Love Competition Part 1

Writers Strike VST One shot collection


Title: Love Competition

Characters: Yuri Chinen, Keito Okamoto, Ryosuke Yamada

Requested by: SeriStrawberry13

Writer: sweetcandie

Notes: Another special fanfic for my number one requester. Thank you for continuing to support me and Writer-Strike!


“Haha! I win again!” Yuri just leaned back and let out a frustrated sigh. 

“Don’t you always win, Keito?”

“That’s why I don’t understand why you always try to compete with me.” 

“Because you’re the only challenge out here.” Keito just laughed.

“There’s Seri.” 

“I wouldn’t want to make her cry if I won.”

“Chinen Yuri, what are you talking about?” Yuri immediately sat up, clearing his throat. 

“I mean… uh…” He turned towards Seri, and flashed a smile.

“Exactly what I said.” 

“Hey!” Seri punched his arm.

“Ah!” He rubbed his arm as he frowned towards Seri. 

“Or I wouldn’t want to die if I won.” Seri just continued to glare at him. But she flashed a smile towards Keito.

“Coming over for dinner tonight?” Keito returned the smile. 

“Neh, I believe so. I love your mom’s cooking.”

“What about you, Yuri?” 

“Can’t. I’m failing, so I’m grounded until my grades get better. I’m going to be studying this whole weekend.” Seri frowned upon his answer.

“Your parents won’t even let you to come hang out with me?” Yuri smiled. 

“Nope. They think you’re a bad influence on me.” Seri’s eyes opened in shock from the accusation.

“WHAT?!” Yuri couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. 

“Seri, you should know my parents by now. They think all girls are a bad influence on me.” Keito laughed at Yuri’s response.

“I wouldn’t blame them. Look at all those girls you bring home. Not a single one of them has been permanent for more than a week.” 

“It’s just that they get so clingy and annoying. I still have yet to find the right one.”

“Then why do you always date so constantly?” 

“Seri, you have to start thinking like me. You have to go through the experiences and not regret at all before you find your true love.” Keito gasped this time at Yuri’s response.

“Wow, that was deep, man.” 

“What can I say. I’m a deep man.”

“Full of lies.” 

“Hey, Seri! You can’t say that about me!” The three just laughed. After having been friends for so long, they had come to appreciate each other’s sarcasm.

That night, Yuri was stuck at home studying, while Keito got dressed to have dinner at the Saito’s.  On his way to the house, he bought a bouquet of flowers for Mrs. Saito. Upon reaching the door, he rang the doorbell, to which was answered by Seri. 

“Hey Keito! You really did come!”

“Of course. Anything for a good friend.” 

“Men and their flirtatious comments. Are those flowers for my mom?”

“Yeah.” Just at that moment, Mrs. Saito approached the door. 

“Keito! It’s so good to see you! Where’s Yuri?”

“He’s busy with uh… studying…” 

“Studying? Did he fail one of his classes again.”

“It seems so.” 

“Poor child. He’s too obsessed with those girls of his.”

“Actually mom, you’d be shocked. He’s been single for two weeks now.” 

“Two?! That’s amazing! I thought one day was shocking…” They all laughed as they entered the dining room.

“Keito! It’s nice to have you over for dinner.” 

“Thank you for inviting me Mr. Saito.”

“Where’s Yuri?” Before Seri or Keito could answer, Mrs. Saito cut in. 

“He’s studying.”

“That rascal. Ever since I knew him as a kid, I knew he was going to be trouble to his parents.” 

“Dad, at least he’s trying to do better.”

“He shouldn’t have done worst in the first place. But I’m not mad at him, dear. Who wouldn’t love that kid? He’s always been there when we needed him.” 

“That’s true. I guess I do miss him. He’s like my son, as you are too Keito. Just understand that Yuri’s been with us since he was a kid.”

“Understood Mrs. Saito.” 

“Geez, mom and dad. Ruin the mood will you?” Keito just laughed. But he wouldn’t deny that being number one with the Saito’s would be hard, especially against Yuri, whom has always been at their every beck and call. Little did Chinen know that he would always win at this.

Dinner was served and the four were happily chatting at the table. 

“I still remember the one time Seri tried to save that dog from our neighbor, Grandma Chinen. It was hilarious, with this little girl standing up to an old lady with a broom.”

“But then rushes in little Yuri to the rescue. That lady could never beat that little boy up. And that’s how our friendship was established.” 

“You guys really seem to care about Chinen.”

“Yes, we do. We couldn’t imagine our lives without him. It’s just too bad he’s the way he is, though he isn’t as bad as some other children are.” All of a sudden, Keito felt like vomiting. He quickly stood up and dashed to the restroom, shutting the door behind him. He barely made it to the toilet before everything came back up. Seri pounded on the door. 

“Are you okay, Keito?”

“I think I might’ve caught food poisoning.” 

“Oh no! I’ll go get some medicine! Mom! Dad! Keito got food poisoning!”

“Oh dear! I’m so sorry! Dear, you stay and take care of Keito. Your dad and I will go get some medicine.” 

“Okay. But hurry!” Hearing the bustling family, if he could’ve, Keito would’ve burst out laughing. But everything hurt too much for him to do so. He opened the door and was met with a frowning Seri.

“Do you need to lay down?” Keito forced a smile on. 

“What do you think?” Seri just smiled as she wrapped an arm around Keito’s waist to help balance him.

“You can stay in my room for tonight, since it’s closer. I don’t want you to faint or anything while trying to get to the guest room.” Keito laughed.

“Why are you guys so worried? It’s just food poisoning. I’ll be fine tomorrow.” Seri reached her room, where Keito pushed off of her to attempt to lay down by himself. But he lost balance and ended up tipping over instead, crashing into Seri’s desk and then out. 

When Keito regained consciousness, there was something cool on his forehead and he was in a very comfortable position. He opened his eyes to see Seri’s face.

[Always so caring… what am I going to do about these feelings?] He smiled up at her. 

“Keito, Keito, Keito… Can’t you tell the difference between the bed and the floor?” Keito just laughed at her sarcasm.

“See, this is why a guy like me needs a girl like you.” However, those words brought on a very awkward atmosphere as Seri froze midway with a band aid in her hand. Seeing her shock, Keito forced a laugh again. 

“Sarcasm, Seri. Can’t recognize it anymore?” Seri laughed.

“Keito, you know how I am with that subject. I’m still waiting for that someone who makes my heart flutter.” 

“And I don’t?”

“Unfortunately, no. But you sure do make my parents’ hearts flutter.” At that comment, the two of them laughed. 

“Whoa! Am I walking in on something?” The two of them immediately sat straight up, but upon doing so, Keito nearly tipped over again.

“Geez Yuri! You sure know how to enter!” Seeing Keito, Yuri immediately felt guilty.

“Sorry! I didn’t know Keito was hurt!”  

“Why would we just awkwardly be in that position.”

“Geez, I said I’m sorry! You don’t have to freak out. Do you need to go to the hospital Keito? I’ll carry you on my back.” Yuri immediately turned his back towards Keito to give him a piggy back ride. Seeing his friend’s reaction, he laughed. 

“I think I’ll be fine. Thanks anyway, though.” Yuri turned to face him again.

“Since Seri’s too weak, I’ll help you up onto her bed.” 

“Yuri! This isn’t a time to be joking!” Seri hit him again.

“Ah! I’m sorry! I’ll try to be nice to you. Geez.” Yuri frowned as he rubbed his arm. He then helped Keito to his feet and to the bed to lay down. 

“That’s an ugly bruise. How did you get it?”

“Don’t ask.” But despite that, Seri spilled the beans anyway. 

“After bulimically throwing up in the toilet, he passed out.” Yuri laughed, but immediately covered it with a cough.

“Seri, as fun as it is to joke around with each other, I don’t think right now is the right time for it.” Seri frowned. 

“You’re right. Sorry Keito.”

“No, don’t be. I need the laughter so I don’t feel so stupid.” Yuri smiled really big. 

“Well, in that case.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Both Seri and Keito looked at Yuri, then at each other, and back at Yuri before they burst out laughing too.

“And to think I’m sick.” 

“KEITO!” Mr. and Mrs. Saito dashed into Seri’s room.

“Oh, hi Yuri.” 

“Hi Papa Saito and Mama Saito.” Hearing their nicknames from so long ago still, the two couldn’t help but laugh. Clearing , Mrs. Saito approached Keito.

“How are you feeling, dear?” 

“Better, since Yuri came. Distraction always work.”

“And I’m the guy.” Yuri flashed a smile before turning to leave. Seri stopped him. 

“You’re leaving already?”

“Yeah. I came to ask Keito if I could borrow his laptop because mine died. I called at first, but he didn’t answer. But since he’s not feeling too well, I’ll just go to the library.” Seri immediately went to grab hers. 

“No, it’s late. You need to be able to knock out at home. Borrow mine. But don’t break it, or I’ll murder you.”

“If you’re going to threaten me, then don’t lend it to me. Geez.” 

“Are you going to take it or not?” Yuri gave her his adorable smile and accepted her laptop.

“Thank you, my dear friend. See you later Papa Saito and Mama Saito.” 

“Bye Yuri.” Mrs. Saito gave Keito the medicine as she said her goodbye.

That night, Seri stayed by Keito’s side in case he needed anything. But he slept through the whole night. The Saito’s had already contacted his parents. 

Yuri finished his paper and his studying around one in the morning. With a stretch and a yawn, he started to close Seri’s laptop before an idea struck him. With a sneaky smile, he opened her web cam file.

Keito was able to go to school the following morning. However, things began to feel differently inside him. He had already acknowledged that he cared a great deal about Seri, but not until what had happened over the weekend had I known just how much he wanted to be her boyfriend. But he was scared to take that shift. 

Until jealousy began to boil inside him, even at his own best friend.

“Hey Seri! Here’s your laptop. I would drop it off later, but I still have to study. My parents were pretty mad, so I’m going to have to work hard to stay on their good side for a long time.” 

“Okay. Sounds good. Can’t remember the last time you stayed home to study. You were always out with those girls.” Seri’s emphasis on girls made Yuri laugh.

“Why? Jealous?” 

“WHAT?! Never!” Again, Yuri received a punch on the arm from Seri.

“Would you quit that?!” 

“If you will quit saying such obnoxious things.”

“Geez! You’d think that through all these years, you of all people would understand my sarcasm. I understand yours. You’d think that Seri was in love with Yuri Chinen.” Upon the suggestion, there was no reply from Seri except for a red face. Noticing the quiet response, Yuri looked at her. 

“Oh, my, God… do you like me, Saito Serenity?”

“N-no! What are you talking about?” Keito entered at that moment. 

“Yeah, Yuri… what are you talking about?” Noticing the edginess in Keito’s voice, Yuri looked at him curiously.

“What’s with you? Are you still sick that even you can’t recognize my sarcasm either?” 

“As of yesterday, I know no sarcasm.”

“Geez, Keito. I think that food poisoning really got to you.” 

“I have to go use the bathroom. I’ll catch up with you two later.” Seri stood up and left. Keito took her seat.

“Look, Yuri. We’re all friends here, so I’ll just straight out tell you before I tell Seri.” 

“Okay. What?” Yuri anticipated the secret with a smile.

“I like Seri.” Smile disappeared. Yuri’s face was a blank expression for awhile, before he started to laugh. 

“Wow, even it’s getting hard to recognize your sarcasm, Keito. Something must be going around.”

“I’m speaking the truth, Yuri. I’ve liked Seri for a long time now, and I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend once I can convince her that she likes me too.” This time Yuri’s tone became serious. 

“You’re pretty confident, aren’t you?”

“Of course. I already know there aren’t any other guys who like Seri, so there isn’t any competition and I can take my time to convince her that she should be my girlfriend.” Yuri stood up to leave, but stopped just right in front of Keito. 

“That’s where you’re wrong, Keito. You do have competition.” Keito looked up at Yuri, already knowing what his response was.

“Me. And this time, I’m going to win this competition because no one knows Seri like me.” With that being said, Yuri just stormed off, leaving Keito with a smirk on his face. 

[How childish.]

Seri looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. 

“How could those words have frozen me? I, Saito Serenity, never freezes!” She splashed cold water onto her face, in an attempt to make the redness disappear. She looked back up into the mirror.

“Yet my heart is still beating faster from that conversation.” Seri let out an exasperated sigh as she took her handkerchief out to dry her face. 

Seri returned to the classroom only to nearly crash into Yuri walking out.

“Where are you going?” 

“Eat.” Seri just stared after him.

[He’s in that mood again. Food and one syllable conversations. What did Keito do? These two have never fought before, at least not seriously.] Seri joined Keito. 

“What’s wrong with Yuri?”

“Nothing. Since we’re done cleaning, want to go get something to eat?” 

“No, I’m good. My mom’s making my favorite dish tonight. Maybe another time.”


“Uh… Keito, you know how I am about promises.” Keito smiled at her.

“Of course, Miss Forget-Everything-That-Happened-The-Day-Before.” Serenity laughed at her long nickname. 

“Fail much?” The two friends laughed as they got up to leave.

As they approached the entrance, Keito took a deep breath before speaking up. 

“Seri, I have something to tell you. I know you won’t accept it at first, but I think you will after you play with the idea for a bit.” Seri turned towards him with one of her smiles on.

“What is it? Got a girl you like?” Keito laughed. 

“How did you know?”

“Really?! Who is it?! She must be really pretty! You’re so lucky! How did you meet someone so fast?! I need to too! The loneliness is killing me!” Hearing the sarcasm, Keito laughed. But before he could say another word, Yuri was walking towards them. 

“Seri!” Seri looked over towards Yuri and smiled in greeting, with a smile from Yuri in return.

“About earlier, I apologize. Same to you too, Keito. My mind has been fogged by all this studying.” Seri just patted Yuri’s arm, although he flinched at first. 

“Wow, no punch or slap?”

“You didn’t get me annoyed. In fact, you touched my heart.” Seri couldn’t help her smiling. 

“I can’t remember the last time I received an apology from you.” Yuri thought about that idea too.

“That’s right. I can’t remember the last time I needed to apologize to you.” 

“Chinen Yuri, don’t ruin the mood.” Yuri lightly patted Seri’s arm.

“Joking, my friend. Where are you two off to?” Seri immediately bounced over to Yuri’s side, grabbing onto his arm. 

“Keito has a secret lover.” Yuri pretended to act surprised, pulling it off quite well.

“Really? Who, Keito? Have I dated her before?” Seri punched Yuri’s arm. 

“Ah! So much for no punches or slaps.” Yuri rubbed his arm as Seri turned her attention back towards Keito.


“Never mind. I’ll tell you another time. Catch you two later.” Keito patted Yuri’s bruised arm, causing Yuri to flinch and hugged Seri, though he did so for longer than usual. Yuri pushed the burning jealousy aside. After Keito left, Seri turned back towards Yuri.

“What are you still doing here?” 

“Oh, your mom invited me over for dinner.” Yuri flashed his cutest smile to Seri, thus making her nervous again as thoughts from before began to flood back into her mind.

“She’s making my favorite dish.” Another punch from Seri.

“What is your problem?!” Yuri, again, rubbed his arm. 

“Quit smiling like a doofus, and it’s my favorite dish.” Seri walked off first. Yuri stared after her with a frown, but it immediately turned into a smile.


“Delicious as always, Mama Saito.” Mrs. Saito couldn’t help but smile at Yuri.

“I couldn’t have asked for better children, dear.” Mr. Saito smiled. 

“I agree. We adopted well, and met the best son ever.” The four laughed.

“I was adopted well…” 

“And I met the best neighbors ever.” Yuri stood up and began to clear the table.

“Yuri, you don’t have to do that anymore.” 

“Mama Saito, it’s been tradition in this house forever. If I don’t do it, do I still have the right to be your son?” Mrs. Saito couldn’t help but laugh.

“Your parents are lucky to have you.” 

“And I’m lucky to have them as well. Can I bring home some of your soup? My mom really likes it, and I know she’ll appreciate it.”

“Of course!” After everything was cleaned up, Yuri started to pack up when the doorbell rung. 

“I got it!” Seri ran out the door to open the gate. Yuri finished packing up, bid his goodbye to the Saito’s and followed Seri out the door.

“Keito! What are you doing here?” 

“I wanted to drop off these flowers.”

“You don’t always have to buy flowers for my mom.” 

“I’m not doing it for your mom, I’m…”

“Doing it for you.” Seri turned around to see Yuri right behind her. 

“Seri appreciates your flowers, but you don’t have to buy anymore. She already knows you’re thankful for what she did yesterday, but it doesn’t require any of this.” Seri just looked from one to the other. She smiled as she turned towards Keito.

“Yuri’s right. Thank you anyway, though, Keito. But I hope you don’t buy me anymore flowers. I know I’m a girl and all, and your good friend, but this makes things awkward.” 

“Seri, I didn’t buy those flowers to thank you for what happened yesterday, although in part to that.”


“Remember what I said?”

F  L  A  S  H  B  A  C  K   

“Keito, Keito, Keito… Can’t you tell the difference between the bed and the floor?” Keito just laughed at her sarcasm.

“See, this is why a guy like me needs a girl like you.” However, those words brought on a very awkward atmosphere as Seri froze midway with a band aid in her hand. Seeing her shock, Keito forced a laugh again. 

“Sarcasm, Seri. Can’t recognize it anymore?” Seri laughed.

E  N  D   

“Yeah, what about it? Are you two still going off about our sarcasm?” Keito spoke up first.

“What I said yesterday had nothing to do with sarcasm, Seri. It was the truth, and has been since the moment I met you. But seeing as your busy, I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Keito walked off.

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Myungsoo singing entrust with playing guitar!???<br />
that was daebak x3<br />
i really love the song too :))<br />
thank you for the oneshot<br />
wait for my next request ;)
@ nanie92: You're welcome. I'm sorry it took me so long to complete it, but I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
nanie92 #3
Thanks so much for my oneshot..<br />
I really love how the story flow and it was really detailed..<br />
Thanks again...
@sailorroxy: I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I was afraid that I'll disappoint you.<br />
I love my one shot
I applied^^ Hope it gets accepted...
LOL, I forgot to say that~ :DD <br />
Thanks so much again!
Awe, I'm so sorry Joanne! I really didn't know anything about the Adam Couple or anything about we got married, so I didn't know what to write, I'm so sorry!!!! I can make you a new one!? If you request for something other than We got married! :D lOL, sooo sorry!~ : D Sherry,,, you're welcome!!! :D
AWWW!!!! Thanks pa_houa94!!<br />
pa_houa94, Thank you for the one shot. :D<br />
I really loved it.<br />
Just one thing, Gain is actually older than Jokwon, so Jokwon should actually call ain 'noona'. Other than that, thank you!!! :D