Capture the Princess

I Was Completely Okay... Until I Met the Choi Brothers

"Okay, wait. What?" I asked Daesung, looking at him in disbelief. We were sitting outside during homeroom, and Daesung was waiting for his group to get outside. Of course, when they would show up, I would go find Siwon. He was trying to explain to me some kind of Junior-Senior war that was about to go on.

"It's called Capture the Princess. One senior girl and one junior girl is called the princess. Depending on what the theme is, they hae to stand out so the other class knows who to get. The seniot class has to capture the junior princess, and the senior class has to capture the senior princess."

"Okay, when do they get the princess?" I asked. This actually sounded fun.

"Friday night. So tonight. In a way, it's like a kidnapping, but you'll know who the seniors are, so don't be afraid. We already have Mason telling your mom what's going on."

"Wait, why does my mom have to know?" I asked, nervous.

"Because you're our princess. Which means.." Daesung pulled something out of his bag. "Here. The theme is masquarade. Our color is blue, so we'll have basic blue masks on, but yours has to be extravagant."

Daesung handed me my mask, and I gasped. It was gorgeous:

"Anyway, the first one that rescues their princess wins. I'm not on the rescue team. though. I'm on the capture team. So I don't get to be your prince-charming..."Daesung pouted.

I laughed. "Oh, darn, Sung-ie." I glanced around and saw the YG group head over to us. I stood, holding the mask. "I think I'm gonna go-"

"Oh, that's another thing." Daesung said, grabbing my arm. "You can't be with the seniors. You need to stay with us. Oh, and you need to wear the mask now. The teachers know what's going on."

I sighed. "Great... okay... help it on me." I handed Daesung the mask.

He put it up to my face, and tied it in the back. I fixed my hair, and turned around. "So?"

Daesung smirked. "You're the prettiest princess ever."

I laughed and playfully hit his arm. "Oh, stop. Who's the senior princess?"

"Jessica." G-Dragon answered since he was close enough. "Typical, right? I saw her with the green mask on today."

I looked at everyone. "So you guys really take this seriously, huh? Dara and Bom aren't even allowed to be near us?"

"No they aren't." Seungri shook his head. "Too risky."

I nodded, and bit my lip nervously. I felt awkward around TOP, because all I wanted to do was run up and hug him and never let go. He looked like he could care less, though.


"So you haven't gotten caught yet?" Mom asked, amused. I was talking to her on the phone as I walked out of the school from a study session after school. It was about five at night.

"No, not yet." I sighed, unlocking the car. "I keep looking around thinking I will, though. I feel like I would get freaked out. I mean, tehy just grab you."

"Well, they'll have masks on, so you'll know it's safe." Mom answered.

"True. Hey did you want-Ahh!" I screamed when I suddently felt a pair of arms hook under mine. Another guy took my phone. He had on a green mask, but by the dyed blond hair, I could tell it was Eunhyuk. "Mrs. Moore, this is one of the seniors. Don't freak out. We have your daughter." He hung up.

"Quit moving!" The guy holding me grunted. "And screaming. You're fine."

"Guys, chill." A calmer, familiar voice said. They turned around, turning me around in the process. By the height and perfect hair, I knew it was Siwon. "She's never had to deal with this before." He smiled at me sympathetically. "Now, just come with us."

I groaned. "Like I have a choice."

The guy behind me kept holding onto me as we walked, and I scoffed and pushed him away from behind me. "Jeez, dude! I'm not gonna run!"

I rolled my eyes when I realized that guy was Shindong.

They put me in the car, in the back. Eunhyuk and Shindong sat on either sie of me as Siwon drove. Siwon spoke into a walkie talkie. "You have our princess, now we have yours. Bring it on, juniors."

"They caught your princess first? Wow it's either they're smart or she's stupid." I scoffed.

"Stupid." Eunhyuk sighed. "She went to cheerleading practice, and your team was right there waiting for her."

"But, see, you're smart. We would have never expected you going to tutoring since you're so smart." Siwon said, winking at me from the mirror.

"But now we have to blindfold you so you don't know where we're taking you." Shindong said. Pretty soon, everything got dark.


"You guys! This is so boring!" I whined, trying to struggle free from the chair they tied me to. "And was the tying necessary?"

"Yes it was." Shindong nodded. He, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Onew were guarding me.

"Can we at least do something fun?" I sighed. "Like, let's play a game or something."

"No can do, princess. You're all ours. We can do what we want and playing a game isn't what we want." Donghae shook his head.

"I bet the juniors are treating Jessica better." I sighed. "They probably don't have her blind-folded still." Yeah, I was sitting completely in the dark. They hadn't taken the blindfold off me, and it was terrible. I just wanted to get rescued.

"Aww, do you want your prescious boyfriend to keep you company?" Shindong teased.

"He'd be more fun than you guys." I grumbled. "What time even is it?"

"Midnight. Your rescue team is running a little late. I'm sure ours is going to be right on time. We are so winning this." Onew said.

"What is Siwon in charge of?" I asked.

"Keeping lookout." Shindong said. "So he can warn us when your prince-charming comes."

It was dark and quiet. I didn't know where we were or what we were doing. We could be in North Korea for all I knew. The drive here seemed long enough.

"Mayday, Mayday! Juniors have arrived!" I heard a voice on a walkie-talkie say. "Hide Emma! Hide-" I heard muffled voices exclaiming,and then coughing.

"Siwon? Siwon! Come in!" Donghae said nervously. "What's going on?"

My heard was racing. They were here! They were really here!

"Be on the look-out... they have... smoke bombs." Siwon coughed.

"Oh, , man! What do we do?" Shindong asked.

"Let's-" Eunhyuk started. But then we heard the door kick open.

"Go Go Go!" I heard someone familiar shout. "Mark, go get her!"

I heard something drop, and then I started coughing. Smoke began clogging my mouth and nose. All the seniors were coughing.

"Get them!" I heard another voice shout. Then I heard the sound of water guns being used, but I didn't smell water.

"Ugh! Vinager!" Eunhyuk shouted, clearly not amused.

I felt someone grab the ties on the back of my hands, and I jumped. I felt another hand put some kidn of oxygen mask on my face. "Sshh ssshh sshhh. You're fine." A voice said behind me as he untied me from the chair.

I felt my hands untied, and then the guy untied my bandana from my eyes. I could finally see. It was smokey in the room, and the seniors were backing up from the juniors, who I could tell was Taeyang, Kyuhyun, and Seungri. Who was behind me?

"Let's go!" The guy said. He put his arm around me, and we hurried out, hunched. Whoever he was, he was taller and had nice arm muscles. I had to know him from somewhere....

We ran otu of some shack, and through more warfare, which consisted of water balloons, water guns, cherry-bombs, and smoke bombs. It was coming from both sides.

"Take my hand! Keep up with me!" The guy commanded. His voice was deeper, though I could tell he was trying to hide it.

I nodded and took his hand. We ran as fast as we could, and into a forested-area. "We have a sanctuary. Almost there."

We ran for a bit, and finally got to a parking lot with a group of cars. A bunch of blue masked juniors were around, and started cheering when they saw us run up.

"We won! We won!" CL cheered when we got close enough. "Emma, you look gorgeous in that mask, still."

"Thanks." I laughed, breathless. I let go of the guy's hand. "You guys had an amazing rescue mission planned out. Thank you all so much. It was so boring with them. They didn't even let me do anything!"

"But, hey, guess what! You're safe now! ANd thanks to your prince-charming." Daesung smiled at the guy next to me. "It's customary to thank the rescurer with a kiss."

Everyone started hooting and hollaring. I winced and looked at my masked savior. I didn't know who he was. He had short black hair, and it was dark so I couldn't see his eyes behind his mask. "But... I don't know who it is."

"Yes you do." G-Dragon insisted. "Thank him and he'll take off the mask."

"Kiss him! Kiss him!" Everyone began chanting.

"Fine!" I exclaimed, tired of everyine teasing. I grabbed the back of his neck, and his hands went on my hips. I stood on my toes and lightly pecked him.

when he kissed back, I gasped. Oh my God.... It couldn't be!

I parted, and quickly took off his mask for him. I gasped. "TOP!"

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CrayOnVIP #1
Chapter 62: Aww, the epiloge is so sweet.
Chapter 34: Im not talking about this chappie but till this extent..... from reading this story, id really like your method of writing. Maybe if I could co author your tories. But I dont know anything about YG groups and most of all.. I only know SHINee and SNSD aka Girls generation... so if you are writing stories with them as main charecters ill be glad to co author those!!!
qiqisone #3
Chapter 62: Omg! I actually cried... yes im an emotional reader but hey i like it though :)
taeyangsfuturewife #4
this was such a good read :)
Chapter 62: Whelp. I haven't been on Asianfanfics for so long, but now I finish up what is actually one of my favorite fics on this site. Thank you. Great way of ending it. Keep writing okay? -A fan
Chapter 62: so you manage to caught me with this story coz i read it in one go... and i love it, 1st u manage to.put ALL my bias as a love interest (except se7en but lol)... my friends tease me calling me Ms Choi for them being my bias... but u ended up pairing with my number one, my ultimate and i love u.for.that author-nim
Ok leaving the fangirl on the side, i trully liked how you kept giving turns on the story, it didnt felt rushed and the pace was perfect. You describe the scenes and the characters emotions so well that you could truly feel it, im happy you share this story, keep it up :D
I love it. it's great.
sinaelee99 #8
Chapter 62: I can die happily now. <3