Saturday Night

I Was Completely Okay... Until I Met the Choi Brothers

"How do I look?" I asked Mason as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a cream American Eagle corset dress (, and denim jacket

"You look fine." Mason nodded, holding Ayden. "Can I just say something?"

"What?" I asked, applying a little bit more mascara to my bottom lashes.

"I'm... Happy you're going out with Siwon. He's a really cool guy. SM is a really cool group, too, Em. YG... They seem like they could get into trouble. I don't really trust Top that much. He always seems so angry."

I scoffed. "Top is really nice, Mason. Don't judge him with what you see at first glance."

"Just... Try to lean towards Siwon. I can trust him. He's really nice and responsible."

He also helped his brothers girlfriend cheat on his brother.

"Since when did you become protective?" I asked, turning around to look at him. "You never acted this way with Ethan."

"That's because I trusted Ethan, and honestly, he was the type of guy I wanted to be. Siwon is, like, the Asian version of that."

I rolled my eyes. "He's not. He wouldn't even stop his friends when they were talking about his brother. Ethan would never do that."

"Hasn't Top ever talked about Siwon before?" Mason sighed. 

"Not rudely." I said back, fixing my side part in the mirror.

I heard the doorbell ring, and I sighed. "There he is."

We walked downstairs, and I answered the door. Siwon was on the other side, wearing a blue and grey plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of dark jeans. He smiled. "Hey, Emma. Are you ready?"

I nodded and looked at Mason. "If you need anything, just call me, okay?"

"We'll be fine, sis. Go have fun."

"Bye." I waved to my siblings. I walked outside with Siwon and shut the door. "So where are we headed?"

"We are going to make our way to downtown. It's nice out, so I thought we could walk." Siwon smiled.

I sighed and looked down at my brown cowgirl boots. "Guess I chose the wrong shoe to wear."

"It'll be okay. It isn't that far." Siwon told me. He looked at me as we walked. "You look very pretty, by the way."

"Thanks." I smiled. "It's nice to actually dress up after having to wear that uniform five days a week."

"I know what you mean." Siwon nodded. "So your parents weren't home?"

I shook my head. "They never are."

"That's too bad." Siwon said.

I shrugged. "You get used to it. It isn't terrible."

Siwon nodded, then smiled. "So did you enjoy the game yesterday?"

I nodded. "Oh yeah. I met your older brother, too. He's really cool."

"He is." Siwon smiled. "We all look up to him."

It got quiet. Siwon cleared his throat. "So, we don't really know each other that well. Like, we do, but not a lot. How about we ask questions?"

I nodded. "Alright. Go ahead."

"What is your favorite color?"

"Pink. Yours?"

"I like white and black."

I nodded. "Um... favorite food?"

"I like a lot of traditional Korean food. You?"

"Nothing beats a good old-fashioned burger and fries." I sighed. "Which is hard to find here."

"What do you like to do in your free time?" was Siwon's next question.

"I'm a Facebook addict. I also like listening to music and reading. Ooh and sleeping."

Siwon nodded. "I like to read as well. What kind of career do you want?"

I shrugged. "I kind of wanted to be a teacher, but then that changed into a pediatrician. I'm not exactly sure now. You?"

"In all honesty, I want to be an idol. I do want to sing and make movies. That kind of thing."

"Cool." I nodded.

"Oh, here we are to pay for the cable car." Siwon nodded to a ticket vending station. He pointed to a huge lit up tower a few miles away. "See that?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"That's N Korea Tower. That's where we'll be going. To the top."

I gasped. "The top?"

Siwon smiled and nodded. "Yes."

He payed for our cable car tickets, and next thing I knew, we were riding up to the tower in a cable car. It was pretty cool.

I was looking out the window at everything when Siwon cleared his throat. "Have I... made a bad impression?"

I looked at him. "Bad impression?"

He nodded. "Like, I wouldn't stop my friends from talking badly about Seunghyun. I told you I helped his girlfriend cheat on him. So that makes me a bad person."

I shook my head. "No, Siwon. We all make mistakes. You are probably one of the nicest guys at school. You welcomed me and Mason right away. You always help us. Why would you ask that?"

"I just feel like you don't like me." Siwon said sadly.

"I like you." I nodded. "I do. You're really nice, really smart, captain of the football team, student body president, an awesome singer and dancer, and you're really really good-looking." I didn't mean to say the last part. I gasped and covered my mouth.

Siwon chuckled, amused. "I'm happy to know you think that about me. Thank you for coming out on this with me. I was aftraid you were going to say no."

"Why would I say no?" I asked.

"Because... I thought you liked Seunghyun."

I gulped. Was I that obvious? "We're friends, that's all."

Siwon smiled, relieved. "That's good to know. So... do you count this as, well, as a date?"

I looked at him, smirking. "You asked me on it. What did you count it as?"

Siwon shrugged shyly. "I was kind of hoping it was a date. But if it's not I am okay with that, too."

I smiled. "Well... I'll let you know by the end, okay?"

Siwon laughed. "Wow. Okay."


"Now, you have to try this street food. It's so good." Siwon said as we walked the streets of Seoul at ten o'clock at night. It was still busy, though.

"Okay?" I said suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Are you allergic to any kinds of food?"

I shook my head.

Siwon smiled. "Good." We walked up to a vendor, and Siwon spoke in Korean to the cook. The cook nodded, Siwon paid, and the guy started cooking.

"What is it?"  Iasked Siwon as I watched the cook place two balls of dough on a griddle. He flattened them into a pancake.

"It's called hotteok." Siwon explained. "It's like a pancake with sweet filling inside. You'll like it, trust me."

I smiled. "Alright." I could already tell by the smell it would be good.

They finished, and the vendor handed us each one in a napkin. Siwon bowed and said something in Korean, which I was guessing was thank you, and we walked away.

"What's in it?" I asked, looking at the dough in my hand that I had broken off.

"Honey, brown sugar, chopped peanuts, and cinnamon." Siwon told me. He took a bite of his. "I never get these much, though."

"Why not?"

"Because they have a lot of calories. It isn't healthy." Siwon chuckled. It's so good, but it's so bad for you."

I laughed. "Isn't that all yummy foods?"

Siwon laughed. "Good point."

I finally took a bite of mine. It was so sweet and good. "Oh my god. This thing is amazing!"

Siwon smiled. "I told you you would like it. My umma makes them at home, and Seunghyun likes to put ice cream with them when he has one. Minho puts whipped cream with his."

"Wow." I nodded. I heard my phone ring suddenly, and I answered it. "What's up, Mason?"

I heard wailing in the back ground. "Uh, well, I have both children crying right now and Alexa keeps screaming she won't go to bed unless you tuck her in. I don't know why Ayden's crying but he won't stop. What should I do?"

"Oh my gosh, um, okay. I'll be there in about ten minutes, okay? I'm on my way." I hung up and looked at Siwon. "I'm so sorry. Mason just called me. The kids are being a handfull. We need to start back to my house."

"No problem." Siwon smiled. "Come on."


We got to my house, and we walked up to the porch. "Thank you so much for tonight, Siwon. It was really fun." I said. I could hear screaming in the house.

"No problem. It was my honor. So...." Siwon smiled.

"So what?"

"Did you decide if this was a date or not?"

"Oh!" I exclaimed, remembering. I smiled. "Uh... I guess you can call it that. Yeah."

Siwon smiled. "Great. So does that mean... I can give you a goodbye hug?"

A hug? He was asking for just a hug?

I nodded. "I think that'd be acceptable."

Siwon chuckled and put his arms around me. I hugged him back. He gave great hugs, I could tell right away.

He let go of me, and smiled. "Well, I'll let you go help Mason. I'll text you later, Emma."

"Okay." I nodded. I put my hand on the doorknob and watched Siwon walk off the porch and to his car. "Bye."

"Bye." HE waved and got into his car.

I walked into the house. I groaned when I shut the door. A hug? All I got was a hug?! What the heck?!?! I so wanted more.

My thoughts were cut off by Alexa running down the steps, her face streaked with tears. "Emmy!!" She jumped into my arms. "I missed you so much! Don't leave me ever again!"

I sighed. "You're fine, Alexa. I'm here. Where's your brothers?"

She pointed to the kitchen, and I sighed. For once I would like to be a normal teen. But now it was time for  mom-sister-mode.

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CrayOnVIP #1
Chapter 62: Aww, the epiloge is so sweet.
Chapter 34: Im not talking about this chappie but till this extent..... from reading this story, id really like your method of writing. Maybe if I could co author your tories. But I dont know anything about YG groups and most of all.. I only know SHINee and SNSD aka Girls generation... so if you are writing stories with them as main charecters ill be glad to co author those!!!
qiqisone #3
Chapter 62: Omg! I actually cried... yes im an emotional reader but hey i like it though :)
taeyangsfuturewife #4
this was such a good read :)
Chapter 62: Whelp. I haven't been on Asianfanfics for so long, but now I finish up what is actually one of my favorite fics on this site. Thank you. Great way of ending it. Keep writing okay? -A fan
Chapter 62: so you manage to caught me with this story coz i read it in one go... and i love it, 1st u manage to.put ALL my bias as a love interest (except se7en but lol)... my friends tease me calling me Ms Choi for them being my bias... but u ended up pairing with my number one, my ultimate and i love u.for.that author-nim
Ok leaving the fangirl on the side, i trully liked how you kept giving turns on the story, it didnt felt rushed and the pace was perfect. You describe the scenes and the characters emotions so well that you could truly feel it, im happy you share this story, keep it up :D
I love it. it's great.
sinaelee99 #8
Chapter 62: I can die happily now. <3