was said! How am I supposed to just believe a player like you on some vague words while you were trying to get in my pants?" Niel waved his arms above him, as if that'll help prove his point.
"Do you want an 'I like you, be my boyfriend'? Will that make you happy?" Minsoo snapped.
"YEAH." Niel shouted.

"Fine! I like you, Ahn Daniel. For some reason, I've liked you since the first day I saw you. I'm sorry I didn't know how to properly express it to you, but I've liked your scrawny, annoying since the first day I saw you. I love how loud you are, how small you are, , I even love your thick lips. Out of all the people I could have, I wanted you, who never once spared me a glance. I like you. I like you. I like you. I LIKE YOU." Minsoo snapped, shouting at the end, waving his arms himself.
Niel just tapped his foot, "You're forgetting something, ."
Minsoo looked at him with wide eyes, "Are you ing KIDDING ME?"
Niel shrugged, "A certain question."

Recognition fell across Minsoo's expression then, "Be my boyfriend, Ahn Daniel?"
"No." Niel cackled, attacking the older boy in a hug, pressing kisses to his cheeks, "Ugh, this is so sappy. Promise me we won't be like Chanhee and Byunghun or Changhyun and Jonghyun, and I'll be your boyfriend."
"If we end up anything like them, I fully understand if we break up." Minsoo laughed, holding the younger boy closer to him.
Niel stopped his kissing then, looking the older boy in the eye, "Okay! I'm sorry I'm such a jerk. I like you too, a lot. Not since the first time I saw you, but you've been creeping in my mind for a long time now. I'd love to be your boyfriend."
Minsoo smiled, pulling the younger boy down for a kiss.

Niel pulled away soon after, pushing himself away from Minsoo, "Okay but seriously, way too ing sappy."


so, i know N.A.P said i like you and everything in their last chapter, but it was pretty vague so i made this one a while ago. viola, have chapter thirty(CAN YOU BELIEVE? THIRTY. i've never written anything so long. /twitch i hate long stories loLODLSFDFKGJMKansf)

um.. i currently have a very big problem that uh...could become very serious, so i haven't really had the will to write.
gomen! mianhae! sorry, sorry!

when i get better, i promise i'll write more. i'm sorry guys. i really am. i'm just....i don't think my meds work. but anyway.
i don't know when i'll be better, so i don't know when i'll write again. it probably won't be long, but don't expect good writing.

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FK- i'd update to celebrate the teaser, but it's not showing chapter 32? i didn't dream posting that right? OTL, i'll double update on the 3rd or something.


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Chapter 46: My feels freaking exploded in every chapter. Totally LOVE how ýou write. And THANK YOU for not dragging out the drama for ages. BEST CHUNJOE STORY EVAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 47: Byunghun pov sequel :-(
shiumin #3
Chapter 30: Best nap scene ive ever read :") i even cried :")
Chapter 47: Omo, this is such a sweet, funny, heartfelt, and well written story! I loved it! Thank you for writting it:)
K-pop1017 #5
Chapter 9: Suji is suzy right?
hinatac #6
Chapter 13: Really, like reaaaally liked this chapter. I mean, if someone asked me for something to read I would definitely recomend this fic using this chapter.
hinatac #7
Chapter 12: Ohhh I liked this one. I must confess I was not very fond of your writting style but I just love the way you can paint a perfect picture in my head
hinatac #8
Chapter 10: Ohhh when I saw the last gif I thought "who's this?? Looks like Sungmin" kekekek
I really like this story even though the chapters are short and I prefer larger ones :P
Author-nim what is blub blub blub?? I think that's the sound fish make (at least in my country)
Chapter 47: This was so good. It was so beautiful~