One Step Too Far

I Was Completely Okay... Until I Met the Choi Brothers


I gasped and covered my mouth as Siwon's face impact. "Seunghyun!" I was so shocked, I called him by his first name.
Siwon looked at TOP, shocked at first. Then, his eyebrows furrowed, and he punched TOP. TOP stumbled back, and Siwon took this chance to punch him again.
"Hyungs, stop!" Minho shouted, running through the circle that had formed around the pair. Minho tried stepping in, and he got hit in the process.
Soon, all three of them were on the ground, hitting each other, saying things like "Back off!", "She's mine!", and "I like her more!" 
All three of them were saying this.
"Stop it!" I yelled helplessly, my eyes tearing up. "Stop fighting over me! I'm not worth it!"
"Yes you are!" All three boys shouted.
"That's it!!" Mason roared, him, Kyuhyun and Seungri breaking through. Mason grabbed Minho by his collar and yanked him up. Seungri grabbed TOP's shoulders and pulled him up. Kyuhyun grabbed Siwon by he waist and yanked him away.
They were all battered and bloody, and still yelling.
"I can't take this anymore!" I finally said, turning and running out the gym.
I couldn't take this. I was tearing a family apart. I was playing three boys at once. 
This wasn't me. This isn't who I am.
I made it to the parking lot when I heard someone call after me. 
"Emma, wait!"
"Stop, Emma!"
I turned around. Siwon, TOP, and Minho had all run out to get me. 
"Stop." I put up my hand. "Just stop."
"Emma, please, just let me-" Siwon started. His shirt was untucked, half the buttons torn off, and he had a bloody nose and cut lip.
I shook my head. "No. This is too much. I can't take this. I thought I could, but I can't." I wiped away a few tears.
"What about this? What about your choice?" TOP asked. He had a bloody lip as well, and a black eye. His shirt sleeve was ripped. 
I scoffed. "My choice? Right now, it's none of you! You guys are like, competing for me! Like I'm some prize! And I'm not! I'm a person!"
"We like you, Emma. That's all..." Minho muttered.
"Funny way of showing it!" I exclaimed. "You know, any of you could have just asked me out. At any time. But none of you did, and now it's turned to this."
"Well, I'm sorry, okay? I thought you would pick. And I thought I would be your choice." Siwon tried.
"Why do you think that, Siwon?"
"Because... We kissed first." Siwon said quietly.
"No we didn't." I shook my head.
TOP looked at me, shocked. "You kissed Siwon?"
"I was the first one." Minho admitted.
Both older brothers turned to look at the maknae. "You kissed Emma first?!"
Minho nodded. "We were playing basketball and I tackled her and kissed her."
TOP looked at me, hurt. "You kissed both of them? So our kisses... They mean nothing to you?"
I bit my lip. "No, Top, I never said that. I loved it when you would kiss me, okay? I do."
TOp shook his head. His eyes were clouding up. "I can't believe you would kiss my brothers behind my back. How many times? How many times have you kissed them?" he demanded.
I thought for a moment. Just once with Minho, but multiple times with Siwon. "A few."
"How many?!?"
I jumped at TOP's outburst. "Like, five or six times... But, Top, I --"
"I can believe you." TOP sneered. "I thought, when we would... I thought you... I thought you liked me." Tears fell down his cheeks.
"Seunghyun, I do. I really do. I just-"
TOP put his hand up. "Dont even try, Emma. You know, you don't realize how hard some people fall for others. You don't realize how much harm you are doing. But you know what? I'm done. Have a nice life, Emma. Because I'm tired of trying to be in it."
He turned to walk away. I started after him, ignoring Siwon and Minho. I was crying. "Top! Top please!" I finally caught up to him enough to grab his arm and turn him around. My heart was breaking. "Top, please. All the men in my life are leaving. I can't lose you. Please. I like you more than them. I would choose you, Top. You are who I want to be with."
TOP cried silently. He just looked at me coldly as his bottom lip trembled. "It's too late." he croaked, shrugged out of my grasp, and walked away.
"No.." I said silently, shaking my head. I couldn't breathe.. I couldn't even stand.
I collapsed onto the hard asphalt, on my knees. I clutched my chest as I cried. 
No. He was gone. No.
"Emma, come on." I heard a soft voice next to me as they crouched beside me. CL.
CL put her arm around me, and she and Bom helped me stand.
I couldn't even see, I was crying so much. 
"Emma." I heard Siwon say.
"Don't talk to her." CL snapped.
Next thing I knew, we were in CL's car. I was in the passenger seat, and I was a sobbing mess. "No... No... I need him..." I kept saying.
He was gone. Out of my life.
I don't know how, but somehow we made it to my house, and to my room. I was hyperventilating by now. "I can't breathe... Oh my god..." I cried.
"Emma, calm down. Try to stop crying." CL said softly.
"Stop crying? How can I stop crying? The one guy I cared the most for is gone! He hates me! Because I thought I liked his brothers."
"We'll talk to him." Bom tried, rubbing my back softly. "He's just a little hurt. You did kind of play him."
"Not my idea!" I exclaimed. I looked at CL. "You're the one that told me to hang out with all three of them."
"I didn't know it would turn out like this." CL admitted. "I also didn't know you would kiss them."
"The only one I actually kissed was Top. The others leaned in first." I said.
"Oppa will turn around. He will. He really likes you." Minzy assured.
I shook my head. "He was crying. I've never seen him cry. He told me he's done trying to be in my life."
"He's exaggerating. In a few days, he'll miss you. So, he's going to want you back. It's not like you did anything horribly wrong." CL pointed out.
I looked at CL. "So kissing his brothers isn't horribly wrong? Yeah, right..."
CL shrugged. "Okay, maybe it was a little wrong, but still."
"Um, can we focus this on Emma's knees, please? She's gonna start bleeding onto her carpet." Dara pointed out.
I looked at my knees. From collapsing, they were all scraped and bloody. But I didn't care.
Minzy grabbed a washcloth from my bathroom, and Bom found some bandaids.
I shook my head. "None of this even matters. I didn't know how much his would hurt... Not being with him. I miss him, and I've seen him earlier."
"Heartbreak , hun." Bom sighed, putting her arm around me. "But we know the best way to get rid of it." she looked at CL and Dara. "Go to the store around the corner that sells Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Get all the ice cream, chocolate, and Diet Coke you can, okay? Minzy and I will stay here."
My phone had been ringing off the hook, so Bom grabbed it and looked at all the missed calls and texts. She held it out to CL. "And take this. Apparently Siwon thinks Emma's free now, and that's so not the case."
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CrayOnVIP #1
Chapter 62: Aww, the epiloge is so sweet.
Chapter 34: Im not talking about this chappie but till this extent..... from reading this story, id really like your method of writing. Maybe if I could co author your tories. But I dont know anything about YG groups and most of all.. I only know SHINee and SNSD aka Girls generation... so if you are writing stories with them as main charecters ill be glad to co author those!!!
qiqisone #3
Chapter 62: Omg! I actually cried... yes im an emotional reader but hey i like it though :)
taeyangsfuturewife #4
this was such a good read :)
Chapter 62: Whelp. I haven't been on Asianfanfics for so long, but now I finish up what is actually one of my favorite fics on this site. Thank you. Great way of ending it. Keep writing okay? -A fan
Chapter 62: so you manage to caught me with this story coz i read it in one go... and i love it, 1st u manage to.put ALL my bias as a love interest (except se7en but lol)... my friends tease me calling me Ms Choi for them being my bias... but u ended up pairing with my number one, my ultimate and i love u.for.that author-nim
Ok leaving the fangirl on the side, i trully liked how you kept giving turns on the story, it didnt felt rushed and the pace was perfect. You describe the scenes and the characters emotions so well that you could truly feel it, im happy you share this story, keep it up :D
I love it. it's great.
sinaelee99 #8
Chapter 62: I can die happily now. <3