Romance Makeover

Writers Strike VST One shot collection

One Shot writer; Happybubblelove
Requester: Lee In Yae
Characters: Onew, Doojoon


“Doojoon-oppa!” He heard a voice call out loudly and less than a minute later, something latched onto his arm. “Oppa, why didn’t you wait for me?” He turned to see Ianna's whine, with a large pout on her face. The smile that was on his face was immediately wiped off and he struggled to get her off.

“How many times do I have to tell you? We’re not together, you shouldn’t call me oppa.” He told her coldly, slightly frowning at her as he started walking again.

“But oppa, we’re meant to be together! You’re the most popular guy in school and I’m the most popular girl!” She argued, taking a hold of his hand again and standing much closer to him than he would have preferred. He stopped walking again and sighed, leaning against a locker.

“I’m thirsty, let’s get something to drink.” He declared and pulled her along, hearing the huff from her.

“Do you have to go? Can’t you just wait until we get a café or something?” She asked impatiently, obviously displeased with the fact that she had to go. Doojoon shook his head.

“I want to get it now.” He said softly and then she stomped her foot and glared at him.

“You can go get it yourself. I’ll wait here for you.” She spoke angrily. Doojoon sighed internally, knowing that he could do nothing to convince her. Ianna was a sweet girl but sometimes, she could be a bit spoiled. She hated not having her way and he was tired of it.

“Fine. I’ll be right back.” He responded and she turned her head away from him, clearly ignoring him. He felt his anger rise but pushed it back immediately, walking away to get to the vending machine on the other side of the school. When he got there, he was surprised to see that there was already someone else there. The guy was wearing a pair of baggy pants and a plaid shirt that clearly didn’t match well and was standing in front of the machine, contemplating what to get.

“Excuse me?” Doojoon tapped the person on the shoulder and he whirled around immediately, a look of surprise on his face and his brown eyes wide underneath his thick-rimmed glasses.

“I-I’m so sorry!” The person apologized immediately and tried to move out of the way but ended up tripping as he did so. Doojoon hid his laughter as he struggled to get up.

“Hey, you’re Lee Jinki, aren’t you?” Doojoon asked as the person got up, his cheeks stained bright red. Jinki nodded shyly, looking down as if he was intimidated by Doojoon. Lee Jinki was the top student in the school and Doojoon knew for certain that he had heard Ianna mention Jinki who did her homework for her a couple times before. At the thought of Ianna, he started to frown again. How could he get her to leave him alone? No matter how much he tried to tell her that they weren’t together, she still clung to him and he was really getting sick of it.

“Doojoon-sshi, are you alright?” He heard Jinki ask him quietly and as he stared at the nerd, he got an idea. A big smile made its way onto his face as he nodded at Jinki.

“Of course. So, Jinki, do you know who Ianna Lennon is?” He asked casually. Jinki looked at him, confusion written in his eyes along with a bit of fear. He was too afraid to not respond.

“Yes, Doojoon-sshi.” He answered formally.

“Do you like her?” Doojoon asked him bluntly and his cheeks started turning red again. “Well, do you?” He asked again, impatient for Jinki’s answer.

“She…she is beautiful.” Jinki’s quiet response made Doojoon smile even wider as he grabbed a hold of Jinki’s arm and started pulling him away, one hand whipping his phone out of his pocket to text Ianna that something came up and that she would need to go home by herself today.

“Doojoon-sshi, where are you taking me?” Jinki asked, wishing he was anywhere but where he actually was but did not put up a struggle.

“To get a makeover, of course!” Doojoon responded, certain that his plan would be foolproof.

Ianna frowned, glaring at the people that were passing and staring at her in the hallway. She had gotten a text from Doojoon telling her to meet him here and he was already five minutes late. Crossing her arms as she tapped her foot impatiently, she decided that she wasn’t going to wait any longer. If Doojoon wanted to talk to her, then he had better find her himself. Just as she was about to turn around and stomp away, she heard someone call her name.

“Ianna!” She turned and Doojoon was walking lazily towards her. She growled under her breath and walked quickly over to him.

“Yah, Yoon Doojoon, you’re five minutes late.” She hissed, glaring at him while he looked at her, unfazed. “Where were you?”

“Calm down, I just met someone along the way and lost track of time.” He responded, putting his hands in his back pockets.

“Who was it?” She demanded, wanting to know who could be more important than her to Doojoon. Then, she realized that there was someone standing behind Doojoon, staring at her. She stepped closer to him, a scrutinizing look appearing on her face.

“This…this is Onew.” Doojoon introduced the person. Onew shot Doojoon a strange look that Ianna missed as she giggled softly at his name.

“H-hello.” Onew murmured shyly, sounding oddly familiar but Ianna ignored that small feeling in the back of her mind, instead shaking Onew’s offered hand.

“Hi! I’m Ianna! It’s nice to meet you, Onew-oppa.” She replied, giggling and pushing a strand of hair back as Onew blushed. Then, the bell rang, signaling the start of classes. Ianna sighed. “I have to get to class. If I’m late again, Mrs. Park will give me detention. I’ll see you later oppa, maybe we can have lunch together!” She waved before grabbing a hold of Doojoon’s arm, a bit too roughly for his liking and tugged him away. Once they were out of Onew’s hearing range, she turned to Doojoon.

“Why didn’t you introduce the two of us earlier?” She demanded, her eyes narrowing. Doojoon smirked, finding the whole situation amusing.

“Why?” He responded and tried not to wince as Ianna glared at him. Instead, he repeated his question. “Why do you care, Ianna? Do you like him or something?” Although he only meant it in a teasing way, her cheeks flushed bright red, something he had never seen before. Letting out a bark of laughter, he realized that his plan was working out much better than he would’ve ever imagined. Unaware of his thoughts, Ianna hit him with her free hand.

“You do like him!” Doojoon announced gleefully, earning another smack on his arm. “You fell in love with someone that you just met a couple minutes ago!”

“Everyone thinks that you’re so cool but you’re just a dork.” Ianna rolled her eyes, regaining her composure and stalking off. Doojoon watched her walk further away, the smile growing even wider when he realized that she never denied it.

When Ianna reached the usual lunch table where the queenkas and kingkas usually sat, she was surprised to see Onew sitting two seats away from Doojoon, right next to where she would normally sit.

“Annyeong!” She greeted everyone as she sat down, placing her tray of salad and water on the table. The others greeted her back before turning back to their conversations. As she was discussing the newest boy band that won on Music Bank with her friend Jieun, Doojoon stole her water bottle and she lifted her hand, ready to smack him when she saw a hand in front of her holding up an opened water bottle.

“You can take it if you want, Ianna-sshi.” Onew told her kindly, and most of the table looked on intently, unsure of how Ianna would react. Much to everyone’s surprise, she merely nodded and took the bottle from him, blushing slightly when their hands brushed against each other.

“Thank you, oppa.” She mumbled as she looked down at her lap.

“Of course, anything for you.” He responded softly before turning back to his lunch, leaving Ianna alone to try to calm down her quickening heartbeat.

Ianna was walking down the hallway with her friends when the topic suddenly changed.

“Ianna, what do you think of Onew?” Yuri asked her, playing with a strand of her hair. Ianna shrugged, not really paying attention to the conversation.

“How about you? What do you think?” She responded.

“Well, I think that Onew-oppa is so handsome.” Another one of her friends, Luna, giggled. “I was thinking about him out after school today. Do you think he’ll say yes?” Immediately, Ianna was pulled out of her train of thought and she snapped back at Luna.

“No, I don’t think that he’ll say yes.”

“Why not?” Luna asked, hurt in her eyes. Because I don’t want him to, Ianna thought as she struggled to come up with a lie.

“He won’t say yes because I already asked him. We’re dating.” She lied, keeping the cold tone in her voice.

“Aren’t you dating Doojoon, though” Jieun asked her uncertainly but Ianna shook her head.

“We never were.” She replied. “Anyways, I need to go find Onew-oppa before school ends. I’ll talk to you later.” Without another word, she walked off as kids rushed to leave the middle of the hallway open for her.

Onew was walking to his locker when he heard someone walking towards him, calling out his name. He started squinting, having been so used to wearing glasses, when he realized that he was already wearing contacts and waved back at Ianna.

“Annyeong, oppa.” She greeted once she finally reached him.

“Annyeong, Ianna-sshi.” He replied and she shook her head, a content smile on her face as she spoke.

“No need to be so formal, Ianna is just fine.” His responding smile was brilliant and Ianna felt herself start to get nervous. “Go out with me.” She demanded, already used to getting her way most of the time. Onew looked at her with a bewildered expression before a goofy smile made its way on his face.

“Of course.” He chuckled, holding out his arm for her. Ianna looked shocked for a moment before linking their arms together and letting Onew lead them away.

“Hey Onew!” Doojoon called out as he saw the person walk in front of him. Onew turned around, nearly tripping before he caught himself and stopped when he saw Doojoon.

“Annyeong, Doojoon-sshi.”

“So how are you and Ianna?” He asked, curious as to how far his plan had gotten.

“We’re dating now.” Doojoon’s eyes widened slightly but then, he smiled happily. Finally, he would be able to stop being stick with Ianna.

“That’s great!” Doojoon responded, excited to see how Onew and Ianna would act. “Are you heading to the cafeteria too? Let’s go.” As they reached the usual table, Ianna was already sitting there, stabbing her salad with a bored expression on her face.

“Annyeong Onew oppa, Doojoon.” She greeted them as they took their seats beside her and turned back to her salad. Onew grabbed her hand and they kept them together underneath the table. Doojoon couldn’t help be a little surprised that she wasn’t clinging to Onew like she would with him all the time. Shaking his head slightly, he tried to reassure himself that it was just because that they were had only just started dating and returned to his lunch, ignoring the uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Weeks had passed and Ianna was still happily dating Onew. Doojoon would watch as the two of them slowly became the most popular couple in school. Onew seemed to be completely opposite of Ianna – kind, quite clumsy, and caring while Ianna was still spoiled, bossy, and childish. Somehow the two of them managed to balance each other out and at last, Ianna had stopped bothering Doojoon.

As he watched the two of the share a quick kiss before Onew left for his class, Doojoon clenched his fist tightly. For some reason, Ianna wasn’t clingy with Onew and now that she had stopped sticking to him every second of the day, he started feeling jealous. As Ianna passed him, he took a hold of her wrist and pulled her off to an empty classroom, closing the door behind him.

“What are you doing?” Ianna demanded, trying to get to the door but Doojoon blocked her way. “I need to get to class.”

“Onew isn’t who he looks like.” He blurted before he could stop himself. His words stopped Ianna, who was now looking at him with confused eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“He’s actually the nerd, Lee Jinki. I gave him a makeover so that you would fall for him and leave me alone.” He saw her shocked and hurt reaction as she took in what he said and like he predicted, it fell into an emotionless mask. “If people find out that you’re dating a nerd, it’ll ruin your reputation.” With a victorious smirk on his face, he walked out of the room, leaving Ianna alone with her thoughts.

“Onew, we need to talk.” Ianna spoke to him while they were taking a walk in the park after school, stopping in her tracks.

“Sure, what do you want to talk about?” He asked, rubbing his forehead that he had managed to hit against a tree earlier.

“Us.” Her one-worded response made him frown slightly.

“Us? What about us?”

“We should break up.” She told him.

“Break…break up?”

“Of course, Lee Jinki.” He was staring at her with his mouth slightly open when he realized that she had used his real name. “You don’t need to pretend anymore. Doojoon told me everything.” He remained silent, not quite sure what to say to her.

“Did you think that you could keep this up forever? This was just a waste of time. I can’t believe that I started liking a nerd like you. What was I thinking, a queenka dating a nerd?” She laughed harshly as unwillingly tears started blurring his vision.

“Did…did none of this mean anything to you?” Onew’s voice cracked in the end as the memories of the past few weeks flashed back in his mind.

“No, it didn’t mean anything at all.” She responded coldly, taking a step away from him. “We can’t do this anymore. I think it’s for the best if we don’t see each other again.” With that, she walked away, without once looking back at the boy she had left heartbroken in the middle of the park.

“Ianna, are you alright?” Jieun asked her softly as she picked at her lunch, having not taken a single bite during the whole time. Ianna blinked tiredly and nodded. “Is something wrong?” Ianna sighed, placing her fork down as she looked at Jieun.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I keep on feeling upset, like…like something’s wrong.” She tried to explain her feelings to Jieun, someone who she knew she could trust to not tell anyone else.

“Maybe you’re in love.” Jieun mentioned quietly, knowing that she had been like that ever since Onew had just disappeared. One day, he was here, happily stealing kisses from Ianna every few minutes and then as quickly as he appeared, he had left, leaving behind nothing but memories. Ianna sighed, looking at Jieun with a peculiar expression.

“I don’t think so, Jieun.” Jieun took that as a sign to drop the conversation and she turned back to her own lunch, placing a slice of apple in and chewing carefully. Ianna started thinking about her words. Could she have really fallen for Lee Jinki, the very person she used to boss around to do her homework? She thought back and thought back on all the moments that they had spent together. Every time they were together, he was nothing but perfect to her. He was funny, nice, and sometimes even a bit clumsy but to her, Jinki was the best guy she had ever dated. He treated her like she was his world and she had cruelly crushed it that day at the park. Her mind flashed back to the feeling of his lips against hers and the way he would hold her in his arms as if she was made of glass. Her eyes flashed open and she whispered to herself the words that had been stuck in her head ever since that day.

“I…I’m in love with him.” Ignoring Jieun, who was worriedly calling out her name, she rushed out of her seat and past Doojoon, who was just walking into the cafeteria and into the small courtyard where she used to spend lunch with Onew in. Like she expected, he was sitting alone on the bench that they had deemed for themselves with a book in hand. He looked up when he heard footsteps and stared at her with wide eyes.

“What are you doing here?” He asked her quietly, pushing up the pair of thick rimmed glasses as she stood there uncomfortably.

“I…I don’t know.” Her response made him sigh as he placed the book down, standing up to walked towards her. Without thinking, he enveloped her in his arms and she buried her head against the crook of his neck. “I miss you so much. I don’t care about what anyone thinks anymore.” She murmured unconsciously, a lone tear running down her cheek. He leaned back and stared at her, lifting her chin up with his fingers before he brought their lips together.

“I miss you too.” He whispered against her lips and he felt her lips curve up into a smile. She stood on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear.

“I love you, Lee Jinki.” Her words made his heart feel as if it was about to explode and Jinki looked down to see a genuine smile on her face.

“I love you too, Ianna Lennon.” With that, he brought their lips together again in a sweet kiss.ain in a sweet kiss.

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Myungsoo singing entrust with playing guitar!???<br />
that was daebak x3<br />
i really love the song too :))<br />
thank you for the oneshot<br />
wait for my next request ;)
@ nanie92: You're welcome. I'm sorry it took me so long to complete it, but I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
nanie92 #3
Thanks so much for my oneshot..<br />
I really love how the story flow and it was really detailed..<br />
Thanks again...
@sailorroxy: I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I was afraid that I'll disappoint you.<br />
I love my one shot
I applied^^ Hope it gets accepted...
LOL, I forgot to say that~ :DD <br />
Thanks so much again!
Awe, I'm so sorry Joanne! I really didn't know anything about the Adam Couple or anything about we got married, so I didn't know what to write, I'm so sorry!!!! I can make you a new one!? If you request for something other than We got married! :D lOL, sooo sorry!~ : D Sherry,,, you're welcome!!! :D
AWWW!!!! Thanks pa_houa94!!<br />
pa_houa94, Thank you for the one shot. :D<br />
I really loved it.<br />
Just one thing, Gain is actually older than Jokwon, so Jokwon should actually call ain 'noona'. Other than that, thank you!!! :D